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Name: Tia Loveheart

Age: 16

Height: 5'

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Persona: First appear to be shy, timid, a pushover, reserved, and somewhat stupid, but is actually is fun loving, different from most people you meet, can stand her ground, and intelligent. But when needed that she can be harsh and rude but rarely is. She is usually calm and but looks distracted. And a little afraid of slaves. She can also be a bit reckless and stubborn.

History: Tia grew up in a wealthy family and the youngest of three brothers and sister. But is usually by herself in her room because of her bad health. So she never knew how life is outside the her mansion. Until one day that someone burned down their mansion and Tia was the only one who made it out of it alive. Turns out that one of servants over there made the fire and was near her parents bedroom which is the other side of where she was. It also somehow killed her siblings and she was taken to a special orphanage for weeks until the will found her. And she inherited all the money and made herself a place to stay.Ever since then she taught herself how to use weapons that she can easily pulled out any time. Like a gun or a pepper spray. And taught herself basic martial arts procedures to defend herself. She now took over the family business which is kinda dangerous depends which way you look at it. So a slave is needed help for only minor things and can protect themselves or anything else the slave can do. She is also worry that person who burned her mansion down is still out to get her and a few other people too...

Slave(s): None at the moment.

Collar: Any

Charms: Any