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[PRP] I Spy (Faraji, Mel'Tamu)

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Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:17 pm
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Faraji sat at the mouth of his new den, inhaling the morning air deeply. It felt amazingly powerful, having come into his own like this. Oh, he was no huge success. Others had come back with two or even sometimes three females. He had had no desire to do that, though. He'd found his girl and brought her home. All the better that she needed teh protection and stability he could offer. He was quite pleased with himself, all things considered.

They had chosen a den and settled in. He'd allowed himself some time with his first banu, some bonding and nesting time. But after a week or so, he had known it was time. He already had decided whom he was going to ask for, and that if she became his, she would be his beybanu. She was wise to the ways of the pride, was dignified and well-mannered, and was one of the loveliest creatures he'd ever set eyes on.

So it was that he'd gone to her father and put in his name to become her Pad. She didn't need him, not like some of the other banus he might eventually consider asking for. There were even kajira he might seek to rescue from abusive or unfair situations. But to do this, he needed a beybanu who was versed with pride and would support him and be his strong right paw. He could only hope her father and she would both agree to his request.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:54 pm
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Her father (and sometimes Mel through him) had rejected a good number of Pad offers from idiots that thought they could ask for her before they’d even proved themselves, from meek little twerps and from brutes who certainly would raise a paw against her if given half a chance. Mel felt safe knowing her father, his beybanu and her mother would never allow her to be placed in a bad harem but today there was fire of… rebellion in her. Another offer had come in and this time Nywelle had actually seemed… interested. Impressed even. Mel trusted her father implicitly so she was rather excited until he'd said the Pad’s name. Faraji. Faraji?! That little kid she’d met once? She’d waited far too long to be given away to a half-grown boy! Pfff. Faraji.

And yet… her father’s opinion was intriguing and she’d have to provide him with an answer soon. And it seemed there was an unusual amount of banus discussing his arrival at the moment. So odd… it was true she hadn’t seen the Pad for a long time but there was only so much one could change, right? There was only one thing she could do. The young banu decided she’d have to go check out this new Pad as soon as possible. She found his den easily enough but instantly disliked what she saw. There was a banu there and Mel frowned as she hid behind a tree and tried to listen in on

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“I’m terribly sorry to bother you, Pad Faraji. Can I have a word with you?” Mozhgan sounded calm and polite but her expression made it very clear that she was quite miserable about being put in this situation. She wasn’t comfortable around most males and approaching one was definitely not something she did of her own initiative. But in a pride like the U’W, most banus enjoyed discussing the available Pads and this Faraji seemed to be rather promising. At least that was the general consensus. A lot of banus had asked Mozi about him, wondering if her gift had somehow given her some insight regarding his future banus and when that had failed a small group had somehow convinced Mozi to go ask him herself. Hopefully, she’d be able to this done quickly without causing offense or shaming herself and her father in the process. She was already regretting this whole thing.


Rainbow Cat


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:11 pm
Faraji turned to smile at a grown lioness approaching. It wasn't an affectionate smile, but one of welcome and greeting. "It is not a bother, Banu Mozhgan," he replied with a quiet chuckle. "I am not busy at all, unless you count gathering wool to be a demanding pastime." He grinned at her, recalling what little he knew of her. He hadn't grown up with her, for if he could remember correctly, she had spent part of her cubhood elsewhere. Consequently, he had met her in passing, knew of her, but didn't know much about her.

"How can I be of service?" he asked mildly. Something was clearly on her mind, and though it was his right to deny her the opportunity to speak, he was never that crass and unkind. He found such haughtiness highly uncouth and unnecessary. Females deserved so much more respect and love than some were given here. It made him want to grit his teeth to just think about it, but he did not wish to frighten or discourage the banu before him.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:46 pm
Mel was not disappointed with what she was seeing yet. Faraji had certainly filled up rather nicely and there was a masculine air about him that made her tingle. She eyed his golden gaze for the longest time as she eavesdropped, silently analyzing his expressions. True, he wasn’t the son the Sultan or even one of the Viziers but she’d heard only good things regarding Pad Vu. She had hoped he’d turn the green banu away quickly but he had smiled and talked to her and Mel felt… was it jealously?! No, she was simply annoyed that Faraji had the nerve to try to claim her and then be all nice to whatever banu popped into view. Yeah, that was all there was to it.


