
Azhar was getting ready to depart on his banu quest, the event that all Pesars grew up knowing that it would come sooner or later. As an adolescent, the young lion had already a considerably dense mane, still sparse in some places certainly but no one would take him for a juvenile any more. The dark Pesar had been told he’d have to leave soon and the dark lion had already finished saying most of his goodbyes. Any day now, he would cross the borders of the lands he’d always know and venture into the unknown.

Husni had been hiding in a small cluster of bushes but he stood up quickly as the adolescent walked past him. He’d recognized Azhar at once though he was having a difficult time remembering his name or how they were related.

Cool grey eyes stared at the older Pesar. He liked his dark coat that reminded the cub of their grandfather but he found the blue-ish markings as unfamiliar as they were mesmerizing. They almost seemed to glow in the dark coat and Husni had an intense desire to meet his relative at night to see if they truly did glow.

“Husni.” Azhar said quietly when he saw the cub jump up. He’d almost used the young lion lion’s proper title but the little one was his family and there was such a thing as being too formal. Or at least that was what he believed. Azhar was aware of the intense rivalry that plagued most of Tariq’s descendents but there was none of that in the fiery gaze that now watched the little cub. He did not smile but his tone was friendly. “How are you, little cousin?”

Husni was suspicion at first, unsure of how to take the omission of his title – could it considered insult? – but the friendly question quickly eased up his concerns. Also, he was glad to hear how they were related. Cousins, huh? Yes, he supposed that was right. Their fathers were half-brothers so they would be cousins… or half-cousins. Did anyone use that term?

“I am well. I was practicing stalking.” Not exactly true but it sounded better than to say he was playing. And still he couldn’t remember the dark lion’s name even though he clearly knew his! “My siblings are around as well. My mother is watching us.” He added, determined to clarify that he hadn’t snuck away on his own which was something his father would certainly not approve.

“Stalking…?” Azhar repeated without a hint of suspicion and he nodded towards the sunset colored banu that was watching them. “That’s clever of you. You will need those skills on your quest on day.” Azhar turned his eyes to the distance and before they returned to the cub. He hadn’t really planned to say goodbye to all his uncles – he didn’t really know Banu Orah’s children that well – but it wouldn’t hurt to send his regards when the opportunity presented itself so neatly. “I will be leaving soon. Can you give a message to your father?”

Husni puffed up when he was called clever, clearly pleased the obviously correct assessment that his cousin had made of him. He was even more pleased – if that could be possible – when he was trusted with a task even if it was a simple messenger one.

“Sure, I can tell him.” And suddenly he remembered that he still didn’t know the older Pesar’s name. How embarrassing if his ignorance were to be found out! His father certainly would be happy if he made a full of himself. “But, you know, he’ll be back later so you talk to him if you want.”

“No need. We’re not that close.” Azhar said bluntly, seeing no reason why he should lie to the cub. “The last time I spoke to him was to congratulate him on the birth of your litter.” It was simply the way things were. Even though they were family, Azhar had never had much contact with his uncles and aunts – with the exception of Obadias, of course, who from a very young age has always been very close to Azhar’s father.

“Simply tell him that I passed by before leaving on my quest. And…” He considered what would be proper in this situation. “… and that I wish him the best for his harem, I suppose. I’m Azhar’Hilel, I’m not sure you remember my full name.” Quite frankly, he suspected the cub might not even remember his first name but he’d never try to purposefully embarrass anyone least of all a cub.

Husni almost sighed with relief when his cousin gave him his name. It would have been rather bothersome to have to ask around for the name of one of his family members. His mother would probably know but Husni hated to show his youthful ignorance to anyone as his close family was no exception.

“I remember.” He lied with little effort. He realized he really did like this cousin. He liked that he was big and dark like their imposing grandfather. He liked his fiery eyes and his apparent honesty. And above all, he liked the respect he seemed to have towards his family members, namely Husni’s father even if he obviously didn't knoe him very well. Azhar was someone he could get along with, he supposed. “I’ll tell him.”

“You really are a clever one. When I was your age I had so many siblings and cousins that I had trouble remembering all the names.” Azhar said pleasantly, a small smile finally gracing his expression. Even though he was well aware that cubs – and adults – weren’t always completely honest, he didn’t doubt the cub for an instant. “Sorry to trouble you. Maybe I’ll come to visit when I return. Hopefully, I won’t be gone for too long. Goodbye, little cousin.” He nodded to the banu before turning to leave.

Husni sat down as he watched the dark lion leave, feeling somewhat guilty that he’d lied so easily to the older Pesar.

“Yes, come visit. And tell me all about the rogue lands.” The little sunset cub replied, some excited taking over his cool grey eyes. “And good luck on your quest!” He added quickly and rather loudly before Azhar disappeared from view.