Uther and Ygraine had a moment alone together, through their journeys through the pridal lands. This had really been Ygraine’s idea, to head out and see what there was to see, to learn about the lions living around them, serving them. Or not, as it was the case with some of the Druids.

The King was not as happy about the adventure as his mate. He did not want to see these lions, particularly. He valued them, as citizens and those living under his rule. As a Kingdom, they were his to protect and serve, just as he was theirs. But that was in a general, almost detached sense. It was much easier to think of them in that light than as a bunch of individuals who each had their own troubles and strife. Maybe the reason he was so resistant to this entire endeavor was, really, because seeing all the individual issues opened his eyes too far. Made him feel too responsible over things not even the King could control.

The hatred between Druid and Toka was more than evident.

But that was another thing Uther was certain he could not control. Ygraine disagreed. It was an old hatred, but she thought his attitude only added to the distrust and fueled the anger. Especially after he cast out her children, though she hadn’t stopped him, because they were said to have Druid blood in them. Unproven as it was! Uther was a cold lion when he needed to be, and sometimes more than that, but he did what he thought was right for his pride.

That was her guilt. She had not stopped him, though her children were innocent. They were made to live outside the castle mountain, as simple as that, but even that felt like a betrayal. She had cared for them, loved them, though she knew what they were. Where they had come from. It was an event she tried to shove from her mind. Her daughter, Morgana, had not taken well to the betrayal and she ended up in the Prison because of her reaction. That had been a step too far, but still she never spoke up to Uther. Maybe, in a quiet way, it was what she wanted too. They both held guilt they could not say out loud.

But she was trying to make up for it. In many ways.

“Uther, my love,” she said, curling around him as they settled in a quiet place to sleep the night away. He was alert, protective, not wanting anyone to take the opportunity of finding the sleeping King and Queen asleep and helpless. There were not many Druid in this part of the Province, but that did not put him too much at ease. They were allowed to walk where ever they wished, after all. He looked at her, though, as she pressed herself to his side and called him in that way that warned him something he might not agree with was going to come from her mouth. That just put him more on guard. “We have not been able to make a family… do you wish to keep trying? Perhaps I am not capable… after…”

The King shook his head immediately.

“If there is any fault to be found, it is mine, but certainly not yours. Do not think so, Ygraine,” his tone softened, and he bent his head to touch his nose to hers. His size allowed him to do so, with how she was positioned. She closed her eyes. “We will have cubs, when it is right. I may not believe in much, but in this I put my faith.”

She smiled, eyes still closed.

“Yes, we will. I look forward to having a family. With you, in our home. Everything as it should be… I want it more than I know how to say, Uther.” She opened her eyes to look at him, and found him watching her with a grave expression. His green eyes were keen, but soft and she could see all the love in the world there.

And she loved him all the more for it.

“I know you do.”

It was not because they wanted or needed an heir that fueled their resolve to have a family, as most of their attendants would like to believe. The Council and the other members of the court as well. They were waiting an heir to the throne and while that was a concern and always would be, it was for personal happiness that Uther wished for success. He saw how Ygraine’s eyes lit up when she spoke of it, and how much she longed for cubs to raise. His cubs. She had suffered someone else taking advantage of her, and now all Uther wanted, besides finding that lion and ripping out his throat, was giving her everything she wanted.

He wanted to make her endlessly, impossibly happy.

“I love you, my dearest,” he said softly, after a long moment, “and I know what a family will mean to you. We will keep trying. Perhaps we can summon a Healer who has knowledge in these things. If we find one along the way. I do not doubt that we will do this.”

He smiled.

She loved his smile.

“I wish you would show this side of yourself to more than just me, though I am blessed to have it,” she said quietly, curling closer and putting her head down on his paws. He let her, resting his head on her neck. His mane warmed her fur and she smiled lovingly. Comfortable. She usually used him as her pillow, and she could not imagine sleeping without him now. She doubted it would be possible at this point, and dared not think too much on it in case she jinxed herself.

Or him.

“I would rather it just be yours alone. You are the best part of me, my mate. I love you alone.” He smiled, this conversation familiar and much more welcomed than the sorrow of their failures so far. She often teased him for being such a grump. He could feel her body relaxing against him and knew she would be asleep soon enough. His chest rumbled contentedly.

“I know,” she hummed softly, and then she fell to sleep. He stayed awake to watch over her, dozing to recover his strength but not letting his guard down.

(Word Count: 1,069 in Word)