
Characters involved:
Sarangerel (xxx)
Muunokhoi (xxx)


“Muunokhoi!” A sharp, richly accented voice rose up from somewhere beyond a tall cluster of weather-worn rocks; those very rocks casting echoes that would be impossible to ignore. And yet, a moment later and the voice uttered forth again. Louder. “Muunokhoi!”

This time the call was answered by distant thunder, except that it was not thunder at all, but the threatening growl of a monstrous lion: A lion decked out in bones and furs that only enhanced his authoritative aura. Beneath that armour, his pelt was a deep, deep brown, contrasting with the near-black of his mane. Every part of him was muscular and strong, old scars tracing this way and that across his form. He wore a broken skull across one half of his face and through the cracked eyehole, his own purple one blazed. Some said that beneath the skull lay a hideous wound. No one remembered seeing beneath it. And when he spoke, his voice was guttural and harsh, a suited match for his equally harsh exterior.

“Sarangerel. I asked for uninterrupted solitude. Do you seek punishment?” The claws on his right forepaw carved grooves into the stone and a muscle in his jaw clenched tight.

A moment later and Sarangerel appeared from between the rocky pillars, pausing as she lay eyes on him. She was, herself, a large lioness with an equally dusty coat – matted at the neck and on her chest and stomach. And yet, for all that she was rather plain, there was a fierce spirit in her eyes. She was a large female, too, but Muunokhoi‘s size dwarfed her nonetheless.

“Hold your tongue and heed me, fool.” She snapped, unfazed by his intimidating stature. “I come about the god-spawn.”

Muunokhoi gave no response and so, she elaborated: “The one they call Mchawi.”

The male gave a grunt of dismissal and turned to leave, forcing the female to dart forwards and block his path.

“Get out of my way, Sarangerel. You seem intent on angering me. Do you wish to be beaten as a slave?”

“Just listen for a moment and then I will leave.”

His silence was the only sign he gave that he would give her the moment she desired, though his body was held taut as if preparing to lunge at her.

“I do not trust her, Muunokhoi. Nor the visions she relays to us. If she has the blood of a god in her than it is the blood of deceit. She has a liar’s face. Both she and her unnatural daughter…” The female trailed, allowing him to fill in the blanks himself.

“I think.” The male spoke slowly. “That the problem is with you, Sarangerel.”

“Me? How dare you insinuate such things! Has my judgement ever been wrong? Why would you turn on me now?”

“You are jealous.” He continued as if she hadn’t even spoken. “Because she has the blood of a god in her veins and you are but mortal. I did not know you craved ascension.”

“I do not.” She laid bare her teeth. “Do you know nothing of me, Muunokhoi?”

“I know you are jealous because the god-spawn makes advances.”

“She has lain with leopards!” Sarangerel snapped. “Her daughter is proof of that unnatural union. The abomination should have been killed the moment you set eyes on her. You would have done it yourself if you had not been won in by her.”

“The abomination is not her daughter. You would do better to get your facts right.”

Sarangerel spat. “It matters little. The thing is her family.”

“Come back when you have the evidence.” Muunokhoi replied, shifting his weight to move forwards only to find the female barring his way.

“Why do you defend her? Are you attracted to her?”

The male’s face transformed with rage and the paw intended to take a step was lifted to strike her. Sarangerel attempted to dodge the attack but he was too swift and the blow caught her across the jaw and sent her reeling. She cowered back away from him but there was no shock in her eyes. It was something she was clearly used to.

“Be glad I did not use claws.” He growled. “Next time I will take out an eye.”

“What is another battle scar?” She replied, her voice still startlingly rebellious for one who had been shown her place. “You would be proud of a battle-scarred mate.”

“You are not yet worthy of scars.”

Her eyes narrowed and there was a dangerous gleam in them. “I have fought.”

“But you have not fought well. You have shamed me.”

“And you think the god-spawn will not? She has shamed you already by bending you to her every whim. But since you seem to have made your choice, I will let her have you. I’d be glad of it, in fact and you’ll get no interference from me.” Her tail whipped from side to side as she spoke, her voice furious. “But when she turns on you I will be there to laugh over your corpse.”

Muunokhoi growled anew and she took a wary step back; giving him room to pass if that is what he wished to do. He glared at her instead. “I have no romantic interest in the seer.”

“Ha! Lies! You are perfect for one another.”

“You are mine, Sarangerel. You would do best not to forget it.”

“It works both ways dear.” She snarled the affectionate nickname. “You are mine, also, but I will not share. You must be satisfied with me alone or not have me at all.”

“I would kill you first.”

“Then try it! I may not have a god’s blood in my veins, but I do have the blood of the founders. What do you have, Muunokhoi? What do you have except for your size and your strength? There is an abundance of warriors out there. You are replaceable.”

And when he lunged at her for the second time, she was ready for it; dancing out of harm’s way and hastening back towards the gap in the rocks. Sarangerel paused then to glare back at him. “I came to warn you of deceit. Remember that, dear mate, when you find the god-spawn’s claws in your back.”

“Your jealousy will destroy you.”

“Your foolishness will destroy you. Let us see who meets that fate first.” And then she was gone, the sharp click of her claws echoing long after.

The large male, unable to settle, stalked off; filled with fury that needed venting. Perhaps there were some lazy slaves that needed teaching a lesson.