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[Q] Patches, the Teddy Bear [Ready/Crits]

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Shy Wife

PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:14 am
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Patches info go hereeeee.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:16 pm

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Name: Patches
Nicknames: IC development required~
Gender: Male
Age: 15

Faction: Ghost
Race: Haunt - (Teddy Bear)

Natural Ability: Stich Me Back Up!: Uhhh. So, he has this rather creepy ability to stich himself back up. His insides are fluff despite his outward appearance. If you manage to rip him up he'll just stich himself back together with some thread. However, he needs one arm attached to do this, and if both arms are ripped off he'll have to seek a friend to stich him back together. Also, it hurts like a b***h, so if you're the unlucky soul assigned to patch him up stray clear from his mouth, he'll try and bite his pain away.

Personality: Temper - Despite how cute, fluffy, and generally adorable he looks Patches has an issue with his temper. He gets annoyed easily. Whether it's a girl saying he's cute (which he detests) or someone toying with his things it'll send him into a blind rage. He never liked being called cute, to him being cute isn't manly, and being manly is something Patches desires more than anything. Why? Well, when you look like a cute, huggable sack of love like he does wouldn't you? Wouldn't you want something to define you as a man rather than a girls hug friend? Hell, it pisses him off more than anything to be called cute, cuddly, adorable, or anything related to that.

He doesn't like sharing what is his, never has, never will. He is possessive of anything that lands in his mind as his, and won't let it go without a full-out fight. Literally. Despite this, if he were to truly care for someone (and I mean this person would have to go through hell and back to become this special) he may let them touch his things, or even borrow them. It isn't that he doesn't trust people, it's more like he just doesn't want his things being handled by anyone else. It's his, it belongs to him, that means in his world it should only be touched by him.

When angered, Patches can become childish, which in itself could be cute. Often he'll curse, throw things, bite the first moving object near him, or just complain with a scowl or pout. He's easily calmed, though. All one needs to do is offer him a sweet and he melts. He'll be calm as long as the sweet lasts, so perhaps a lollipop is your best bet. The second it's gone though he may remember what angered him in the first place and throw another fit. His fits will lessen and eventually stop as he grows.

Clingy and Protective - Despite his tendencies to become a raging monster at times, Patches has a softer side. To anyone he deems his friend Patches will become both clingy and protective of. To become his friend is rather... well... easy in a way? To become a close friend though... Patches tends to try to have very few of those. Mostly because he feels the more close friends you have the less value they hold as a person. A person is close because they are special. To have a million special friends makes them... well, less special.

Still, close or not, he'd protect any of his friends from any harm. Patches will become extremely violent if a friend of his is severely hurt. He'll be almost uncontrollable with rage and likely go after the person with intentions to severely break them, even if they are far stronger then him. If a friend is emotionally hurt expect him to become bitter, cruel, and down right hostile to the offender. Mostly, if you hurt his friends he'll do the exact same to you, only ten-folds worse.

His clingy part is rather strange. If he spots a friend of his he'll just naturally begin to follow them, unless they tell him to buzz off. He'll also become affectionate and friendly, even give them random presents or go out of his way to make them smile. Don't get me wrong, he'll still have those moments where he'll throw a table in his childish rage, but he'll be a lot more docile around his friends. However, he's much more sensitive around them as well. He has this underlaying fear that he is not truly loved by his friends, where this emotions comes from he doesn't understand nor shall he ever. However, it comes from previous emotions from before he became a ghost. He'll always fear being abandoned, this will make him extremely sensitive to his friends emotions and perhaps cause some insecurities about their friendship. He'd take being rejected a lot harder than most people, and would become a mess over a simple fight with a friend that would normally not be a big deal to anyone else. During those moments he'd likely do anything in his power to reconcile with the other person, often over-doing it.

I Own You - Romance would be rather... challenging with him. Oh, you'd get the protection and presents and affection you so desire, but he'll become jealous easy. Until he is fully grown Patches will be the type to watch his significant other closely, often appearing from nowhere if they are speaking to another person and draping his arm over them. He'll constantly find ways to show that they are his. Whether it be by making constant hickeys, always keeping some limb on them, or giving them something that screams his name.

However, he might not understand why his partner becomes jealous as well. He'd be completely okay with speaking to others, because he knows his own feelings. His own issue with his partner being near another is that they may be taken from him, hurt, or he may be abandoned. However, why would he worry about himself? He'd do the exact things his partner would not be allowed to do, or most of them. He'd never cheat, ever. But he would happily speak to others, snuggle others (it's in his nature), and be generally affectionate. He'd need to be told why it's not alright if his partner is uncomfortable with this, and extensively. He'll need to be told in a way that he'll realize that he's being a hypocrite.

