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Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:37 pm
Breaking Down the Sculptor; Creating a New Life

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This is Beltaine.

I kind of put her aside hoping for a long time that something would work out for her, but I'm definitely
ready to start actively looking for a mate for her. She's a character that's really dear to me so I'd like to
find a man, home and possibly even a great plot that she might fit into.
Anything has to be better than where she stands currently.

Notes About Bel;

  • Beltaine is a tiny lioness. Her mother was also small in stature, but a lot of Beltaine's diminutive size comes from the fact that she did not receive proper nutrition as a young cub which severely stunted her growth.
  • Bel is kind of ferret-like in appearance. Her limbs are somewhat shorter than average and she has a rather long, slinky body which comes in handy given her hobby.
  • Hobby actually, isn't strong enough a description. Obsession is more like it. Beltaine is a sculptor. Wood and softer types of stone are her favorite and preferred mediums of expression. Please don't ask her to degrade herself to molding clay. XD
  • She's surprisingly nimble, despite what others may perceive as an awkward appearance. It's a trait that's developed over time out of sheer necessity when she's hanging upside-down or twisted around a sculpture trying to get the details just right.
  • Beltaine is a terrible hunter. Whether this is a trait she happened to adopt from her (biological)mother or if it's just because she's never much wanted to learn is anybody's guess. Either way, she doesn't spend a whole lot of time chasing down food.
  • Often has a somewhat disheveled appearance. Covered in dust from carving, occasional cuts and bruises from her tools or being injured while climbing on her statue or whatever she's creating. Bel also leans to the thin side given that--besides not wanting to hunt--she gets so absorbed in her work she often forgets to eat and sleep for that matter. Her pelt is smooth and short so malnourishment often shows quickly.
  • Stars fascinate Beltaine, just the mention of them can put a smile on her face and when she was younger, often sent her into a dreamy stupor. Anyone she likes is often gifted with a star shaped token of her affection and she has her own star that she's been carrying around with her since she was little.
  • Oh! I almost forgot, Beltaine is a seer! I'm thinking that her premonitions come out in her artwork. Often times she doesn't know what the hell it means until the actual event plays out. Rather useless seer ability. XD

Personality; Beltaine is a somewhat difficult creature to understand. Even more so now that she's an adult and has become rather set in her ways. Having been raised by a Waterbuck doe has left her with an ingrained sense of wariness towards her own kind that she can't help. She isn't sure how to interact with other lions and because of it can sometimes come off as shy, uneasy and eager to avoid or escape a conversation she doesn't want to be a part of. When she's in the middle of sculpting there are very few who can successfully pull her away from it and she can easily become irritated by strangers who distract her.

Beltaine tends to be very isolated simply to avoid the awkwardness that often arises when she's around others, but it's definitely just covering the problem instead of dealing with it. Mamake is probably one of the only ones who can really get through to Beltaine, she's essentially raised the lioness from a cub as her own child and Bel honestly considers her to be her mother, even if they are different species. Not even meeting her biological mother would change that. The fact that her mother is a Waterbuck can sometimes put her at odds with lions who look down on prey animals or might attempt to make a meal of Mamake. Anyone who might speak ill of her would do best to walk the other way.

Though there are few that Beltaine is loyal to, those who win her affection will have a fiercely protective friend. Less likely to speak up against others who might put her down, she is quick to draw blood against anyone who would attack (physically or verbally) someone close to her heart. Bonds form slowly for Bel, but they tend to be lasting once forged. Likewise, she tends to hold grudges really well.

The Story; Beltaine was born into an impossibly large litter of seven to the first time mother Asali'kama Chai. Chai had absolutely no experience as a mother, didn't have much guidance during her pregnancy and was almost always in a malnourished state due to the difficulties she has with hunting. So when her litter was born they were rather small and Beltaine appeared to be stillborn. Fearing the lives of her other cubs, which had been born out in the open, completely unprotected, Chai quickly moved the rest of the litter to a safer place until she could figure out what to do with them.

