Buffy: Traveling hadn't been her favorite thing to do, even though she had met a good many creatures. Of course where there was good, there was always bad, and she had met her share of bad ones too. Though nothing compared to the sights she had seen.. She had loved it for awhile, but she felt she wasnt really going anywhere. After all, she had been traveling for many moons.. She had long forgotten her old home, though a few memories remained with her. Mainly of her family, and the siblings she had had. She had never found love, never found a friend that could be counted on more than once. She was just ready for a damn change. That was it.

She could smell the border markers to the pride that she was coming up on, and she slowed her pace. She had heard of Misri being here, and she had sworn she would at least make sure he was still alive; unlike the rest of their family. She had tracked them down, only to find they had died, each of a different cause.

She stopped at the border, and sat down, her tail flicking around her ankles. Oh dear..Should she try to go in? Or..should she wait?

Cajanic: Dromio knew that he would probably be in trouble for roaming along the boarders of his pride. Being near the forest was something a bit forbidden for someone like him- someone who was supposed to be the next in line to be king. Of course, it wasn't his father who had told him to stay away. No, Bwana was rather okay with him exploring, as was his mother. It was Fara, a member of the war council and Bwana's guardian, who insisted he stay away from the forest. Like some critter would leap out and take hold of him without warning.

Fara worried too much, was Dromio's conclusion as he moved towards the enchanting forest. If he wanted to explore, and his parents saw nothing wrong with it, then that was just what he was going to do.

It seemed he had made the right decision, as he noticed a lovely female not too far away from him, venturing closer towards the pride. A guard might have stopped her, but he was on the scene first, moving in before one of the more strict guards of the pride sent her on her way.

"Well greetings, my lady," Dromio offered with a respectful bow, "it is a pleasure to entertain such a lovely guest. May I ask what brings you to my humble pride?"

Buffy: She had been looking at the borders for a few moments, staring at the tall, menacing trees. Of course they really werent menacing but when you werent sure what lay beyond them.. You had no choice but to be a bit nervous. After all, what if her brother had gone crazy and joined a bloodthirsty evil pride? Not likely, but it not being likely didnt mean it would -never- happen. She took a breath and stood, and as she did her golden ember colored eyes caught sight of a ivory male walking towards her.

She took a moment to look him over while he approached, noting his pretty almost whimsical purple swirls that danced across his shoulder. He was a very handsome male and she felt herself smile. He was friendly too, by the sounds of it. She exhaled, and cleared her throat.

"Hello!" She called. She was always a very sweet, friendly girl and it definitely made things easier to start up easy conversations.
She bowed her head, matching his movements and responded with a elegant, yet gentle tone.
"Its a pleasure to meet you sir! Especially someone with the manners that you carry. Its quite a good trait in a male." She nodded, and looked around her then back at him.

"You live here? Its beautiful.. I was looking for someone, but I was much too nervous to just trapse into anyones pridelands. It made me a bit nervous."
She admitted with a little laugh.

"Im Dulce' Caramella.. But you can call me Dulce', Mr..." She trailed off, as if waiting for his name.

Cajanic: He smiled- at least she didn't seem like the shy type. Honestly, he wasn't good around the animals who seemed nervous around him. Whether they were shy, or just nervous about being around royalty, it just made him feel uncomfortable. It was good, then, that she happened to be so out-going. She didn't know who he was, or what position he held in the pride. That meant she wouldn't start treating him like he was going to poison her if she got too close to him.

He liked the thought of having a normal conversation, even if it was probably in his best interest to be more honest then he wanted to be.

Eh. Maybe later. For the time being, he just wanted to feel normal.

"Is it? I'm glad- I'll have to inform my father that he taught me well." Like Bwana could really be held accountable for his manners. His father was as lax as they came, which his son deeply envied. A casual king- that's what he was. Something Dromio found he couldn't mimic for the life of him. Again, it probably went back to him being treated so differently all the time. Made him less engaging. More formal.

There was nothing he could do about it now, however.

