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Reply [IC] Nergui Lands [IC]
[PRP] Grey Warrior (Zizima + Nergui)

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:59 am
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Sarangerel was out on patrol but she was not alone. No, never alone. It would not have been right for an unproven one to walk the lands alone, especially one with such a precious ancestry such as hers. So, that day, she had opted to travel with the fiercely-marked lion, Ovu. He was not the only one, though the third member of their party was mostly along uninvited.

That particular member was Moma the dark raven of the Kaar Oma - a female who Sarangerel despised - something which her brethren looked down upon. But she was Sarangerel Founder-Blood and so, for the most part, the other members let her be. She'd not laid paw on the female and it was unlikely she would unless there was a true need. She could only get away with so much.

"The Lok Varsk are mus here. This vok a voksa of seka." It was a complaint. They had been sent out to watch for any stray Firekin wandering outside of the desert but they had been walking for some time and there had been no sign of anything at all. Sarangerel believed that they'd not thought that they'd come across anyone and that's why no one had uttered any real complaint when she had opted to go. She craved a battle. Craved to prove that she was of some worth. But, other than a couple of skirmishes, she had seen no action at all.

She was beginning to think she never would.

Above her, the raven gave a warning caw. "Someone moves up ahead."

Sarangerel turned to look at Ovu to see his reaction to the raven's words. She did not understand the common tongue and so could not understand anything that the raven said.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:41 pm
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As the pale female walked just ahead of him, a small smile touched Ovu's maw as his eyes crept over her body, watching her every movement like she was some kind of prey. Despite all of the time he had spent with the group of lions known as the Nergui, he still had quite horrific urges, especially when he was left alone with another. How he had managed to control himself all this time remained a mystery to him, much like the Nergui themselves. Still, they had promised him the chance to spill the blood of many when the time came, and so he would have to be patiant. In the mean time, there was no harm in just thinking about how many pieces he could tear this female into.

Chuckling as he considered this, he licked his lips, before looking up to the raven that flew over head. As he had watched Sarangerel in an almost trance-like state, he had completely forgotten the presence of another. Blinking as the raven called out, his bloodshot eyes narrowed as he looked ahead. As the sinister grin on his face grew bigger, he motioned towards the horizon. "Wa are mus alone.". Apparently, they were not alone.

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Completely unaware of the small group that was nearby, Zizima trudged onward, heading in no particular direction. Despite his rather impressive size, the way he carried himself made for a somewhat sorry figure. Although his body ached and demanded rest, his mind was steadfast in its mission to get as far away from the sea as possible.

The sea, the place he had called home for all these years, was now his greatest enemy. It had taken from him the one thing he had ever truely loved; his mate. Now, he could not bare to even look at the sea, and his heart had forced him to lock away all memory of his mate for fear that it might break in two. The hulking grey male had not known pain like this in his entire life. Which, judging by the vast number of scars on his back, was surprising even to him. There really was nothing left to live for, no real reason to go on.

As he considered this, he allowed his body to come to a stop, although he still seemed mentally unaware of his surroundings. He was lost, both literally and mentally, it seemed.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:25 am
Unaware of the goings on in Ovu's mind - which was probably a good thing, all considering - Sarangerel turned to watch him as he responded. His reply pleased her and the somewhat unkind smile that stretched across her face spoke volumes. Clearly she was hoping it was some unlucky passer by who could be enslaved or killed. Perhaps she would be permitted to take some of the pelt to wear; a trophy of a battle well-won.

A purr laced her words as she replied. "Tram we kruird greet rek." After all, 'greeting' anyone who happened across their path was to be expected. It hardly mattered if it was not one of the red pelted ones. They were not the type of people to watch another wander by without finding some entertainment in it.

She picked up her pace, trusting her strangely-marked companion to follow after. He was a strange creature, perhaps a little unnerving, but with those beautiful, intimidating markings and his skill in battle, his membership was considered something of a good omen. It wasn't everyday that lions like Ovu joined the Nergui.

Further ahead, still, the raven had moved to intercept with the stranger, turning in a slow circle above him as he came to a stop. Uttering a low caw she beat her wings hard, once, and then headed back to the others who had now just come into view of the large, grey lion.

"Scarred one. Large." The raven, Moma, called down to them. "One of yours?"

And Sarengerel slowed as she set eye on him, his dark pelt scattered with scars. One thing was for sure. This lion was not a Nergui. Not yet. She would have remembered a warrior such as he. "Luud at sros." She breathed. "He ek a kema lion." The slightest hint of awe had crept into her voice. She was, in a strange way, admiring the 'fine lion' they had just crossed paths with.

