Book One
The Spirits' Wrath

Chapter 1
.................The Avatar's Return

The world, ravaged by the hundred year war, finally began to recover. Phoenix King Ozai, however, destroyed a massive amount of the Earth Kingdom before his bending was taken away. That destruction, combined with all other forms of deforestation and death upon the lands, caused thousands of Yin spirits to turn dark. In their anger and rage at the loss of their homes, they began to assault humankind, destroying towns and murdering their denizens. In the commotion, an evil spirit arrived from the other world, and took command of their angry brethren. They then after gained one ambition: destroy the Avatar, their cycle, and the bridge between the two worlds. The spirits hoped to once again dominate the physical world, forcing the humans away.

The avatar's cycle was corrupted by an overflow of cosmic energy, and the water incarnation was missed. The whole world searched in anticipation of the Avatar from the Water Tribe, but none was born. They then lost hope, believing the light spirits had abandoned them, and that the world was going to be destroyed. Many cataclysmic events followed, but the great order of sages did not lose hope. They found the next Avatar -- a young Earthbender who had just recovered from a spirit's spell. They noticed his immense spiritual power, and felt Raava's energy inside of him. They formed the Gong Jen, a secret organization meant for discovering the spirits history and helping to eliminate them from the world.

And that is where our story begins