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[PRP] Natopayiw & Aureo *FIN

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:32 pm
The tiny little lioness lay sprawled on the ground, a soft bed of leaves and feathers and fur pieces beneath her. Her violet eyes gazed about, taking in her surroundings. It was nice to laze around, and she was glad for this free moment of lounging. She had already wandered about around their den a little, and Natopayiw was eager to learn the tricks of the adventuring trade. She listened so very intently whenever their father would tell stories of his adventures, and her little heart already ached so for adventuring.

Though Natopayiw knew she would always stay in these lands, her pride, her home. She was curious about the outside world already- heck, she was curious about the rest of their pride. It was hard to mask her contempt for being kept at the den; aside from the few tiny moments she managed to escape and go a-wandering. The little gray-furred and brightly marked female knew not to go so far that she couldn't scent her family and find her way home. Although she knew that her parents didn't want her wandering off. She rolled onto her belly from her side and put her front paws crossed in front of her.

Her little tail flicked, the golden tuft whizzing through the air, and she flicked her ears forward, listening for footsteps in the bushes. Her bright purple eyes settled on a spot there was some noise coming from, and she went from lazing on her belly, to crouched into a tight little ball, fully expecting assault from one of her siblings. At least they were fun to play and wrestle with. But what Natopayiw really wanted was for father to show her how to be a big brave adventurer too.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:14 am
Aureo was coming back toward the den from a quick morning walk. He was going to be staying in pride for a while, at least until his ship was set to leave again. More than anything he wanted to spend his time with his new family. It had been a surprise for him when he came back to the pride to find Hotza had cubs. Before he had left he noticed that her stomach was a little bit larger, however he didn't take much notice of it. He had just thought she had a large meal or something.

When he got closer to the den, he made his way through a bush. He was lost in his thoughts about Hotza and the cubs that he failed to notice his daughter. In fact he walked right past her without a second thought. It was only when he took a couple more steps when he realized that he had just passed his daughter. He stopped and turned around. Once he reached Natopayiw he stopped and looked down at her. He had a grin on his face.

"Good morning Natopayiw," he greeted. "Going out on a little adventure are you? Be careful when you are out wandering. I don't want anything to happen to my precious daughter," he bent down and put his head against hers.

Fairy Snails

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:20 am
Natopayiw jumped a little when a much larger body than she was expecting came through the bush, but her shock changed to glee when she realized it was her father...then he walked right past her. The tiny lioness piped up with a little new and then Aureo turned around and came back to her. Maybe he was just distracted. Natopayiw thought maybe there was a lot on your mind when you have cubs and a recovering mama to think about and take care of. "Hi daddy!" She said excitedly, rubbing her face against his head as he touched her. Her little tail swished with excitement behind her and she smiled up at him, bright violet eyes lit up. "I'll be careful, you're right." The young female said. She highly valued her fathers opinion, and the fact he had called her precious reinforced that she should listen. Compliments like this made her happy, as it meant she had father's approval.

Her tiny body was warm from sleeping and now that Aureo was here, she almost felt as though it would be nice to just cuddle up with him and go back to sleep. Or maybe he would take her on a little adventure with him to show her another part of their pride. "Daddy, daddy!" She cried in excitement. "Do you have time to go with me this morning?" Natopayiw looked up at him hopefully. She laid her ears back and gave him her best cute face, awaiting his response.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:23 pm
Aureo looked down at Natopayiw and grinned. It made him happy to know that at least one of his offspring were adventurous like him. "I have time to go on a little outing. Is there anything you would like to see?" He was still learning about what was around the pride. Hotza was the one who liked to show the cubs around the pride. She had lived there much longer than he had and knew where are the most interesting landmarks were. But that didn't stop Aureo from trying to find new places around the pride.

"Hm your mother mentioned a small pond that was outside the pride. I haven't done much exploring over there. That would be a new adventure for both of us. On the other hand we could go somewhere else and find a place even your mother hasn't visited. What do you say Natopayiw? What type of adventure would like to go on?" He knew either way could prove dangerous for the little cub. However he would make sure she was safe where ever they went. He couldn't help but be protective of any of his kids.

Fairy Snails

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:24 pm
The tiny lioness grinned devilishly up at her father, her bright eyes flashing with excitement. She was positively thrilled that he was taking her for an adventure, as any cub would be- although there was something different about Natopayiw. She was sure, of all her siblings and any other cubs she would meet that none of them would want to be an adventurer as bad as she did. She listened carefully to her father as he spoke, unable to quit grinning the whole time, her little tail flicking to and fro quickly in her excitement. "Father..." She said, then trailed off, looking away for a moment to add suspense to her coming words. "You and me both know we'd rather find something new and come back and tell everyone about it!"

The tiny, dark-furred lioness pounced up from her position and pranced about at his feet. "Can I lead the way?!" She inquired as she bounced at his paws, swatting at the dirt and leaves as she frolicked, then dashing a couple yards away from him and stopping, looking ahead and making a goofy, determined-looking face, then looked back at him and tried to hold a straight face and not laugh.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:19 pm
“I was just testing you,” Aureo said teasingly. He loved how he had one of his cubs that liked to go on adventures. As wonderful as Hotza was, she preferred to stay in the pride and not go too far without Aureo. He, on the other hand, would wander off for days without coming back. Though lately he hadn't done that too much because he wanted to be with his family. That was a trait he was sure he picked up from his father. This fact made him unsure if he should be happy or upset. He did not want to become like his father, despite the fact that his father had the occasional good trait.

