Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:05 am
1 ) Introduction Post 2 ) Mercy - Elder Plot 3 ) Ironforge - Elder Plot 4 ) Looking for RP 5 ) Looking for Plots 6 ) Looking for Love
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:06 am
  A Light in the DarkPrologue - An Unusual Family Chapter Status - Completed Wherein Mercy realizes that to truly see the world as she secretly desires to do she must venture away from the shelter of her family and face whats lies beyond. Characters Main (Good Guys) Mercy (Protagonist) - Mercy is everything her name makes her out to be - she is kind,gentle and compassionate. A complete do-gooder Mercy spends most of her time pointing out the positive sides to any situation she seems to find herself in - unfortunately her good nature and somewhat naive outlook in life tends to make her a target for the more manipulative minds in the Soquili world. At least while she's young. As Mercy moves through life she will gain a better understanding of the way things work and work to change it for the better
Cheveyo (Adoptive Father) - Chev is your quintessential big soul in a small package sorta Soq. He dreams of doing big and powerful things. As a younger stallion he was unfortunately also somewhat of a ladies man and got easily sidetracked in his quest for greatness. He's charming and kind, even if his jokes can be somewhat lame at times he tries to make sure everyone around him is having a good time. As time has gone on and Chev has grown the little stallion has never given up on his dreams to do great things - however his definition of greatness has changed a good deal..and he now puts most of his energy into making sure that his family is safe and secure.
Synestra (Adoptive Sister, Best Friend) - Synestra is not one to let her size hold her back. She is often stubborn about doing things by herself and may get offended should a full sized Soquili offer to help her out. Often times she goes out of her way to find challenges just to prove that despite her size she is quite capable of taking care of herself. Stubbornness aside Synestra can be a pretty playful mare and loves to have fun and go on many adventures. Main (Bad Guys)
- None Yet -
Camaria (Flight Mentor) - Camaria is an information gatherer, always going out of her way to learn something about a Soquili, the area, food sources, you name it. She often uses her ability to fly as a way to spy upon others without getting caught or to survey unknown areas. Not only does she gather information but also shares it with others as well, generally she helps out Soquili find food, direct them along their way in a new area or look out for any dangers that may not otherwise be seen from the ground. Camaria is also willing to spy on different Soquili for the benefit of others. If you want to learn about your enemies weakness or position, your best friends whereabouts, or if that special stallion/mare has certain likes and dislikes then Camaria is your girl.
Oloneric (Nephew) - Oloneric is the quiet observant type. He can be shy when first meeting new faces but generally opens up with time. While inquisitive about the world around him Oloneric is far from adventurous, even when seeing something of interest he will rarely race forward to see what it is, instead opting to remain at a distance. When he is being more outgoing you can bet his brother Syrrin is with him, as the colt often does whatever his brother tells him to. He is also relatively quiet and doesn't speak much, though should you talk of something that interests him it may be difficult to stop his rambling and questions.
Roleplays A Growing Family (Finished) - The relationship between Mercy and her adoptive family is established. It is hinted at that Mercy, although the largest member of the family size wise is not the most mature and is still quite excitable and youthful. She learns that her sister Syn is expecting children and comes along to help placate their father. Remember that Night(finished) - Mercy takes her first trip outside of herd lands to help her sister seek out the father of her baskets. Although Mercy has always wanted to travel like her sister it is likely this first trip which further inflames her towards the idea though she has yet to realize this. Dreams of Flight (finished)- Mercy in typical Mercy fashion spends time with her new nephew Olo and encourages him to follow his dreams no matter how impossible they might seem. It is a good glimpse of the type of mare she will someday become both tenacious and supportive. Practice Makes Perfect (finished) - Mercy meets Camaria a rare stranger to the area and luck of luck a wind Soquili as well, finally Mercy is able to take flight tips from a true flyer - something that her education has been lacking as she was raised with Usdia who new nothing of such things. High Winds can't stop me!(finished) - A follow up lesson in flight with Camaria where Mercy will learn the finer points of flying in harsh weather. Her confidence in flying has clearly grown and she has been venturing further and further away from home. Whats all This?(Finished) - Cheveyo having become worried about his daughter's wandering ways and her somewhat blind trust in everyone she meets arranges for her to travel and gain the training he thinks she needs to stay safe in the big wide world. Mercy is sent to Ironforge. Babysitter - Mercy spends one last day watching after her Nieces before she leaves for her training, The Long Good-bye - Mercy says good-bye to her family and herd for a while.
 Chapter 1 - Change is in the Air
Chapter Status - In Progress In which Mercy enters the tutelage of Kaleidoscope under Ironforges watchful eye's...and realizes that there is more to life then just wandering about to see pretty sights or living happily go luckily with your family.
Characters Main (Good Guys) Mercy (Protagonist) - Mercy is everything her name makes her out to be - she is kind,gentle and compassionate. A complete do-gooder Mercy spends most of her time pointing out the positive sides to any situation she seems to find herself in - unfortunately her good nature and somewhat naive outlook in life tends to make her a target for the more manipulative minds in the Soquili world. At least while she's young. As Mercy moves through life she will gain a better understanding of the way things work and work to change it for the better
Ironforge (Mentor) - Ironforge is a proud creature and is generally at his best when protecting and serving something or someone he thinks important. He's your typical 'knight in shining armor' and has gentlemanly tendencies. unfortunately he can be quite clueless when it comes to more personal feelings, often not noticing someone likes him until they come right out and say it in blunt terms. He is extremely loyal and lives by a strict knightly type code of honor. Because he often puts the job before personal feelings he can come across as a bit gruff at times - but he has the best interests at heart and would never intentionally wound anyones feelings - unless your his enemy in which case he shall spare you no mercy.
