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Stretching out on the ground, Momozono stared at her paws, her eyes tracing the markings on them. She was a little bored, but that was mostly because she hadn't entirely figured out what to do in her role just yet. She had talked to Van about it quite a bit, but there weren't really....any cubs about for her to nanny. She knew coming into the pride that most of the members were older, but she hadn't exactly expected it to be like this.

If anything, though, it just made her want to bring more lions into the pride, to give her little ones running around to nanny. It may have been a little naive to think that way, but it's what she wanted for her new home. And what was a better sign of a thriving pride than little paws scurrying around?

Turning to look at Van, he looked as stone-cold as ever. "Vaaan, don't you ever get tired of just standing there?" In all her life, she had barely seen the bird sleep.

Flicking his eyes over at her, Vanellus gave the young lioness a small headbutt. "Well someone has to pay attention to the world around us." Straightening himself again, Van had become accustomed to always standing watch like this; it probably wasn't needed now that they'd joined a pride, but old habits die hard.