And then, raising her voice, she called out: "Hors! Who ora you, kcorrad lion?"

Or, in the common tongue: Halt! Who are you, scarred lion?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:55 pm
Judging by the wicked smile that appeared on Sarangerel's face, she was hoping for the same thing that Ovu was, or at least something similar. The blood red male was hoping for something weak, and maybe small. Something that would quickly crumble after carrying out the simplest of Nergui tasks, making it expendable.

It had been so long since his paws had been stained with fresh blood. Not that anyone could tell. Ovu didn't really take much pride in his appearence. His mane and coat were matted with dried blood, to the point where it was hard to tell where the blood stopped and his coat began.

As Sarangerel picked up the pace, Ovu did the same, moving to join her at her side. Right by her side, close enough so that there was a little more than an inch separating their bodies. The softly-coloured beauty was of a high rank as far as he could tell, so if the one they were about to encounter wasn't the victim they were hoping for, he would be able to protect her. Politics bored him to no end, so although the monsterous male had endeavoured to learn much about the Nergui, ranks and lineage bothered him very little. He would protect her based on the fact that if anyone were to sink their teeth into her, it should be him.

Once again, the raven spoke up, interrupting his dark thoughts yet again. He really should be paying more attention though, as shortly after the raven revealed what it had seen, they both saw it for themselves. A large, grey male covered in scars. This male was almost as big as him, if not bigger. Despite the somewhat intimidating appearence of the grey male, his sick grin refused to falter.

When the brown female stopped, he moved just a little bit further ahead of her. When she spoke, Ovu watched the grey male intently. The language that the Nergui spoke was strange, but possible to decipher and learn over time. "She likes you." The blood red male added with a chuckle, as they waited for the grey male's response.

Having already come to a stop, Zizima had started an attempt to make some sense of where he was. He blinked a few times and narrowed his eyes before closing them completely. It was as if he was just regaining consciousness after sleeping for what seemed like an eternity. He felt dizzy and disoriented. How long had he been walking for? How far had he come? His mind refused to focus, and so those questions remained unanswered.

When he dared to open his eyes again, he spotted two figures directly in front of him. They were blurred at first, as there was still a fair bit of distance between them, but slowly the figures took shape. It was a light brown female and a red and black male. Both appeared to be larger than the average lion, but the male was almost as big as him. Could he be a Firekin? His coat certainly suggested that he could be. Right at that moment in time though, he couldn't care less.

When the pale female called out to him, Zizima raised a brow. The language she spoke was so broken and unusual. He wondered if his mind was playing tricks on him, although he didn't wonder about it for very long. Piecing together the words that he did understand, he figured out that she was asking who he was. Ah, OK. "That's none of your business." He replied firmly, a deep frown distorting his face as he did so. When the red male spoke up, the frown simply deepened. He wasn't in the mood for jokes or games, and if these two wished to start something, he would definately make them regret it.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:56 pm
Hearing and understanding his response, the raven dipped low and came to land a safe distance away, tilting her head as she cawed loudly and then began to speak.

"The Nergui like you, scarred one. You should be thankful. I have seen the strength of these lions and it would be better to be a friend than an enemy." It was hard to tell whether the raven admired or detested the Nergui. Her voice certainly held no tone of either, kept carefully neutral.

A sudden breeze shoved her sideways, ruffling the feathers on her back and wings.

Sarangerel, however, did not seem to appreciate the raven's interruption. The pale female twisted, hissing madly as she lashed out with a paw. The raven was far out of reach, but leapt back into the sky all the same.

Then, the lioness turned back to the grey one. She had not understood what he had said but she recognised facial expressions as well as any. He was frowning and serious, preparing himself for a confrontation, perhaps? No, no. That wouldn't do. He was a fine specimen and, judging from his scars, had won many great battles.

She snorted, impatient and frustrated at the language barrier. Even still, in her excitement she struggled to speak slowly - though it would not have made much difference. "You ora a vorreur of sraos skill bae the corqemsk on aeuir body. A survivor vru knows sra art uk battle. Tra Nergui vuird like su extend om invitation kur you su join ik." Realising that he couldn't understand, she turned to look at the red male with her and called out to him, instead.

