
'Ghosts of Guidain' is a D&D-inspired fantasy campaign, although it will be played freeform and play-by-post without the need for dice or other gaming systems or a queue. Basically communal story writing-as-gameplay. Those of you who’ve played with me before know the sort of thing I’m talking about and the rest of you should be able to catch on well enough by example.

Our setting is the continent of Guidain (rhymes with ‘Eden’), which is home to several nations and has technology, aesthetics, knowledge and values resembling a mix of medieval and Victorian England (without much forethought on cause and effect, to be honest).

The tone of this game will be primarily Gothic horror and high adventure/romance (in the literary sense, though you’re free to play around with the conventional idea as well). As someone has said in regards to this setting, think “Ravenloft meets Eberron.” Or at least loosely, as I can’t 100% vouch for the accuracy of that statement. Still, I feel it gives a good general impression... if you’ve ever heard of either of those.

What I’m hoping for overall is something that can be genuinely spooky and serious about itself, but is also free to be a bit silly, showcase the occasional over-the-top heroics/antics and, most of all, be FUN. That’s the foremost goal. Ultimately, the tone should be whatever feels collectively appropriate at the time.

Something else I’d like to encourage in this game is playing a character that is at least somewhat of a departure for you. Not necessarily a complete 180, but I’d like to avoid a party full of snarky know-it-all Machiavellian misanthropes, if you catch my drift. (NOTE: This rule only applies to people who’ve played with me before.)

Another thing I should get out of the way: I’m pulling most of this out of my a**. The game was created mostly spontaneously with the bare minimum of planning because, right now, I really just want to get a RPG going.

Also, don’t expect much of a pre-established magic system. Just abide by the following rules below and if you have any questions or ideas you’d like to run by me, do so.

Beyond that, the rules are simple: Don’t treat your character as if he/she is untouchable and all-powerful (mages especially), don’t do anything major to/with someone else’s PC without permission (I greatly encourage you guys to work together on developing your PCs’ interpersonal relationships - that’s one of the most fun aspects of roleplaying, IMO) and make sure the only bickering is what’s done between characters.


You live on the continent of Guidain, made up of several different nations and races including the human-ruled kingdom of Andarth, the elvish Secret Groves, the dwarven Grand Alliance and others. Some are booming as progress in magic and science produces new wonders, while others hang together by a thread and still others keep themselves and their affairs quiet. Poverty, famine and war are everyday concerns, but such are they always. What is of the most immediate concern to YOU, however, is the letter which you have recently received;

Dear Sir, Madam or Other,

It is with the deepest of woes that I bring you word of the passing of a great man, my brother, Sir Percival Cubbard, 1st Baronet of Impskis and celebrated scholar, explorer and treasure-seeker.

Being a friend of his (or so I judge from the considerable list of names he has left behind for me), you no doubt know the fondness he had for those harebrained “adventures” of his. I must tell you that, even in his old age, my brother was wont to leave the comfort and safety of his home and instead suffer rough terrain and miserable weather for them.

But alas, they have finally done him in. Even as I write this, his body grows cold in his bed after the investigation of some noble lady’s island tomb - and so near it was! - went awry and now necessitates that my dear brother have built a tomb of his own. The depth of my sorrow I cannot fathom and yet I have the strength to write this letter and others like it because I know he died doing what he loved. Nothing more could any of us ask when the Reaper comes as escort.

I write to you now because it was my brother’s wish that I do so and to tell you that he has left a last will and a testament and desired that your presence be sought for their reading. I do not know who you are, if you will come or, heavens, if you even live, but it was what Cubby wanted and so I must try. Should you be of good health and inclination, please hurry to Impskis in the southwest of Andarth before Harvest’s end. Our village lies in the earldom of Carmeleigh and sits beside the Iron River; keep to it and you will find us.

My prayers for your safe arrival,
Sister Heliabel Cubbard of the Saratian Daughters

Though born the son of a humble carpenter, Sir Percy managed to become an adventurer of considerable fame and fortune and won many true and unusual friends in his seventy-odd years. You were one of those true and unusual friends he made over the course of his extraordinary life, whether you knew it or not. The revelation of his death and the request for your presence are a lot to take in, but you know without doubt that you must go.

So resolved, you make your way for the Iron River and follow it towards the obscure little village called Impskis…