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[PRP] Doing some research (Glaurung & Isuara)

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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:00 pm
Isuara traveled far from Mkoani. She wanted to get away form the busy province and have some quiet time with her studies. Lately she had been fascinated by plants and wanted to learn everything she could about them. It was amazing to her that plants could be so beautiful, yet have such an effect on a lions body. She wanted to learn what plants were poisonous and what plants were safe. The best way for her to learn was to go out on her own and investigate.

She traveled quickly and silently, not wanting to disturb anyone. Than she reached a grassy meddow. She looked up at the sky to see where the sun was. If she hurried she would be able to get back to Mkoani before nightfall, she thought. It was creepy traveling alone at night, she decided and would prefer getting back home before it was too late.

There were lots of different flowers for her to examine. A brightly colored pink and orange one caught her attention though. She went over to it and smelt it. It smelt sweet. Carefully she pulled on it with her teeth and put it in her pouch that hung around her neck. Once it was safely in her pouch she went and looked at another flower.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:58 am
Glaurung had come here with his mother, and was still adjusting to the kind of life they were meant to live here. It was strange, but not entirely. Something in the back of his mind said that this was where he was supposed to live, and what he was supposed to be doing would soon be revealed to him.

Travel through the provinces was not only allowed, but encouraged, and though his mother told him his duties lay in the Mkoani he was allowed to go out exploring if he had nothing else to do.

Anyway, he was an adult. He wasn't a little kid that needed to be told what to do any more, and he wasn't going to let himself feel any sort of doubt or self consciousness. He didn't realize it yet, but that vow was going to become increasingly important to him as his place in the pride became more apparent.

For now, though, he was content and new.

He saw someone nearby, hunched over some flowers. Curious, he made his way over carefully, though he ended up stopping nearby and stepping on pretty blue flower with long, pollen laden yellow things sticking out of it. He didn't seem to notice.

"What are you doing?" he asked, tilting his head at her in wonder. Lions didn't eat flowers, so he couldn't see the merit yet in sniffing and poking at them.


Snuggly Knight

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:46 am
She heard someone speak, but she did not bother to look to see who it was. Carefully she took the flower and put in safely in her pouch. She couldn't wait to get back to Mkoani and examine all her flowers. Maybe she would find one that she collected was a rare flower used in some sort of medicine. She smiled at the thought. She wanted to help the pride in anyway she could. This seemed the best way for now.

Isuara turned around to see who had spoke to her. She smiled when she saw it was a fellow lion. "Good evening." She greeted. "Me? Hm well I was just investigating flowers. I was hoping to create some medicine from them." She explained as she thought about her medicine.

She walked over to a herb this time and examined it. "Plants are amazing aren't they? They seem so simple, yet they can be used to create powerful medicine." She was speaking more to herself, but welcomed the other lion to put his input in. "My name is Isuara by the way. I am from the Mkoani province."
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:07 pm
The druid, or so he had been called and had no problem with so far, tilted his head at her. He smiled at the idea of using flowers to make medicine, lifting his paw to see the poor little blue flower he had crushed. He touched it lightly with his claw, frowning now as he wondered if it could have been used for something good.

"My name Glaurung. My family and I came here, my mom is friends with the Queen."

That wasn't a boast, just a statement of fact. Igraine and Kilgharrah were very close friends, and she sought council with her dragon-pelted friend as easily as she did the King himself. Glaurung and his sister had come with their mother when she was called to return home.

They lived in Mkoani, while their mother lived in the castle, but they saw her frequently enough. They were learning their place, and Glaurung had earned himself the title of Druid mostly on accident, by saying strange things and believing in things a different way to the Toka.

"I don't really understand much about plants, I never thought they could be that useful. But if you say so, I guess it must be true. Aren't some of them dangerous though?" He remembered various warnings of poisonous plants while they had lived in their forest.


Snuggly Knight

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:26 pm
Isuara noticed him move his paw and saw the blue flower. She went over to him and examined it. "Hm I think I can still use this one." Carefully she plucked it and put it in her pouch. "Thank you for noticing it." She gave him a beaming smile.

"It is very nice to meet you Glaurung." Her voice was cheerful as ever. "It is an honor to meet any friend of the Queen's."

