Looking to find Sayida a beau in the future. Can you help?

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As an individual, Sayida is ever patient and ever aloof. Like her domain, she can be quite the mystery (and danger) to those who she doesn't deem as 'friends'. While she does look down on mortals, she doesn't scorn them and is honestly bemused by their antics. If bored, she plays the maternal or assisting role very well, as if a test of her own abilities to lead others. She doesn't envoke her powers often, unless a) extremely bored and curious or b) uses them in dire emergencies/threats. As a mate, she would be loyal if not always present as she does value having her own personal space. As a fling, she would do well to often overlook the welfare of her cubs from a distance. As a mother, she doesn't know. While she will give words of wisdom on survival, she sees that the world takes what it needs and it's everyone's own path to carve. She will not play an overbearing role beyond making sure they survive to adulthood.

  • Prefers mating with other immortals.
  • Will consider a fling with a mortal, if you can provide a reason/plot for needing seer offspring.
  • Not color picky, so don't be shy. xD
  • Character-wise, she would be better off with someone who is mellow and thoughtful instead of brash and energetic.

Feel free to post here or pm me any thoughts.
I am in no rush to breed her, and am more looking for intriguing baby plots for any future family she may have.