Beltaine was left behind, but as luck would have it, she was discovered not long after by the Waterbuck doe, Mamake. Having very recently lost her fawn to predators Mamake decided to take in the abandoned cub and raise it as her own--taking their similar colors and markings as a sign from the Gods that they were meant to find one another. Life was difficult though as predators posed a constant threat to the pair and the challenge of caring for a carnivorous child was one that perplexed Mamake daily.

The doe knew that her little one needed to grow up around other lions and so Mamake settled with Beltaine in the first pride that didn't openly attack them upon approach; the Tuait'tekem. Here Beltaine was taken into the care of Kimya as well, a secondary mother figure who the little sculptor would come to love and trust nearly as much as Mamake. However, Beltaine's life didn't turn around until she met Matifu, the pride's Vizier. Already an older male when they first met the pair formed an instant bond that only grew stronger as Beltaine matured.

Her admiration and childish affection for Matifu eventually blossoming into a secret crush that wasn't exactly secret to Matifu. As Beltaine continued to grow and become more difficult for her mothers to wrangle they often looked to Matifu for help. Fond of the rugged little rogue though Matifu was, when their feelings finally were forced into the open the elder Vizier feared wounding Bel with his absence should he take her as wife and ultimately refused her, knowing that his time was growing too short. Despite her reassurance that she didn't care about the age difference between him and that she wanted to be with him, Matifu still left.*

Devastated by the loss and heart broken, the young artist locked herself away from the rest of the pride, avoiding contact with anyone except Mamake, though even the Waterbuck she had known all her life couldn't seem to entirely console her.

And that's about where I've left her for the past half a year or so. lol.

(*This was more discussed, rather than played out. I really would like to play it out some day, but under the current circumstances, I'm not sure if it's possible. So as of currently I've been playing it that Matifu has already left the pride to pass away with dignity away from those he knew and loved, if need be I can change this, should Matifu's owner step forward and mention she wishes me to.)

Things to Know;

  • Currently part of the Dawnwalkers, but given the current and future circumstances I would be willing(read as; would prefer) to move her to a new pride.
  • While I'm open to all sorts of personality types, I'll definitely be leaning towards someone who would know when to leave Bel to her work and when it's time to pull her away from it. Since Mamake will eventually be leaving her in some form or another, I need someone who can take Mamake's place and make sure she doesn't work herself to death. >>;;
  • Looking for a lion mate only for Bel. I'm probably not going to fling her, unless you have some great idea of how it could fit into her story.
  • Even if Mamake ends up leaving Bel, any mate Beltaine took would have to be okay with her having had a Waterbuck for a mother. Anyone who looked down on her for it or wouldn't get along with Mamake just isn't going to work.
  • Beltaine is a grand(or great grand)daughter of Al-Hattal. Just sayin. xD

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:38 pm
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Notes About Mamake;

  • Mamake is a middle-aged doe! She's has a couple fawns before raising Beltaine which proved to be a full time job once she took the cub into her possession.
  • Though Mamake isn't much of a fan of lions (or any predator really), she adores Beltaine and would do anything for her daughter. As such she tries to be respectable towards Beltaine's kind, but she pretty much lives by the code that she'll only treat others with as much respect as they show her.
  • Like any proud mother, Mamake thinks Beltaine is a genius artist and has always promoted her daughter's skills, though now she wonders if that was the best idea or not.
  • Though glad that Bel can confide in her, Mamake does often worry that she has ruined Beltaine's chance for a normal life amongst her own kind and often feels guilt for it.

Personality; Mamake's very name means "mother" and it's definitely the quality that is most noticeable about her. Of everything Mamake is, she is a mother always first and foremost. She has raised a few fawns and every time they were her entire world until they were finally grown and on their own. She is caring and nurturing and always concerned for the welfare and offspring even if it means sacrificing her own.

Mothering qualities aside, Mamake doesn't typically take s**t from anyone and can give a battle as good as she can take it despite her age. She isn't afraid to trade affectionate or challenging quips with anyone and is generally fairly easy to be around. A very different personality all together from her estranged daughter who often perplexes and exasperates her.