He knew name. Mozhgan was rather intimidated by that but she tried not to show it. Her gift and past in the demon pride and made the young banu rather well-known in some circles but she was still surprised when someone said her name when she didn’t expected it. She tried to focus on his kind smile and taking a deep breath, she finally dared to continue.

“Thank you. I have… I’m not sure if you’re aware but there has been some talk about you amongst the banus especially the younger ones that haven’t been claimed yet." Well, even the older ones seemed to talk about him. “I’m terribly sorry to ask such a private and awkward question…” Oh, why was she doing this? This felt so wrong! “Because my gift wasn’t able to help them in any other way… Pad Faraji. Are you planning on taking a banu from the pride anytime soon? Please, feel free not to answer if the question bothers you.”


Rainbow Cat


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:01 pm
At the information that there had been talk about him, Faraji was highly surprised. He arched a brow and watched her patiently, careful not to show approval and pleasure, nor to show the opposite either. Inwardly he felt rather flattered, but not at all affected. The pride could talk all they wanted, what he did was his own affair. He was not one to be nudged into action or inaction by what others thought or said. His first instinct, after surprise, was one of indignance, but he hadn't yet heard what all the gossip was about. He momentarily flared up with inward anger, for it was possible they disapproved of the banu he had brought back. That was none of their business, and he'd stoutly defend her to his death, if he must. How dare they?!

But it turned out to be less intrusive and more curiosity that had gotten mouths flapping. The question was logical and definitely in the interest of any available females in the pride. It still surprised him that they'd be interested in him, but he smoothly went with the flow and answered the honest question. The poor thing asking it clearly had been bullied into it, since she gave off waves of almost painful embarrassment.

"I do intend to take a pridal banu," he began, "and I have already inquired after the one I prefer." He smiled kindly at her, a mute forgiveness for the acutely embarrassing question. "I am hoping to hear back soon whether her father and she will have me, but I will not be asking for any others until I have my answer. Should the answer be no, I will consider others. For now, though, she is the only one I am interested in." He winked in a brotherly manner at the timid lioness. "Don't worry, your Pad will be sure to show up soon and sweep you off your paws."
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:25 pm
Mel chuckled from her spot, Mozi’s pained expressions a rather good and unexpected form of entertainment. She was clearly not happy about being there which made Mel less upset about her asking such private things about her prospective Pad. Still, she had to admit that being able to hear his answer without facing the lion himself was a case of great timing.

She wondered what kind of rogue girl he had brought back to the pride. Something pretty, she hoped. Well… not too pretty, right? She better not be prettier than Mel.


“Ah, is that so?” There were no words to describe how relieved Mozhgan felt when Faraji started answering her so naturally and that probably showed in her expression. He’d actually bothered enough to give her a long and thoughtful reply and Mozi couldn’t help but wonder who was the banu who had caught the interest of such a kind Pad. She was extremely happy to be able to settle this matter even though she doubted her friends and acquaintances would be pleased with this new revelation. Faraji’s last words caused an immediate widening of her eyes and she took on step back, looking beyond embarrassed. Dear Gods, did he think she was inquiring on her own behalf? Throwing herself at him? Would strange rumors spread? Would her father ever hear about this? “No, I… Not me… I wasn’t… It were… I…” One deep breath, count to three. “Thank you and good day, Pad Faraji. I hope you get a good answer on… that. I apologize for taking your time. With your permission, I’ll take my leave.” And she took a few steps back, clearly ready to leave unless he asked her to stay.