She thought about all the different plants she had found. So far she hadn't found any that were dangerous. She had been warned about posions plants though. "I haven't had any experience with any dangerous plants yet. I am still knew with the researching plants. I learned that my mother whom I haven't had the chance of really meeting, was once a healer and dealt with plants all the time. I thought that I would give it try and see if I had any tallent in it."

She talked fairly causally about her mother. Her foster parents had just recently confessed that they weren't her real parents and they told her about her real mother. It was hard to understand at first, but it wasn't long until she was comfortable about the situation. She hoped that someday she would get the chance to meet her mother.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:00 pm
Glaurung looked surprised, then grinned and nodded his head, his mane fluffing up in his excitement. He wondered if this could be something he could learn, do. Maybe. He still hadn't figured out what service he could provide, though his sister and mother seemed to have their station well in hand.

He would have to figure something out soon, he told himself.

"Well, I don't think she knows me too well. She visited my mother a lot while we were growing up, before she came back to this place. She was nice, but I never knew she was Queen." Which was silly, because she had always had a kind of imperious attitude about her, but he had never really minded it.

His mother certainly didn't take it.

"Oh! That sounds interesting. I bet there's a lot to learn, there are so many different plants." He looked around, just taking note for the first time how many different flowers there could be in one little area. He couldn't fathom trying to learn about all of them, or even some of them. Maybe this was a bit too much work for him to learn.

"So you never met your mom? I never met my dad." He smiled, as if that was a good connection between them, and a good reason they should be friends.


Snuggly Knight

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:53 pm
Isuara let out a giggle. "I bet it was a surprise when you found out she was a Queen. I know I would be if a family friend ended up being royalty."

She nodded. "There is so much to learn. I feel so lucky having a chance to learn about them. I feel like it allows me to get closer to my mother."

A warm smile went on her maw. It was a comfort that there was someone who understood what she was going through. She was sad though that he didn't have a chance to meet his father. "I'm sorry you didn't get to meet your father. Its such a shame."

"I often think about what my mother is like. I don't think too much on it though. I feel lucky that I had my adopted parents. They have always been there for me ever since my mother left me here." She smiled softly at the thought of her adopted parents. They were the perfect parents for her. She couldn't have asked for better parents.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:52 pm
He nodded his head and smiled.

It was more a surprise learning her mate was King. Not that it didn't make sense, but the King was not the kind of a lion he had imagined Igraine being in love with. The King was gruff and angry, and very protective of his love. If not for her good words, Glaurung imagined he would not have been welcomed to the pride.

Things had been very strange and tense, while the King and Queen had been separated and off away from the pride. But now everyone seemed to be back where they belonged, and adjusting to it.

He smiled.

He didn't know anything about his own father, and he didn't think his mom knew much either. She never spoke of him. He didn't ask, now, as he knew better. He shrugged, not feeling like he was missing much there.

"It's nice that people took care of you. I don't really worry about my father, whoever he is, because mom took care of us and now we're more than capable of taking care of ourselves." He chuckled and nodded his head. "But that's a way to start a good adventure, just ending up somewhere. And at least you get to learn about stuff, right? So it was a good thing. I mean. It seems to me, anyway."

He had a bad habit of putting his paw in his mouth, and hoped he wasn't stepping over a line by saying her getting abandoned was a good thing.


Snuggly Knight

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:33 pm
Isuara let out a warm laugh. She understood what he meant. "I guess I am lucky in a way. If I hand't been left here I probably wouldn't have been so interested in learning about plants and herbs." That and she wouldn't have meet any of her friends she had made while in Mkoani.

She looked up at the sun. It would take her some time to get back home. "I better start heading back to Mkoani. Do you live there? If you do maybe we can walk back together?" She would love the company, especially if it got late. The darkness scared her just a bit. It would be much better traveling wise if she had someone to travel with. Though she could handle traveling alone if she needed to.

"I mean if you're not busy. If you have things to do I understand." She let out a little laugh. The last thing Isuara wanted was to be an inconvenience.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:22 pm
Glaurung smiled and nodded, feeling glad that he had made a good point. It seemed like a good point, anyway.

