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[1v1v1] I Found You (Jay/Senga/Iyari) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:03 pm
Jay had seen a myriad of horsemen bustling around the sanctuary or near Amityville. She had seen death and conquest and famine and even some from her own clan, but none of them were familiar to her. There was nothing wrong with Jay collaborating with the other three Clans, far from it. Even from a young age she had been curious about the other customs and idiosyncrasies that separated the other three clans from her own, and now was the ideal opportunity to discover why, but there was still too much to absorb. At the end of the day, after she had finished collecting supplies and interacting with new faces, Jay still wanted something familiar to return to.

A distinct grumble of disapproval rumbled in her thin throat. The war horsewoman found herself half-jumping and half-gliding into one of the lower branches of the trees standing at the edge of the Weeping Forest. Chips of bark flaked off and leaves fluttered as Jay rattled the branches until she comfortably seated herself against the large tree trunk. One leg draped over the side, dangling in the air while Jay stared at the meager dwellings in the War Clan’s portion of the sanctuary. It wasn’t much, but the reality that the other corners of the land appeared similar comforted her somewhat. However, it was still a far cry to what her homeland had been. She crossed her arms and lightly pressed the back of her skull to the tree. Her eyes rose to meet the desaturated sky and she sighed sullenly. Her feathers rustled as she adjusted her wings into a more comfortable position.

She brought both hands to her mouth, ready to let out a string of bird calls when there was a splash of white against the murky background. At first the spark of bright color perked her interest, but then she took in the nostalgic coloration of the horseman’s wings. The sight got her excited. She scrambled out of her seat, causing the branch to wobble furiously beneath her weight. Wishing not to be seen just yet, Jay stood frozen until the tree settled down. Then she jumped down and silently crawled over toward him. Her excitement levels spiked suddenly when she noticed the presence of a horsewoman by his side. Jay grew a Cheshire smile. Two familiar faces! How exciting!

The horsewoman crouched low, her wings tucked in as she drew closer and closer to the pair. It took all of her self-restraint to hold herself back until she finally couldn’t contain herself anymore. Jay flung both of her arms around their shoulders and squealed, “SengaIyariyoumadeityoumadeitI’msogladyouguysarealiveIwassoworriedandIwassolonelybutnowI’mnotandI’mjustsohappyhappyhappy!”


PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:42 am

It was not that he did not miss a certain blue jay.

It was that he did not miss her chatter.

The reserve was dull and slow that day, with a scattering of War members surrounding the communal tent, talking and planning and making groups to go out for more scavenging trips. Senga watched them from afar, beneath the shade of one of the trees and near to Iyari as well. His sister seemed well - or as well as one could be considering the situation, and that made Senga glad. Envious too, little wolf, one of the voices crooned quietly above the static. The young executioner let out a reverberating growl. Yes, now shut up, He thought bitterly, frowning down at the grey markings along his skin. He did not wear his pelt today, and beneath the half glow of the dim sky, his skin seemed dark apart from the brightness of scars. The bandages wound tightly around his torso and back, covering the largest one from view, but still he felt exposed, and nearly reached for his pelt when the sound of something moving caught in the shell of his ear.

He did not turn his head to it though, did not care to. Where the jungles of War were quiet and the sounds easy to discern, here Senga felt as though he were constantly listening to chaos, and it was hard to focus his attention on one thing amidst many, so at times, he simply did not focus at all. Fluffing his wings in mild aggravation at the constant dull throb of noise all around, the young executioner gave a slight sigh, turning his head to stare hard at Iyari's back. His sister seemed keen on the work that needed to be done around, and even keener on sharpening her weapons whenever she got the chance. He'd yet to see her spar again, but he imagined it would be soon...

After all, she is so strong, The voice crooned again, how does it feel to be in her shadow? Well, you'll be even deeper into it soon enough.

Senga winced and tried to ignore the words even as the voices all crisscrossed together again in his head, forming waves of static and senseless noise. It was a constant headache, a dull sort of pain in the back of his head. No matter how deeply he slept or how much he focused on meditating in the shade of the trees, they never left, never ceased their endless chatter and fervent nonsensical shoutings. It was wearing thin on his nerves, and Senga stood, stretching his wings and readying himself to tell his sister he was going out to fly, or going out to do something. Anything to get the voices to quiet down for a moment or two.

Of course, that was put on pause when the noise he'd heard earlier only got louder and louder still.