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Nom! - Biting. He just... it's his favorite frickin' thing to do. Biting. His canine teeth are sharper than most, and often they hurt if he doesn't get a few noms in. So, he'll casually chew on things while lazing about. His first reactions when anger are: A.) Bite it. B.) Throw it. C.) Bite it again. Biting just is his existence. You're his boilfriend or ghoulfriend? He'll bite you lovingly. His friend that just pissed him off? He'll bite you sharply. Some nobody picking a fight? He'll bite you until he tastes blood. It's just who he is. Perhaps he should have been a dog...

Challenge Accepted - Very competitive. Patches does not back down from a competition unless it endagers the lives of those he holds dear. Other than that, he's game. Risks his own life? Who cares? Not him. He's fiercely competitive, perhaps he'd even cheat during his first year to win. However, as he grows he'll approach competitions with a more nobel view-point. If he loses, Patches will continue approaching the competition over and over, forcing the winner to repeat the event constantly until he won. This could be an never-ending battle. One must be prepared for the worst when challenging him into a contest.

Ew! Disgusting! - He. Hates. Vegetables. He's a child in that aspect. He will happily flip a table if he was offered broccoli or carrots. Hell, he'd even run away. One would need to literally hold him down to force feed him proper food. Actually, Patches is content only eating candy. Ever. Sometimes meat, too. His diet is disgusting, how he's not fat is a wonder... He'll certainly need someone to make him eat proper food. Expect him to give you a good n** and run.

Hey? Wanna Snug? - Despite all those loud protests about not being cuddly, it's his answer to tears. It's mostly his teddy bear side, but his reaction to anyone crying (unless he caused it on purpose) is to come closer, hug them, and allow them to snuggle into him. Later he'd deny it ever happened to retain his dignity, but deep down he'd be glad he could help. Tears = hugs.

Cursing!, He Does It - Last but not least, he loves to curse. Mostly when he's angry, or grumpy, which he is usually one of the two. It's best to keep small children from him, he's happy to let rip the foulest curse words even around children.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Honestly, he came because he was lonely. He hated being alone, always had. When he came to this world he had this sinking, frightening feeling in his stomach that he was alone, and that alone was bad. He heard of the academy and arrived to be near people. Just being near others is enough for him. However, as he started to notice he looked rather... ahem... cute he had another reason for sticking around. Becoming strong and manly! He. Is. Not. Cute!

FEAR Ability: Year One -Bears Fangs: His first and favorite attack would be his bite. He grabs his foe and delivers a firm, hard bite onto his opponent. Sadly, he can't bite ghosts that have gone into their translucent stage, and certain students won't be able to be bitten by their species. {Battle Cry)

Year Two -Wolf Stare: Still slightly cute at this year, he has figured out a new, horrid trick. Turning his face to the attacker, he'll give them his cutest expression, then, in a quick flash his face will become terrifying, exposed fangs and narrow, ferocious eyes will shock the attacker in fright for a turn. Obviously this move cannot work if the other cannot see, sadly. (Headlights)

Year Three -Fury: His temper flares. At this year he'd be much calmer, so when his temper does ignite it'd be unstoppable, violent, and overwhelming. His sight is hazed by his anger, as well as his senses. While he'll attack mostly with his claws and feet he can harm himself by hitting an object instead of his opponent. (Gamblers Chance)

Physical Description: User Image

Eye Colour: Yellow
Hair Colour/Style: Fluffy and curly, white with grey tips.
Skin Colour: Dark tan.
Clothing Style/Colours: In his first year he'd wear baggy clothes, much like the first picture at the top you see. As he gets older, both his appearance and clothing style change to a more mature look.
Extra: His canine teeth are extremely sharp. He has large eyes and a slender body. His nails are also rather sharp and thick, much like claws. You can add anything to him you like. Has a little collar around his neck with the name "Patches" stitched in.
References: xXx

A Life Long Forgotten:

Patches will never remember what he used to be, or even who. However, he was once a little bear toy. He was once loved by a little girl. He was once hugged every day and snuggled and cherished. Even when she grew up he was loved, and this was rare. All the other toys were thrown aside, but he stayed. He remained. And as she loved him the little teddy bear became more aware of the world around him. He began to think and feel, and all he could really think was how much he loved the girl, and all he could feel was how happy he was to be loved in return.

