"You don't have to do this, you know. Things have always been… strained. I understand it, and I'm sure you do too."

"Of course I don't have to. You're just being silly and stubborn, like you always have been."

Weak, gaunt, Liraz gave a small smile. It warmed the bright green of her eyes - throughout all of this, there had always been that bright happiness that Liraz seemed incapable of losing. Despite the fact that her pregnancy had all but drained the life from her, Liraz had been happier than she'd ever been before.

"This is how it's supposed to happen, Orla. I've seen it. I was wrong in the beginning. I think it's," she paused, gave a weak, wet laugh. The sound of phlegm crackled and popped deep in her chest, moist and thick. It'd been getting worse and worse as the time passed, and it made Orla sick to think that her half-sister had been resigned to such a fate, "I think it was because I just.. wanted so desperately to be loved, you know? And… even if it was just," the lioness wheezed, pausing as they walked. Dark brown spittle foamed slightly at the corners of her mouth, "for.. for a little bit… I had it. I had it and it was beautiful."

Orla fought the urge to cry. They'd spent the last few hours slowly walking towards the boundaries of the pride. It would be in a small cave that Orla had prepared for her half-sister that Liraz would give birth, and eventually die. Liraz knew it, and was at peace with it, but Orla was not completely convinced. The two had grown close in months past and Orla had become overprotective of her smaller, weaker half-sister.

"And now," Liraz continued, her breathing labored and loud, "there will be these bundles of pure love and happiness; I've seen them - none will be sick as far as my visions have shown me. One will stay with mama - to look after her, you know? Since.. I can't. Not that I ever could but.. ah, well." She hunched over, coughing loudly. Thick, foul phlegm hung from her lips. Orla grunted softly and snatched a leaf from a nearby bush, using it to wipe the rust-colored gunk from her sister's lips.

"Stop talking already, Liraz. Save your energy. We're almost there."

Liraz gave a pained chuckle, shaking her head as they moved forward. It was a slow, painful process. Not only were her lungs wet with the sickness that tainted the majority of her pride, but her joints and bones ached with a pain so poignant that sometimes it threatened to take her breath away. Sometimes it did take her breath away, leaving her helpless. It had been part of the reason she'd never strayed too far from home lest she be stranded too far from a place of comfort.

"This … this is going to upset papa, you know," Orla grumbled softly. Jozo had always had a soft spot for his sickest daughter; and while Orla did not understand why her father had strayed from her mother, she was slowly coming to realize why something like this was necessary. Life was so short; there was no telling when it would end. Abruptly? After being forced to deal with a lenghty illness? Orla couldn't blame her papa for finding happiness where he could. He did the best that he could, and that was all that anyone could ask.

"I know," Liraz's voice was soft and gentle; she paused to lean heavily against Orla. "It's going to upset my mama too. My sister, my brothers. Yours, too." Orla snorted and stood fast, taking Liraz's weight against her sturdier, impossibly healthy form. "I tried to tell them. My visions.. you know? I can see what will happen to my family. My cubs, do you know? All but one of them will live on a beach near the ocean. Warm sands and sweet breezes, the salty tang of the sea on their fur. They will see so much beauty, Orla. And you will too. You will live a long life, I see it. I've seen it."

Liraz started moving forward again, and Orla kept up beside her. The mouth of a cave yawned before them. Orla steered her sister forward.

"Their papa, he'll love them. You'll see. I've seen it, I've felt it. He was such a gentle lion - I've never met one sweeter. Sometimes he would look at me with such a warmth in his eyes - I could almost forget that I was sick. He'll live a long life, too."

Orla turned her eyes downward to peer at her sister. Liraz was in such pain - the fat weight of her cubs bowed her bony frame in an impossible way; the lioness's back arched downwards, and there was little doubt in Orla's mind that it was incredibly painful. Even still, Liraz lumbered forth without complaint. Orla shook her head.

"I told .. I told papa to come to the cave tonight. If.." Orla's voice cracked. "If you are.. Liraz, if you are gone, he will take the daughter back to your mother."



"Lippo. Her name is Lippo."

Orla glanced at Liraz. "Who is Lippo?"

Liraz gave Orla a patient look. "The daughter that will stay here with mama."

Orla remained silent, turning damp eyes away from her sister.

"There is also Odette. Spots like her father. Brandt, strong and healthy. Afshang, I think he will be the biggest of the bunch. Miele, golden like honey. Ricco too, bold and inventive. These will be the names of my cubs, Orla. You will be sure to let their father know. I.. might not be able to tell you later. I want you to know now."

"Stop, Liraz. You will see them yourself, even if only for a moment."

Liraz nudged a dry nose against her sister's shoulder.

"A moment, yes. We are nearly there?"

"We are nearly there."

"Might I have some water?"

"I have water there. I will hunt once I have you settled, sister."

Liraz gave a happy sound, one that was not damp or sickly sounding. Soon she was settled in the cave, sleeping deeply. Only then did Orla give in to her tears; they dampened her cheekfur, the bloated belly of her sister. Orla lifted a paw and felt the cubs writhe within. All healthy, remaining so until the end of their days. Liraz had seen it, just as she'd watched her own death.

It was both a blessing and a curse to be so healthy. Orla would live her long and happy life; she would be forced to watch her half-sister die in the process.

With a sigh, Orla left the cave in search of food. It would not be much longer.

((WC: 1132 in Ommwriter))