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Reply [IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]
[JRP] Straightforward (Amnot x Jahina)(Fin)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:56 pm
User ImageAmnot had always been a serious lion, even as a child and it had been her seriousness that had compelled her to leave the pride of her parents and seek a destiny of her own. She had spent many moons out on her own, drifting from place to place learning what she could about the different types of healing that was offered to her. Still, the no nonsense lioness hadn't found the place that felt like home to her and for a moment she wonder if she ever would.

Until she came upon the lands of the Aka'meli.

She had happened upon the pride by pure chance, or perhaps by the hands of destiny, one day and immediately was overcome by a feeling. She could not describe it but she felt as though she had been lead there on purpose and the idea had only been cemented in her mind by the appearance of a small, white bird who had come to her with and urgency that had caught her off guard. The proclamations of "Finally! I've found you!" from the little bird had startled her, confused her and left her with a bubble of happiness that filled her.

It was nice to come across someone that had been so pleased and excited to see her. It had been her reasoning to stay and now she found herself wandering deeper into the folds of the pride, senses on high alert as she searched.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:04 am
User Image

Jahina. The trickster. Except today she was not playing a trick, which was a rather odd thing. In fact she was lazing around doing little of use; her belly full from her recent meal. Stretched out on her side in the sunshine, her tail flicked idly at the buzzing insects, though they insisted on staying close by.

She was alone, too, which was another odd thing.

No vulture chattering close by or circling above. The feathered companion was probably still picking at bones and chatting up all the local feathery residents. That, at least, aided Jahina in her dozy state; her mouth curled up in contentment.

She was a very happy cat indeed and she always had been. Even when things had been tough and the land shaken and torn. Jahina had been there with her smile and her encouraging words and though it might have irritated some, it was certain to be welcome by others. In any case, she was unaware of the approaching outsider and would be until she either made a sound - by accident or on purpose.


Fuzzy Kitten


PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:02 pm
Amnot didn't realize she had come so close to Jahina until she was no more than a few yards away. She cursed herself softly for being so careless, she had been looking high for any approaching creatures and had forgotten that many liked to rest, as the lioness before her was. She halted her steps immediately and appeared to freeze in hesitation.

Her mind raced as she struggled to determine the best course of action, clearly she was an outsider but she didn't want to be. She didn't know how the pride viewed outsiders, would the lioness be hostile when she approached? She knew better than to try and sneak up on the resting female, it wouldn't bode well for her if she was hostile.

So instead she cleared her throat, expression plain as she then called out. "Excuse me."
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:17 pm
Someone spoke and Jahina gave a small groan as she stirred from her drowsy state. The sun was so deliciously warm and she was so incredibly comfortable. Did she really want to get up? No...not really, no. But if someone was there, then it was rude to just lay down and ignore them.

With some effort, she cracked open an eye and lifted her head just enough to spy the dark lioness standing close by. The first thought Jahina had was that she did not recognise this one. Was she a new member, then? With markings like hers, she was certain she'd have recognised her if she'd been related to anyone already within the lands. Those red stripes on her face drew her attention instantly.

"Oh, sorry, I was just having the most amazing nap!" With a laugh she rolled onto her stomach and yawned, not bothering to shake the dirt and leaves that had stuck to her fur. "I don't think we've met? Are you new?" Her smile was friendly enough and she remained relaxed. After all she'd never had any reason to fear a lion or lioness. She'd not been around when all that nasty business with the intruders had happened. "I'm Jahina. Pleased to meet you."


Fuzzy Kitten


PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:48 am
Amnot had received most of her looks from her father, but the red stripe that went from her eye to just above her lip was something she had received from her mother. It was a sign of the heritage she never had a chance to learn about, her mother had left the Mteo long before the lioness had ever been conceived. Briefly she wondered if she would ever get to know either of her sets of grandparents, it seemed unlikely. Even more so now that she had found a place she wished to call home.

"I apologize for disturbing you," she replied immediately. She had never been one to mince words and she was sorry she had interrupted the lioness's nap. "We haven't," she replied sharply, her tone colder than she had meant it. She was never the best when it came to talking to others cheerfully. It was simply who she was and she cared little to change it. "Yes. My name is Amnot," she introduced herself with a sharp nod of her head.

She sighed when she found that she struggled coming up with the words for the question she wished to ask. She had never struggled with something like this before, so why now? "I am actually seeking to join," she stated slowly. "I wished to know if there was any prejudice against rogue lions seeking entry."

Maybe she had chosen the wrong lion to speak with. "Or an introduction to your leader, if possible."
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:16 am
"Oh no, it's quite alright! Meeting a new face is far more interesting than having a nap. I can nap any time!" Jahina waved off the apology with a flourish of a paw. If Jahina noticed the other's tone, she certainly didn't seem to show it. After all, one of her closest friends wasn't a particularly happy creature, either.

"It's nice to meet you, Amnot."

And then her ears picked up with interest and the brown and white female leapt to her paws; eyes bright with curiosity. "Oh, to join! How wonderful! The Aka'mleli could always do with some new life!" New people to play tricks on. What a bonus! "I can certainly answer questions if you have them, though some might be more appropriate for one of higher rank. I'm a nanny in these lands." Not exactly a high-flying role but one which Jahina adored. She loved cubs and often acted like a big cub herself. "We've had rogues join before so I don't see why they wouldn't allow you to join." Her tail flicked. "You'll definitely need to seek an audience with King Umoja if you want to join. He likes to oversee the new members and ensure he keeps tabs on everything that goes on." Jahina had not been around during the whole nasty business with the rogues before, but she had heard the stories, of course. That little incident had made the joining process perhaps a little more complicated.

"You'll also need to speak with our Seer of Truth, Peke. Once you've got the okay from them, your good to go!"

