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[JRP] Settling in After a Long Journey (Yamile x Atashmah) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:30 pm
Yamile was one to keep moving so it wasn't often she meet someone twice, but that wasn't true with Atash. She had managed to meet his brother after meeting him, it wasn't hard to see the family resemble and then she had run into him again. To Yamile, one seeking to redeem herself and once again become the goddess she thought herself to have been, it was a sign.

That was how she came to be in his homelands now, with him as a banu in his harem. It was an odd concept to her, but not one that she was against, just something that would take getting use to. She sat a distance from the pride's lake thinking on her life and how things had turned out. She still wasn't to certain what her purpose was in the pride, what she needed to be there for, but she was happy to be with the one who intrigued her so much right from the start.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:32 pm
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As the sun began to set in the distance and the sky melted into the fierce, wildfire hues of dusk the lake that seemed to be a source of life within the Ukuucha'Wafalme mirrored the garnet, ruby and tangerine colors perfectly. Its' placid surface disturbed only by the ripples of Atashmah Sayeh as he soaked himself after what had certainly felt like an endless journey across the Rogue Lands. He had met many strange creatures and grown both physically and emotionally over the time he'd spent in the outside world, but being back home now felt strange to him. Unfamiliar. The search for a Banu was meant to be a coming of age ceremony, a test of skill and prowess and perhaps proof of maturity in a way, but Atash still found himself struggling at times. To do the right thing.. to know what the hell the right thing even was. To be the proud, sure-footed Pad like all those before him.

Gazing at his reflection within the larger image of the sky that both draped over his head and drowned beneath his paws, the weary soul nearly blended into the scenery. Should he have come back at all? The question lingered at the back of his mind as a distracted gaze lifted from the water to stare at the beautiful lioness seated upon the shore. Pale as the moon, but some how far more illustrious than the celestial sphere. He should have been proud to call her his own. He wanted to be proud. Being a pessimist at heart made it hard for him to believe he deserved her, though he promised himself he would try to do right by her. Perhaps if he helped her return to the Goddess she believed she had once been, she might recall him fondly and show mercy enough to lift the curse from his head. Head canting gently towards the female in question, they hadn't been home long and Yamile had been fairly quiet in expressing her opinion thus far, not that he lent himself well to conversation. That didn't mean he wasn't interested in what she has to say. ...what do you think of it?

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:35 pm
Yamile smiled when Atash's eyes landed upon her. She didn't find the need to bath just now, but she did notice that the member of the pride seemed to really enjoy the water. She liked the water as well, so it was a common ground she was glad to have. She also noticed there were lot of cubs everywhere and it made her just a bit nervous. She looked up to the sky bathed in color still silent before looking back to Atash.

"Come out," she said softly, "its going to get cooler soon and we wouldn't want to to fall ill. You've only just returned."

She rose and moved closer to the waters edge but not close enough to coat her paw in mud. She giggled as a couple of cubs went by laughing jumping over her tail with small hello's as they headed for their mother's. "Maybe once you are dry then we can go for a walk."
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:37 pm
Maybe a older male or more domineering one would have reacted poorly to a request made by his Banu, even such a mild one, but Atashmah could have cared less. He couldn't possibly have known that there were still whispers about how Shiva'soheila had run away from him to find a new Pad. Then again, there were a lot of things this servant of the blood moon had yet to become privy to. Stoic expression softening as easy strides drew his solid frame from the lake where he had stood nearly up to his chest after dunking below the surface.

Out of courtesy Atash shook himself before he reached the shore to prevent wetting Yamile. Slick fur which had lain smooth against the swell of muscle beneath was now slightly more plush without the weight of extra water. With my luck, I'm probably not the one who'd get sick..

Even if he meant it as an awkward joke, there was an ominous truth beneath his words. A cautious glance following the prancing cubs for but a moment before he forced his gaze away. As if something unfortunate might befall them simply because he had enjoyed watching them frolic for too long. He found himself staring at Yamile instead and fighting not to be overwhelmed by her loveliness as he had once before. And until then..?

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:38 pm
Yamile shook her head as Atash talked about his luck. It was something the pair disagreed on. Yamile hardly thought him to be curse or to have bad luck, but of course she had a whole different look on things than Atash did. She wondered if he would ever see things her way and if it would be souly up to her to change his viewpoint. She didn't mind if it was, she had all the time to help him.