The Story; Every mother always hopes that they'll never have to experience the death of their child, before their own. Mamake managed to raise two perfectly healthy fawns without issue before ever knowing the heartbreak of such a loss. Sadly, her third fawn was taken by predators not long after it was born, despite a fierce battle for the little one's life.

Left an empty shell by loss of life, Mamake earnestly considered stomping the tiny cub to death in a vindictive act of revenge when she first found Beltaine. It didn't take her long to realize that the little creature had been abandoned and was now slowly dieing without the care of the one who had birthed it. Somewhat horrified by the revelation Mamake was further encouraged t take the cub into her care given that she looked very much like the fawn she had only recently lost.

Naming the child and taking the future predator into her care, it didn't take long for the little one to perk up and begin taking on a whole new vigor. Unfortunately the rogue lands were full of danger for prey beasts like Mamake and even more so for a mother trying to keep track of an excitable cub who couldn't protect herself, let alone the both of them--try though she may have.

Mamake knew it was in Beltaine's best interest to become part of pride where she could be with her own kind and so they found their way to the Dawn Walkers. The doe has been trying to take a back seat to her daughter's kin ever since as she watched the beautiful young lioness grow, but Bel just can't forget that Mamake was there when no one else was and always defaults to the comfort of the familiar Waterbuck.

Things to Know;

  • Eventually all mothers must leave their children to grow up and have families of their own. Mamake will eventually be leaving Beltaine, though to what capacity I'm not entirely sure. (Further elaboration in plots section)
  • I'm definitely looking to breed Mamake at least once so throw some sexy Waterbuck boys this way!



Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:40 pm
Plot and RP Ideas!

Meeting the Muses

Beltaine's seer ability arises through her sculptures. She often looks at a piece of wood or rock and sees an image of--or is told by said object--what it should be. Sometimes they're just portrait-type works of strangers, but the particular expression or pose may have meaning. Most of the time though, they tend to be action stills. So far she's sculpted several images (that I've mentioned); one of two lions locked in combat, another of a lioness cradling a cub to her chest and of two lovers being intimate(had a lot of fun embarrassing her with this one).

What I would like, is for her to meet some of the muses that inspired these works of art. To have the stone/woodwork come to life before her very eyes. Beltaine isn't yet aware she is a seer, being sheltered in the Dawn Walkers and keeping mostly to herself she hasn't yet come to realize that the things she create may come from a real source. I'm open to suggestions of works of art that could be related to anyone's character in some way. It'd be fairly easy for her to come upon others as she often travels outside the pride to collect materials.

Note: I would like to keep "the lovers" statue reserved for Beltaine and her future mate. In kind of a--she meets this male and is like.. why the hell are you so familiar to me? And only realizes why he's familiar when they finally become intimate for the first time.

Mamake's Heir

Mamake's been raising Bel for a long time and she'll always be Beltaine's mother, but I'd like to see her have at least one more baby of her own. I was thinking this could happen in one of two ways:

1: Mamake meets a studly Waterbuck who makes her feel young and spry and beautiful again, but she won't leave Beltaine behind to leave with this buck. Fearing that other lion in the pride won't be accepting of a new stranger and that there's danger for him there, they can only meet each other outside the pride/along the border. Watching her mother struggle to be with her new love makes Beltaine feel guilty and in an act of selflessness, she tells Mamake to leave and go start her own family with her new beau. Hard though it is for Mamake to leave Bel, she would go and simply tell Bel that she'll always be her mother and Bel can always come find her if she ever needs her--even if they both know that it'd probably be unlikely that they'd ever see each other again.

2: Or Mamake flings with some studly Waterbuck she meets and becomes pregnant, but being an older doe she has a hard time with the birth and ends up passing away after delivering the fawns. Beltaine--who probably wasn't crazy about the idea of her mother being pregnant again in the first place--is now left with her mother's children who she hates for taking her mother away from her. Unfortunately, since they're the only part of Mamake that Beltaine has left, she can't bring herself to kill them and instead, decides to go on a journey to find their father and bring the scrawny runts to him to raise. Either the father can refuse to take them at all or just take a few (depending on how many there are), but ultimately I'd like to have Beltaine be forced to raise at least one of her younger "siblings".