"Don't forget about the avians!" A hoarse voice called from above and a moment later a huge, hulking vulture landed heavily on the ground, stirring dust as she rearranged her tremendous wings. Some might think a vulture was an ugly creature, but this one certainly held herself as if she were something to be admired.

"Lions and avian kind live in harmony, here."

Jahina laughed. "Yes, true, but the avian can come later, I'm sure. It would be too much to ask of a joining lioness to ask her to not only have intimidating meetings but also to have found her bonded!"

Her hazel eyes turned back to Amnot. "This is my bonded; Ngeu. And what she says is right. Every member of the Aka'mleli - at some point in their lives - will pair with an avian. For those born here, it is usually at around adolescence, but since you were born outside, it won't matter if it takes longer."


Fuzzy Kitten


PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:00 am
Amnot was taken back by how cheerful and friendly the lioness was being to her. It seemed strange because the bird who had attached himself to her had warned her that all of the members of the pride were cautious and suspicious of any and all outsiders. He couldn't explain, in detail, why that was but it was simply because he had been born after the events that had nearly devastated the pride. Though she would deny it, Amnot was a curious individual who would eventually be driven to seek the history behind their apprehension towards outsiders.

"Nanny's are important for the proper growth of a pride," she responded quickly, before she even blinked. "In order for a pride to properly flourish, every position must be considered important. Even if it seems insignificant," she continued, a firm nod of her head. "I see," she mumbled when instructed to seek out the king, it made sense. Though the idea of having an actual king was almost foreign to the lioness. She hadn't grown up in a properly structured pride but she had a vague idea of how they ranked.

"Seer of Truth?" She seemed startled by the idea of having to meet with a seer. "That seems...odd? Is he part of the council and royal family?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. If she understood the events that had passed it would have made more sense, but now it was just a strange concept. "Interesting."

It was as if he had heard them talking about her need for a bird companion that Amasai screeched happily and seemed to descend from nowhere. "She does not need to worry about that," he chirped as he swooped low, settling in the air just before Jahina's face. "She has me," he told them proudly, his chest puffed up. "I could very well be the reason that she has chosen to seek entry." Amasai flapped his wings and shot up in a twirl before swooping and settling on Amnot's shoulder.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:01 am
She smiled at that. She liked this lioness already. "I'm glad you think so! After all, a cub can't be left to wander without someone close by to keep an eye on it. That's where I come in!" As well as teaching them games, telling stories and having adventures. Jahina felt her life was pretty much perfect at that moment in time.

"That's right. To be honest, I'm not sure. I guess he'd be considered more a council member, or maybe an advisor to the king. The pride is wary of newcomers since the last band of rogues that came and caused trouble. Since then the king likes Peke to make sure that every new member is checked, just to ensure that they want to join for the right reasons." She smiled with a flash of teeth. "I guess that the concept is probably quite individual to the pride."

And then the avian appeared. "Oh! Hello!" Was Jahina's instant reaction. "This is wonderful! What a pair you make! This land was definitely meant for you both."

The vulture looked equally pleased. "I agree. This seems much like fate with you here and a bird companion in tow." She reached up with a wing and brushed Jahina's shoulder. "Let's not stand here gawking. Let's take them to where they need to go."

She gave another low croak. "What is your name?" She asked of Amnot's companion. "I am Ngeu, esteemed companion of Jahina."


Fuzzy Kitten


PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:56 pm
"Fascinating," Amnot commented intrigued by this knowledge. She briefly considered trying to push the lioness for more information about the events but decided that, for now, it would be best to let it lie. It was something she would seek answers to at a later time, perhaps she would even question said seer. Surely he would know details of what had happened.

"Admittedly I find the concept of a king...strange," she told Jahina, "but I know that it is...normal for a pride to have one. The pride of my birth was one with a strange and complex rank system." She rambled though she knew the information she was sharing had little to do with the topics they had discussed.

Amasai chuckled as his bonded struggled with the more, friendly aspects of introducing herself and trying to get to know the other lion. She could be such a stick in the mud that he was grateful she had met one of the more inviting members of his home. "Come now Amnot, why dwell upon the past when the future is so inviting?" He pressed his cheek into the dark lioness's cheek then looked over at the vulture.

"My name is Amasai."

Amnot shook her head slightly at the words of her bonded. "You will make the same mistakes if you do not learn from the past," she reminded him as she stepped forward. "Please, do lead us to your king or the seer. I cannot explain why but this is where I belong. I know it within my heart."
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:15 pm
"You'll have to tell me about your home pride sometime. I'd love to hear of it! I've not been far from these lands, myself and it's always fun to hear stories of places I will never get to see with my own two eyes."

She smiled at the pair as they conversed, complimenting one another perfectly. Hestia worked in mysterious ways. How the goddess knew which bonded was meant for who was a concept that Jahina did not understand. And yet, the goddess worked her magic and created partnerships that would last a lifetime. They truly were a blessed people to have Hestia looking down upon them so favourably. "The mistakes of the past are certainly remembered but if we don't look to the future we risk never cracking a smile." Jahina smiled fondly and gestured for them to follow her.

"Come, come! They'll be overjoyed to meet you both." And, with a wide smile, she turned and began a steady descent down the path to where the king usually patrolled.

"Pleasure to meet you, Amasai." The vulture replied to the avian directly, stretching out her blue pinions and giving them a testy flap. "The process of joining shouldn't take too long. Jahina knows the way. I'll fly ahead and give them warning so that they are ready to welcome you."

She launched herself into the air, beating her huge wings to gain altitude and glide ahead.

New friends. New members. Life in the Aka'mleli moved slowly at times, but it was moving and that was all that mattered.



Fuzzy Kitten

[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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