"You need not worry," he informed her, "we're a welcoming pride. If you're looking for someone, we'd be happy to help you in your quest. Is it someone who lives in this pride? You're more than welcome to come in and have a look around. Of course, if you don't mind me sticking around to escort you." He just wanted to make sure he didn't end up letting some horrible murdering into the pride. Not that she looked particularly threatening.

"My name is Dromio. It's an honor to meet you, Dulce." He smiled, making sure to make note of the name. It was the first time someone told him their name without waiting to be asked for it.

Buffy: She smiled and nodded. "Oh yes, do tell him he taught you exceedingly well. I always like a male with manners. Not that Ive met many." She chuckled and looked at her paws. She hoped she wasnt being rude herself, but she tended to be a bit outgoing when it came to others. She had no idea who this guy was, or his position, and sure that could be a liability.. but he seemed quite the gentleman and she was the type to be trusting. So she smiled and nodded, accepting all the help that would be given to her.

"Its good that you are part of a good pride. I was beginning to question finding my brother after all." She grinned, a teasing look on her face. Sure she was going to find him regardless.. even if it meant going on these lands on her own. She apparently was a bit of a daredevil when it came to her missions.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Dromio." She flicked her tail and then got back tot he question he had asked.

"My brother, is here I think. Last I heard he was. I just know he looks like me, and goes by Misri." She chuckled. She wished she remembered more than that, but years had wiped the memory of her brother almost clean.

"Id very much appreciate an escort! Id feel safest that way."

Cajanic: "Ah Misri!" Replied the male, nodding, "I thought you looked like him! Indeed, he is a member of this pride. I don't know him personally, but I have seen him around, and I do hear about him from the other members of the pride. He is a good lion." Hopefully she wouldn't wonder too much about why he happened to know about random members of the pride he had never before met. It was probably strange, wasn't it? For someone to go about learning things about pride members?

Strange for someone who wasn't going to be the next king, anyway. For an heir, it was all part of the job. He needed to know about his pride members, if not meet more of them personally. How could he care for the needs of a pride if he didn't know the members that made it up?

That would just be silly.

He smiled as he moved back towards the pride, waiting for her to join him before he started to walk forward. "We can go where the players like to gather. In this pride, there's a lot of entertainment! Many love to preform for us. Singing, dancing, acting- they enjoy all of it, and make sure we enjoy it, too. There are also lions who make jewelry and costumes. I think you'll find this is a very... different kind of place. From what I know of the outside world, anyway."

All the stories his father had told him made it seem like the rogue lands were wild and very rough. Not at all a place where one could really feel secure. In that sense, he was glad to be in the Suka'Fumo. While the pride had its own dangers, it seemed nothing compared to what lurked beyond the borders.

"I think your brother must have a den nearer the base of the cliffs. The nobility live higher up. I suppose they like the wind in their manes."

Buffy: When he perked at the mention of her brothers name, a smile lit up her features. She was almost giddy to know that she had found Misri after all these years. They were younger lions sure, but they were no cubs..Not anymore. That been the last time she had seen Misri.. A little green ball of fluff that thought he was the cats meow. And maybe he had been, she never knew.

"Its good to hear it. Ive been worried for him. My other family is dead, and I was hoping he would be okay." She had long since accustomed to the idea of her family dying. A plague had wiped them out, from what she had been told. She couldn't really remember them anyway, so she supposed it was okay.

When he walked forward, she followed rather quickly, making sure she wouldnt annoy him by lagging behind. She was all about first impressions after all!

"Oh wow! Really? Oh that sounds amazing. I've been told I can sing, though Ive never really had much of an audience to ever really know if its true." She grinned, and a blush tinged her cheeks as she really never shared that piece of information. Not many asked her of her talents after all!

"Nobility? Your pride sounds quite amazing. What is a noble, anyway?" She asked, feeling ashamed she even had to ask.

Cajanic: "From what I hear, he's very okay," the male replied lightly, "but I suppose I'll leave him to tell you how things are going when you two meet up again. It's probably very exciting, isn't it? Getting to see someone you haven't seen in a while." It was probably more than exciting. For him, his family had always been near. He hadn't had to worry about any of them- they were close and safe, just how he liked it. So he couldn't really relate to what she might have been feeling.