Note: Any mate Beltaine took, would have to be okay with having a Waterbuck for a child. XD;;

Meal Time!

This involved at least one rp where Beltaine has to get in the way of a hungry predator trying to eat her mom. XD; Pretty simple rp, but could be a lot of fun!

Traitorous Herd Beasts

I'd like Mamake to meet another waterbuck or perhaps a klipspringer (since I know there are more of those floating around) who is appalled by the fact that Mamake saved/raised/considers herself to be the mother of Beltaine.

General Generalness

Anything and everything not covered above specifically. I'd like to do some back log rps of before Mamake and Beltaine joined the DW. And just.. general fun meetings and stuffs. They're both really fun characters to play so.. yea! COME TO ME FOR RP!
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:44 pm
Feel free to post, though this I'm still working on banging out some details.

Gonna be filling more s**t in as I go along, but people are welcome to pop in and browse around. I realize it's a lot of info to take in. Sorry guys! I really love Beltaine (and Mamake) and they got a lot of plot and history behind them which I want to share with anybody who would consider picking Bel or Mama up.

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:20 pm
If she ever ended up in the area of Pridelands somehow (or they could meet before he actually gets there, as I haven't gotten around to his JRP yet), she could meet Donndubhan? He's a kind, sensitive male who is...neat. Very neat. Often found grooming, cleaning in and around whereever his den happens to be, and generally doing what one might consider 'housewifey' things. IDK, your reference to her often being disheveled and dusty made me think of him!  
PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:45 am
Excited Apathy

Ooh, he's really cute EA! I'd definitely love for him to meet Beltaine! I have actually considered sending Bel to the Pridelands since that's where her biological mother is residing, but I think where she ends up pride-wise will ultimately have to depend on the mate she takes!

I'm realizing that most of Beltaine's plot stuff will have to wait until Mamake's plot stuff is underway.

However, if you want them to meet in the roguelands while Beltaine is out collecting materials for her sculpting or something so you don't have to wait to test the waters for them, that would great. x3

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Das Tor

Romantic Enabler

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 7:46 pm
I can offer my Saileach (Lock, to most) as a possible mate. 8] He's in the Dawnwalkers atm, though if plot happened right...he could move (if you wanted them to). He's a nice guy with a ready smile and a good head on his shoulders. He's usually fairly sensible...but he has his moments of derpiness. He's very protective of his family, especially the older members. And really...her 'oddness' wouldn't strike him as 'odd'. His family is full of seers, oddities, and eccentric personalities. If she was caught up in something, he'd be the sort to patiently wait it out, then shower her with affection or whatever he'd come to tell her.  
PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:34 pm
Das Tor

Would definitely love for them to meet Tor. Inside pride rps are going to be way easier to do than outside-pride rp ones for now, while I'm still working on Mamake's part of plot stuff.

So at least them meeting and seeing how they interact would be a good start as I'm getting other stuff together!

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:40 pm
Meeting in the roguelands sounds fun! 3nodding  
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:48 pm
Excited Apathy

Would you mind if Mamake tagged along? She usually doesn't let Bel wander out into the rogue lands by herself. XD; Kinda a protective momma.  

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2012 6:34 pm
That's fine. xD; I imagine Donn would most likely be cleaning out a new den or sommat.  
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 6:04 pm
Excited Apathy

You wanna start something, or should I? :3

-kinda getting excited to be able to play Bel again-

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser


PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:19 pm
For Mamake perhaps?

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Ibada's on the older side of life and has never really found his purpose. He's a little goofy and can be naive in dangerous situations but he's made it this far alright so he feels no real reason to change.  
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 8:14 pm

Were you hoping for a fling or a mate Dul? :3  

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser


PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 8:21 pm
Not totally sure, he doesn't really have anything else going on though I think maybe I offered him for a concept herd at some point? Which do you think would work better for her? :3  
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