Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:56 pm
Welcome to Calixte's Elderhood Plot Thread, now known as The Cerynei Girl Plot Thread! If you'd like to see the plots they have going on, please scroll down (but read the rules below the intro first =P). You can also read the small intro I've written below.
Calixte, better known as Cali, was my second soq. She's been very special to me for as long as I can remember, the reason being that I simply love her. She originates from Greece, where she grew up with other dryads, but left to follow her first love. When she arrived in the Kawani Lands only to find that he hadn't, her heart was broken. His ship must have fallen prey to the jagged rocks that surrounded the bay, she surmised, or perhaps it had gone off course. Now alone in a strange land with no way to return home, Cali will begin a journey of her own. November 10, 2012 Cali & Kenton's first biological children have arrived - three fillies! See Ithillun below. <3
Current Status of Plot Thread: Massive RP hunt! We're looking for any and all RP that fits the plots below! I have school now, so tags might be a little slow, but they will be good long ones. <3
Rules and Things You Should Know! - Don't be afraid to post or PM me; I'm not going to bite. <3 - Quotes and PMs get my attention. - All romances are heavily plotted with these girls. Don't ask if you're not in it for the long run (Cali and Tin are taken). - I love RP, but can be slow. If I am months behind, it's unfortunately likely that I forgot the RP. Always poke me if you think something isn't quite right! - Last but not least, thank you for taking time to look at this. <3
Other places to visit: Maho`s Teepee Maho`s Plotness Monster 2.0 Cerynei Herd Plot Thread Cerynei/Vanaras Herd Thread
To reach me: PM AIM - mahosunset
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:58 pm
 The Main Character Calixte Caring and defensive, Calixte has a distinct air of protectiveness and caution about her - she will protect her own at any price and will fight to defend them. Not much will get in her way when she is angry. She especially cares for those sick or hurt, and is impressed semi-easily. As a Dryad, she believes that everything has a spirit, including rocks, trees, and other things. She talks with a formal edge on her voice if she is stressed or unfamiliar with someone. Really a gentle soul, Cali takes pride in looking at her children and the herd - in her eyes, they are her greatest accomplishments. She has her varied 'hyper filly' moments when around foals or Kenton - a water fight or game of tag might manifest suddenly. She does keep secrets that she thinks others would find scandalous or troubling... As such, only Kenton knows much about her past life in Greece. The herd is her whole life now, and she will take every measure to protect it. She admires honor and family, and friendships - both with actual soq and nature. Calixte also has a sort of 'sixth sense' that should be noted - her ears, working extremely well as antennae, pick up sounds that less sensitive ears would not. As such, Cali hears things - rustling leaves and cracking branches - normally associated with the hoofbeats of other soquili in a different way than most. For example, if someone is nearby, but their footsteps would not be heard by normal ears, Cali can hear that. However, she processes it differently. Anything that would not be heard by normal ears is, to her, the voice of nature - trees whispering, that kind of thing. So while this might seem like she's mildly schizophrenic, the 'whispering of the plants' or the 'gossip line of nature' is really just her own explanation for her extraordinary hearing.
[No Jewelry] for RPs prior to lifemating.
 The Caring Friend Oke
Oke is like... a sweet little boy. He likes to wander through the woods, chasing butterflies and things. If someone is hurt, the first thing he will do is try to help them, or run to get help. He's very simple, cute, and innocent, and loves Cali with the entirety of his heart - he would do anything for her. He protects her, and she protects him. Cali found him after his mother's disappearance, and takes care of him like a son. He hates baths. The Rebellious Daughter Tinúviel
Tinúviel was taught to dance by her mother, and is, so far, the only thing that has stuck. Tin is forever flirting with something, though usually unknowingly - disaster, the wind, boys, and even girls. Once her mother taught her to dance, however, she began to contain herself. Now far more reserved in public, Tin expresses herself through dance. Being confronted by a mother-daughter pair of purewalkers as a child, though, has scarred her; she is careful to keep her distance from friends in case the walkers come back to hurt them. If someone gets too close, she shuts them down before they can get hurt by the monsters from her nightmares. She likes to spend time alone, but will always take an opportunity to cause trouble with her brother. Though Tin was raised to be the next Mistress of Ceremonies, she secretly resents her mother for not considering that she might want to do something else with her life. Her biological father is unknown to her, but she is close to finding him - not having a speck of brown on her shiny dark coat, she knows that she is not Kenton's daughter, though she will always call him 'Daddy.'
