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    So the rogue lands hadn't been all what they were cracked up to be. There were strangers few and far between, some of which wanted to chat and exchange stories but mostly the sort who wanted to move on and forget that they'd ever seen though! She shot Ses a glance, thinking he might be thinking what she was thinking and also probably thinking that she deserved it. Which was a load of hippo crap!

    Sesere had not said one word even, for quite a while! And it was killing him... because all that he wanted to do was point out how pointless it had been to leave the Kusini lands in the first place. But as Mng glared at him like that he just snorted. "Do no be givin' me a look like tha', little miss." He growled out.

    She blew air out threw her nose, rolling her eyes. "I told you not to call me that anymore Ses! I'm an adult now! And adult! Not some little miss! Or shall I start calling you Old fart?" She glanced toward him again, this time with a playful grin on her maw. Just the simple little banter exchanged between the two was enough to lift Mng's spirits a little bit. She wished that more adventure had happened while she was out in the world though, wished that she'd met someone amazing. Secretly she really had wanted to find 'mr. right'! A lion that would sweep her off her paws... a lion that would love her through all eternity! Her father had told her quite a few stories about her grandfather and his mate, unfortunately she'd never gotten to meet the grandmother she was named after. She loved hearing the tales about them though, how they reestablished the pride and how they were always so kind and caring to each other. Even now she could tell her grandfather had a large heart... but he missed his mate dearly. She was sure he did, and was surprised that he'd lasted so long without the love of his life. Not upset, exactly. Because that would mean he would be up in the stars as well, and no longer with them.

    "I think no'!" He said, voice raising as he became rather alarmed. "'Sides, I do no' be that old." Well, maybe he was a little old. But... that was life, was it not? He was just glad that he'd found the company of Kari, though he would never tell another living soul such. She had been what saved him from a sure death of pain, heartbreak and starvation. Or something equally cheesy... His ears flicked as his thoughts drifted to Tajwar, but he pushed them away again. That seemed like a different life entirely, now. "Look, there be the forest jus'ahead. We'll be back in the lands 'for nightfall."

    She giggled at his reaction, sticking her tongue out at him. For a moment he seemed a little distracted, but she thought nothing of it. Ses was very private about his life, and usually only offered comments on her life. She let him have that privacy... she remembered once asking him about his life before they'd met when she was a little younger... it hadn't exactly gone over too well. "Oh, goody." She said dryly, eyeing the forest with just the slightest hint of contempt. It wasn't that she hated her homelands... in fact she loved them dearly, she would never leave them permanently. She just really wished that something interesting had happened while on her journey. Even if it wasn't amazing love-finding... couldn't she have at least gotten into a fight? "You know... I thought the rogue lands would have more... more.. excitement involved. We didn't even argue with anyone!"

    He laughed out loud at his charge's words, shaking his head. "Oi, only a fool would wanna find arguments with scary old rogues." But he laughed more, knowing full well how foolish and childish that Mng could be. "Aye, you think you'd be wishin' fer an elephant stampede next or somethin' equally bizarre. Why don' you just appreciate the nice, boring an' undramatic life that you lead Kari?"

    She scoffed, tail lashing. "Yeah right! It's good to have a little excitement in life Ses! If we lived every day doing the same old boring thing, what fun would we ever have?" She sounded completely appalled with his suggestion. "Bah! Forget that... anyways, race you!" She laughed, and before Ses could protest or point out that he was not going to race her no matter what she was already heading for the forest, running as fast as her paws would carry her over the hard earth. Who knew, maybe she could just find some excitement in her homelands? That would be wonderful... though the lands had been pretty boring for a long time. Oh well, she would make it exciting, she decided!

    "Oi! OI! KARI! SLOW DOWN!" Sesere shouted, though it was no help. The girl would not listen to him, nor would he indulge her in her silly little race. He was too old for stuff like that! "Bah, yeah right." Well, maybe not too old. He was just... too lazy for that sort of thing. Yes, that sounded like much better of an excuse to his own head. He did not want to admit to how old he was... Tajward had thought him old as well, hadn't she? And now there were days when he woke and his joints hurt and sometimes it took him much longer to catch up to Kari when she raced ahead like this. Or when he decided to leave her to her own devices and would wander off on his own. Most of the time he just walked long enough until he was out of her sight, then he'd lay down and nap. He couldn't have her worrying about him, it wouldn't be fair really. And he was fine, really. Really okay. He told himself at least ten times a day, otherwise problems might start happening.

    "Why did I 'ave to look after the crazy one?" He mumbled, though the smile on his maw was fond as he watched the lioness race for the trees.