"You've come out now, so I'm certain no one will get sick, not you, not me, not anyone," she said reassuredly giving a smile and a giggle for good measure. It would have been more funny, if Yamile was sure Atash was entirely joking.

Yamile looking to a tree not too far from them and rose headed over to it, "until then we can relax and talk. You can tell me more about your home and your family. I can tell you about mine, if you would like."
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:39 pm
With a less than certain nod of agreement Atash forced some levity into his face, though he wasn't prone to smiling. Amused though he was by the short giggles that slipped from Yamile's muzzle. She really was a breath of fresh air when he felt himself suffocating in the grim darkness that constantly surrounded him. A ray of light to guide him out someday, perhaps. Not that he dared speak such things out loud just yet, least she might mistake it as some kind of some manner of poetry with which to woo her or something. Atash would have liked to save himself the trouble of that confusion.

With a head overflowing with thoughts as usual, he followed the sleek line of her form to the shade of a tree, though with the sun setting there wasn't much to be shaded from. The heat of the day already long dissipated. What do you want to know?

There was a lot to be said about his family and not being the sort to want to talk without end he found it easier to answer whatever questions she might have had.

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:41 pm
Yamile sat under the tree and waited for Atash to join her before settling down completely. She crossed her front paws and settled her head on them before looking up at Atash. "Have you all always lived here? It's so peaceful, it takes some getting use to? And what is it like to have well basically more that one mother or is it more like a mother and really close aunts? There is so much about this pride to take in. It is very different from most outsider concepts."

Yamile was trying to make sure she didn't insult the pride, she didn't want to, but she was certain she probably sounded a bit rude. She sighed lightly, "I feel like I should be doing something, but I really not sure what. I am use to always moving."
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:43 pm
Sinking onto is haunches was about as far as the young Pad was willing to go, particularly because his belly was still soggy enough to make laying in the dirt an unfavorable proposition. That aside, he also couldn't seem to lose the tension that made his spine stiff and his senses alert and attentive to the area around him. There was a guardian in Atashmah Sayeh somewhere deep down, whether he realized it or not. Meeting the gaze that peered up at him with a fondness he tried to hide, as he had a habit of doing with all the rest of his emotions, Atash shook his head. The answer hesitant at first.

I... No. I traveled here with my father a long time ago. My mother gave me and my sister away, though I still don't understand why. I've always felt like an outsider here... Realizing that he'd already said too much Atash fell silent briefly, stirring awkwardly in his newly adult physique. Finally picking up the conversation again when he was certain he had control of his tongue, vibrant red eyes returned to her from the moment they had taken to stare into the distance and collect himself.

It takes some getting used to.The families here are large and extend a long way, my own included.. I'm not very close to them though. I'm not very close to anyone, except Tsubame. Reminded of his father's Beybanu who had become the closest thing he'd ever had to a real mother, a small smile curled his maw sheepishly. Atash couldn't help but wonder what she would think of the lovely lioness he had brought home, excited to see that familiar blue figure again.

She's my father's Beybanu... you'll meet her tomorrow along with the rest of my family. You'll like her and she could probably teach you far more about the pride than I ever could. Confidence filled his voice, if he was certain of anything it was that Tsubame was the best thing that had ever happened to him and her introduction to his new Banu would be nothing short of the proudest moment of his life.

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:34 pm
Yamile looked slightly alarmed at Atash's words wondering what would make a mother give her children away. She could hear that it seemed like a sore spot of Atash and she felt the need to reassure him. She rose and nuzzled him lightly not caring that she wet her own fur in the process, "I'm sure she had a good reason and it was your father, who I sure loves you very much. Yes?"

She sat next to him listening to him explain about the pride and his father's beybanu. "It all sounds like quite a lot, but Tsubame sound like a wonderful lioness. I can't wait to meet her. Sounds like maybe you should rethink what coming to this pride means. You would not have met her if you didn't and there is no guarantee that you would have felt more at ease in you mother's home, not that you couldn't have of course. It's just all things happen for a reason and you could have been on of the best things that happened to her."

She looked up to the darkening sky, "I miss my parents. Not unlike you I didn't quite fit either, but I knew my parents loved me very much. I was so different, having none of there features and being ... as they put it ... as graceful as if I danced on air." She laughed lightly.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:36 pm
His weight shifted, trying not to appear or act as uncomfortable as he felt was a challenge for the Pad but he was trying. Knowing what it felt like not to be wanted, it wasn't the impression he wished to leave with Yamile. Especially when she only meant to comfort him. Most likely..

