WC: 1,231

“Lady Abila… We need to talk.”
Rada had only rarely used ‘lady’ before Abila’s name. Especially when not- in front of the royals. It was as rare as seeing a gazelle NOT being eaten within the walls of the pride.
“… Yes Lady Fighter.” Her head rose from after performing in front of the pride. Yes, she too had felt some tension but at least when she danced and sung- they for a moment felt at peace… She had made sure to be delicate with how she interpreted her dance on stage. The pride, was becoming more and more harder to be around. It seemed lines were drawn on her every step and it began to reach the entertainers. Which- made Rada more aware of Abila’s growing stress.

“I … don’t know if you had noticed…”
“… A war is about to break out any minute. The pride is at its last stretches and its enough to break at any moment.”
“I felt it within my audience.. But I also saw that our dancing is making a difference.”
“No. Your dancing ISNT making a difference. Its putting a bandaid on to a volcano ABOUT to erupt.”
“Abila… They WILL attack Espoir. Any moment- if she takes ANY missions… even if she hides within the caves. She ISN”T safe. Neither of us are.”
“I already heard rumors. Espoir is rising too quickly. Even if she has skill- they also….”
Abila turned to face Rada, with a look of hurt and concern on her face.
“Your love for Espoir.”
“I don’t know how anyone found out but… The odds are against her m’lady.”
“What can I do…”
“I don’t think you can.”
“…. I will speak with him then.”
“Your not gunna speak with him alone. I want to know who is just behind all the strings that are attaching to you. I wanna know so I can ..”
“No. I need to go alone.”
“…. You… Have matured. ”
“I may not be completely in sync with the happenings… But I do feel something off about our pride… And I do feel my audiences. The experiences in the roguelands have also showed me a vast number of things.”
“…With a mate like him, even I sometimes seem un-useful but I know that with your mother assigning me to you, I think she also sees that he does not hold your heart…”
“My mother is a wise royal.”
“She is. But I know she too would love to have the head of the mastermind of all this. Haven’t you notice its not just some ‘fights’ within the ranks. Many are acting weird- even before they at least tolerated but now they are so … different. So violent. Someone has to be manipulating us from above. Someone within the Higher class.”
“Abila… Espoir… she could be in danger and the only reason why I would remotely even tell you is because I know you care for her. But you have to tell her to lay low. Maybe tell her to leave the pride.“
“No one just ‘leaves’ the pride.”
“You have to do SOMETHING.”
“I .. I just have to talk to him ok!” She snapped and slammed her paws within the rock… The outburst was a surprise to Rada, and the other cheetah backed off.

“Lines are being drawn Abila. I … don’t even know where you stand in all this. But I know they aren’t only going after hybrids and the other species. But their going for the ones who love them too.”
“I … don’t know what to do Lady fighter. I DON’T. I feel hopeless.. powerless to saving someone I care for! I can’t even be seen next to her! I have done everything they said.. everything! And still I feel like I am walking on shattered bones. I have not known of such pains within my own. I have brought new blood- I have danced- I have mated- I have nothing to show for it!”

She saw Abila breaking…

“Cubs will be put underground to ensure their safety.”
“… Why are you tell me all this.”
“Because… I know you have a lot of pull with your mother. She adopts cubs all the time, and in this time. I need you to spread that word to your mother.”
“Why have you not spoken to her yourself. You already know that I have no power here. Even with my dancing- I thought it would be of some use but it is not.”

Rada closed to the gap between them and held her face. “You DO have power.” Starring in to her eyes and making her SEE within herself. “This information… you will pass it to everyone you trust. We need to make sure that when the pride breaks… no cubs are in sight. NO ONE will be able to use them. NO ONE. You have the power to help save innocents within the cross fires Abila. Members within this pride- YOU should know will use ANYONE AND EVERYONE for their bidding. Anyone to gain power. YOU can even feel the lines can’t you? It seems that you can’t even cross your fellow entertainers whom are of other species? Haven’t you heard about the missions? Others badly wounded and don’t talk- or whom don’t come back home at all? You must see these patterns Abila! We have to do something! Stop thinking you are worthless- just because a dance can’t do anything- and your songs can’t stop this. Your voice isn’t just for singing ABILA! Use that as a way to save others... ones who DON’T have a voice!”

Abila simply starred in to Rada’s eyes… and with everything she had been through- with her world tumbling and the heartaches and pains. She took Rada’s words to heart…. And gave her a hefty nod. She had heard about the massive killings on missions. Especially hybrids. Those coming back with scars- and even she heard some entertainers talking as if the pride was going against itself. But the most recent and the most hurtful one to her- was a litter of hybrids were killed. No one would dare say from what… but even Abila could no longer hide her eyes from the horror going on around them. She had to do something… she wanted to but couldn’t find it within her to make a difference. It was like everything she tried up til now was worthless… The confident entertainer was nothing. But with Rada’s words- it started to sink in new strength but was that enough to make her REALLY believe in herself?

“Now go off and tell ONLY your trusted ones. Tell nannies too. Good nannies. The one with the most power would be ideal.”
“…..” Still she looked uncertain of herself.
But Rada lifted Abila’s chin with her paw.

“Your worth so much more than serving others… Your so much more than that. See that.”

This was why Rada was Abila’s best friend. Not only just a guard… But a BEST FRIEND. With the new information- her faced shaped with determination… and once Rada let go Abila escaped in to the tunnels… With every step building strength and confidence. Just like she would before going on stage.

Rada stayed watching the tunnel where Abila disappeared in to…

“….. I just hope we’re not too late...”