Kaleidoscope (Trainer) - Strong, understanding, brave and kind. Kaleidoscope is very much a knight in every way. Honesty, integrity, loyalty, honor, discipline and upholding justice, these are things that he holds close to him, never wavering from the path he has chosen. He uses his strength to protect the weak and vanquish evil, intelligence to keep one step ahead of the enemy, his courage to never back down and his luck to get him out of sticky situations.
Main (Bad Guys)
Yanamari (Antagonist) - Generally Yanamari is a sweet and well tempered mare who loves to talk to others, make new friends and just enjoy life. But under that sweet exterior lies a blackness, all thanks to her Kalona blood - something which she highly resents. This darker part of her comes out every now and then, forcing her to lash out at those she would normally call friends, speak badly about everyone around her and sometimes do things she later regrets. Anyone who mentions her Kalona blood will see how much it hurts her, often having her shut herself off to them as a way to avoid the unpleasantness that she feels towards that and her father who was a Kalona.
Pirata Noctis - Pirata is a bit off...and thats putting it mildly, on one hand she dotes, almost obsessively, about her 'pets'..which just so happen to be spiders and is an avid plant lover. She dosen't think to much about her fellow Soquili however and sees them as little more then food to be lured in and fed to her pets or creatures to be manipulated for her own amusement. Of course once in a while someone surprising will come along and Pirata will add them to her rank of pets for a while..until she gets bored with them anyways.
Agave Noctis - It's unlikely that Agave will ever win an award for being smart - indeed this stallion is more brawn then brains for the most part - which makes him a useful puppet in his mother's hands. Agave has been brainwashed for the most part into being the fighter that he is today - and is almost phobic of making a decision on his own.
He's a soldier - a follow orders without question or thought type of soldier. He is not cruel or sadistic by nature but does such things when directed to without questioning them, to Agave following the directions of his superiors is simply an instinct that's been beaten into him from foalhood.
Zhevra - (Friend) Zhevra is for the most part a pretty good guy, he knows his fathers work is good and strives to someday be like him - emphasis on someday - at the moment Zhevra also just wants to enjoy life, he's young, he hasn't seen anything in the world yet - why should he pledge himself to a life of Knighthood right this very second? He wants to see things, experience life..have some fun before he turns as gruff and paranoid as his old man thank you very much. That said Zhevra does have the upmost respect for his father and would certainly follow him just about anywhere should he need help, or stand up for him should any speak badly of him...he just might not be as focused on his training as he ought to be.
Tairyn Ezbra (Friend) - Tairyn is as wild and outgoing as her hairstyle and colorful pelt. She is always on the look out for things to do. It is her belief that one must live life to it’s fullest every single day. As such she is always searching to have as much fun as possible, pushing her limits, flirting with danger (and stallions) and letting loose. She is a very in your face type, having little to no respect for another’s personal space, especially when it comes to stallions. More often than not she is drawn to those with similar ideals, finding those who lead normal lives positively dull. If there is a bad boy around, you can bet Tairyn is at his side flirting like crazy and tempting fate. Though she lives a life filled with excitement and danger Tairyn knows the value of good friends who offer her sound advice and act as the voice of reason at times, even if she often ignores it.
Supreme - Supreme was once a proud and noble creature but the world has conspired against her and she is a far cry from what she once was. An inner fire still burns within her eyes but she needs someone to bring it out of her again.
Despite her current circumstances Supreme still holds out hope for her future and shall not give up attempting to undermine her captors at every opportunity. She has learned a great deal from her time in captivity and has become a shrewd and intelligent mare rather then a somewhat naive young filly.
A Promise Kept - During her trip to Ironforges herd,Mercy meets with Jarita's family to pass along news of her foals arrival and give the family directionsto the herd so they might visit. Arriving - only a little late! - Mercy meets Kale and Ironforge...it is not what she expected. The Chance of Adventure - Mercy meets Tairyn a wild and adventurous mare who drags her off for a bit of fun..a winds up keeping her out all night long. Repercussions - Mercy faces punishment for blowing off her duties and staying out all night. Unseen Dangers - Mercy runs across a stranger while out patrolling and things go badly, Sorin ends up fetching Kale to rescue her. On the path to Light - Mercy trains with a passing Knight in Training under Ironforge's direction. Freedom Unleashed - Mercy helps rescue a mare named Supreme.
Chapter RP Summary
Mercy Solo - dealing with being alone for the first time. Mercy meets Ironforge and Kale Training between Mercy & Kale Mercy meets Zhevra and they speak of how uptight the two older stallions are Mercy goes out and get's into trouble with Tairyn Yanamari gives Mercy a dose of reality Mercy settles down and focuses on her training Rescue of Supreme from Pirata
Positions Still Open Friends - both those who will lead her into trouble and those who will try and talk her into being more responsible are welcome A Love interest - Although Mercy will not have foals until Chapter 3 youthful love interests and crushes are always welcome. More bad guys - Soquili who will show Mercy the darker side of the world are also welcome!
 Chapter 3 - A Knight is Born
Chapter Status - Not Started Yet Wherein Mercy graduates from her training and sets out to make a difference in the world gathering both a group of followers and a group of enemies along the way.
Characters Main (Good Guys) Main (Bad Guys) A Love - Mercy finds a love..and then looses him , a stallion who betrays her) - Possibly filled by KolliSupport
Roleplays - none started yet-
Chapter RP Summary
- Mercy graduates from her training with both Kale and Ironforge's blessing - encounters with Jormungander & Alti - Mercy is captured and must be rescued by her friends - Love found & Lost (preferably finds out she is pregnant in the midst of all this) -
Positions Still Open
Fellow Knights - Those wishing to travel and help Mercy in her journey to free those who are suffering Bad Guys - People who need fighting off, there will be times Mercy wins and times Mercy looses (willing to work out details for these encounters ahead of time) Those in distress - Soquili who need help of any sort!