He could still guess at it, though. Which he did. Happily.

"Oh really? You'll have to let me listen some time, if you plan on staying for a little while to visit with your brother. You're more than welcome to," He smiled, "I'm afraid I'm rather talentless. My half-brother loves to act, but I'm afraid I lack the same talents." Least he was going to be king someday- he had the going for him.

He chuckled to himself. Borachio wouldn't care a lick that he was going to be king. He was perfectly happy with his position in life.

"Nobles are just the higher ranking members of the pride," Dromio explained, "Actually, I don't like the idea of them. You can only be noble if you have purple in your fur. And somehow that means everyone has to treat you with respect and let you eat first. It's highly out-dated, if you ask me. But the pride was founded on the ideals. Someday... they'll fade away. I'm sure of it." Blinking, he offered a cheesy grin. "Um, sorry. I don't mean to babble about politics. I can't help myself sometimes."

Buffy: "Oh it is, very exciting. Especially the buildup it took to get here. I thought I might be searching forever!" She chuckled. She likely wouldnt have continued searching forever. Eventually she would have grown weary of her fruitless travels and just given up. But she was happy she had found where he was long before she was feeling such a thing.

She looked at him with a smile, her eyes almost not wanting to meet his as the idea of singing to others made her a bit nervous. She could learn, however, to be okay with it. She wasnt sure she would really ever leave.. She found her brother after all, and depending on his attitude towards seeing her again she might just stay.
"Only if you promise not to laugh at me. No one really has before, but Id hate to have someone be the first." She grinned, a teasing look on her face. Though she was teasing, there was a hint of hope that that wouldnt happen.

"Do you have a large family?" She asked when he started speaking of his half brother. She wasn't sure if she had half siblings, she had been long gone from her parents side by then.

She looked down at her pelt, and chuckled, looking back up and shaking her head. "Im not much of a noble am I?.. But look at you! You could be a noble." She observed, still unknowing of his position.

"Don't apologize. I like hearing about where I am. If I dont hear from you, Ill hear from someone else, and they likely wont be as kind." She said with a nod, her pink mane fluff bobbing against her forehead.

Cajanic: "I wouldn't laugh at you," Dromio assured her, "it's not my style to laugh at pretty ladies." He smiled back at her, attempting to be light-hearted about it so she didn't start to get uneasy. He wouldn't make her sing if it really made her uncomfortable, though it seemed she was being light-hearted about the whole thing. Good. As long as she knew he wasn't trying to be some kind of sleezy lion looking to flirt with her, or force her to do something for him that she didn't want to do. Really, neither were his intention.

He was just trying to be nice, while keeping in mind that he really had no idea how to interact with other lions. The ones who weren't tripping over themselves to treat him with respect. In a way, he never wanted her to know the truth, just so he had one person to speak to normally. Of course, that made him feel a bit guilty when she noted he could be a noble.

"I suppose I could," he replied sheepishly, leaving it at that for fear of spilling too much information.

"That's true," he replied lightly, "I wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression. The lions here are very kind, though some are just a bit grounded in the old ways. They mean well, and it shouldn't be held against them," he concluded with a nod, "why don't I take you to where your brother lives?"

Buffy: She smiled, a blush coming to her cheeks. It had been many many seasons since someone had called her pretty. She just never really was in one place! Though flirting with her wouldnt have been something she would have been uneasy about. Sure she had never known really how to flirt back, but she always enjoyed feeling special. What girl didnt?!

She didn't push for information, because she wasnt even aware that he was a noble. Sure there was that idea, but she never would have guessed that he was an heir. As it was, she was just happy to have someone to talk to. It was nice.

"Im glad.. that you don't feel that way." She said, as they continued towards her brothers den. "Id be rather sad if you didn't like me because Im a bright shade of green." She grinned, and a laugh escaped her throat.

Cajanic: Dromio smiled and gave her a polite bow of his head, leading her off towards the location of her brother's den. He was quite pleased with how things were going. It seemed he was pretty good at talking to others after all! Who would have thought?

It helped that she was really pretty and really sweet, admittedly.