The Story Thus Far:

Our game begins as the PCs (hereafter known as the Snapdragons) receive letters apprising them of the death and forthcoming funeral of Sir Percival Cubbard, a well-respected mutual friend and well-traveled adventurer. They each make their way to Cubbard's childhood home of Impskis, a storybook little village in the midst of celebrating his life while local children engage in something curiously similar to trick-or-treating. After reading off a banner that the burial will be at sunset, the Snapdragons decide to kill some time.

Dwarf Petrov Urist and half-elf Beatrix Messekind enter the Gentle Jezebel inn/tavern and begin a drinking contest, soon adding the minocartaur Tyndareus. Outside, the reanimate Lord Scarface and childlike vampire Victoria Colburn meet and watch the contest from a window. After endeavoring to playfully frighten a few trick-or-treaters, shapeshifter Godric Ignatius introduces himself to the window-watchers in the form of a dog but soon reverts to his human appearance and proceeds to be thoroughly socially awkward.

Meanwhile, diamondoid golem Sylvia heads for Cubbard's manor, Cubbyhole, worried about being found out for what she is. Naturalist mage Lucius Locke arrives soon after making a stop at the apothecary of his old mentor Mathilda Malthus, followed by vampire assassin Addler Ercanbald. They are greeted by, of all things, a face on the door. Actually another golem, it is quite condescending and exasperated at having to deal with them, quickly giving them access into a small, but luxurious antechamber. Within, they see a large book of guests' names and add their own. Shortly thereafter, a young Thungrian named Alicia Eckerts shows up and is insulted by the door-golem for her lower-class appearance. Before she can reply, she finds herself suddenly whisked into the air on the back of a baby dragon named Sissy.

Back in the Gentle Jezebel, Beatrix wins the contest and, now quite intoxicated, wanders out of the tavern and into the lonely woods of Old Impskis to pass out. However, strange phenomena prompts her to investigate a dilapidated stone house, wherein she finds the phrase "An imps kis doĆ¾ fel efen an athel mayde" carved into a table in what seems to be dried blood. More bizarre occurrences direct her to a nearby chapel, but fear overwhelms her the closer she gets to it. Enraged by this, the half-elf tries to demolish the place, but only succeeds in inciting more surreal reactions from her surroundings. It is clear there is something intelligent toying with her, but whatever it is refuses to reveal itself and soon disappears, forcing Beatrix to leave even more frustrated.

The rest of the Snapdragons head for the manor where they catch sight of Sissy flying through the air with a terrified Alicia clinging to her. Tyndareus and Scarface each attempt to come to her rescue, the minotaur with his crossbow and the reanimate with superhuman bounds. Alicia begins to fall, but Sissy luckily catches her and returns safely to the ground, giving the Thungrian an affectionate lick on the face before taking off again. By now, the group has concluded that the dragon is, in fact, a pet of the late Cubbard.

Everyone enters the manor and a golemic butler with the same face as the one on the door escorts them to the parlor room where Sylvia, Lucius and Addler are waiting along with a few other guests including an elvish mage, a centauress and an Arcane Knight. The Snapdragons witness the open casket containing the body of their friend Sir Percival Cubbard and share fond words and memories of him. Addler, however, manages to inadvertently offend the knight but the elf cuts in before things can come to blows. He introduces himself as Keris, the centauress as Hylonome and the knight as Sir Eustace Langtree and informs the group that they too are members of the Order of the Snapdragon, created by Cubbard in honor of his friends.

Soon, yet another golem butler (which the group learns is actually a shared consciousness called the Messrs. Oliver) comes in and introduces the lady of the house and Sir Percy's sister, Heliabel Cubbard, along with the sickly mortician Ellis Lowland. They are abruptly asked to leave for the churchyard, as night has almost fallen and the funeral is about to begin.

The Snapdragons settle into the crowd of guests in the churchyard and a procession soon makes its way through carrying Cubbard's coffin. Heliabel gives a warm eulogy in her brother's memory and the attendees begin paying their last respects. This is interrupted, however, by the arrival of a mysterious woman in black some in the crowd call things like "The Blood-Witch's Daughter," "Thief of Hearts" and other unkind things. Heliabel herself is hostile toward the woman, who tells her she merely wants to tell Cubbard goodbye. Her attitude and the bouquet of flowers she carries imply to some of the group she is a former lover of their friend. The woman in black also warns Heliabel that Sir Percy is still in danger, though he is dead. Before she can go on, a handsome young man holding a human femur engraved in electric blue runes bursts forth, shouting "A. DEBT. IS. OOOOOOWED!" and runs off into the forest. A wailing of voices fills the guests' ears and spectral figures begin to appear. And attack.

Some people begin fighting, while others find themselves possessed. The Snapdragons struggle to hold their own amidst the chaos, Sylvia and Addler reluctant to use all their strength and skills against unwitting assailants, while Victoria sees a woman wearing a magical charm unharassed by any ghosts and quickly orders her enslaved sire, Vyncent, to find some for her. Locke, meanwhile, makes for the way he arrived in Impskis via the Sorcerous Plane to seek help. Instead, he spots his old mentor Mathilda Malthus enchanting a number of item inside her shop. He runs in, only to discover Mathilda has set up charms of her own to ward off the ghosts. His mentor encourages him to disperse the charms, which he does with the help of Vyncent, who returns to Victoria. The childlike vampire then uses her speed and small stature to place charms on a number of the possessed. The tide is beginning to turn...