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:07 am
An Old Knight with a New Cause Prologue - The End of Seclusion
Chapter Status - Needs to be backlogged Wherein Ironforge decides decides that living out his life in seclusion is doing nothing to help stop the things which drove him there in the first place.
Characters Main (Good Guys) Ironforge - Ironforge is a proud creature and is generally at his best when protecting and serving something or someone he thinks important. He's your typical 'knight in shining armor' and has gentlemanly tendencies. unfortunately he can be quite clueless when it comes to more personal feelings, often not noticing someone likes him until they come right out and say it in blunt terms. He is extremely loyal and lives by a strict knightly type code of honor. Because he often puts the job before personal feelings he can come across as a bit gruff at times - but he has the best interests at heart and would never intentionally wound anyones feelings - unless your his enemy in which case he shall spare you no mercy.
Cheveyo - Chev is your quintessential big soul in a small package sorta Soq. He dreams of doing big and powerful things. As a younger stallion he was unfortunately also somewhat of a ladies man and got easily sidetracked in his quest for greatness. He's charming and kind, even if his jokes can be somewhat lame at times he tries to make sure everyone around him is having a good time. As time has gone on and Chev has grown the little stallion has never given up on his dreams to do great things - however his definition of greatness has changed a good deal..and he now puts most of his energy into making sure that his family is safe and secure. Main (Bad Guys) Support
Roleplays The Beginning of the End - Part 1 - A bit of Ironforges past is relived in the form of a nightmare. In the Midst of the End - Part 2 - Haunting memories from Ironforges past The End of it All - Part 3 - A betrayal in his past continues to haunt him. Twisted Absolutes - In an attempt to save a mare from a skinwalker and her cohorts Ironforge begins to see what happens when the good guys hide themselves away. How is this doing any good? - Ironforge meets an enlightening Usdia named Cheveyo who helps him see what he's already started to learn but does not want to admit.
Chapter RP Summary
- Self 'flashback' type RP's about events which made him seek seclusion in the first place - self 'flashback' type RP's about the journey to these new lands - some RP's up in the mountains where Ironforge is attempting to avoid the problems of the world - Ironforge meets Cheveyo who helps him see that living as he does sin't doing anything to change the world - An RP where ironforge decides to return to society.
Positions Still Open
Old friends - Soquili who might have known Ironforge before his seclusion and who might be trying to bring him out of his shell again New encounters of the evil kind - Either finding those who have been hurt by others or evil Soquili themselves who will help him realize that something must be done to help change the world.
 Chapter 1 - Redemption
Chapter Status - In Progress Wherein Ironforge attempts to make up for his years of seclusion by helping as many as he can and spreading his knowledge to others.
Characters Main (Good Guys) Ironforge - Ironforge is a proud creature and is generally at his best when protecting and serving something or someone he thinks important. He's your typical 'knight in shining armor' and has gentlemanly tendencies. unfortunately he can be quite clueless when it comes to more personal feelings, often not noticing someone likes him until they come right out and say it in blunt terms. He is extremely loyal and lives by a strict knightly type code of honor. Because he often puts the job before personal feelings he can come across as a bit gruff at times - but he has the best interests at heart and would never intentionally wound anyones feelings - unless your his enemy in which case he shall spare you no mercy.
Kaleidoscope - Strong, understanding, brave and kind. Kaleidoscope is very much a knight in every way. Honesty, integrity, loyalty, honor, discipline and upholding justice, these are things that he holds close to him, never wavering from the path he has chosen. He uses his strength to protect the weak and vanquish evil, intelligence to keep one step ahead of the enemy, his courage to never back down and his luck to get him out of sticky situations.
Mercy - Mercy is everything her name makes her out to be - she is kind,gentle and compassionate. A complete do-gooder Mercy spends most of her time pointing out the positive sides to any situation she seems to find herself in - unfortunately her good nature and somewhat naive outlook in life tends to make her a target for the more manipulative minds in the Soquili world. At least while she's young. As Mercy moves through life she will gain a better understanding of the way things work and work to change it for the better Main (Bad Guys) Pirata Noctis - Pirata is a bit off...and thats putting it mildly, on one hand she dotes, almost obsessively, about her 'pets'..which just so happen to be spiders and is an avid plant lover. She dosen't think to much about her fellow Soquili however and sees them as little more then food to be lured in and fed to her pets or creatures to be manipulated for her own amusement. Of course once in a while someone surprising will come along and Pirata will add them to her rank of pets for a while..until she gets bored with them anyways.
Agave Noctis - - It's unlikely that Agave will ever win an award for being smart - indeed this stallion is more brawn then brains for the most part - which makes him a useful puppet in his mother's hands. Agave has been brainwashed for the most part into being the fighter that he is today - and is almost phobic of making a decision on his own.
He's a soldier - a follow orders without question or thought type of soldier. He is not cruel or sadistic by nature but does such things when directed to without questioning them, to Agave following the directions of his superiors is simply an instinct that's been beaten into him from foalhood.
She-ra - Misguided from the beginning She-Ra’s views of the world are not what they should be. She believes that those around her and what they do is right – even though they have evil intentions. Years of training have blinded her to what is the truth. Bad is looked upon as normal and those who are good and righteous are considered criminals and wrongdoers. Loyal to a select few She-Ra does not question the orders given to her by her superiors. In effect she is a slave to her master, so wholly devoted to his evil vision.Support
Delnar -Delnar is a fairly open-minded individual. He’s not quick to accept nor reject things that he hears. Instead he takes everything into consideration and isn’t against searching for more information about the subject. He is a skilled healer, though not as much so as a full-blooded Minicorn. He is the type of Soquili that doesn’t mind listening to others problems and is always willing to help or lend advice when needed.