Instinct made him duck just as Jay swung her arm out to meet his shoulder, and instead of the blue jay catching him in a one-armed-whatever-it-was, she only caught air. Popping back up behind the offending appendage, Senga shook out his hair, fussing over the now disheveled strands for a moment before looking over at --- Jaida. His eyes widened for a moment before he steeled himself, gritting his teeth and wishing desperately for his hood. He'd grown up with the blue jay, and her presence was as familiar to him as Iyari's was, but to call her a friend, well...

That was something he wouldn't ever admit out loud.

"You survived," It was a mere statement, burdened very quietly with relief. The closest he got to showing affection for the other girl. He was certainly glad to see her; her absence had not been forgotten by Senga when he'd first come to the reserve. He'd even done small flights over the area once or twice, searching for a sign of blue, and of dark black-red, searching for Jay and Iyari and anyone he knew personally and wished to see again. But here, now, he would never tell Jay that. No, never. Instead, he ruffled a wing and knocked the appendage against Jay, rumbling quietly at her excited chatter.

"Will you ever learn to speak properly?" He asked, crossing his arms and watching the other with a quirked brow. "I am glad to see you too."

Which was probably the first time he had ever spoken those words out loud. Especially to Jay.

SOOOO NOT PROOFREAD sorry this took so long bb Q_____Q



Snarky Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:49 am
Iyari was never one to complain.

Despite the fatigue, the emotional wear and even the daze she had found herself fighting from day in and out she had not uttered a word - not even to Senga. It felt like an eternity had already passed since they'd been forced to live as aliens in a foreign world. Nothing could change it and nothing would heal it. Too much lost, too many lost. The words were the same as they echoed back and just as hollow as she felt over the entire ordeal.

Today was no different to that idea as she made her way through the disheveled camp with Senga. In the days that had passed since they had been forced here the horsewoman found herself unable to sit still, unable to settle. With knapsack trailing behind her she was headed out to the woods again, walking in a quick pace with her eyes focused on the low branches of the outlying trees.

No words were spoken, she couldn't even bring herself to speak as she felt an arm move around her. Iyari felt her body go rigid at the touch while her arm moved to summon her weapon and cut the offending appendage from its origin.


Her bright eyes swung until they landed on a color familiar, on SOMEONE familiar. Iyari felt a shudder down to her wings as she regarded her. "Jay." It was nothing more than a whisper as a smile crossed her lips. Words were lost as she regarded her. Known from childhood, she'd seen the other at least once a day and had greatly missed her presence with each passing day.

"You're alive." It was soft, warm and rather unlike Iyari. Just as had been with finding her brother, a surge of emotion swept through her and she even found herself in an embrace of the horsewoman before pushing away with a grin. "And just when things were quiet." She teased, extending a hand to her face and flicking her nose.

Not even she could fight such joy.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:38 pm
For a war horseman, Jay was not as war-like as her brethren. When someone grasped her from behind, her first instinct wasn’t to summon her weapon. Sometimes, she wasn’t even on the alert when she craned her neck back to face the ‘opponent.’ For the most part, she felt safe on the reserve. Denizens of Halloween were not allowed onto the land unless there was a special reason. Jay didn’t expect horsemen from other clans to attack her out of nowhere. She expected at least a bit of respect and cooperation from them. She was carefree, more so than a horseman her age should have been, but she didn’t mind at all.

She blinked when one arm grasped only air. “Hm?” The blue jay’s jaw dropped when she found nothing in her grasp. “Sengaaaaa!” she wailed. “Let me hug you this one time, okay? I-I haven’t seen you guys in a while and I thought you didn’t make it.” Pouting and still clinging to Iyari, Jay leaned forward in another attempt to grab the lad into a hug. She bounced in place. “Yes! Yes I did! And you did too! And that makes me very happy.”

Quite literally, her eyes might have begun to sparkle at Senga’s words. “You’re glad. To see me? Really? Really?” Jay sounded genuinely touched at this. So Senga really did care after all.

She would have lunged at him for a full hug, but Iyari pushed her away and flicked her nose. “Hey!” Jay pouted, covering her nose with one hand before grinning and flicking Iyari in the nose as well. “Payback!” She stuck her tongue out at them both before Jay fell into an unusual silence.

“I missed you.” She blurted out suddenly, sea green eyes darting between the siblings before she rushed forward to try and hug them both once more. “I missed you!”

