PRP between Chobi Chocobo's Thwayya, and my Tuaika

Tuaika tried to act normal. Like nothing was wrong. But half the pride knew.Well. his family felt like half the pride, sometimes. He couldn't sleep that night. And finally, as the sun started to peek over the horizon, he decided to get up. He shook out his mane, the bangle on his ear tinking as the colored beads hit each other. Once again, it was going to be a long day filled of meetings. He took one last look up at the stars before they disappeared with the dawn. Praying that he was right, and she was still somewhere out there.

One fateful day was all it took for Thwayya to lose her way. It had happened on a day that was winder then the lioness could remember. She had been forced to take refuge in a cave far from the pride while she awaited the storm to pass. It had trapped her in her cave and for two days she had to tunnel her way out. A friendly pair of rogues had found her and nursed her back to health. She then spent some time in the rogue lands with the two but adventually felt she needed to head back.

And that was why the female found her self back in the desert headed home. She stood on the edge of the pride a little nervous. She'd left friends and family and more importantly love. Would they ever forgive her? The lioness could only hope as she let her paws do the thinking and carry her home.

It was mid day before he finally was finished with his duties. And it couldn't have come sooner. He slowly made his way out to his favorite oasis; the one he used to relax his nerves. He sighed as he stretched under the shade of a palm tree, and looked out to the surrounding desert. Four days wasn't bad... maybe she got lost while hunting one day. Or maybe she got hurt... He shook his head. No. He shouldn't think like that. She was fine.. he knew it. But there was that one shred of doubt. That something had happened to her. Why did he always think the worse?

Four days was a long time for Thwayya to be gone. She'd never left her pride in her entire life for more then a few hours and four days could very well be assumed she had moved on or died. Her family was who she had planned to face first but there was no way she was going with out a drink of water. The lioness made her way towards an oasis that was located close to where she was. The lioness dipped her head and drank the cool water when she finally arrived and just thought about how to explain her self. It was going to be hard. That much was for sure.

He must have dozed off. He could have sworn he closed his eyes for only a few moments but when he opened them, there she stood. He shook his head. This must be a dream. But it couldn't. It was really her! He slowly stood, almost afraid to speak, he softly called her name. "Th...Thwayya?" He said as he took a step towards the water.

Thwayya lifted her head slowly from the small pool. She stared and said nothing. A little water dribbled down her chin surprised by what she was seeing. And then Tuaika spoke and everything felt more real. She was still frozen and feeling her throat dry up despite having just lapped up some cold water. The words couldn't form

".........Tuaika?" Tears started to form in her eyes. The fact that he was here and real... It had been so few days but she was just so happy to see him. The female ran to the lion and nuzzled under his chin.

He ran up to meet her. The way she stared at him told him this was no dream. It was really her. He nuzzled her, almost afraid to back away and let her go. Ever since they were cubs they never spent more than a day away from each other. Even when they grew older, and had their own responsibilities, they still made time for one another.

"I thought... I thought I would never see you again." He breathed. His heart was pounding fast, and his paws were snaking underneath him. "What happened?" He asked as he backed up just enough to see her face.

The females ears wilted to the back of her head and she looked away a little ashamed. She sighed before lifting her head once more to get a better look at his eyes.

"There was a storm... And I had to find some where fast to get out of its way. The only place was a cave so I ducked in there.... but the storm was to much and it walled me in. I had to dig my way out and... would have probably died if two lions hadn't found me and nursed me back," She spoke so fast the things almost streamed together. Almost. Not quite , but she spoke fast and nervously. She had no place out in the desert and she knew this now. She belonged back at home with her family and more importantly she belonged back with Tuaika. The female lowered her head a little.

He calmly listened to her story. He remembered the storm. It hit the pride pretty hard. Most members had to stay inside the ruins, and the hunting parties were canceled for two days. Honestly he wasn't surprised she got caught in it. He nodded his head as he listened to her story, smiling lightly as she finished.

"Well, I must find these two lions and thank them personally for saving the love of my life." He said as he looked into her eyes with love. He stayed by her side until they both calmed down. "Right now, I'm just glad your safe." He said as he licked her cheek.

"That makes two of us ~ I mean that I'm safe and your alright," She smiled at the cheeck lick. It was nice to see his smile and the warmth in his eyes. It had only been four days but those four days felt much longer. Now that she was back everything felt alright. She was going to be fine and she was not about to venture out on her own.

"I'm actually headed back to see my family... would you like to escort me and protect me from sand storms?" Her ears wilted again.

He chuckled lightly and stood, taking a few steps away from her. "Of corse my lady." He said as he bowed low, "It would be my pleasure, and honor as a prince." He straightened and turned to face their pride. He could imagine just how worried her family must be, if it was anything close to what he felt. "Shall we?" He asked as he held his paw out, beaconing towards their home.

She returned his chuckle with one of her own.

"You really are my prince~" He teased but really she was serious. He was her prince, "Alright... We shall." She nuzzled up under his chin once more before playfully bolting up ahead, "Well come on ~" She did a play bow before charging up a little more ahead.

He laughed and rose up on his hind paws before running after her. He didn't just find his true love again, he found his best friend. The one lioness he truly loved to be around since he was a small cub. Thwayya was back. And this time things were going to be different. He didn't know what was in store for him or his mate, but whatever it was, he knew he would stay by her side till the end of time.