Cheveyo - Chev is your quintessential big soul in a small package sorta Soq. He dreams of doing big and powerful things. As a younger stallion he was unfortunately also somewhat of a ladies man and got easily sidetracked in his quest for greatness. He's charming and kind, even if his jokes can be somewhat lame at times he tries to make sure everyone around him is having a good time. As time has gone on and Chev has grown the little stallion has never given up on his dreams to do great things - however his definition of greatness has changed a good deal..and he now puts most of his energy into making sure that his family is safe and secure.
Camaria - Camaria is an information gatherer, always going out of her way to learn something about a Soquili, the area, food sources, you name it. She often uses her ability to fly as a way to spy upon others without getting caught or to survey unknown areas. Not only does she gather information but also shares it with others as well, generally she helps out Soquili find food, direct them along their way in a new area or look out for any dangers that may not otherwise be seen from the ground. Camaria is also willing to spy on different Soquili for the benefit of others. If you want to learn about your enemies weakness or position, your best friends whereabouts, or if that special stallion/mare has certain likes and dislikes then Camaria is your girl.
Supreme - Supreme was once a proud and noble creature but the world has conspired against her and she is a far cry from what she once was. An inner fire still burns within her eyes but she needs someone to bring it out of her again.
Despite her current circumstances Supreme still holds out hope for her future and shall not give up attempting to undermine her captors at every opportunity. She has learned a great deal from her time in captivity and has become a shrewd and intelligent mare rather then a somewhat naive young filly.
Roleplays Knightly Training - Ironforge takes on a new student, Kaleidoscope and agrees to help him become a Knight. Investigations - Ironforge and his student Kale investigate the arrival of new Soquili in the area. The Art of Dueling - Ironforge concludes Kales training and proclaims him a Knight. In need of your Help - Cheveyo arranges for Ironforge to help his adopted daughter Mercy. Arriving - only a little late! - Ironforge meets Mercy, after a brief introductory training session he gives Kale some advice on how to best proceed. Repercussions - Ironforge and Kale dish out some punishment after Mercy blows off her training and disappears for a night. On the Path to Light - Ironforge helps out a Knight in Training who is passing by, allowing him to join in on one of Mercy's training sessions. Help me Ironforge! Your my only Hope! - A small goat asks for help in freeing his friend from a tyrannical overlord. Freedom Unleashed - Ironforge leads Kale.Mercy and Camaria on a mission to rescue a mare who has been taken captive.
Chapter RP Summary
- RP where Ironforge suggest Mercy do some studying with Kale while he oversee's her progress - RP where Ironforge reacts to some trouble Mercy got into while Kale is supposed to be training her - RP where Ironforge agrees with Kale that Mercy has finished her training - - Positions Still Open
Other Students - Other Soquili wishing to become Knights and wanting Ironforges help in doing so Old Friends - Those Ironforge might have known or helped in the past Family Rp - Need to pick up some of these Herd RP - Some RP's with the Moonglade Herd.
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:09 am
These Soquili are not necessarily involved in any far reaching, highly detailed plots..but I"m still looking for encounters for them and/or ideas that might prompt a more detailed plot. However feel free to check my journal as well if none strike your fancy - just because they're not listed dosen't mean I"ll turn down some RP!Theme Song Drive - Incubus
Bangil is a conflicted soul, on one hand she longs for adventure and dreams of roaming the big wide world like her father, and on the other hand - she longs for the swamp where her mother resides whenever she does end up on those adventures. Regardless of where she ends up tis is not a mare who fears getting her hooves dirty, no Bangil is more then willing to take a leap of faith in order to get things done..once she finally makes a decision about what it is she's going to do anyways.
Backstory & Current Status.
Bangil's foalhood was a good one, although she spent more of it with her mother and sister's in the swamp then her father whose wanderlust often took him away for long periods of time she dosen't really have all that much to complain about when she looks back at things.
As a foal Bangil met Jarita and while the two are complete opposites in almost every way they none the less became best friends spending almost all of their time together. Unfortunately as they grew things changed and although their friendship remained strong Bangil couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous over her friend whom haad managed to find herself a love to spend most of her time with. Lonely and perhaps a bit jealous Bangil hooked up with a wandering bad boy named Banzai....and wound up with foals.
Once the foals were old enough she took a trip to search for Banzai so that he might know that he was a father - only to find that he had settled down with another mare. Although she hadn't been looking for a relationship with him it none the less underlined her desire to eventually find someone to love and returned home to raise her children. Banzai continued to be a part of their lives although Bangil still remains single and looking.
Looking For
Family RP - with her children or other relatives General RP - A sort of anything goes or even just meet and greets will work Love? - Poor Bangil could use someone who might stick around this time. Adventure - Bangil does love to go on adventures from time to time, some sort of quest would suit her well.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Theme Song Soak up the Sun - Sheryl Crowe Personality
Charuleka is a girly girl, she doesn't like getting dirty and takes care to keep her hide as pristine as possible. Thats not to say she can't get down and dirty when needed, behind her pretty looks Char is quite strong, but of course keeping fit is just another way to maintain her good looks, so that's not entirely surprising. Some might write her off as your average pretty mare bimbo but if one takes a second look they will see the intelligence sparkling within those purple eyes. char has little patience when it comes to stupidity and can become quite sharp when faced with it.
Backstory & Current Status
Char's life has been a fairly calm one compared to most - her foalhood was remarkably uneventful and while she had never been all that lucky in love such things never bothered the mare - she had always assumed that the right stallion would come along and sweep her off her feet when the time was right. Fate however had other plans for the brightly marked mare, a bit of fun at a gathering one night turned into a night spent with a stranger that she didn't quite remember...and baskets.
The pair were terribly surprised by this development but both of them put such things aside for the sake of their foals and as time went on they found they both had real feelings for each other after all. Perhaps fate knew what it was doing after all. Char is now lifemated to Nabu and both are happy with their ever growing family.
