No lie, when it comes to SoA rp I am probably better off in PM rps than in guild rps. And I tend to be forgetful with plots every now and then, so please do not hesitate to poke me for reminders!

If you see anything you like, either post here or pm me! n_n


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Sayida is as calm. quiet, and indifferent as her Domain. Although she does find the mortal ones more intriguing than other immortals. Looking for a mate and maybe a mortal cub or two to adopt.


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Quia is an a*****e, that's all there is to it. He is looking for other's of his former pride and maybe even a spunky lady to call his own...if she can fight his fire with fire.


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Like a steel magnolia, Ibis doesn't take crap from anyone. Although she's the patient type, and will deal you punishment at the appropriate time. Reliable and honorable, she is looking for a strong male to impress her and support her as she tolerates a tyranical king.


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Not certed yet, but part of the U'W and grew up there with her current Pad, who is more like a reliable father figure. Fiesty and with a taste for adventure, Nix can be a handful to those who don't know her. I'd like to see her get pride interactions and/ or potential pad offers.


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Now an Adol, Tarmha is currently in the roguelands on her name quest. Sensitive and demure, she doesn't handle pressure well but makes for a true-hearted friend. I'd love for her to find prince charming, even if she doesn't realize it for a long time do to her innocent nature. xD


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Wanting to join the U'W, I am in need of some females to aquaint Masikanti there. He is an old goat of a personality, and thinks that females will never be as strong as males. While he may have a temper and swipe at other's that piss him off, he protects what is his and that includes his ladies.