Well~ I've never had much of a track record of seeing ghosts and spirits or such, but I have known a few people who had better awareness/perception of these things. I suppose it's easy for me to mix ordinary things with spooky experiences since I don't know any better... ninja

I had been watching way too much tv, or reading too much about extrasensory experiences when.... the other night I was getting ready to exercise, my parents were both asleep. As I'm dancing away on the ddr, I hear footsteps from the downstairs kitchen. I stop and listen for the faint sound of feet against the hardwood floor just shrug it off as the regular creeks/groans of a house and continue about my business. Suddenly I feel myself being watched and turn around to see a disembodied head peering from me from the stairs. AAHH! gonk we have one of those winding staircases sweatdrop my mom walked up 1/2way so that her head was peeping up from my line of sight.

Anyone have any stories of what they may have thought was extrasensory but ended up ordinary? lol Is there a way you can just -tell- that something you're experiencing is 'real' instead of normal? Sometimes I get auditory hallucinations (that I'm assuming come from high caffeine intake) but I don't think those have anything to do with spirits sweatdrop