Rainbow Cat


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:44 am
He was both amused and chagrined at her discomfiture at the whole conversation. He mentally chided himself, but couldn't help but grin faintly at her attempt at a swift and hasty departure. He bowed his head and murmured, "Good day, Banu Mozhgan." He politely looked away, choosing to groom his paw instead of watch her hasten away. The whole situation was rather unusual, but Faraji was in no hurry to add to his harem. The only one he'd felt would bring anything important to his little family right now was Mel'Tamu, and that was all he was interested in currently. She would bring additional stability and some help for Ng'y in knowing the finer rules of etiquette in the pride. As such, she was the correct choice for Beybanu. He only hoped she was pleased with his choosing her. In truth, Ng'y already had his heart, and Mel his respect. He hoped Mel could be happy enough with him that he could come to love her as well.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:51 pm
It was with a long sigh of relief that Mozhgan nodded once again before finally taking her leave, mentally chastising herself for allowing others to put her in this embarrassing situation. She’d been considerably lucky that the Pad in question had been polite and kind but she was aware that the whole affair could've ended badly had Faraji been a little less nice or simply offended by the blatant intrusion of his privacy. Then again, her gift was pretty good at keeping her out of trouble so there had never been any risk of serious danger befalling her… not that the unbearable mortification felt particularly good at the moment.


Mel’s head disappeared from view as the green lioness stepped away from Faraji’s den and it took a few moments before she dared to look back. A brusque wind ruffled her mane and made her necklace sway in Mel’s chest, causing the tiniest sound of clacking beads.

Mel was conflicted though not as much as she thought she’d be. Sure, Faraji lacked grand names in his breeding but his father was a good and kind Pad and it was clear the golden-eyed lion was following his example. He’d answered the rude question patiently without appearing angry or even smug and the brown lioness was certain that he was the kind of Pad who treated his banu kindly and fairly. The revelation made her somewhat jittery for some reason.


Rainbow Cat


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:14 pm
Faraji was faintly aware of the sound of the clacking beads, his ears swiveling at the soft, odd noise. However, he had no interest in discovering the source. Instead, his eyes scanned the path leading past the den entrance. He kept watch for his banu, his Ng'y, to return home with her kill. It wasn't as if this was her first time out hunting for the two of them, but it had become their habit for him to wait for her there in the sunshine, eyes and ears eager for her approach. It was becoming a tradition he savored. Reunion, even after so brief a separation, was always sweet.

His mind drifted back to Mel, though, as he waited. What would it be like, if she said yes? Would he continue awaiting their return, be here to greet both females joyfully? But what if she said no? Well, there was bound to be another who would willingly come in her place. A slanted glance after the long disappeared seer reflected his thoughts. Yes, there was sure to be someone who would seek to join his harem of her own free will. He never would pressure anyone to do so reluctantly. This was why he had not sought out Mel himself. He wanted her to choose on her own time.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:23 pm
Mel remained perfectly still as Mozhgan did her little “walk of shame”. She could almost swear Faraji had noticed her already so the brown banu almost took it personally that he didn’t stand up and come to greet her at once. Annoyed, even if unreasonably so, the young lioness walked out of her hiding place and circled Faraji’s den, sitting down at a considerable distance to the left of the yellow-eyed Pad who her bright green eyes were pointedly ignoring. I am here, if you want to talk to me you better move your lazy butt and walk the distance.

She was very straight, her whole body tense in a rigid sitting position as Mel waited for the Pad’s reaction, head pointing slightly up as she kept pretending she didn’t notice the den or the large lion at its mouth. She patted the rock on her chest for comfort, a gesture that always gave her strength.


Mozhgan sighed with relief when she realized the worst had passed. When she glanced back over her shoulder, the green banu noticed the shape of a dark lioness getting closer to Faraji’s den. She recognized Mel almost instantly and it would be lie if she said she wasn’t curious about why she’d also come to see the Pad but Mozi was not much of a gossiper and she’d already had enough thrills for the day… week… month. What Mel was doing there was none of her business and she wasn’t planning on telling anyone what she was seeing. Without a sound, Mozhgan hastened her pace, trying to disappear as quickly as possible.


Rainbow Cat


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:38 am
The sound had repeated, but in a different place, and so soft he still didn't pay it any mind. He did notice, however, when Mel came out from behind his den and stood a ways off, pointedly not looking at him. He sat up straighter in some surprise, but hopeful pleasure rising within. Well, now was his chance to make a good impression! He self-consciously ran a paw through his white mane before standing and padding a slow few steps in her direction.