QvQ ilusm <3

o /



PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:35 pm

Senga craned his neck back to peer at the other two; lips curling slightly at the edges. It wasn't into a smile though; the expression was foreign to him, even before the gray cracks in his skin had splintered into fissures. The static popped and hissed in the back of his mind, and the young executioners wings ruffled, curling closer to his body and hiding what little he could of the lines like scars across his skin. He listened without opinion to Iyari's words and Jay's retort, only to feel her searing gaze on him again far too soon. Puffing his wings almost defensively, Senga hunched his shoulders and nearly seemed to roll back into the comfort of his wing-made cover.

He really shouldn't have said anything out loud.

His cheeks burning a slight red at her repetition of words. Gods but he'd forgotten just how much Jay liked to talk. He understood that his brethren had all shared words and stories through language and speech, but Jay just took it to an extreme he still could not fathom very well. "I do not see the point," He muttered in return to her plea for a hug, even though he acquiesced in the slightest by extending his wingtips and touching Jay's shoulder blades with them in an armless hug. "There." He said, returning his wings to his side after a few moments.

"I wouldn't say anything if I didn't mean it." Senga grunted, fluffing his wings again and peering from Iyari to Jay as the two flicked each others noses. What strange... behavior. He supposed it wasn't so strange though, considering the other things he'd seen since beginning residence in the reserve. "I am not glad to see the silence gone so soon though."

Tilting his head at both Iyari and Jay, the young executioner folded his arms and peered around at the emptiness of the War Clan's part of the reserve. "Your stealth has become rather sloppy," He mumbled, peering at Jay, and then Iyari, "we should spar again sometime."

He knew that his sister hadn't battled in awhile. And Jay probably even less than her.

They'd done it when they were little too. Perhaps they'd like to do it now, to make this place feel more like home.

wha no love for me q A q --- /JKJK

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:59 pm
Warmth from the embrace was sudden and nearly overwhelming. With a shake of her head she began to laugh - the first real laugh since it had happened. Jay had a way about her that could melt Iyari and that was one of the most endearing yet irritating things about her. Dynamic as most friendships could be. A grin crossed her face while brightened eyes stared down both brother and friend.

"If you really want a spar Senga I might have to make you regret asking for it." She teased, prodding him in the shoulder while rounding her expression to Jay. "You could use some work." There was a chiding tone wrapped in the edges of kindness while she moved back into a defensive stance.

The blood-haired horsewoman was never one to back down from a battle - even if such a "battle" was merely a friendly spar. She had gotten so rusty, so tired from the emotions running rampant in the nearby camp areas. Her tongue lighted over her lips and her wings had gone rigid, twitching in anticipation. "What are you waiting for?!" She roared in delight.

"We should really get reacquainted!"

cominbackcominbackcominback <3

yeahyeahyeah <3


Snarky Hunter

Syusaki rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 4 Total: 10 (2-16)


PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:00 pm
She raised her eyebrows at Senga and his armless hug. An armless hug. The hug was so Senga it was almost too painful for Jay to bear, but she appreciated it anyways. The brush of feathers against skin was familiar and comforting, reminding her of home and family that were long gone.

Another look at the executioner. “I was never that great at stealth anyways. And have you seen the place? Not exactly the best area to hide in,” she mumbled with a messy gesture to the land. “A spar.” Her voice was hushed yet somehow still loud when her eyes widened with sparkling delight. Her tone was excited, almost irreverent. A sparsparsparspar!

“I like it! I like that idea a lot! It’sbeensuchalongtimewowI’vemissedyouguysokayokayhereIgo here I go!” The jay began to jabber again, words running together into one befuddling sentence. She bent her knees and leapt back to create distance between the pair of siblings. Lips twisted into a wide beam as she summoned her weighted throwing dagger. A slight hesitation as she looked at Iyari, then Senga. Which one? Hmmm. She put little thought into her choice before she threw the blade at Senga.

HP: 40
Target: Senga
Damage: 4

* v*b

keiifuu rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 7 Total: 13 (2-16)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 7:48 pm
User Image

Senga lept at Jay with a savage clawing motion.


HP: 36/40
Target: Jay.
DMG: 7


kuumeii rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 6 Total: 12 (2-16)


Snarky Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:01 pm
When the two clashed Iyari stifled the want to physically laugh. Then came the obligatory eye-roll and she clutched onto her blade. Jay was as jabbering as usual and Senga...

