This was a... Curious land. Donning a disguise for the first time - The form of a black-maned red lion, marked with a pale cream muzzle, matching belly and toes, and waves across his legs like lava - he padded on along the border. He'd dared to cross it, yes, but he wasn't going to venture TOO far into the lands. They had a funny smell to them, one that made the god wrinkle his nose and his ears fold back. His claws pricking the dirt of the path he treaded a little, he scanned the horizon, wondering if maybe the smell he smelled was that of death... And if any lions actually lived here.

Live there someone did. As Taya traveled near the border - but never crossing over it - she scanned the area for cubs trying to sneak away. None were found, though she did spy something that... REALLY popped out. A red lion... He was something of a novelty to her, not really having seen too many reds amid the Kitwana. Usually it was the color of blood... With her curiosity getting the better of her, the healer quickened her pace as much as she could, heading to intercept this strange new rogue. Only when she got close enough did she dare to open her mouth. "Good afternoon, I've never seen you around these parts before!"

The disguised lion's ears twitched, before his attention and head turned toward this lioness. She was a curious sight to him, as well. But it wasn't exactly for the same reasons as hers. He'd never really run across a lion who looked so... Haggard. Her fur looked scruffy in a couple places, and even her ribs were showing through. She didn't move like she was starving, though. "Bonjour... You are... Alright, oui?" He turned full-body, and found himself... About the same size. Which said something, since even in a mortal guise he was in a permanent adolescent body. Yet this lioness looked to be an adult. What could possibly be wrong that she was so small?

Taya's face formed into a long frown. He'd definitely never heard of the Kitwana, then. "Oh, I'm... Okay..." Her voice rattled like she regularly gargled rocks and sand. As she got close, she took the lion's full looks in. Either she was small, or he was large for an adolescent. When she considered she was around average for her pride, she decided that he was just large. "I don't think I've ever seen you around, stranger... Who might you be, and where might you be from?" She knew she was stating the obvious about having not seen him before again, but it was worth saying. Maybe he'd reciprocate and answer.

His ears swiveled forward, listening to the gravel of her voice. His own face took on a frown. "I am..." He hesitated a moment. If he was in disguise, he'd need a name to go by besides his own. He swept his mind, before settling on something that sounded... At least decent. "Chao. And I am from..." He paused, then shrugged. "A mountain far from 'ere, I should say. You may never 'ave been there before. And what is your name, and... What pride is 'ere?" His violet eyes, the single thing to not change, shifted and looked in toward the center of the pride's lands. What sort of pride WAS this?

The dark lioness looked in the same direction as him. "These are the Kitwana'antara lands.. And..." She paused suddenly, eyes widening before she leaned down, coughing heavily. When she finally stopped, she spit blood on the dirt and shook her head, unsteady on her paws for a moment. When she'd regained her composure, she removed from the pouch hanging at her side a strange herb, shoving it in her mouth to chew. It worked wonders, soothing her cough. "Sorry about that... I'm Taya'mfupa... And careful what you do with those of us who live around here, we have a plague on us..." She paused. "That or a curse..." Her gold eyes took on a far-off look wishing for a better life.

He watched her for a moment, mildly... Fascinated. Then he let out a puff of breath, closing his eyes. "I am afraid yours is not so much a curse... At least, it is not a new enough one. It is a very old one... I do not think anybody but the God of 'Ealing may be of any 'elp, and 'e is... Shall we say... Possibly not going to be 'ere for a while. Pestilence may keep 'im away." He could see the questioning look in her eyes, but divulged no other information. He wasn't about to reveal himself quite yet. He wasn't sure how the locals would take to his presence, considering their predicament.

Taya looked at the male in surprise, questions in her eyes. So many filled her head, she wasn't sure where to start. Finally, she settled on a simple question. "How do you know...?" How could a lion who didn't give any indication of knowing about the Kitwana know about if it was a curse or not? She leveled her gaze at him, brows furrowing. "You'd better tell me now, or I'll call the guards... They'd be happy to run you off, because this isn't something..." She paused, coughing a few times, then straightened back up. "This isn't something to joke about! And if you're telling some kind of joke, it's a SICK joke!"

The lion scowled, before he shed his disguise. "I joke about NOTHING. Though I am not above a lie." He raised his head, long ears folding back as he gave her a serious look. "I am Xavier, the God of the Cursed." His claws flexed, agitated that he'd be accused of making such a grievous joke. "I do not need running off, and even if I COULD 'ave 'elped your pride, I do not think I would now." He turned, heading back to the border. "'Ave a nice day."

Taya's face took on a look of shock, before she hurried after him. "Wait, I'm sorry! Please... Is there some way I can make it up to you?"

The green lion paused, looking back. "Tell me something about your disease."

"That's... That's all?"

"No. But it is relevant to what I want."

Taya hesitated, then gave in. "Well... There's three kinds of lions who get the disease... Those like me who are doomed to die of it... Those who are carriers... And those who are immune. The immune ones get sick, but then get better and never show signs of the disease again. The carriers appear immune, but they can pass the disease on to their children."

The god nodded, then frowned. "I will come back at a later time. If you 'ave any cubs in that time... I will claim an immune cub." He could see the horror on her face. "Do not worry. That cub's children, I will send back 'ere to the pride when they are adolescents, if they so wish." He then leaned in close. "I will find a way to know if they are immune, I will bring a seer with me if I 'ave to. But I will be back." He then turned, leaving the Kitwana lands.

Taya swallowed, sitting down. When the other lion had vanished from sight, she shook her head, then got up, returning to looking for wandering cubs.