I've been actually planning to post this for a while, even when the Stormborn were still a rogue-art pride xd I never know what to say, so I'll make this fairly straight forward xd This is Susu:

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She's, as her cert says, a priestess in the Stormborn. She's also got 4 RPs! Yay, confetti! Which brings me to my point... I'm seeking a fling for her! But she wans seer babies(She's a seer herself, but more by chance), and after exposure to gods, she's been fairly observant of the fact that "God + Mortal = Seer babies," ergo, her best course of guranteeing seer babies is to find an appropriate god to sire them.

Now, a little about her - She's not all right in the head, as told by the fact she favors carrying rabbit heads around. No idea where she gets them, but she likes to rotate them when they stop smelling like more than old fur and bones. She's not above cubnapping, either - Just as her 'son,' Munyu. But after THAT little stunt, her older half-brother, Yu, has been particularly attentive of what she's up to, so there's no more of THAT happening. So that leaves the most obvious course of action in her mind.

There ARE some specifications she seeks in a potential sire.
- Dark colors are loved
- So is white
- If he's colorful, she'd want that suppressed. She has enough color to spare, in her mind, and doesn't want a baby that looks like a flower. Vikings aren't big on flowers, as it were...
- Dark personalities are a plus! Snarker? Adored. a*****e? Even better! She's got no idea if that would actually pass on, but she wants vicious little cubs, to boot!
- On markings, she's game for just about anything! Though since she's already got wing markings, it might be silly if wing marks are suppressed... They may pop up regardless of suppression or not.

This is an OOC one - He should already have four RPs ready to go, so we only have the one to do!

I WILL confess, IF there's enough cubs in the litter(IE, 3-6), I'd want to custom in an opposite-gender twin to whatever cub I keep. If there's only ONE cub, I may custom a cub in anyway so the single base cub can be given away. If there's a significant number of boys(Like, pretending it's a litter of 4, with 3 boys and 1 girl), then at least one custom would HAVE to be a girl, because Susu fully intends to raise at least one girl as another Priestess in the pride.