Warray was making his way to Bedeinka. He wanted to know if she lied to him. He couldn't understand why she would. After talking to Nahasi he wasn't sure anymore what to think of the pride. It didn't seem like that bad of a pride anymore. What Bed had described was something completely different. It was a warrior pride who prided themselves. They dominated over females and treated them like servants. This was far from the truth though. The pride was peacefully as far as he could tell.

As he walked a leopard stood in his way. He was a rather large leopard too. “excuse, could you move. I am in a bit of a hurry.” Warray requested. The leopard just looked down on him.

Bukaera had had a rough day. Ekaitz had woken him up extra earlier to remind him that he loved him. It was a cute jester, but Bukaera would have preferred to have it at a descant time. Than Bedeinka came to his den and scolded him for talking to Ijara. He tried to explain that it wasn't really his fault. When a handsome leopard was involved he couldn't help but get carried away.

He was upset with Bedeinka. He was tired of her telling him what to do. Sure they both had similar motives. They wanted to bring down the current king and his soon to be mate. They both disliked the thought of a leopard with a lion.

It made matters worse that she was as happy as a bee. She aparently found someone in the rogue lands. A prince none the less. The female had the devils luck, he decided. It was worse that the male Warray had returned feelings toward her. The thought of Bedeinka happy sickened him. She was wicked and cruel in so many different ways. Unlike him. He was selfish sure, but he didn't wish anyone else harm. He only wanted him and his son to be happy.

As he walked down the tunnels he found an unfamiliar face. He was sure it belonged to Warray. “My good lion. It is nice to meet you. You must be Prince Warray. Bedeinka has told me so much about you.” He said with a fake pleasantness. Bedeinka having her own happiness detracted from his own. H would soon fix that though. Soon Warray would leave Bedeinka and than Bed would be all alone again. Just as miserable as she always was.

Warray sighed. “Yes I am prince Warray, I need to speak with Bedeinka. It is kind of important.” He wished Bed wouldn't tell her friends about him. It just made situations like this awkward.

“Is she dying?”

“Um no.” Warray replied. “She's completely find. You don't need to worry about her.”

“Than it isn't that important. I thought that maybe you and I could chat about Bedeinka. I imagine you've been dying to tell anyone about her. And maybe you are interested in knowing a little bit more about her. I know she is a bit of the secretive type.” Bukaera knew how to tempt someone. It wasn't too hard and it seemed the prince was already falling for it.

“I guess it would be rude not to go.” said Warray.

Bukaera lead him away from the female's dens and took him to his own. Ekaitz was busy playing with other leopard cubs. He was very proud of his little guy. “Is there anything you would like to know about her before I tell you what I know?”

“Does she lie often?” Warray more spat it out more than anything. It was on his mind and it was the most important thing. He didn't want to raise cubs with both parents as liars.

“Are you afraid she lied to you?” He asked. Than Warray looked away. Bukaera smirked. “Or perhaps you lied to her?”

Warray gasped and looked back at Bukaera. “How did you know?” This was bad. If he told Bedeinka that he was a liar their relationship would be over. Maybe he could bribe him somehow. “Please don't tell Bed. I don't want her to find out that I am a liar.”

“Shush my new little friend. I have no intention of telling her. At least not now. Lets worry about Bedeinka. I want to tell you more about her. I think it is time you found out about your lovely lioness that you have fallen in love with.” This was much too fun, Bukaera thought. “She is a deceitful lioness. She acts so sweet and innocent. The truth is she is a selfish little demon. She enjoys tricking others and wrapping them up in her web of lies.”

“But why me? Why would she lie to me?”

“Because she needs you. Her cubs would have a chance at the title. That and she wants you to be on the council so you can convince the King to listen to her. She wants the pride to go back to the old way.” He said in a hushed whisper. He wanted to make sure only Warray could hear. It would be terrible if other pride members heard about Bed's plot. He wanted to ruin her relationship not her plan.

“Why would she want the old ways back?”

“Who knows. Bedeinka is a messed up lioness if you ask me. She's still my friend of course. But she is messed up. And now it is time for you to do me a favor.” A smirk formed on his maw. “If you do this for me I will not tell Bedeinka about you lying to her. It will be our little secret.”

“What do you want me to do?” He was a little afraid of the leopard now. He didn't seem to be in the right state of mind.

“I want you to leave Mazu and never return. Bedeinka will do much better without you and the same to you. You will be able to find a female that loves you for who you are. You won't have to lie to her to make her love you.” Bukaera said. “And Bed, well she has herself to love and that's all she will ever need.”

Warray thought about it. He thought about his family, the one he wanted. He imagined living with Bed raising their cubs next to a pond in the surface world. He could tell her that he wasn't a prince. They could get past that couldn't they? But she was just using him, he reminded himself. She had no intention of leaving Mazu. This was her home. She had lied to him from the beginning. He wasn't much better though. At least his lies only affected her and no one else. Her lies could have done damage to the whole pride. Though that was probably what she wanted.

“Fine I will leave.” He said standing up. “Thank you for helping me. I know you probably have your own reasons for doing this, but in the end it help both Bed and I.”

“I am glad to be of service. Now if you don't mind, I would like it if you just left. Without saying good bye. It will be easier on her that way.” Bukaera knew that it wouldn't. He knew that it would drive her mad. She would think something was wrong with her and that Warray hated everything about her. Hopefully it would put her down a step. She probably wouldn't boss him around anymore. “Maybe we'll meet again in the rogue lands. I constantly go out there exploring.”

Warray nodded his head. He didn't want to ever see the leopard again. He never even wanted to come back to Mazu again. Tonight he would get himself as far away from Mazu as he could.

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