"Ovu! Akd him - mu - tell rek that ra must iuem us. Tarr him sra wonders uk our vauvra. Of vor and srurae and sra wisdom uk Graos Oma." She was asking her companion whether he could invite the grey lion to join them. For him to tell of the wonders and the glory and the wisdom of their leader Graos Oma and all that they had to offer.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:59 am
Ovu snickered as Sarangerel lashed out at the raven that accompanied them. She really didn't like that raven, and despite his lack of interest in pretty much all things that didn't involve torture and death, he was curious to know why. When they got back, he would have to ask her about it. In the meantime, there was more important, and certainly more interesting matters at hand.

The soft brown female seemed very eager indeed to have the scarred male join them. Ovu was met with a similar level of eagerness from the one who had recruited him, although it wasn't quite the same level of enthusiasm. The blood red male had threatened to kill that particular Nergui if he didn't make good on his promise of great battles and immense bloodshed. This promise had yet to be fulfilled, as although the Nergui had managed a successful attack against the Firekin, Ovu had simply not been present. He frowned as he breifly recalled all this, before focussing once again on the grey male.

After Sarangerel had attempted to communicate with the male, she left it up to him to fill in the blanks. Ovu grinned maliciously, giving his fellow Nergui a nod before taking a few steps foward towards the large grey male. "She thinks that you would be a great addition to the Nergui, because you're obviously someone who is not to be messed with." His voice was laced with sarcasm. "She thinks that because you've got all of those 'pretty' scars that you're some kind of warrior." If the pale female knew what he was saying, he was certain that she wouldn't be pleased. With this in mind, he shot the raven a vicious glare. He was unsure if she could speak Nergui, but if she could, she had better keep it to herself.

Again, Ovu took a few more steps towards the hulking grey male, so that he was only a few feet away from him. Upon closer inspection, the grey male was indeed bigger than him, although not by much. As many negative emotions that the dark male had within him, jealousy was not one of them. He had had his fun, insulting the grey male in the hopes that he may get a fight out of him at some point, but now it was time to get down to business.

"Forgive me, I was just teasing you." His bloodshot eyes danced mischieviously as he let out a small chuckle. His grin faded soon after, being replaced by a much more serious expression. "The Nergui is a group that values strength. They search the Lands for those that are strong enough in both body and mind to be worthy to stand before their leader Graos Oma." He smirked. "They recruited me some time ago, but even I was unable to help them when the...'incident' occured." Ovu paused in order to study the large male's reaction.

When the raven spoke up, Zizima growled in her direction. "Thankful?" He spat. "They are the ones that should be thankful. Thankful that I have retained some level of patience despite my current frame of mind." It was unlike the half-Firekin to attack without good reason, but at this point, it wouldn't take much for him to disregard his old way of thinking.

The light brown lioness once again spoke to him, and once again he was able to understand very little of what she had said. He raised a brow. Even her language was annoying to him, as all the tolerance he used to have for meeting new lions had completely abandoned him. He had never been the most sociable of lions at the best of times, so this whole encounter was really pushing him to the edge of whatever sanity he had been left with after all that had happened.

When the blood red male stepped forward, Zizima snarled, although his body didn't move an inch. If this male wanted a fight, as his choice of words certainly suggested, he would get one. Apparently the brown female appreciated him for his scars. Well, she would certainly be the first. He himself had always hated them, and others often saw them as a sign or weakness as opposed to strength. The red male was clearly not so keen however, causing Zizima to continue his snarling. "You're lucky that there's a lady present."

It was clear that the red male was not scared of him as he took a few more steps closer. He was so much like a Firekin in that regard, but at the same time, there was something very off about him. Unfortunately for him, intimidation was not a word that the hulking grey male acknowledged. When the red male admitted that he was just 'teasing', Zizima raised a brow. Truely, this male was strange, and not to be taken lightly. Still, he cared very little about what the red male had to say. Anything he said at this point would be said only to humor the red male. "Incident?"

(( o3o Just so you're not confused, the 'incident' is going to be a massive lie made up by Ovu in order to convince Zizima to join. ))  



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:09 pm
"You are so full of rage." The raven replied. "It will make you strong. The Nergui fight; even their women - and I'd hardly call this particular female a lady."

Ovu would find, if he asked, that there was a story behind their dislike for one another, albeit Sarangerel's reasons were rather shallow - not that she would ever admit that. The raven was a nuisance and Sarangerel was an angry, bitter creature at the best of times.

Luckily for Ovu the raven was not knowledgeable enough in the tongue of the Nergui to be able to inform Sarangerel of what he had said. It was likely, in fact, that even if she had been able to relay it, she would quite happily have chosen not to. That would have meant direct communication, after all, and Moma would rather not have had any dealings with the pale lioness.