Looking For
Family RP - With her children, grandchildren etc Girlfriends - Other Mature mares out there looking for friends? Char could use a few General RP - Anything goes really even meet and greets if your needing to settle into a new character.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Theme Song If Everyone Cared - Nickleback
Okelani has long been a very empathic type of creature, she is not only drawn to those who are wounded - either mentally or physically but desires to try and help them in some manner. Sometimes this help is not always welcomed but she persists anyways possessing a stubborn nature that does not easily bend.
She is a cheerfully optimistic creature and rarely if ever feels down or hopeless, Okelani believes that a positive attitude does just as much to help healing along as a generous application of herbs does. She possesses a great deal of herb lore and is constantly adding more to her knowledge as the herd moves across these new lands they find themselves in.
Backstory & Current Status.
Okelani arrived in the Soquili lands along with the rest of the migratory great herd set on escaping the dangers of their old lands. Working as a herd healer she spent a great deal of time trying to help the wounded scout Dendro Auratus heal after an injury which affected his hearing. Dendro however wanted no part of this help and eventually left the herd in serch of his own place to sit and sulk. Although saddened by this Okelani has turned her attention to helping others in the herd and has accepted the help of Hypno's who has agreed to act as a guide between the main herd and some of the smaller groups who have broken off to live nearby - the better to spread her healing love.
Looking ForThose in need of healing - Okelani would be more then happy to spread her herb lore around Those who want to be healers - She'll teach you everything she knows! Others from the migratory herd. - Would be nice for her to have some friends..or enemies if it works out that way.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Theme Song - yet to be determined -
Poe's favorite Soquili in the entire world is her older brother Olo, if she had it her way she'd likely follow him around at practically every moment - at least while she's young. As she grows older it's likely that she'll outgrow at least a little bit of this tendency and learn to stand up on her own at least a little bit.
Naturally somewhat quiet and shy Poe tends to hide behind her mask when she's feeling uneasy and perhaps due to her rather strange looks doesn't find it easy to trust or open up to strangers. She's a sweet little creature despite her looks and quite sensitive, her feelings are easily hurt when others make fun of or point out her differences.
Backstory & Current Status.
Poe has been blessed when it comes to family, she's growing up in a safe, secure little herd filled with Soquili who love her, what happens to her in the future is still very much up in the air...though it's unlikely that she will ever stray to far from home. .
Looking For Family RP - With anyone related to her! General RP - With anyone really, Poe hasn't had much interaction with those outside her family.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Theme Song Hero - Nickleback
Chev is your quintessential big soul in a small package sorta Soq. He dreams of doing big and powerful things. As a younger stallion he was unfortunately also somewhat of a ladies man and got easily sidetracked in his quest for greatness. He's charming and kind, even if his jokes can be somewhat lame at times he tries to make sure everyone around him is having a good time.
As time has gone on and Chev has grown the little stallion has never given up on his dreams to do great things - however his definition of greatness has changed a good deal..and he now puts most of his energy into making sure that his family is safe and secure.
Backstory & Current Status.
The younger years of Cheveyo's life were spent traveling about in search of great adventure and pretty girls. A one night stand with a mare named Burryna however put a stop to that - Cheveyo suddenly found himself in charge of daughter. Determinded to raise her right and find a proper home for her Chev searched high and low for a safe and secluded area in which to raise her.
That decision has led him to the life he lives now, as the leader of a small herd of Usdia Cheveyo has seen many things in his life change and expand. He has raised not just one daughter - Synestra - but also an adopted Alicorn named Mercy who was abandoned as a basket. He has seen grandchildren born and grow and longs only for that special someone to share such moments in life with.
Looking For Prospective members of his usdia herd - Looking for a herd? chev's your man! (shall be making his herd official...as soon as I think up a good name) Those passing through - RP with anyone passing through his area and in need of directions or a place to shelter for the night. Anyone in need of help really - Chev knows a few good Soquili he can point you towards if you need a bit more help then he can offer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Theme Song Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf
Unlike his mother who has a tendency to be conflicted about his inner desire to wander and explore Zangar has given into this desire completely. Being a fairly young stallion Zangar is out to see the world and likes to consider himself a bit of a ladies man - though truth be told that could just be because no mare he's met yet has caught his interest enough to make him consider sticking around.
With a tendency to be overconfident in his own abilities and perhaps a bit boastful Zangar is the type to take any dare, anywhere, anytime and then brag about it if he pulls it off - if he doesn't well...clearly it was due to some other factor out of his control. Despite being somewhat arrogant and boastful with a bad boy type personality Zangar is far from being cruel and when push comes to shove and you really need his help it's unlikely that he'd ever turn you away.
Backstory & Current Status.
Zangar and his sister were the product of a one night stand - and while that might not be the best type of family situation to be born into Zangar doesn't complain, he knows his mother..his father and his father's new mate fairly well as Banzai made sure to be around for his children while they were young.
Although he's ventured off on his own now Zangar does return home from time to time to try and keep tabs on his family, though its often not long before he finds himself on the road again.
Looking For Adventure & Trouble - Zangar is a wanderer....he's always up for an adventure or two and isn't likely to turn anything down no matter how crazy the idea might be. Girls, Girls, Girls - Yeah he thinks he's a ladies man, someone to put him in his place and/or to increase his ego works! Family RP - Anyone he's related to would be nice for him to meet! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jormungander is what most would call a prejudiced elitist jerk, unless your a purebred Kalona whose only willing to breed with other purebred Kalona and willing to work together to cleanse the land of the weaker Soquili then your pretty much dirt under his hooves.
Oh...he might be willing to use you if you don't meet those qualifications but you happen to have a talent he thinks might further his goals but the second your no longer needed he's liable to exterminate you as well. Jormungander however see's himself as the savior of Kalona everywhere feeling that only through strengthening the bloodlines of the worthy will the kalona rise to the position of power they clearly deserve. His ultimate goal is the enslavement of all the lesser Soquili under the obviously wiser and far more capable hooves of Kalona rulers.