He was a pretty little bear. Soft and fluffy with the tag "Patches" around his neck. He lived a very good life. That is, until she met someone. He never saw his face, but Patches knew his time was up when she shoved him under the bed to hide him from her visitor. That pain... that hurt to know he had become something thrown aside, something to be ashamed of... Suddenly the little teddy bear wished he had never learned to feel...

Then one day he was thrown away. Into the trash he went. Oh, few had felt the sorrow that bear had felt. The abandonment, the pain, and the loneliness... The little bear felt emotions that toys should never feel. And as the flames ate him up and he was destroyed they carried on when he became the ghost, Patches.

Now a ghost, he still feels that pain when alone. He will never remember why, or who put it there, or even what he once was, but he'll never forget that pain. Never.


When he grows from a Year One, I will ask for Patches to be less cute. More frightening and mature, until finally he really does fit in. :3 Yay for progress!


Shy Wife


Shy Wife

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:57 pm
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Yuki, his only pet so far. The only thing he treats lovingly at the moment. Patches cuddles with Yuki at night and protects him from the world around them. Often Yuki follows him about or sleeps on his masters lap. He's rather sweet to anyone, a true love whore, but he only truly loves his master.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:03 pm


Shy Wife


Shy Wife

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:03 pm
Crits open~  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:36 pm
Hello~! smile A couple suggestions for you:

As a ghost, Patches seems like he would be an excellent Haunt variety:

- Haunt::
Haunts are tied to a specific object or place, and frequently share physical attributes with their object. Other than this, they vary greatly.
Natural Ability:
• Object Invocation: A haunt's powers are usually tied to their power object in some way.

The teddy bear being his 'power object', as it were, so he would be a haunted teddy bear. That would also tie his natural ability in nicely, since it's related to his teddy-bear-ness. (And I really like his natural ability, it makes sense - just keep in mind that in terms of battle mechanics it wouldn't give him any extra HP gain or healing.)

I do like his personality a lot, it's clear that you've thought about him a great deal and built out his character. He seems well-realized! The only thing I would be carefully about would be making him too adorable. Obviously it makes sense that he'd have some cuteness given his origins - and I like how it informs his reason to be at the Academy in the first place - but he definitely does need to get scarier as his time in Amityville progresses! Or use the cuteness as a cover for his scariness - looking adorable and harmless until suddenly he is not, holy s**t run. In particular, his Y2 Fear being based in cuteness probably should be explained as something else. Perhaps looking cute and startling them with sudden uncute, and that's why the Headlights kicks in and causes turn loss?  


Enduring Muse


Shy Wife

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:55 pm
Hello~! smile A couple suggestions for you:

As a ghost, Patches seems like he would be an excellent Haunt variety:

- Haunt::
Haunts are tied to a specific object or place, and frequently share physical attributes with their object. Other than this, they vary greatly.
Natural Ability:
• Object Invocation: A haunt's powers are usually tied to their power object in some way.

The teddy bear being his 'power object', as it were, so he would be a haunted teddy bear. That would also tie his natural ability in nicely, since it's related to his teddy-bear-ness. (And I really like his natural ability, it makes sense - just keep in mind that in terms of battle mechanics it wouldn't give him any extra HP gain or healing.)

I do like his personality a lot, it's clear that you've thought about him a great deal and built out his character. He seems well-realized! The only thing I would be carefully about would be making him too adorable. Obviously it makes sense that he'd have some cuteness given his origins - and I like how it informs his reason to be at the Academy in the first place - but he definitely does need to get scarier as his time in Amityville progresses! Or use the cuteness as a cover for his scariness - looking adorable and harmless until suddenly he is not, holy s**t run. In particular, his Y2 Fear being based in cuteness probably should be explained as something else. Perhaps looking cute and startling them with sudden uncute, and that's why the Headlights kicks in and causes turn loss?
thank you!!! I love the critique you have given me! I will use it all, and I am so glad you helped me with his species. I will add some creepy in, my plan is that by his third year he's finally frightening when he wishes, though I have some fresh ideas for him o find a way to take advantage of his cute factor. Thank you a bunch!  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:58 am
I'm back!
Just gonna edit his abilities when I get hoooooome.
Then we'll be good for more crits~


Shy Wife


Shy Wife

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:19 pm
Edited itttt.
Crits? :3
PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2014 12:25 am
Wow bumping this up. Critsss?  


Shy Wife

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