 The Vivacious Dame Viviana
Lively and theatrical, Viviana accompanies Tinuviel everywhere she goes. Having been born and raised in a nest near the Cerynei Herd, Viviana immediately took to plaguing foals, trying to get them to play with her. Tin eventually gave in, and the two have been best friends for as long as anyone can remember. If Tin ever wants her privacy, though, or sneaks off, Viv takes the hint and keeps watch for her.  The Shy Friend Lynnea
A very shy and innocent girl, Lynnea was raised traditionally in a land beyond the Great Plains of the north. Though she is quiet to a point that is almost extreme, she can usually be found (if one can see through her camouflage) in a meadow of wildflowers, reminiscing about the family she had long ago and the one that she still dreams to have. Once she opens up, Lynnea is openly sweet and affectionate to those she loves and trusts. However, when she is around boys, she is much more conservative with her displays of affection, as she is honor-bound by her virtue. A pretty, caring maiden through and through, Lynnea is slow to trust, but once one has gained her trust, they will find no end to her adoration. The New Addition Ithillún (blue moon) Ithillún has two distinct parts of her personality - the withdrawn thinker and the happy little filly - that manifest depending on whether or not she is with company. When by herself or with people she doesn't know well, she becomes very introspective, her shyness so acute that she will refuse to talk until she knows enough about the other person to understand that they stand on the side of good. This knowledge isn't so much what one tells her, but what she notices and learns about one's mannerisms. Lún is very observant and tends to pass judgement that is not easily reversed. However, as her parents raised her to not judge a book by its cover, this judgement is made after getting to know someone and not based on first impressions. When with her family or the herd, she's extremely playful and open. Lún has a tendency to organize things a certain way, and has a quiet respect for her elders, including her older siblings, whom she loves dearly and looks up to. With an aptitude for learning, she likes to wander the woods under the watchful eye of a guardian (usually Tinúviel) and find plants to study. This studying is not to find uses for them, but rather to imprint them in her mind.
[More to come as she grows.] The Supporting Cast The Rest of the Family
Kenton (sbuggy166) - Calixte's mate. Protector of the Cerynei Herd and of Cali, he is an honorable and noble stallion with a heart of gold. He raised Tinúviel and Enaran as his own and has three older children, one of which has joined the herd. He and Cali just had three daughters, each blessed with the Halloween spirit. Kenton is very proud of his pre-Cerynei blood. His years of training have made him strong, yet humble. He is a gentleman and would never think it right to harm another unless it was absolutely necessary. He is best described as a gentle giant. He finds that females make the best company and loves to talk to them. He is quick to forgive and never lingers long on the bad things in life. The Herd is everything to him, second only to his family. He would do anything for them and has devoted his life to his work. Kenton is originally from the Cerynei forests. There he served as his herd's scout. While out on patrol the fires swept through the forest and whipped out his herd. He waited for them, but they never showed. The fires forced him to leave to the Soquili lands. There he met a beautiful mare and they had children, but it was soon apparent that neither of them was ready to settle down. So the went their separate ways. Kenton, after much travel and exploring of the new lands, found Calixte. She was kind to him, and they spent much time together. They later decided to start a herd together that would follow the customs of a traditional Cerynei herd. Kenton was made the protector, a job that he loves. Certain things lead to Calixte having children, which Kenton raised as his own, thus the start of their family. In the foals' childhood, two purewalkers threatened the family's peace. A crisis was avoided, but not resolved. Now Kenton and Cali have three beautiful fillies together which will be raised in the herd with much love and care.
Faun (sbuggy166) - Faun is incredibly in-tune with nature. It's almost scary how much she knows based off of what she hears. She hears the voices of the trees and the plants and the wind almost louder than someone who is speaking to her. It's because of this that she seems distracted or distant when you try to talk to her. For the most part, she just sits in meditation and listens to forest, unaware of anything else that is going around her. Faun has a tendency to be withdrawn from the world and serious about things. She does not really play that much; it just does not interest her that much, not to mention that the little fire on her head could get in the way. She does not question her oddities. To her, the fire is simply a part of her, and her wings are simply something she was born with, so there is nothing odd about it at all. Despite her calm and distant side, Faun is not a push over. In fact, she will simply ignore you if you try to get her to do something that she does not like.
