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Alnitak was glad to start back on her patrols. With the pups now born, and old enough to be watched for a time by another, she could return to her normal duty, even if her patrols were only partial. Even that made her feel better than simply lying around doing nothing at all. The Baraza made her way back to her own den, having just finished a partial patrol. Weariness weighed at her paws as she walked, and Aln could not wait until she felt fit again. Feeling so weak from doing something she was so used to did not sit well with her, but it couldn’t be helped for now.

Alnitak paused at the entrance of her den, staring in at the pile of pups napping with a Nightess standing by. She nodded to the female, who bowed her head back before exiting the den. Aln knew the female would be close by should she need her though. As she looked back to the puppy pile she noticed a pair of glowing orbs staring back at her. So distinct she knew it could only be her son Aurinko.

[I will edit in his image when it is recieved]
From behind the sleeping pile of his littermates sat Aurinko, staring curiously over the pile of prone bodies towards his mother. The pup had been awake for some time, watching the Nightess who was caring for them during his mother’s absence, as well as his siblings. Even when the Nightess was there he had managed to keep out of her gaze long enough to explore the shadowy parts of the den. The pups were still quite young, though growing quickly quickly, as pups do. Aurinko especially had a great curiosity for the world outside the den, though getting outside has thus far been a harder task than simply getting out of the pup pile to explore the rest of the den.

Alnitak watched the curious gaze of the pup for a moment. “Come here, little one.” She spoke softly so as not to wake the others. The pups needed their sleep, and Alnitak did not think she had the energy to deal with a group of energetic young dogs should they wake and decide it was play time. She shifted herself around so she could lay and stare out of the den, ears flicking back at the sound of the tiny paws coming up beside her.

The pup made his way around the pile of his siblings before padding softly to his mother’s side. He wobbled slightly before laying down, staring wide-eyed out of the den. The sky outside was brightened by the moon, which was nearly full, and it seemed so clear. Tiny dots of light shone above as well, so many that the young one could not even begin to imagine just how vast the heavens were. However he lay there, bright eyes staring up at the sky in wonder. So big, and it was a world that he would soon see, out of the den and finding a life of his own. Aurinko slowly stood, glancing quickly at his mother before taking a few tentative steps forward. These steps were a test. The Nightess would not let him leave the den, so maybe his mother would. She left it a lot, so why couldn’t he?

Alnitak watched him silently, her own gaze turning up to the stars as he stared out at them. So many starts, and one day this pup, and the rest of her children, would all be going out to find their own set of stars. Seeking out their constellation to bring back to the pack. She thought for a moment on how she felt about it, her pups leaving, possibly some never to return. However that was the pack’s way, and she knew that whether she felt some displeasure towards the eventual departure of her pups or not didn’t matter. As she settled that thought she glanced down, quirking a prow at the pup’s small attempt to edge himself out of the den. She reached out a paw and pulled him back in against her chest. “Easy now, little one. You aren’t ready to go out yet.”

Aurinko had advanced a few more steps before he realized he had been spotted. A paw came out and pulled him back, settling him against the chest of his mother. She spoke and he stared up at her, brows furrowing at her words. “Why?” He simply asked. Surely he was big enough to go out, after all he could walk couldn’t he! That was good enough. He had seen other wild dogs out there, walking around, so what else did he need to know to be out there too?

Alnitak chuckled softly at his question. ‘You are still too small. Soon you will be big enough and you will join other pups in learning of the packs ways and history. You will learn and grow strong for the pack, because we must protect it.” Alnitak spoke to him, her voice surprisingly soothing for one who usually holds such a gruff demeanour. “One day, but that day is not this one. For now you must stay in here. You must grow.” With that her gaze shifted back to the stars outside. It would not be long before him and the rest of her litter were out learning of the pack, and the world. The good and the bad. Such a harsh place it could be too, and she could only hope that her pups would have the strength to take it on.

Aurinko huffed, clearly not happy with the answer he got, but the matter seemed settled. So he settled back against his mother, staring out of the den at the world that he would soon see. Her words drifted through his mind for a time as he tried to figure out just what they all meant. He’d have to protect the pack, but from what? Was there something dangerous out there? If there was then surely his mother would take care of it, as well as the other members. The thoughts slowly drifted away as his mind started to slow. His eyelids became heavy, weighed down as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

He would protect the pack noe day. He’d protect it from this mysterious danger lurking out there.

[Word Count: 1053]