In fact, she seemed rather happy to play along, bobbing in a curious fashion out of harm's way. It was clear that she was purposely trying to infuriate the female. "Yes." She echoed with a caw. "The incident." And it was spoke ominously, her head turning this way and that.

"You should tell him of the incident, Ovu. Perhaps then he will truly see."

Sarangerel remained silent, though it was clear from her eyes that she was growing angrier and angrier by the moment. How was it fair that a raven - of all creatures - should be able to speak with this warrior? Sarangerel wanted to be the one to take him back to the others and declare him a proud, foreign warrior willing to join their ranks. She'd be given respect for that and respect is what she craved.

And, though it may have been foolish, she drew closer to Zizima.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:56 am
Ovu smirked at the raven's insult towards Sarangerel. Yes, he would definately have to find out what the problem was between those two, as he could see that the brown female was growing more and more angry by the minute. The Nergui were proud creatures, so it must've frustrated her greatly to be the one who was of the least use in this particular situation.

With his bloodshot eyes once again focused on the silvery male, Ovu shook his head heavily. "I will never forget that day. In all my years, I have never witnessed just cruelty." As he began to recount all that had happened, he sat himself down, curling his long messy tail around his body. After studying the grey male's facial expressions and body language, he was quite sure that he wasn't going to attack. With this in mind, he figured that a slightly less aggressive stance would be a good idea. Although he looked like a vicious monster, which he was, he was also quite sharp when he wanted to be.

"The Nergui are a...'strange' lot. Their ways are a mystery to most. Although I've been with them for some time now, there's still a lot of things about them that I don't understand." A somewhat sad expression touched his face, only to be quickly replaced by a look of deadly seriousness. "It's funny really, how quick others are to judge that which they do not understand. Just because the Nergui have their own language, and do unusual tasks, they're seen as a threat." Despite him saying that something was funny, he was far from laughing.

"The day of the incident, the Nergui were just going about their daily business. When suddenly, the alarm was raised." A low growl began to radiate in his throat. "Invaders had attacked us, in our own home. They swept across our Lands like a plague, easily out-numbering us, and laying waste to all of those that stood in their way." His growl suddenly rose into a snarl. "And why did they do this? Simply to expand their territory, which was already vast. We Nergui, we travel when we must. If they had just asked, we would've left, simply to avoid the bloodshed." He lowered his head. "Instead, they slaughtered most of us without mercy. The rest of us had no choice but to flee."

When he raised his head, Ovu motioned towards Sarangerel, that solemn expression once again touching his face. "Why do you think that she's so eager for you to join us? So eager for you to lend us your strength?" His gaze then returned to the grey male. "In order to ensure that the next generation would not take revenge for what they had done, they wiped it out entirely. They murdered her cubs, and everyone else's." He shook his head once more. "More Nergui now have very little reason to live. As a result, it has been decided that we will take the fight back to those that did this to us. It is...regrettable that this course of action is going to be taken, but in order to stop those 'monsters' from doing this to another group of peaceful lions, we must stop them."

Ovu let out a heavy sigh. He had always been very good at lying and manipulating, but never had it been quite so important for him to be successful in his deception. "So, will you help us, Warrior? We know very little about the ones who attacked us, so we are still in preparations for our attack. There is no one quite like you in the Nergui, so I know that you will be accepted with open paws."

Zizima frowned deeply at the raven. Rage was not something he would consider a strength. If anything, it was a weakness, as a fight with a certain Firekin many years ago had proven to him. She was right though, he was full of rage. Life had once again knocked him sideways, just as he had found the path that he truely needed to travel.

He looked at Sarangerel, who had also chosen to move closer to him. She didn't look like a fighter. Or rather, she didn't look like she should be fighting. It seemed a shame, really, the idea of such a lovely pale coat being stained with the blood of war. Though, it wasn't as if strong females were unknown to him. He knew all too well the strength that females could possess.

When the red male sat himself down, Zizima took the opportunity to look over his body. He was covered in blood, and now that he thought about it, it surprised him that he hadn't smelled it sooner. The bloodied lion reeked of death. As the red lion told his story though, it became clear why.

It all sounded so horrific. Although the red lion himself didn't look at all trustworthy, Zizima had always tried very hard not to judge others based on their appearance. He had also never been the type to go looking for a fight. The new him however, was not so sure about either of these beliefs anymore. As the red male went on, he could hardly believe that one Pride could do that to another in this day and age. Back when he was young, he was fully aware of such atrocities. It shocked and disgusted him that such things were happening in the present.

