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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1 v 1] A Modest Proposal (Yin and Alex)[FIN] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Seussi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 14 Total: 14 (1-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:56 am
It had been several days since Yin had first mentioned the possibility of he and Alex spending more time training. Since then, the zomboil had been rather busy trying to find a job, which was proving to be more difficult then he first thought it might be. But now that he finally had a free day, with no interviews or resume handing out to do, he felt that he was ready for some quality time spent grappling and rolling around on the floor with his boilfriend.

Ah, the gym! Alex had many not so fond memories of this place, all of which seemed to stem from anytime he attempted to spar with another student. He was determined that today was going to be different, though. He was just going to have fun with this, go with the flow, take it easy, and probably let Yin throw him around a bit. Simple, right? And maybe at some point during all the fun he could even ask Yin something that had been on his mind since he caught glimpse of a poster advertising a certain upcoming event.

As he approached the sparring area, he reached up to his collar and began to loosen his tie, his fingers deft at completing a task that they had been able to do countless times before. It always felt a little weird whenever he took that noose off from around his neck, but he did it for practical reasons. He knew from past experiences that ties got ruined very easily during a fight, and also, though he tried very hard not to think about this, it could be slightly disadvantageous if someone were to say, I dunno, grab ahold of his tie and jerk him around during a spar.

"How do you want to start?" He asked of the weremantis that he had arrived with curiously as he turned to face him. They were here for Yin to show him some basic pin moves, right? Was he supposed to like..swoop at him or something?  
ramenli rolled 1 20-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-20)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:29 am
Yin had been beginning to think that Alexander was going to try to weasel out of training. He had been reminding himself that the zomboil was busy trying to find a job, and that he had no idea how easy or hard that might be. From the fact that Alexander had not found one, it was likely more difficult than he realized.

So when Alexander did show up to train he was understandably pleased. Now then, they could train in earnest. He was not entirely sure why Alexander was still so very interested in pins, but it seemed the one way that he could really get the zomboil to train. It would go much better with the zombie's fighting style if he tried to teach him the subtleties that would let him know which way his opponent would move, but at least this was something.

"We have done pins before," he decided after a split second of thought. "So I suppose that perhaps you should try to put me into one to start with."  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 8 Total: 14 (2-16)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:16 am
He wanted Alex to start, which didn't seem like it would be nearly as much fun as when Yin took control. But yes, Yin had shown him several different pins now, though the problem was that Alex really hadn't been paying that much attention. Something about being too pleasantly distracted at the time. He knew he should probably try to take this more seriously, but no matter how much he attempted to do so, the large grin on his face likely gave him away.

Hopefully Yin just mistook it for extreme enthusiasm.

"Okay then!" still grinning away as he took a moment to stretch his arms, pushing them out behind him and then swinging them around in a couple of full circles to loosen his shoulders while rotating his neck from side to side. His body was stiff, and he wasn't sure that any amount of stretching could rectify that, but he figured it still looked good if he tried.

With that tiny exercise completed, he didn't even hesitate. He lunged towards Yin, ducking his body when he thought he might be within reach of those long claws of the weremantis's, attempting to avoid getting struck as he barreled himself head first into Yin's stomach, trying to wrap his arms around the boil and use brute strength to his advantage to basically just....tackle Yin down to the floor. Did pins require some sort of intricacy?



(I hate phone tagging)

ramenli rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 4 Total: 10 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:48 am
His bonded seemed to be in high spirits about their lesson, which Yin viewed as a good thing. Finally they were on the same level of happiness when it came to a physical activity. If wrestling was what it took...so be it. Not his beloved martial arts but more than tolerable.

But Alexander had missed one key message: tackling was not pinning. It was however, successful in getting Yin on the ground, the zomboil on top of him. "Remind me why you are not on defense when you play bruteball?" he asked when he managed to get air back into his lungs.

Even as he spoke he was working to get into a better position, which required a fair amount of wiggling. He brought an arm in across his chest, close to his own body to get it in place, and then used it to shove against the zomboil's upper arm, trying to force him off center from his body.

Did he forget to put his elbow spines away?

HP: 32/40
Damage: 4  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 3 Total: 8 (2-16)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:34 am
"Hi!" He grinned, as he lifted his head from where he had had it tucked into Yin's chest during the take down, before chuckling to himself in amusement. "I don't really mind playing defense, I guess. But generally they're trying to tackle me at the same time that I'm trying to tackle them, not just standing still like you were." He shrugged, content at the moment to just stay on the floor with Yin trapped beneath him, though the weremantis was doing a fair amount of wriggling as he tried to escape.