She hadn't gotten offended or upset with him, which was definitely a good step. He liked that she seemed happy, and decided that whatever job he decided to take within the pride, whatever duty he found that was supposed to be his, he wanted it to make people happy.

It was a nice feeling.

"I do. I'd like to walk back with you." He smiled brightly and nodded is head. He hadn't noticed the sun going down, but it was probably a good idea to get home before anyone missed them. Or before the real druids started coming out. Despite being labeled as one, he also was surrounded with the horror stories of suspicion that fueled the tension between the two sides.

"I don't have anything to do! Not better than this, anyway. I'd be glad to walk you home." He smiled brightly and nodded his head toward the Province, or at least in its direction. If she was ready to go, so was he.


Snuggly Knight

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:49 pm
Her smile grew. She found herself lucky to have found Glaurung. This small adventure wouldn't have been quiet as exciting without him. "Thank you so much!" She said with glee in her voice. It would be good to spend some extra time with Glaurung even if it was just traveling. For her he could become someone for her to talk to, when she was down. With his similar situation they could share with each other their pains and be accepted by each other.

Isuara watched the sky gradual change in colors. This was her favorite time of day. It was amazing to watch the change. "It's beautiful out isn't it?" She asked out loud, though she was saying it more as a statement than a question. She was always curious about the stars up above. It often crossed her mind, thinking about how they managed to to stay up there. She knew she would probably never find the answer, but it still made her think.

As they walked she wondered what would become of their new found friendship. She wanted to cherish it of course, though she would not let it interfere with her duties to the pride. "Would you like to do this again some time?" She asked curiously. "Well, I mean not this exactly we could always go to the marketplace sometime and adire all the goods there, or even do something else entirely." She spoke without taking a breath as she started to ramble.

"Or um, we could just walk. Walking and talking is always good."
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:01 pm
Glaurung looked around, not really the most observant of lions. He didn't see beauty as easily as some of the more romantic or poetic folks around. He felt it was because he liked a creative, artistic side, as he often told his mother. His sister had gotten that: he was more grounded and simple.

He considered himself fairly stupid, but he was assured by the few friends he had, his family, that it was not the case. That was mostly to placate him, of that he was sure.

Even if he didn't know what that word meant.

"It is nice out," he said, nodding his head. It was cool and the night was settling as evenly as it always did, without too many clouds in the sky. These things he saw.

"I'd love to hang out again! I need to figure out how I'm going to be useful to this pride. Maybe you can help me a bit. I've already learned a lot from you, which is great." He smiled. "I think going to the market would really help too!"

And it was always better with company. they could walk and talk at the same time, too.


Snuggly Knight

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:33 pm
"I would love to help you." Isuara said, her tail dancing with excitement. "I am sure we'll figure out something you can do to help the pride out. There is so much to do at the pride that finding something should be pretty easy."

She wondered what Glaurung was good at. Next time they hung out she would be sure to ask. For her picking a rank was fairly easy. Studying was the only thing she was actually good at. She tried other things when she was younger, but she completely failed at them. Her job was tough though, just has hard as any other rank. She was proud to be a scholar.

"Alright, so why don't we meet up back in that meadow three days from now? Than we can discuss how you can help the pride and than go to the market." She said. She shouldn't be too busy than. It wouldn't hurt taking some time off from her research anyways. It would give her a chance to clear her mind.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:57 pm
Glaurung laughed and nodded his head. He was happy to have made a friend, and looked forward to being able to spend time with her. Not just because he wanted to learn, though that was obviously part of it, but because he had never really had a friend before.

His family had always been on the move, it felt like, after Ygraine came back for them. Then they came here and he had been a bit of an out cast from the get go.

He was a Druid, after all.

"Meadow, in three days," he said, nodding his head and committing the arrangement to memory.

He smiled and moved to bump his head against hers. He didn't really know how to say good bye, and he thought that was a nice enough gesture that wasn't too impersonal and also not too line crossing. It was the closest this lion could get to a hug or a hand shake, anyway.

"I look forward to it! Thank you for spending time with me. It was really nice." He smiled brightly, in a great mood now.


Snuggly Knight

[IC] Tokakinji Lands [IC]

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