Amaltheia (Candle Wick Ghost) - Carved by the way nature intended, Amaltheia serves as a giver to those around her. She holds her family, her friends and her herd dear to her like all good and loyal members should. She would give her life for somebody she barely even knew if she felt that their intentions were good. Realising that loyalty is something invaluable, she chooses to be the one you can always rely on and put faith in. From a secret to a hand crafted war, she would be at the side of them all the way through. She does come across as strange to others because of her appearance and especially her tendencies to talk to the 'shadows.' It unnerves people and whereas she has come to understand this over time, she will take in consideration the feelings of those around her but she will not stop entirely believing that this gift of hers will do a great deed one day. Behind the curtain she still stands for as long as she has spare to 'talk' to them and will do till the day she dies feeling no shame for it. Beside the semi-serious part of her nature, Amaltheia is rather playful. She is always up for playing games feeling it as a challenge of some sort, a trait she may of gotten from her mother. Whether it is by mouth or action she can be a gentle tease. She loves a banter and will not deny it, be it stallion or mare she is a people person. She tries to do what is right even if that means being the bad guy through opinion or the eyes of someone else and will not hold the choice against them.
Enaran (Mei Silja) - Innocent and sweet, Enaran is the son of Cali and Fayearan. Raised by Kenton and Cali, he likes to cause trouble with his sister.
Fayearan (Mei Silja) - The secret father of Tin and Enaran, Calixte chose to keep his identity a secret from her children. Though they will find him eventually, he watches them closely from a short distance. He is the Master of Ceremonies with Calixte in the Cerynei Herd.
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:54 pm
Look for a horizontal dividing line to get to the next soq. They are currently ordered by IC age: Calixte, Lynnea, Tinuviel. Please read the 'not looking for' part at the bottom of each section before offering something not outlined in the plots.
Your Plots: If one of my girls (or Oke) fits into your plots, post here and I'll see what I can do to help. <3
Mega Plots: Mega plots are plots that are either priorities or RP-intensive; they are bolded. Please ask to participate! We'd love to have you. <3•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣• ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣Calixte's Plots Listed in chronological order. For now, only plots from her arrival in the Kawani Lands up until her first baskets hatch will be available for the sake of my sanity. =P • An Arrival: Calixte disembarks her ship and tries to get her landlegs back. In the meantime, she meets various soquili, both native and foreign to the Kawani Lands. -----Need: Soquili to do a meet 'n' greet, set ICly right after she gets off the boat. Cali is open to meeting more than one of each breed! I just want her to meet at least one of each. -----Need: 1 Angeni -----Need: 1 Cerynei - Nevena (dryad), Kenton -----Need: 1 Flutter -----Need: 1 Kalona -----Need: 1 Kelpi -----Need: 1 Kirin - Sitareh -----Need: 1 Mer -----Need: 1 Purewalker -----Need: 1 Regular -----Need: 1 Seathi -----Need: 1 Skinwalker (Cursed) - Einar -----Need: 1 Unicorn -----Need: 1 Usdia (all sub-breeds welcome) -----Need: 1 Wind -----Need: 1 Soquili with a draft/warhorse build
• A Search: Before Calixte runs into Kenton, she looks for Areion, whom she refuses to believe has shipwrecked. ((Areion was Cali's first love. She followed him Greece to convince him to come back with her. Areion does not exist in the shop, nor will he ever. He died at sea.)) -----Need: Various soquili to tell her that they haven't seen him.
• A Realization (Self RP): After she's traveled with Kenton for a while and has found no trace of Areion, Calixte gives up hope of finding him and turns to her new life in the Kawani Lands. The first inkling of starting a herd grows in the back of her mind.
• An Accidental Reunion: Calixte meets Trovin while playing hide-and-seek with Kenton. She tells him of a little idea she's been thinking about - starting a Cerynei Herd. Kenton, Calixte, and Trovin resolve to follow the idea through and receive Bella Lillian's blessing before departing to gather Cerynei.
• An Orphan: Calixte finds an orphaned bear while out on her own. His mother has vanished, and so she takes him back to her makeshift camp.
• More of Our Kind: Calixte ventures out in search of Cerynei, Grove Keepers, and Dryads to join the Cerynei Herd. -----Need: Cerynei, Dryads, and Grove Keepers to either refuse or accept her invitation. -----Need:'Tentative members' from the Cerynei Herd thread that need their membership RPs.