When the bloody male mentioned the cubs, Zizima gasped. "How could they do that?" He moved to look at Sarangerel. No wonder she seemed so frustrated and helpless, if she was really that desperate to have him join them. If the red male hadn't of been here, she would not have been able to communicate to him well enough in order to make him join. "I'm so sorry for your loss." He then turned to the red male. "Tell her I'm sorry for her loss. I..." He trailed off, deciding not to reveal the loss that he had recently suffered. He was in such deep pain after losing his mate, he could only imagine the greif of losing a whole family.

He had only ever been in one Pride his whole life, and even then it was in secret until the day he was brutally attacked and thrown out by his own mother. From that day on, he had only looked out for himself, not wishing to burden himself with the idea of caring for anyone else. Although he hadn't gone looking for it, he eventually found a friend in Mzimu and a mate in Ishara. For a time, he was truely content. All the positive emotions that came with love and friendship felt good to him.

Now that they were both gone, all that positivity had vanished completely, and all he was left with was emptiness. These lions needed him for the one thing he had left; his strength. He could help them to get their revenge, to get rid of the beasts that took away all that they cared about. It was the sea that took away his mate, meaning he could never avenge her, or get any sense of closure. Perhaps helping the Nergui with their grief would give him some small sense of satisfaction.

"I will join you."

(( The lions that almost destroyed the Nergui in Ovu's crazy story are the Firekin. XP He's not going to reveal that though obviously. Also, I'm sorry if I ended up rambling. XD; Never done an RP post as big as this in my life. ))  



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:39 am
The shifting of his tone was all Sarangerel could really pick up on as Ovu spoke. He sounded melancholy and then he was growling and it seemed as if he were telling a story of some sort. Perhaps it was the story of how strong the Nergui were. How they crushed their foes in the name of Graos Oma and spread his name across the land. Maybe that would work. Maybe they could convince this huge grey lion to join their cause. He would be worthy, indeed. Strong enough to rise through the ranks. Perhaps he might, one day, even be able to challenge her own ridiculous mate, Muunokhoi and knock him from his pedestal.

And, whatever it was the red lion had said, it seemed to have worked somewhat.The grey lion's face changed and then their eyes met as he directed his gaze at her. Sarangerel tilted her head questioningly, her tail now drifting lightly behind her instead of thrashing with anger. She did not understand him but for a moment her face cleared of any emotion, the green eyes softening. There was something in the grey's tone that made her feel like he...he was sad? Apologetic? She wasn't too sure and before she could question him on it, the dark raven had spoken up again.

"How?" Moma answered. "With their fangs and their claws and their evil nature. There is much cruelty in the world but those who survive it are made stronger. You have scars that tell of terrible wounds, Warrior, and yet you are alive and well. The Nergui have been carved of stone and it has made them strong, too. You would belong with them."

And, with a caw of rejoicing, the raven dipped her head again. "Then let us introduce ourselves. I am Moma, the grand and respected emissary of the Kaar Oma."

Recognising that the raven was speaking her own name, Sarangerel took it as the beginning of an introduction. This must have been good news, then, because if he had declined, what was the point of sharing one's name?

With a smile, she drew herself up proudly and took another step towards him. "Mae name ek Sarangerel Oma. Faivkol of sra Nergui." And then she requested his name: "Du you roqa a moka, warrior?"

(( No worries!! There was no rambling ;; I am enjoying this RP a lot! I also think Sarangerel may crush on Zizima, lolol ))
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:00 am
It was a good job that he was good at hiding his true feelings and intentions, as the bloody red lion would've laughed out loud at what the raven said. He was the one who brought such cruelty to the World. He was the one who had happily slaughtered entire families, just for the fun of it. How ironic that he had convinced this lion to join them, based on the horrific acts that he himself had carried out during his life.

Ovu bowed his head graciously, allowing him to hide the dark grin on his face. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this will mean to the Nergui." When he raised his head, he had managed a more genuine smile, although it looked very out of place on such a fearsome face. He then turned to Sarangerel. "Ha said sros he ek deeply kurrae for aeuir loss, omd that ra is suems to iuem us em ridding sra World uk the kumksark that vuimdad you ku greatly." Ovu stared at her as he passed on the grey male's condolences, hoping that she quickly grasped the fact that he had told some lies in order to get the male to join them.