"Greetings, Banu Mel'Tamu," he acknowledged her politely, but with definite warmth. He almost welcomed her to his den, but nearly bit his tongue to stop himself. Though he would mean it as a friendly greeting, she very easily could have taken it as him automatically assuming she'd come to join his harem. He did not, and would rather let her claw him than leave that impression. But what else could he say? He looked faintly chagrined, and finally opted for honesty. "I wish I could think of something clever and casual to say, but I must admit, I am hoping perhaps you came to give me your answer." His gaze was direct and sincere, but he sat down and curled his tail about his paws, careful not to loom over her or seem to be pressuring her in any way. If she didn't want him, it was best that she not join his harem, and that was that, no matter how much he wished she would.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:42 am
Mel was very pleased to see – out of the corner of her eye, of course – the white-maned male stand up so quickly and approach her. Honestly, she couldn’t really complain, could she? Her family all agreed in their approval of Faraji. He seemed to be kind and patient even when asked inappropriate questions. He certainly wasn’t bad to look at either. And he seemed very interested in Mel and having her in his harem. Even his words made him sound honest and likeable.

No, she definitely couldn’t complain and that made her somewhat… anxious. She’d come here with the absolute certainty that she would find some fault in Faraji, in the “cheeky kid” who had dared to ask for the daughter of a God. The young banu suddenly realized she was probably in the presence of her future Pad instead and while there was considerable excitement in her, there was also a hint of fear.

“Pad Faraji.” She started somewhat coldly even though that wasn’t her intention at first. “I’m glad you have returned to the pride uninjured and with a suitable banu. I’ve been told she’s quite pretty.” She turned to face the lion with a determined expression but there were small signs that she wasn’t completely sure of herself at that moment. Would she be happy with him? Mel hated that her gift had never been able to give her some insight regarding her future. “Perhaps that is what I had come to do though I was somewhat startled when I saw a banu from Pad Anwar's harem leaving your den.” Her eyes narrowed a little and there was a sharp edge to her tone – even though she’d seen everything that had happened before. But she was nervous and she couldn’t help lashing out – even in such a restrained way – against the source of her discomfort. This was her final test, she decided. If Faraji gave her the wrong answer, she would turn away and march straight into her father’s den and declare the yellow-eyed male unsuitable to be her Pad. And if he were to bash the poor green banu behind her back, Mel would even hate him.


Rainbow Cat


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:59 pm
He watched her curiously as she spoke, noting the stiffness and almost cold manner. However, he was a compassionate and understanding male, and had trained himself to see the best in all females. It was this choice of perception that gave him a hint to what was really going on under the surface. He worried her. The very idea touched his heart, and made him want to comfort her, hold her close, reassure her. Her stilted manner warned him from it, though. Hopefully he could prove himself to her.

Her next words revealed yet more, and a look of enlightenment crossed his face. "Ah, yes, that could seem rather suspicious," he agreed. "In truth, she was here to set rumors at rest, rather than create more." He offered her a smile, an invitation to share in his mild joke. "Apparently the daughters of the pride have been wanting to know who I would be asking to join my harem." He cleared his throat with a touch of embarrassment. "I... ah... had no intentions of asking for anyone else. And that is what I told her." He gave a slight shrug and spread his paws wide, a posture of vulnerability and openness. "With that information, she left."
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:41 pm
“I see…” she said softly, in a much more subdued tone.

Oh, she just didn’t know what to do with him! He was so patient when she was being bratty – yes, she was aware of it – and with just a few words he had managed to answer all the worries she had and the ones she’d pretended to have. Her final resistances faded away almost instantly when he explained the previous situation exactly as she’d seen it. There was always a small chance a male might change after taking a banu but Mel didn’t think Faraji was the sort. With the tiniest sigh and no change in her expression she started walking away slowly. After a few steps, the brown banu stopped and looked back at the yellow-eyed lion who was going to be a great part of her life soon.

“I’ll need a few days to give a proper goodbye to my family. I’ll expect you to introduce me to my new sister then.” She offered him the tiniest - almost playful - smile before she started walking again, bright green eyes narrowing coyly. “Good day… Pad Faraji.”

- FIN -


Rainbow Cat

[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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