Atashmah wouldn't have wanted a cursed cub either, especially not in such a superstitious pride as the Jini-msemi. Why she had given away his sister as well was beyond him, though they both seemed to share unnatural pelts. He didn't say anything else on the matter, leaving his words to answer any one of the questions his Banu had presented. Did his father love him? Probably, he'd never asked and seemed too old now for such juvenile concerns. Whether Achal loved him or not it would never change the fact that they were related, so what did it matter? The best thing to happen to her?

Chuckling outright at such a ridiculous thought the red moon lion simply shook his head in disbelief. No.. I don't think so. She has plenty of her own children to be proud of.. she would never choose me over them. But.. maybe you're right. If not for becoming a member of this pride, I would never have met you..

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:39 pm
Yamile simply shook her head and settled against Atash slightly, she was sure he dad loved him even if she had never met the male. Why else would he take him from his mother and raise him. She really didn't wish to think there was another reason.

Yamile frowned at her statement being questioned back at her, but she just let it be. Atash couldn't really understand not being female. When it came to one's children, it wasn't often one over the over or blood that matter. Yamile had seen it more than once. She sighed wishing she could prove it to him somehow.

What he said last surprised her a bit, as she hadn't even though of it. Her cheek flushed slightly red and for once she wasn't really sure what to say, so she just said the first thing that came to her mind. "I am glad you came here."

She smiled and stood up, "shall we go for that walk now?"
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:41 pm
Trying to imagine how surprised her parents must have been to have given birth to such a divine cub as Yamile, how surprised he would have been if it had happened to him, Atashmah couldn't picture them feeling anything but pride. A tiny goddess was certainly a gift from above. Strangely, she seemed to be the exact opposite of him. Perhaps there was something to that. Time would tell.

Taken back by the loss of composure his Banu showed through the color that betrayed her.. embarrassment, maybe? Her agreement with him led Atash to believe the blush didn't possess negative connotations. Rising to his paws with her casually as he gave his drying fur another gentle rustle. I'm ready..

And then, as he began taking long, easy strides a thought fell across the Pad's mind, Do you miss them? Your parents, I mean.. it sounds as though you haven't seen them in a while.

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:43 pm
She walked with Atash thinking on his question. He was right of course she hadn't seen them in a very long time. Them nor her siblings. "Yes, I do miss them. Very much so, but I am sure I will see them again one day. The understand that me leaving was something I needed to do and I appreciate them for that and everything else."

She looked to Atash with a smile, "I left when I was still an adolescent and I knew then that I would not go back for some time."

She frowned slightly as a thought popped into her head, "I feel selfish to hope for this, as I'm not sure if it is entirely my place, but I hope, if I have any, that my future cubs lives are much simpler than mine, but then I think that might not be possible. What about you?"
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:45 pm
Perhaps I could escort you to them, some day, It was a strange offer, but Atashmah would have liked to meet the lions and see the lands from which his lovely companion had originated. His paws ached at the thought of another long journey so soon and there was still many thing he had yet to address within the Ukuucha, but it wasn't an offer he made lightly. In the future there would be time for new adventures. As things were they were still neck deep in their current one and though Yamile seemed perfectly at home in the new pride and satisfied to serve him, Atash was still uncertain of it all.

Grimacing at the mention of cubs, eyes that now glowed against the deepening darkness regarded the landscape around them. It wasn't a subject he wanted to breach or even consider, truthfully. Answering only as much as he could afford without letting Yamile into his mind. She had a way of brushing off any mention of his curse, but then she also hadn't witnessed it first hand as he had on more than one occasion. To bring that sort of dread upon innocents would have been irresponsible, not to mention selfish. I'd rather not think about it.

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:45 pm
Yamile sighed and brushed against Atash lightly, "don' t think about it," she said. She was not referring to what they had previously been talking about, but instead the curse Atash believed himself to have. She had indeed seen his unlucky streaks but she couldn't bring herself to fully believe he was cursed.

She knew it was possible and she did hope that if it was true that they would one day find a way to break the curse. "Thank you for you offer. I'm sure my parent's would one day love to meet you. It will nice to see them again. I am sure that they would love you." She was certain of it.

She smiled at the stars as they came into existence, "Would you like to keep walking, or should we retire for the night? I admit, I am rather excitement to meet your family, we should be well rested."
[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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