When he turned back to the grey male, the raven had begun introductions. Ahh, so she belonged to the Kaar Oma. That was another female Nergui, if he had remembered his ranks correctly. Perhaps Sarangerel's problems lay directly with her, and not her pet raven.

Next, Sarangerel introduced herself. Ovu watched her carefully, as there was still a small chance that she could slip up and reveal to the grey male that none of what he had said was true. Still, that was a very slim chance, and he could most likely explain it away by saying that she had misunderstood what he himself had said in the Nergui tongue. She actually managed a smile towards the grey male. When they got back, he would give all the credit for this male's joining to her. That way, if things went wrong, he wouldn't get the blame.

"My name is Ovu." He said finally, before standing up from where he was sat. "Although I was not born into the Nergui, I have grown very fond of them. I'm sure that you will too." He said with a small chuckle. Sarangerel had asked the male for his name, and so he paused in order to hear it.

Zizima remained silent as the raven chimed in once more. She was right, the World was filled with cruelty, and often there was very little that anyone could do about it. He had experienced such great cruelty in his youth, but had that really made him stronger? Had that really been the event that had shaped him into what he was today? Yes, it had. The World had always been somewhat grey in his eyes, but now, it was all very much black and white.

He was destined never to be happy. For whatever reason, he didn't deserve it. There was now no purpose to his life, no point in going on. So if the Nergui were able to give him purpose, why should he reject that? Although he was sure that taking on a fight that wasn't his would not make him happy, there was still that slim chance that he would gain some satisfaction from it. Any group who thinks it's OK to kill innocent cubs deserves to suffer and perish.

Zizima shook his head breifly, as if to dismiss all of these thoughts for the time being. He nodded in acknowledgement of the raven's introduction, then even managed a small smile as the pale female took another step forward. "Pleased to meet you both." When the red male offered his own introduction, he simply nodded in acknowledgement, just as he had done with Moma. The male reminded him so much of the Firekin of old, but even more sinister. He wasn't sure that he trusted him completely.

When Sarangerel asked something in a questioning tone of voice, he was able to figure out that she had asked for his name. "My name is Zizima."

(( X3 Aww. *Snugs Saran* =P If he sees her mate being a jerk to her, Zizima will sort him out. ))  



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:17 am
Sarangerel's brow furrowed as Ovu provided her with the translation. It certainly explained that expression on the grey one's face but...she had not lost anyone? Her expression may have looked mildly confused until - a moment later - she realised it must have been some tale he had spun to encourage the big lion to agree.

Well, no matter. It was Ovu who had lied, not her, and she had not been privy to that conversation. Once the truth was discovered - as no doubt it would - she'd act the innocent and pretend that she had no idea what the red lion had said to him. It would be better that way. After all, if he was to meet her expectations and rise through the ranks, she wanted to be friends with him. Knowing people in high places gave her more respect. Sarangerel could only benefit from such a friendship.

She smiled back at him, a strangely genuine expression for one usually so angry and frustrated at life, and moved even closer, repeating his name and deciding she rather liked how it sounded.

Close by, the raven uttered another pleased caw. "Zizima, the grey warrior. The Nergui have no fixed settlement at this time, but a large number of us are settled close by. The journey is not far. I shall lead the way."

Moma dipped into a little bow and then, sweeping out he wings, leapt skyward, circling thrice before moving off slowly in the direction of 'home'.

Sarangerel, turning to look at her newly discovered 'prize', spoke a few intelligible words of how pleased she was they had crossed paths and set off slowly, pausing only to ensure that he followed.


(I shall send you a PM soooooon!)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:06 am
When Moma took to the sky, Ovu turned and started walking. With his back now towards Sarangerel and Zizima, he allowed himself a small smirk. He was almost certain that the grey male would not have joined them if he knew how the Nergui really were and what they were actually planning. If he didn't like the reality once it was revealed, he would simply kill him. His smirk grew wider as he considered this, although he was careful not to let the others see it as he picked up the pace. "We'll be there soon."

Well, regardless of whether or not he trusted Ovu, he had decided to join the Nergui based on what he had said. What he had said sounded genuine, even if Ovu himself didn't seem trustworthy. Hopefully the other Nergui would be more like Sarangerel, who seemed nice enough, despite all that she had supposedly gone through. Zizima felt that he had very little right to question her in regards to her loss, and so he would remain silent. For now.

(( Finished! Thanks for the RP luff! I look forward to getting that PM! ))  


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