When Natopayiw spoke, he focused in on her. “Of course you can. Anywhere you lead, I will follow. Just be careful not to walk of a cliff or into a large animal. I think your mother would be upset with us if we came home with bruises and such.” He was interested in where his daughter would take him. Their view points were so different from each other. She saw things a bit different then he did, and he wondered if she would be able to take him somewhere he would have never seen.

Sarei Stargazer

Sorry again about how late the tag is.  

Fairy Snails

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:11 am
The young lioness purred a little with delight as her father joked and gave her permission to go ahead. She giggled, and her vivid violet eyes flashed excitedly. "Okay then- let's get moving!" She commanded with a chuckle, marching off into the bushes, not even checking behind her as she took off. She knew father would follow her, he said he would, and even if he hadn't, Natopayiw would have known. She hopped up onto a large log to look around and faltered for a moment, not sure where they could go. But it didn't matter too much, as she hadn't been many places, and looking back at Aureo with a grin, she leaped off the log, pressing ahead through the bushes.

This stop and start went on for a bit until Natopayiw pushed her way through a thick bush into a clearing which contained a tiny waterfall and a pond that ran into a stream. "Daddy!" She exclaimed, looking behind her excitedly, waiting to see him come through the bushes. "Daddy, look what I found!" She bounced about, her tiny body wiggling with excitement and dazzle and anticipation. The tiny lioness would wait for her father- she sat out of his way to the side of where she'd come out, her chest puffed proudly and a huge, stupid grin spread across her features.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:12 pm
Aureo laughed as he followed his daughter. Going through the bush was difficult for him, but he managed. A couple times he would just jump over thicker bushes, only to land in the middle of the next one. He kept an eye on Natopayiw as she ran ahead of him. If he lost her while out on an adventure Hotza would chew him out!

He heard her voice and hurried toward her to see what she had found. Once he reached her he saw the waterfall and stream. He looked at his daughter. “Now this is something we can tell our family about! Good find Natopayiw.” He went over to the stream and let the cool water brush over his feet. “I think we might have to show our family this eventually, though for a bit, we could keep it our hidden little spot. It is a nice place to just relax.”

Sarei Stargazer

Fairy Snails

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:39 pm
(OMG it's stupid how much this makes me smile! xD <33)

Squealing with delight, excitement and triumph as he father complimented her find, Natopayiw dashed about at his paws, bouncing around and weaving in between them as he waded into the stream. She was so positively thrilled that she couldn't even contain it if she had wanted to. It was nice to do things with father, and she wanted to be an adventurer so bad..."You mean I really did a good job? Oh man!" She said, digging for confirmation that it really was something worth telling about. While she had tried not to allow herself to think such things, Natopayiw had been nervous that she might not find anything at all, let alone something exciting.

"Yes, we can come here with mama and my brothers and sisters..." She trailed off, her eyes sparkling as she pranced about in the water and then stopped, staring up at her father. "Do you think I can find things for the kiiiiiing when I get bigger, father?" She whispered up at him, her brows furrowed and her ears laid back.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:39 am
Aureo laughed, "Of course you did a good job. That isn't something I would lie about." He went over to her and rubbed his paw on her head. "But don't let it go to your head okay? It is okay to know you did something great, but I think it is better when one is humble about their achievements." He wasn't too worried about it though.

"I think, if you wanted you could help the king find many great treasures. He would be lucky to have you help him. But, for now, you don't need to worry about it. When you are young you shouldn't worry too much on your future. This is the time you should spend having fun." He said with a smile. Saying this reminded himself how differently he grew up, how he lacked any fun time. He would never do that to his cubs. "Hm do you think we ought to head back now? So your mom knows where we are?"

Sarei Stargazer

I am glad it makes you smile! This rp is super cute!  

Fairy Snails

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:10 pm
Natopayiw listened with careful attention to her fathers words, and leaned into his paw when he tussled her fur. She was very keen on anything her father said, thinking of his words as her own sort of creedo to live by, as she did want to be just like him. "You're right, daddy." the tiny lioness smiled, flicking her tail and then moving closer and leaning on him, looking out at the little pond for a moment.

"I think that sounds good. I can't wait to start collecting things for my own. Maybe next time you can help me find a place to stash my special things?" Natopayiw asked, looking up at her father with big watery puppy-dog eyes. "Mum won't miss me as long as she knows I'm with you, but we could go back if you want." she added, giving a fake pout and looking away, grinning. She fidgeted her paws in the dirt for a moment awaiting his response.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:55 pm
"That is a great idea, though when we get close to finding the perfect spot for your hiding stash, I am going to turn around so even I don't know. That way it really will be your own stash that you alone knows where it is. Of course if you ever need help protecting it, I'll be there to protect it for you." he said, putting one of his paws gently on her head.

"But that adventure will be for another time. Come along Natopayiw." He said with a grin. Hotza probably wouldn't be too worried, though she did prefer the family go on outings together. When they got home he would explain everything to her. "We will head on our next adventure soon, I promise," He said with a nod.

Fairy Snails

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:05 pm
Natopayiw was glad that her father was so supportive of her desires to collect treasures and find new things, it made it a lot easier, though mother was supportive of it too. The tiny lioness was just so eager to grow bigger and start seeing more things, but she was also happy with the way things were right now, and was more than happy to head home with her father to be with her family. Again she leaned into him as he put his paw on her head, and then grinned up at him proudly.

"That sounds like a good plan, daddy." She chirped at him, rubbing against him and then turning to head back into the trees. Natopayiw knew the way home, and she also knew that if she lead, father would be right behind her, and she did so, padding off into the trees- satisfied with their adventure and her neat place that she had found.

Natopayiw couldn't wait for their next adventure!

[IC] Maestros Del Mar Lands [IC]

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