Backstory & Current Status.
It's not clear if Jormungander was born such an elitist jerk or if his past made him that way - in truth he won't really speak of his past all that often and when he does it's with an undertone of seething hatred that often dissuades the questioner of any further prying. Some facts have been let loose however..such as the fact that he killed his own mother for what he consider's an 'unforgivable transgression' and that somewhere out there is a half sister that he searches for almost obsessively...so that he can kill her too.
As he serches however Jormungander spends time preaching his goals to other Kalona he run's across attempting to raise an army and gather the Kalona together under a single banner - no easy task given the breeds natural tendencies to work alone. Still he believes that he can see this through and has recently found himself partners with a mare who things much the same named Alti.
Looking For
Other Kalona - He needs to recruit some to his cause Non Kalona/ Kalona halfbreeds - He thinks your dirt and will likely try to run you off but if you need a bad guy for your plots Jorms your man!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Theme Song I wanna talk about me! - Toby Keith
Zhevra is for the most part a pretty good guy, he knows his fathers work is good and strives to someday be like him - emphasis on someday - at the moment Zhevra also just wants to enjoy life, he's young, he hasn't seen anything in the world yet - why should he pledge himself to a life of Knighthood right this very second?
He wants to see things, experience life..have some fun before he turns as gruff and paranoid as his old man thank you very much. That said Zhevra does have the upmost respect for his father and would certainly follow him just about anywhere should he need help, or stand up for him should any speak badly of him...he just might not be as focused on his training as he ought to be.
Backstory & Current Status.
Asa young stallion Zhevra hasn't done all that much in life yet, for the most part he has been relegated to exploring the area near the Moonglade herd where his father is currently the beta stallion and following his fathers tutelage so that he might someday become a Knight as well.
Once in a while he manages to sneak off and find himself some fun of course..and like most young creatures this is likely to lead him into trouble from time to time.
Looking For Family RP - He's got some relativeso ut there I know he hasn't met you! Friends - He's a young stallion and could use some guy friends Girls - To flirt with and distract him from his training Older wiser knights/soquili - Those who might tell him to settle down and pay attention to his training. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Theme Song -yet to be determined-
Syrrin is the exact opposite of his brother Olo, where Olo is quiet and polite Syrrin tends to be bold and at times a bit outspoken. Rarely one to shrink back from a challenge or adventure Syrrin is far more likely to get into trouble and as foals was often the instigator whenever the two colts got into a mess.
As he's grown older that bold and outspoken nature has turned Syrrin into more of an adventurer - much like his mother and it's not unusual for the stallion to wander off for several days or even weeks at a time. He always returns home in the end however.
Backstory & Current Status.
As a foal Syrrin was always in some sort of trouble - be it for getting into a mess he might not be able to get out of or because his sometimes big mouth got him lectured for sassing back. Now that he's grown he's learned to be a bit more respectful..but he certainly won't hold back from telling you the truth if he thinks you need to hear it either. Currently he spends the majority of his time roaming the countryside surrounding his home herd, returning at regular intervals to ensure that everything is fine with his family.
Looking For Family RP - With anyone he's related to! General RP - He's a co-own I haven't done much with yet so i'd really just like some Gen RP to get a better grasp on his personality. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Theme Song -yet to be determined-
As not only the smallest member of her family, but the only filly, Kaliri has spent most of her foal hood trying to keep up and sometimes beat her larger brothers. Small, dainty but determined Kaliri hasn't had much time to develop into the mare she will grow into quite yet.
Backstory & Current Status.
Kaliri was born as a member of The Little Meadow Herd where she spent her foal hood playing with the Usdia and her siblings. Not much has happened in the Filly's life yet but hey... that's a good thing when your still just a foal right?
Looking For Foal RP - With anyone who might be wandering about General RP - With just about anyone. Kaliri's open for anything at this point, though I am still RPing her as a foal.
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:11 am
These Soquili are either new..or I just haven't been able to come up with a good idea for them yet, in any case they're open to either fill in plot points for other peoples plots (through really all my Soq can do that if you need them too) or open to new plot idea's if one happens to spark your fancy. Theme Song -Yet to be Determined-
Eldorada is the equine equivalent of a noble women, she strives at all times to be be seen as lady like and elegant, she would no sooner get into a fight and risk marring her precious hide as she would roll in mud. It would be silly to consider this mare as weak however - what she lacks in strength she makes up for in brains and like most nobles she's certainly not against manipulating others - especially males - to get what she wants.
Eldorada is far from evil, she is not intentionally cruel for the most part (though she does have a large capacity for revenge if push comes to shove) She merely believes that the end's justify the means and isn't afraid to make a few dirty deals to see her goals through to conclusion.
Backstory & Current Status
Eldorada was once a princess, the heir to a large and powerful herd which ruled over lands rather far away. It was a place she was destined to rule someday or would have been if the entire herd hadn't been decimated and taken over by a cruel rival. Eldorada fled her old home rather then become the unwilling mate of the cruel new king and although she dreams of revenge someday she also fears returning home. At present she seeks the company of strong princes and knights...and perhaps a kingdom where she can follow through with her true purpose in life - to rule.
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:13 am
Pretty self explanatory I think  Personality
Bangil is a conflicted soul, on one hand she longs for adventure and dreams of roaming the big wide world like her father, and on the other hand - she longs for the swamp where her mother resides whenever she does end up on those adventures. Regardless of where she ends up tis is not a mare who fears getting her hooves dirty, no Bangil is more then willing to take a leap of faith in order to get things done..once she finally makes a decision about what it is she's going to do anyways.
Backstory & Current Status.
Bangil's foalhood was a good one, although she spent more of it with her mother and sister's in the swamp then her father whose wanderlust often took him away for long periods of time she dosen't really have all that much to complain about when she looks back at things.