"So I had a question I wanted to ask---" Of course, it would be when he had started that particular sentence that Yin would bring his arm up and drive it into Alex upper arm. How convenient that he had chosen not to shift away his spines! they dug into his arm painfully, and he hissed out from between clenched teeth before he could finish what he was going to say. He used the hand on his other arm, the one that wasn't currently being assaulted, to push himself up rather roughly from Yin's chest, yanking his other arm away from those spikes as he stumbled very awkwardly back to his feet so that he was standing with one foot planted on each side of Yin's body, gazing down at him from above now.

"A question. I wanted to ask you a question!" He spoke up hurriedly, trying to get the words out before Yin struck out at him again, a certain amount of amusement twinkling in his eyes. .

HP: 36
Damage: 2  
ramenli rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 5 Total: 7 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:01 pm
Alexander was really, really in high spirits, to the point that it was almost disconcerting. But his reasoning made sense, and also as to why he would try to get off of defense. Really, all of this just reminded Yin that maybe he needed to learn more about bruteball though, in case he had reason to play the game again. Really, it was a fun enough game, and if he had a good idea as to what he was doing it would probably be more enjoyable.

"What is your question then?" Yin asked, gazing up at the zomboil for a moment before reaching up for one of Alexander's hands and yanking on his arm to pull him down toward him. Pins were best done on the ground, and if Alexander was going to stand around they were not going to get anywhere.

HP: 30
Damage: 1  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 7, 5 Total: 12 (2-16)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:11 pm
It was a rare occurrence indeed that Alex could possibly be this happy while in the middle of performing acts of strenuous physical activity. Still, it was time he got to spend with Yin, making him happy and since all of the horrifying crap they'd been through he was beginning to realize that he might as well enjoy every moment he could, especially moments he got to have with his bonded.

Alex was about to open his mouth to reply, when Yin reached up and pulled on his arm, forcing his overly under balanced self back to the floor in a very uncontrolled fall that ended in him landing on top of Yin again. Hard.

And back to being on top with Yin beneath him, faces just inches apart. "Sorry, I uh...didn't really mean to land on top of you like that." He hoped he hadn't hurt him too badly. Anyways, Yin had asked him a question and he was determined to get his own out of the way as well. "Well, I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to come with me to prom? As my date?" It was a fairly innocent question, and a simple one. There was no fanfare, no elaborately schemed plot, no scavenger hunt of clues leading up to the "big question". Just one boil asking another to an event that Alex really felt many made much too big of a deal over. To him this just marked an opportunity to take Yin on what would be there first ever official date since becoming a couple.

ramenli rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 2 Total: 7 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:34 pm
Had he really jerked that hard on Alexander's arm? Then again, with the zomboil's dubious balance he should have known better. Bits of the zomboil dug painfully into him, and once again he found himself with the breath knocked out of him, Alexander on top. "It is fine," he said, all but shrugging off the apology.

The question was a curious one. He looked at Alexander, slightly puzzled as he merely made a simple query back. "Prom?" Whatever "prom" was it would be a date...but they were not really dating were they? They were bonded? Still, if the term worked..."I will go with you to whatever you would like to go to, but what is it?" He was highly distracted, and he was not making much of an opponent for the zomboil as he pushed at him a bit to allow him to breathe a bit easier as he waited for his answers.

HP: 24
Damage: 1  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 2 Total: 10 (2-16)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:39 pm
Alex blinked at the boil in surprise, having forgotten momentarily that Yin probably would have no idea what he was talking about. Yin was pushing against him, and for a moment he felt the small pricking of a claw against his skin, so he sat up, pushing against Yin`s chest with two hands this time. his own nails possibly digging in a little harder then necessary, as Alex seemed to have forgotten his own strength today. He ended up sitting so that he was straddling Yin's waist, wondering why the other boil wasn't showing him any of these pins yet.

"Prom. It's a formal dance usually held at the end of the academic year." If he sounded like he was quoting a dictionary, he probably was. Alex really did a lot of reading in his spare time. "This year I think they're doing a masquerade or something. Anyways, it should be fun!" Another wolfish grin, since Yin had just agreed to go, even if he didn't have any idea what it was.

"Sooooooo, at some point you are going to pin me, right?" He meant it in a teasing way, because so far this little spar was beginning to feel just a tiny bit one sided, though really he would have been just as happy to remain like this for a while longer.

HP: 34
Damage: 4  
ramenli rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 1 Total: 3 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:17 pm
Formal dance...whatever that really meant. "And what is a masquerade?" He queried, eyebrows knitting together as he tried to think about what that could possibly mean. With the excitement all but surrounding Alexander, and the even larger grin than usual, he assumed that whatever this "prom" was would be a good thing.

It was hard to think about all of that and concentrate on fighting as well, even if Alexander's hands were pressing into him a bit too hard for comfort. "Maybe, maybe not," he replied easily enough. "Perhaps I like it right here."