• A Place of Our Own: Calixte and Kenton pick a place to settle the herd. Nesting grounds are chosen, and each member can pick what chores they would like to do to help keep up the herd territory.
• Not. A. Fan.: Cali runs into someone that rubs her the wrong way. -----Need: Someone Cali won't get along with! This can be anyone from someone who's full of themselves or someone who doesn't take control of their actions.
• A New Alpha (Self RP): Calixte has met Keii Himba and found that she is in awe of the mare's leading attitude. Long weary of leading the herd by herself, Calixte wonders if there is another position that she could take, and if, perhaps, Keii would take the position of Alpha if it were offered.
• A Change in Positions: Calixte approaches Keii about becoming the Alpha of the herd.
• A Class: Calixte watches and helps out during the first defensive combat classes for the foals and in-need-of-training adults of the herd. -----Need: An adult member of the herd to teach the class. -----Need:Foals and adults of the herd that need to learn to defend themselves.
• A Coming of Age: Coming of Age ceremonies are held for all of the herd's foals. -----Need: Foals that need growth ceremonies.
• A Tentative Idea: Now that all the foals that joined when the herd was first conceived are grown, Calixte has noticed a distinct air of seriousness around the herd. Wondering if it's time she herself had foals, she broaches the subject with Faye. [Done.]
• An Unexpected Secret: Fretting about keeping her pregnancy a secret, Cali leaves the main grounds of the herd to think by the stream. Kenton stumbles upon her there, and she tells him everything. She asks him to help her raise the children, and he accepts. [Done.]
• A Lifemating: Cali and Kenton have their lifemating ceremony before her tummy begins to show too much. Afterward, Cali begins to wear hairsticks and earrings (presents from Kenton...?). A little awkwardness with Faye may ensue.
• Motherhood: Calixte seeks advice from mothers, both within and outside the herd. -----Need: Mothers to tell Cali stories about their children - stories of horror, love, mischief, you name it.
• The Children: Two babies are born and placed in their baskets, which slowly begin to turn their colors to match the foals'.
• A Balancing Act: Cali teaches herself to balance the baskets on her back. Slender as she is, she also has to teach Kenton, as she can't carry both of them.
• Poppings!: The lids on the baskets pop off during a defensive combat lesson, and the foals proceed to stumble around the training grounds.
Not Looking For: Romance (she's life-mated). Permanent maiming (scars are okay, just none too gruesome). War (the only war she has is with the skinwalkers). Death.•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣• ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
Lynnea's Plots Listed in chronological order. Area under construction. Feel free to offer plots and RP. <3 • An Arrival: Lynnea makes her way into the Kawani Lands by journeying all the way around the mountains on the western border of the desert just to avoid the hot sands. On her way, she'll need to meet some soquili from this strange, new land. -----Need: Soquili to do a meet 'n' greet, set ICly as she journeys south. They don't have to be pure meet 'n' greets! Lynnea is very open to other plots at the moment, and I can probably set up new in-depth ones with the help of these meet 'n' greets. Lynnea is open to meeting more than one of each breed! I just want her to meet at least one of each. -----Need: 1 Angeni -----Need: 1 Cerynei - Cheveyo -----Need: 1 Flutter -----Need: 1 Kalona -----Need: 1 Kelpi -----Need: 1 Kirin -----Need: 1 Mer -----Need: 1 Purewalker -----Need: 1 Regular -----Need: 1 Seathi -----Need: 1 Skinwalker (Cursed) -----Need: 1 Unicorn - Zachariah -----Need: 1 Usdia (all sub-breeds welcome) -----Need: 1 Wind -----Need: 1 Soquili with a draft/warhorse build
• Ladies of the Court: Lynnea needs girlyfriends, as she was raised in a culture where the only friends a female ever had were her family, husband, and girlfriends. Male friends were treated with extreme disdain, as they threatened the virtue of young mares. Due to that, Lynnea will probably only have girlfriends. She idolizes one type of stallion (knightly) and treats all others as possible scoundrels (excepting colts, of course.) -----Need: Girl. Friends. Simple <3
• Set the Record Straight: This plot will challenge Lynnea's perception of the male species. She will find that not all of the non-knightly types are scoundrels, and that some of the knightly types are scoundrels, or at least good actors. This is a non-romantic plot, unless someone catches her attention. Even then, it is likely it will not result in baskets. -----Need: 1 nice non-knightly stallion (go-with-the-flow, innocent-of-the-world, whatever works, as long as he's nice.) -----Need: 1 good actor or knightly scoundrel.