Had left his entire back open and Iyari grinned, taking the opportunity to leap into the air, raining down on top of him. "Watch your back, little brother!" It was the easier attack surely, but more so it was to be a reminder of one of the things he had a tendency to do - not think it all the way through.

HP: 40
Target: Senga
Damage: 6

u vub

Syusaki rolled 2 8-sided dice: 7, 2 Total: 9 (2-16)
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:41 pm
Jay squawked indignantly when Senga leapt at her, but really, what else did she expect? She hissed and attempted to push him off of her before she bent down to retrieve her dagger. The hilt slid smoothly into her grip. The warrior grinned as she habitually spun the blade around in her hand once before she realized Iyari had taken advantage of an opening to attack Senga.

Her grin stretched wider as she threw her blade at the other female. “I could tell you the same thing, Iyari!” she chirped happily.

HP: 33
Target: Iyari
Damage: 3



keiifuu rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 7 Total: 11 (2-16)


PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:35 am
Senga grunted at the impact of Iyari's blow, and his wings unfurled to knock her back before he gave them a heavy flap and launched into the air above them, the skulls of his pelt clicking and whistling together. "Rude." He muttered, summoning the dagger to his hand as Jay lunged out at Iyari. It was a strange, bright myriad of colors below; red and seafoam mixing with blue and black.

Ah, but which one to go after first.

Senga landed with a dull thud and twisted the weapon between his fingers, light on his feet even when he darted forward into the fray at Iyari's open side. "My mistake," He exhaled, "I won't do that again, sister."

HP: 34/40
Target: Iyari
Damage: 5
FEAR: Y2 Battle Cry


kuumeii rolled 2 8-sided dice: 1, 4 Total: 5 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:00 pm
Iyari flicked her wing up, but still felt herself take the blow from Jay. There was a smile on her face as she gazed back to the blue haired horseman. "Your aim has certainly improved, lets see about your reflexes." She gripped her blade ready for another blow.

Unfortunately it came from another source and her body spun away and she felt herself move back, the smile sent towards her newest attacker. Now they were both here, facing against her.

With a glint to her eyes she bolted back to the hair of seafoam, striking at Jay with a quick jab. It had missed and she felt herself go airborne, landing some bit away. The strike from Senga had thrown her off, but she wasn't going to allow it to happen again.

HP: 32/40
Target: Jay
Damage: 0




Snarky Hunter

Syusaki rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 3 Total: 11 (2-16)


PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:32 pm
Jay snickered as she jumped backwards to avoid Iyari’s blow. Coupled with Senga’s hit, there had been no way the redhead would have been able to hit the smaller warrior. “You tried,” she laughed under her breath as she eyed the siblings. She hummed softly as she took to the air, her wings pumping wildly until she was at a decent vantage point. She put a hand to her forehead as a visor when she flickered between the flashes of white and red. Then she grinned as she hurriedly dove forward and tackled Senga. “Gotcha!”

HP: 33
Target: Senga
Damage: 5


keiifuu rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 6 Total: 12 (2-16)
PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:00 pm
Senga grunted, flicking his wings mildly in the girls' direction. "Careful there, dear sister, don't fall over." He goaded, twirling the blade in his hand and swaying on the spot. The blur in the corner of his eye was certainly Jay, but she was faster than he anticipated, and though his blade parried hers, he felt some of Jay's tackle land painful blows against his skin. Exhaling sharply, he forced her back with a flurry of wing flaps and a sharp push.

"Only this time," He grunted, and took off straight up, vaulting into the air for a better vantage point. "Don't get so cocky though!" He called, the hood of his pelt falling away from his face as he twisted to get a better look at the two before he dove, landing his feet against Jay's chest and pushing her down into the dirt.

HP: 29
Target: Jay
Damage: 6
FEAR: Y2 Battle Cry




kuumeii rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 6 Total: 11 (2-16)


Snarky Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:17 pm
Aaah, she'd missed. Scowling she stared at her blade, smiling only a bit at Senga's words. "Something that will soon be remedied." She muttered, leaping off of the ground and barreling into Jay, trying to right her missed opportunity.

Finally it was a solid blow and she struck her off of the ground where she had landed, sliding past her and turning back with a smile, holding her blade out in a menacing manner. Now she was really getting into it and moved back defensively, staring at the two in front of her.

"Can't wait all day, darlings." She chided.

HP: 32/40
Target: Jay
Damage: 5


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