Looking for cosplayers in our two panels for FAN:dom con at UWF, Oct 27-28!!

(This is taken from my FB so if you please add me on there so that you can see who is going as who and that way we can all talk on one message for each panel)

Here are the open positions and Panels!

Death Note:
OPEN: Light Yigami and Mello (Matt position may open up if our Matt has to bail. Keep watch until one more before the con)
FILLED: Misa - Kristen , L - Marisa , Near - Me, Matt (POSSIBLY) - Fang

Panty and Stocking:
OPEN: Scanty and Brief (Chuck might open up being as the same reason for Matt in DN panel)
FILLED: Panty - Me, Stocking - Kristen , Garderbelt - Sam , Knee Socks - Emily, Chuck (POSSIBLY) - Fang

A message will be sent soon to those who have signed up with us for our panels. The scripts have been written and are VERY FUNNY and open enough for change if characters are added! PLEASE, JOIN!!

There is a car pool up to the con so just message me who to ask about it! smile