As a foal Bangil met Jarita and while the two are complete opposites in almost every way they none the less became best friends spending almost all of their time together. Unfortunately as they grew things changed and although their friendship remained strong Bangil couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous over her friend whom haad managed to find herself a love to spend most of her time with. Lonely and perhaps a bit jealous Bangil hooked up with a wandering bad boy named Banzai....and wound up with foals.
Once the foals were old enough she took a trip to search for Banzai so that he might know that he was a father - only to find that he had settled down with another mare. Although she hadn't been looking for a relationship with him it none the less underlined her desire to eventually find someone to love and returned home to raise her children. Banzai continued to be a part of their lives although Bangil still remains single and looking.
Looking For
Bangil is pretty open love wise - although I don't see her with anyone outright evil, a bit of a bad boy type would be perfectly fine, looks and edits do not mean as much as personality to me so feel free to offer if you like her.
Uncert Breedings Left - 2/3 free   Personality Supreme was once a proud and noble creature but the world has conspired against her and she is a far cry from what she once was. An inner fire still burns within her eyes but she needs someone to bring it out of her again. Despite her current circumstances Supreme still holds out hope for her future and shall not give up attempting to undermine her captors at every opportunity. She has learned a great deal from her time in captivity and has become a shrewd and intelligent mare rather then a somewhat naive young filly.
Backstory & Current Status.
While Supreme's early life was relatively stable things quickly took a turn for the worse when she was kidnapped by the mare She-ra and presented to Pirata as a slave. Luckily for Supreme the blue mare did not immediately feed her to her spiders but kept her around to handle chores she did not feel like doing.
After a few failed attempts at escape Supreme has accepted her fate for the moment and turns her attention instead of quietly whispering contradictory thoughts and advice into the ear of Agave - Pirata's young son - in the hopes of breaking his mother's hold upon him...or at least in instilling some good in the colts heart.
Looking For
Supreme is technically a slave at the moment - but she's slated to be rescued as a part of Mercy and Ironforges Plots! Once rescued she will certainly be looking for someone trustworthy to help her rebuild her life. Supreme is exceptionally special to me because she is cosplay of my own long deceased horse in RL, as such I would like to find a fellow natural for her as well as a partner willing to RP the relationship. A lifemate would be preferred but a fling might be considered with a good enough plot or an amicable parting.
uncert Breedings - 3/3 free ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PersonalityEldorada is the equine equivalent of a noble women, she strives at all times to be be seen as lady like and elegant, she would no sooner get into a fight and risk marring her precious hide as she would roll in mud. It would be silly to consider this mare as weak however - what she lacks in strength she makes up for in brains and like most nobles she's certainly not against manipulating others - especially males - to get what she wants.
Eldorada is far from evil, she is not intentionally cruel for the most part (though she does have a large capacity for revenge if push comes to shove) She merely believes that the end's justify the means and isn't afraid to make a few dirty deals to see her goals through to conclusion.
Backstory & Current Status
Eldorada was once a princess, the heir to a large and powerful herd which ruled over lands rather far away. It was a place she was destined to rule someday or would have been if the entire herd hadn't been decimated and taken over by a cruel rival. Eldorada fled her old home rather then become the unwilling mate of the cruel new king and although she dreams of revenge someday she also fears returning home. At present she seeks the company of strong princes and knights...and perhaps a kingdom where she can follow through with her true purpose in life - to rule.
Looking For
Like Calfuray I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for, probably a natural of some sort? Or another whose colors would look good with her palomino side. Given her personality she's probably more likely to go for a princely type character...or someone else whose able to get her closer to her goals
Uncert Breedings - 3/3 free------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:14 am
 Mare for Chev KEEP IT SIMPLE! Mini-me. Edit Category: unedited Soquili Species: Half Minicorn Body Build: standard, Minicorn fetlocks & Horn Gender: female Starting Stage: adult Concept Origin: my own WIP Needed? no ~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Bullseye tabby markings in shades of purple & smokey browns ((CC on exact shades just would like some purples worked in there )) Face: Tabby markings Mane: The Braid forelock but with the Long 1 style mane, Shade of purple or smokey brown - CC, whatever looks best with rest of design Tail: Long 1 - Shade of purple or smokey brown - CC, whatever looks best with rest of design Hooves/Fetlocks: Shade of purple or smokey brown - CC, whatever looks best with rest of design Reference Image(s): Link
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Minicorn horn Wings: N/A Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: Would like the Minicorn feathery fetlocks as well ~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: N/A Custom Items: N/A Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A ~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Cynderfer Owner: JetAlmeara Breed: Half Minicorn Temper: Sweet Mate: Cheveyo Tag Background: 011 - moonlight cherry blossom Tag frame color: purples Tag feather color(s): purples & smokey brown ~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A ~*~ Angeni ~*~ Desired Domain: N/A Justification for Domain Choice: N/A
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:22 am
 Abandoned by Others If you have an RP with me on this list and you would like to finish or continue it, drop me a PM and I'll be happy to do so!