HP: 20
Damage: LOLOLOL  


Alarming Consumer


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:16 pm
Ah, more things to explain. With the answer to one question it always seemed like more were to follow when it was Yin who was inquiring. And exactly like he was quoting a dictionary (probably because he legit totally was, his RPer made sure of it) he answered once again with a small shrug of the shoulders just to show what a big deal it wasn't, because he really wasn't intending on trying to stress Yin out about any of this. All the other boil had to do was show up, and Alexander would be more then happy. "It's a party, dance, or other festive gathering of persons wearing masks and other disguises, and often elegant, historical, or fantastic costumes. Really I think you can just get away with a simple mask, though. They're giving them away at a booth in one of the hallways." If Yin had any more questions, the zomboil would gladly answer them as well.

But for now, he just looked down at Yin curiously, still smiling, but maybe with a little more apprehension then before. He was saying that perhaps he liked it right where he was, but if that was the case, why did Alexander have a sinking feeling at any moment he was going to be shown exactly how to do a proper pin? Still, he could play along for the moment, even as he prepared himself for the worst. "I uh..hate to be the one to point this out to you, Yin, but we could actually just be doing this in your bedroom. I don't think the training mats in the gym are really a requirement."

Damage: Not attacking this round  
ramenli rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:26 pm
Masks? Those he knew about, not that he had ever worn one, Mantodae Halloween celebrations were...different. Dedicated to the Great Mantis different. "Why would you wear a mask to a party? Is it...to celebrate Halloween? But that is months from now...Why disguise yourself?"

Yin nodded in agreement. "You are correct, so I will give you until the count of three to put me in a hold I cannot escape before I try in earnest." Not that he planned on wasting that count of three, he was simply using it to ready himself mentally, not unlike a snake coiling up before it struck.


HP: 20
Effect - Beginners speed boost: +1 to accuracy for 2 rounds  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 6 Total: 10 (2-16)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:34 pm
"It's a theme, I suppose. I've never been to a prom before, but from what I've seen from skelevision movies and from some of the books I've read, proms always have some type of theme." Masquerade did seem a little odd, however, and Alex wasn't a huge fan of wearing masks himself, but he figured he could humour the student council, who were putting the event on, and at least show up in one.

And now things were apparently going to get interesting. A hold? What the jack did Alexander even know about putting others in holds? He could...hug the other boil, he supposed, but he had a strong feeling that was not what Yin meant. He had to do something, though, otherwise he was just going to look like an idiot when Yin finally took him down. Not really thinking about it through very well, he quickly removed his hands from where they were resting on Yin's chest, making a grab for his wrists, digging his fingers in tight as he pushed them down to the floor. He felt for some reason if he could keep Yin's arms disabled he might somehow be safe from retaliation.

HP: 34
Damage: 4  
ramenli rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 8 Total: 13 (2-16)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:00 pm
Silly Alex, trix are for kids

Yin had promised training, and training Alexander was going to get. By the time he reached" three" Alexander had his wrists pinned down, which was a fairly decent move considering the ridiculous strength the zomboil possessed, something that far exceeded what his frame should theoretically be capable of.

But despite the strength that he had, his frame was rather emaciated, and Yin had strength of his own. Alexander was already in a bad position, which he explained even as he moved. "Pinning my wrists does cripple me," his feet were moving, right foot going around Alexander's left one to keep him in position there, left foot moving in as close as he could get it to get the most leverage, "but being on my hips gives me an advantage." Even as the word advantage emerged from his lips he was bucking up, changing the balance that they had, rolling them to the side until he was the one on top, but higher up on the zomboil's chest. He knew better than to try to break Alexander's grip, the deathly grip he had was ridiculous, but what he did do was force his hands to a position of his choice, that would make it difficult for Alexander to do much unless he released him. Then, for good measure, he drove one of his knees into the zomboil's rib cage.

"See from here you would not get the same leverage if you tried to unseat me."

HP: 16
Damage: 8
Effect: +1 accuracy for one more turn, Training BS  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 1, 6 Total: 7 (2-16)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:05 pm
By the time Yin got to three, Alex was pretty damned sure he was about to be in for a wild ride, and he was not disappointed as Yin did...whatever the hell it was he just did. The end result was that Alex was suddenly looking up at Yin instead of down. He did at least try to listen to the instruction Yin was giving as they went along, but was finding it rather difficult to do so while being rather forcefully rolled over.

And then kneed in the ribs to top it all off.

"Was that last part really necessary?" Alex coughed out, teeth then clenching though still, he tried to smile through it.

And now he really had no idea what to do. While it was true he would have to let go of Yin's wrists now to really be able to do anything, he just wasn't willing to do that. So instead? He just squeezed Yin's wrists harder. Maybe the other boil would become too clouded by pain to hurt him any further, with say, another knee to the ribs.

HP: 26
Damage: 1  
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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