• A Woman Scorned: Lynnea will find out the hard way that not all of the soquili are nice, no matter what kind of face they put on. [This can go hand-in-hand with the "Set the Record Straight" plot.] Someone takes advantage of her naivete, either by tricking her into doing something or pulling a prank on her. Angry and wrathful for what feels like the first time in her life, Lynnea decides that she will no longer take everything as it comes after. She needs to learn to beat it off with a stick. Once she's learned, she goes off to find the person who took advantage of her and takes her revenge. This is a non-romantic plot. -----Need: Someone to take advantage of her and set her off. (Must be willing to let her come after them with her new skills after she learns to defend herself. She'll either have to win or they'll have to back off.) -----Need: Someone to teach her to defend herself.
• Ponder This (Self RP): Lynnea realizes that revenge is not the way to do things after having her way with whomever took advantage of her. She decides to try to keep peace unless she's defending herself or someone else from an attacker.
• Not Seen & Not Heard: This is where Lynnea's plots begin to get messy. From the time she could walk until the day she left her homeland, Lynnea was trained to be seen and not heard - a trophy daughter. As such, she walks silently. Her camouflaged coat also makes it hard for one to see her in dappled sunlight, especially when the seasons turn and the berries begin to ripen and flowers bloom. In this plot, Lynnea will overhear and/or see something that she shouldn't, due to her inherently quiet nature. Only, rather than fleeing quietly, whomever she has overheard will see her just before she can escape - and she is dragged into whatever is going on. She will be involved in any plots concerning this one from thereafter. Not Looking For: Romance that doesn't fit her (flings, bad boys, etc., that kind of thing). Permanent maiming (she's not violent, but can defend herself well enough to avoid that). War (too submissive for fighting). Death.•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣• ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
Tinuviel's Plots Listed in chronological order. Only foal plots are available at the moment. Basket plots can be found in Calixte's section. Feel free to offer plots and RP. <3 • Playmates: Tin, as a young filly, is extremely social and rambunctious! This plot happens prior to the Tip of the Iceberg RP, meaning that she is still allowed to wander freely. So, she'd like to meet foals and adults of all shapes and sizes! -----Need: Foals and adults of all shapes, sizes, and colors. <3 We'd prefer if they weren't evil, as her first encounter with evil! soq happens during the Tip of the Iceberg. So let's draw the line at grumpy.
• Flirty Little Thing: Now, as Tin is currently a foal during this plot, this is not romance related. Rather, this plot has to do with her 'coy' nature... She attracts all sorts of things, like a magnet, and then turns from them. So if you can think of anything to do with this, fling it at us. :3
• Family & Herd RP!: Family RP with Tin-Tin! She thinks of the whole herd as her family, so everyone's welcome to join in. <3
• An Uncanny Likeness: Tin has always thought that she didn't look enough like Kenton to be his biological daughter. However, upon meeting her sisters, Tin realizes that children don't necessarily have to look like their parents...Not Looking For: Romance (she's taken by her future one and only). Permanent maiming (not unless Frostbite does it). War (only with Frostbite's clan). Death.•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣•♣• ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:55 pm
[In in-character chronological order. Oldest at the top, newest at the bottom.]