Zangar X Marceline - Link Zangar & Vesper - Link Okelani & Petite Hamie - Link Zhevra & Feri - Link Bangil & Slainte - Link Jormungander X Valefor - Link Ironforge & Shosnana - Link Jormungander & Claude - Link
On Going Calfuray & Isadora - Link Zangar X Tyler -Link Kaliri X Dasharathi - Link Jormungander X Mosmoedre - Link Calfuray X Auberon - Link Calfuray X Makutu - Link Ironforge,Mercy X Finnegan -Link - Zangar X Florian - Link Agave X Tethys - Link Ecliptic X Aquitaine - Link Eldorada & Tairyn - Link Agave X Supreme (Solo) - Link Kaliri X Aquitaine - Link Keely & Ironforge - Link Syrrin & Lapin - Link Mornhavon & Syrrin - Link Pirata X Gregory - Link Agave,Aquitaine,Family - Link Bangil & Mint Chocolate - Link Ecliptic X Marlowe - Link Pirata X Jason - Link Pirata X Gregory - Link Cergen & Atlantis - Link Zangar & Kreyate - Link PIrata & Cassava - Link Kaliri X Derecho - Link Ecliptic X Kadira - Link Poe,Syrrin & Fairbreeze - Link Achilles & Camaria - Link BlackIce & Nya - Link Adaliade & ?? - Link Syrrin & Lapin - Link Kaliri & Derecho - Link Atlantis & Cergen - Link Zangar & Kreyate - Link Adaliade & Amethune - Link Adalaide & Evangaline - Link Camaria & Achilles - Link Charlotte & Cheveyo - Link Mercy & Kolli - Link
Finished Ironforge X Mahapadma - Link Zangar X Florian - Link Mercy & Tairyn - Link Agave & Aquitaine - Link Agave & Aquitaine - Link Mercy,Ironforge,Pirata,Agave,She-ra,Kale & Camaria - Link Lolly & Ironforge - Link Mercy,Kale & Yanamari - Link Ironforge,Mercy & Kale - Link POe X Delnar - Link Mercy,Ironforge,Lolly, Zhevra,Kale,Camaria - Link Calfuray & Aleu - Link Kalioky & Zhevra - Link Poe,Oke X Garret - Link Hypnos & Oke - Link Alaera & Nitor - Link Fairbreeze & Char - Link Ironforge X Camaria - Link Prism,Alti X Jorm - link Ironforge,Zhevra X Supreme - Link Mornhavon X Pirata - Link Syphax, Pirata & Cassava - Link
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:26 am
Revenge of the Spider
Alrighty, so a brief bit of History - in the RP Freedom Unleashed, Ironforge and his band of Knights rescued one of Pirata's slaves, revealed that her son was a traitor and sent him packing..and killed one of her spider's . Pirata is not pleased and she's returned to her mountain to lick her wounds and consider revenge.
However to enact her revenge she needs to rebuild her forces and so she's recruiting suitable soldiers and underhanded types to join her while she sends a spy to observe and report on the Knight group. This spy will ultimately follow Mercy to her home herd when she goes back to visit them and Pirata will decide to take this herd hostage in attempt to lure the Knights into a trap.
Mercy will be taken hostage in this RP though they will loose the herd and the rest of the Knights will escape. So I need...Minions for Pirata basically and this will likely extend over several RP's and include interactions with a variety of people along with the Little Meadow Herd - who are mostly Usdia. If you have a plot point that you need for your Soquili and their evil journey and your still interested, let me know and I will try to work it in for you!
RP to be finished before Starting
Freedom Unleashed Wrap-up
- Pre-rescue Planning RP (Ironforge,Camaria,Kale,Mercy, Lolly) - Link - Return from Rescue RP (Ironforge,Kale,Mercy,Supreme,Lolly) - Camaria Payment RP ? (Camaria, Ironforge)
Pre-Hostage Set-up
- Various Recruiting RPs interspersed (2/3 started )- Gregory, Jason, Kalioky - Send Spy (Gregory) - Link - Mercy Visits home, Spy Follows. - Spy Reports findings to Pirata
Herd Hostage Plot RP's Herd Take Over
- Large RP where the Herd is taken Hostage (Little Meadow herd members, Pirata, She-ra & Minions) Summary Kalioky is sent in to lure the herd into a central location (Pretending to be lost,injured, in need of help..whatever), once herd is gathered Pirata and minions move in and Secure the perimeter - special attention is paid to the full sized members of the herd (Winged Soquili have their flight feathers torn out to keep them grounded until they grow back). While this is happening Lapin who has been off on a lesson returns to see what is happening and wisely escapes, running to tell Mercy what has happened. Falcon viciously fights the plucking of his beloved feather's and manages to escape, following Lapin.
Alert RP (Lapin, Ironforge,Mercy,Kale) Lapin Arrives and tells Mercy what has happened.
Herd RP 2 (Little Meadow herd members, Pirata, She-ra & Minions, Camaria maybe) - Pirata is furious about the escape but brushes it off as inconsequential as the escapee was barely an adult and no threat. She orders her minions to keep the herd confined, building a thorny barrier to do so and set traps for the eventual rescue party. Since the herd resides in an alpine meadow and is only accessible through a few pathways she has her minions block all by one in order to control which way they come. With the herd being watched by her minions Pirata starts to set up her trap (Poison maybe?). Cameo by Camaria as she spies.
Planning & Travel RP (Lapin,Ironforge,Kale,Mercy, Falcon & Camaria) Ironforge once more calls upon Camaria, sending her to confirm Lapin's story while they prepare to go and help. Falcon arrives during this time and seconds Lapin's story, The group leaves, meeting up with Camaria on the way. Camaria fills them in on Pirata's preparations.
Herd Rescue Attempt RP (Everyone) - Large RP where Ironforge and gang attempt to free the herd from Pirata. Pirata's trap is quite well thought out however and the group fails, being unable to break through the bottleneck she had set up and reach the herd beyond. The group withdraws to consider other options.
Pirata Win's RP -Everyone Which is when Pirata makes her offer - Mercy for the herd, threatens to kill the herd with poison if she isn't turned over.
Ironforge refuses saying they will find another way, but Mercy unable to bare the thought of others being hurt because of her sneaks off and turns herself in. Having gotten what she wants and knowing she can't hold the meadow indefinitely Pirata, takes Mercy and leaves with her minions, making haste for her mountain stronghold. Mercy is kept complacent with the use of mind altering plants.
Enraged at Mercy for doing what she did Kale and Ironforge are forced to escort the herd to safety before they can follow Pirata and come up with a way to rescue Mercy.