WC: 1,488

She certainly would have expected a knights son.. and someone a tad younger. But in the midst of dark where she made her art. There wasn't any time for questions. The meetings they had here, countless were killed now. Fighting had dulled in numbers.. and now.. there was the quiet before the real storm. Moving him here was best, especially for that girl's parents not wanting to leave the pride in the dissray. That disgust where she wanted to tare him a new one for thinking himself better. Just how he looked but she could forgive him. He didn't know the massive break outs that were happening here.

"Stay close. Don't talk to anyone.. and don't go anywhere alone. We expect that betrayal is not apart of the contract. Your for the tame- of the pride. Whatever that entails. Protect the family." Slowly she moved her maw aside and snatched up her hood, ripping it off her face as she revealed herself. Katapatan. An active warrior and it showed in her face. Serious and honestly had lost a lot. Especially someone dear to her.

"I didn't expect a vet." She muffledly said to him. "I gotta put this over your face. House rules." She tried her best to be calm but time wasn't on their side. Getting him in and protecting the family as soon as possible even if that solid black male didn't like the idea not one bit. He expressed it loud enough. Holding it and waiting for him to give the ok- she hated dealing with aristorcrats.

If it was up to her- he'd been knocked out and dragged by his heels already!
“So be it,” he replied, even with the hood…Jelani had the tools to find out where he was no matter what blinded him. It seemed that they would be getting along nicely. He smirked slyly, “I’m not as old as I look, it only comes with what I’ve seen and done,” he responded in a serious tone. Jelani watched the female for a moment and bowed his head for whatever she was going to do…well place the hood on him in some manner that would take his sight he supposed. He wasn’t an aristocrat, or at least he didn’t consider himself one…just a high ranking warrior. Actually he’d probably get kind of pissy over the term. Unless it was just him being qualified and his advice was sought out from experience than maybe. But the term usually had a negative connotation. Good thing he didn’t know what she was thinking, he had a good idea though. Jelani thought it best that he kept his mouth shut for most of the way, just so he didn’t piss of the female off more than she already was. He never thought females were good warriors…too emotional.

Yep, they would make good friends. Except nothing like her teacher. So she merely shared a faint chuckle as she took ahold of his head. "Then you must know war. " Not being careful at all when she handled his head and wrapped the cloth around. Making sure at least he didn't see where he was going. Usually they would kill a recent animal and cover the faces of those he entered.. But it wasn't gunna happen tonight. Not when everything had to be so rushed.

"Don't make too sudden of movements. As quickly as possible behind me." She directed before stepping with a slight shuffle of a breeze to indicate that she was moving. Hoping at least he'd stick to scent to find his way to her. Without any moments notice then after, she turned and headed back underground. The crevises and very very slim. One could fit at a time, as they were meant not for travelers to go through. One way in, one way out.

It was like a maze and she made a noise like a call to him at least fourtyfive minutes in of breezing through before she propped up in an air gap to the surface. Looking around and eyeing the forest enterance. They could be ambushed at any moment.. Looking for a sigh that her unit was at least there. But nothing.. Lowering her body back underground she turned to him and leaned in to him. "Alright. I'm gunna take the mask off now..I can smell trouble."

Her claws sharp enough that when she passed it through the blindfold.. it was torn then pulled off the rest of the way. "We have to be quick." Making their eyes meet- that sign of we gotta go. Then turned and her paws didn't hesitate to leave the dust behind. Propelling herself upwards out of the dune- just barely dodging a shadow that passed her by. Landing she twirled but saw nothing. "Hurry up!" She barked and once she saw him- drove to the right before running through the thick forest ring leading up to the pride. Once with the front gate guards. Things would run smoother.
"All too well," the cheetah replied...his upper lip curled upwards under the cloth at the female's rushed notion. He moved after her, catching on quickly...the garb on his head made it harder for him to detect her, but in a way he could feel her. So cautiously he followed her into the hole, feeling very uncomfertable due to the small space, he felt as if he barely fit being as tall as he was. Following her until she stopped, his hearing was still in working order. He stopped shortly after her leaving her some space, he was quiet the entire time. Looking into her eyes, his own were dark and cold...hollow almost. He understood everything all to clearly.
Bounding from the dune he raced beside her, the shadows try to surround them. He shoulder blocked one sending them tumbling into the dust, his eyes on the female just before the brush he was caught off guard facing someone familar, the voice rang through his ears clear as day as they said his voice. He growled sharply as his ears lay flat on his head before disappearing into the brush after the female. It was odd to see those he knew on the other side, this particular one had only been a travel mate for a particular time...Catching up to the female he hollered at her, "How much further?"
"Not much!" She called back to him- dodging through the forest and once at the rocky sands.. She stopped and was greeted by three cheetahs. Two set themselves behind her and the one she made follow her. Then the one in front that bowed his head. "Lady Kata.." "Sir." She said sharply. "Orders by the council, I'm bringing in an arranged mate.."

Taking a few steps back towards white and blue cheetah, she sntached off his fur and let them see.. Bowing her head once more before she pushed right on past him. "Next time- cover me instead of standing here." Her voice was lower, like a whisper to the male..

It was true.. He was apart of her team and how he greeted her so non chalant as she tried to protect the mission and herself.. He gruffed and bowed to the male. "My apologizes, I sent someone to pick you two up I guess they didn't understand clearly. Don't worry, These two will follow you to the mark." Tension was very apparent as they walked in, her head was held high as they were lead up the walls of the crater, til they got to a den that they slipped in to. Thankfully it was past curfew.. but thats when things would get worse.

"Brought Jelani ( sp ? ) of the colony to meet his bride." She leaned her head to one side.
Jelani was watching and keeping memory of everyone of that he was meeting. His dark eyes looking over the smaller male, he looked like he could be trouble. "I've been in platoons where a slip up like that meant your grave," the blue and white cheetah's tone did not falter and he was being deadly serious. Watching the male bow to him was strange but he would accept it.

Jelani still thought this was more than awkward...but it was his new pride and he'd do what his King and Queen asked...he was subordinant to them and he had chosen that life and it had wound him up here. He looked to Lady Kata who seemed more than enthused about what was going on. The soldier still hadn't an idea what he had goten himself into. The tension could be cut with a knife...he ignored it, the looks from the natives. Jelani's head was held just as high when he walked, he had nothing to be ashamed of. Just fulfilling his duty. Looking to Lady Kata he settled into a stance that was comfertable without sitting down, ready for whatever was to come his way.