RP's to start (not necessarily for soq that are part of this thread): Illy & Apatite Illy & Whisper
Calixte [Herd membership RPs are listed in no particular order after 'An Accidental Reunion' unless listed somewhere else.] ♣ Newcomers - Calixte & Nevena (Rita Zyon) - [xXx] - dead? ♣ Unwelcome in this Land - Calixte & Einar (stormflower) - [xXx] - finished ♣ Oddities - Calixte & Wystan (Thalea) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ Over the River & Through the Woods - Calixte & Larena (Techno Rocket) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ A Lesson - Calixte and Sitareh (Lady_Ourania) - [xXx] - finished ♣ Forest Folk - Calixte & Kenton (sbuggy166) - [xXx] - finished ♣ An Accidental Reunion - Calixte & Kenton (sbuggy166) & Trovin (nekolulu) - [xXx] - finished ♣ The Meeting of Two Nymphs and a Cerynei - Calixte & Undine and Mizuki (catmagick) - [xXx] - dead? - Cerynei Herd Membership RP ♣ A Grove Keeper and a Dryad - Calixte & Celegras (Fatal Irony) - [xXx] - Revived~ - Cerynei Herd Membership RP ♣ The Future Masters - Calixte & Fayearan (Mei Silja) - [xXx] - finished - Cerynei Herd Membership RP ♣ Attached to Plants - Calixte & Furi (nekolulu) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ Meeting - Calixte & Keii Himba (Yumitoko II) - [xXx] - in progress - Cerynei Herd Membership RP ♣ A Tentative Idea - Calixte & Fayearan (Mei Silja) - [xXx] - finished ♣ An Unexpected Secret - Calixte & Kenton (sbuggy166) - [xXx] - finished ♣ Tip of the Iceberg - Calixte and Tinuviel & Rishy, Frostbite, and Kenton (sbuggy166) & Enaran (Mei Silja) - [xXx] - revived! ♣ No Matter What - Tinuviel and Calixte & Pachelbel and Rondel Forte Amachi (Lady Argentum Draconis) & Crescendo and Beat (Mameha Otome) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ Guided by Nature - Calixte & Amaltheia (Candle Wick Ghost) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ A New Kind of Adventure - Calixte and Ithillun & Cheveyo (Theidren) - [xXx] - in progress
Lynnea ♣ Ideology - Lynnea & Zachariah (XxPrimevalPandaxX) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ Learning to be a Lady - Lynnea & Catori (Theidren) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ A Knight and a Maiden - Lynnea & Cheveyo (Theidren) - [xXx] - in progress
Tinuviel ♣ Tip of the Iceberg - Calixte and Tinuviel & Rishy, Frostbite, and Kenton (sbuggy166) & Enaran (Mei Silja) - [xXx] - revived! ♣ Big Bro, Lil Sis - Tinuviel & Trovin (nekolulu) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ Can't Touch This - Tinuviel & Yggdrasil (LOLTERNATIVE) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ Hello there. - Tinuviel & Wicked Treat (Teh Roarie) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ Dance Me a Song - Tinuviel & Pachelbel (Lady Argentum Draconis) - [xXx] - finished ♣ Bells and Whistles - Tinuviel & Pachelbel (Lady Argentum Draconis) & Beat (Mameha Otome) - [xXx] - finished ♣ On Reasons - Tinuviel & Pachelbel (Lady Argentum Draconis) - [xXx] - finished ♣ No Matter What - Tinuviel and Calixte & Pachelbel and Rondel Forte Amachi (Lady Argentum Draconis) & Crescendo and Beat (Mameha Otome) - [xXx] - in progress
Ithillun ♣ Calm Forest that Speaks - Ithillun & Amaltheia (Candle Wick Ghost) & Faun (sbuggy166) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ A New Kind of Adventure - Calixte and Ithillun & Cheveyo (Theidren) - [xXx] - in progress ♣ Confrontational Silence - Ithillun & Zheadeos (Strait Jacket Girl) - [xXx] -in progress
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:10 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:21 pm
I'm here when ever you're ready. :3 When Keii is challenged I want her to move back to the herd she originally grew up in. :3
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:24 pm
Yumitoko II I'm here when ever you're ready. :3 Awesomeness! ;D Want to do Keii's joining RP, then?
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:25 pm
Mahogany Sunset Yumitoko II I'm here when ever you're ready. :3 Awesomeness! ;D Want to do Keii's joining RP, then?Was about to go bed, but the answer is Yes. biggrin Good luck with the quest for Elderhood, I am trying to do the same thing so I'd be more than happy to help you any time! :3
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:30 pm
Yumitoko II Was about to go bed, but the answer is Yes. biggrin Good luck with the quest for Elderhood, I am trying to do the same thing so I'd be more than happy to help you any time! :3 Mkay, I can start it if you want to go to bed~ It's mid-afternoon where I'm at, so I've got all day. X3 And thank you for the help! If you need anything, I'd be happy to help you, too. <3
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:00 am
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:03 am
Mahogany Sunset Yumitoko II Was about to go bed, but the answer is Yes. biggrin Good luck with the quest for Elderhood, I am trying to do the same thing so I'd be more than happy to help you any time! :3 Mkay, I can start it if you want to go to bed~ It's mid-afternoon where I'm at, so I've got all day. X3 And thank you for the help! If you need anything, I'd be happy to help you, too. <3Thanks I'm back from school now so I'll get to it after some work. biggrin
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:00 pm
Tags <3 Please excuse the run-on/really long sentences. My brain is fried at the moment. X3