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[PRP] Sunset [Rapha and Mchawi] {fin}

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:56 am
User Image"I want you with me." Mchawi had said to her raven, Moma, before setting off for Rapha Oma's quarters as the sun came to rest its bloated belly against the sparse horizon; cutting bloody streaks into the sky. With the fading of day a sharp breeze now knifed across the open landscape, working through her fur to chill her to the bone. She hunkered her head and did not look up as Moma's wings snapped to take her aloft. Thankfully, it was only a short walk there. The way back would be more perilous. The shadows were already thickening and by the time this conversation was done, they would be masking all sorts of dangers.

Scorpions and thorns, mostly.

Moma, up above, gave a low caw and the Overseer loped onwards; her fact grim. She was playing dangerous games and though she had been playing them all of her life, this was perhaps her most dangerous yet. Her home pride had been small and pathetic. The Aka'mleli even more so. But this pride was a different game altogether. They were strong and merciless and if she tripped up it could spell disaster. The higher you rose...the further you had to fall.

As they neared Rapha's quarters, Moma acknowledged their coming with another caw and came to land on the rocky spine of the den, bobbing curiously. Mchawi, slowing her pace, came to a halt and gave a low chuff to echo the raven's call.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:50 am
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The cavern in question stretched back as far as rumors let it. Rapha had not been told whether the endless darkness ever ended, and lions that had tried to reach the end did not come back.

The floor was smooth, easy on the feet as though it had been polished. The rock formed strange, black rivers that coincided and mixed with itself. Rapha felt it was alive, and watched it, waiting for it to move. At times, concentrating on the patterns would send her into a vision.

The ceiling, that was the dangerous part. It was low on the cavern's entrance and the rock looked to have oozed down before it formed sharp points. Not watching ones head would leave a bloody skull and pain for weeks. Rapha waited further into the warmth of the den where the ceiling rose high and the cavern split into an upper and lower region as though unsure of which direction to best lead traveler's astray.

The caw echoed down the long corridors and Rapha swallowed the pit in her stomach. It was lonely here without any other company. The other Visionaries had reason for their absence, but she sometimes wondered if they were counting the ways to drive her insane.

"Kaar Oma." A long sigh from the back her throat. Who else would it be? Rapha ducked her head and easily slid away from the den. It was cold outside but it did not echo.

"You were above me before I heard Graos Oma, you are still my elder, and I hold respect for you." Rapha looked for the female's gaze, "Don't drop your eyes. There is no need here." And she wanted to see the change in them when both of them began to speak.

"Today, I looked a fool for you. Tell me why there is good reason for me to not have him publicly beaten."


Liberal Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:21 am
In that, Rapha's home far differed from Mchawi's little 'hovel'. Her own sleeping place was barely even a den, big enough only for her alone to curl up in and still get wet if it rained - which meant choosing temporary accommodations whilst her cubs had been small. She could have chosen a bigger place, perhaps, but her little home was surrounded by thorns and allowed her the privacy she so loved. Lions usually only came that way to see her and not to just wander on by whilst on their daily duties. She had to admit, however, that the uninviting appearance of Rapha's den was something to marvel at, with it's narrow entrance and jagged formation. It truly was a thing of beauty.

Moma, however, did not look so impressed. She looked nervous, ruffling her feathers and looking about as if expecting to be pounced on at even that height.

Mchawi steeled herself and reached for the comfort of her whirring mind - always turning, always working. She was not as big and strong as the males, her advantage came in her weaving of plots. And as one ended another always began. "You are the emissary of Graos Oma himself, Xakaav. If you looked a fool today, I must apologise for that. But there were bigger fools, too." She thought of Zizima - for all his promise had not been able to quell his temper. And the male - Rapha's own father - and the joking female, too.

"I have a reason." She went on, treading more carefully now. Mchawi's lies had saved her many a time but they had also led her treacherously close to her death. She was in this position because of what she had achieved but if it was ever discovered that her seer powers were weaker than she had led them all to believe...she would lose everything she had sought to gain. "Though whether the reason will satisfy you, I cannot say."

She looked on, her face stern. "I saw him in a vision before he came to us. Long before he came to us. A scarred lion; grey of pelt and bold of heart. The vision was short and held nothing of great importance and yet, they repeated day after day until I became certain that I would meet him. And, lo and behold, he appears to us - courtesy of some tracking Nergui. It was not coincidence. He was meant to find us. Meant to join us." She shook her head. "But he is different from the others." Her eyes knowingly flicked up to Moma who had huddled above, looking strangely guilty. The raven had noticed it too? Well, she had set her daughter up as a companion with him. "He has not yet learned our ways - though I am sure he will in time. Nor am I sure that he brings us good. And yet..." She trailed thoughtfully. "He inspires with his strength and scars and the young ones are enchanted by him. He gives them a strength without conscious thought." She risked a smile. "I am curious about him and I always have loved working on puzzles."
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:51 am
"If I expected to be satisfied, then I would make no Xakaav worth having." Rapha's answer was a light, almost friendly chuckle. Though the rasp in her throat and the eerie quiet of the air did little to help it sound such.

"A vision?" Rapha's ears perked. Head tilted, she began to chew on her tongue, musing over the things that the Kaar Oma spoke.

"His unknown goals are. . . disconcerting." Rapha narrowed her eyes as she began to think of him. He had chuckled when she had lashed out; that had meaning. Did he feel invincible? It could be his rising, and it could as easily pull him downwards.

"I have seen his boldness. Reckless. If a mind is ticking beneath his skull, it is preoccupied with concerns We do not share. Many have come to us now, bold, dangerous, ready for bloodshed. They wish to fight, to kill, and they will fight for us, but they have not fought with us. Our blood grows thin with their blasphemy." There was a rumble from the back of her throat as she contemplated the repercussions of this.

"I cannot deny that I see the strength. His scars ar something to envy," Perhaps to worship, "But the ease of that inspiration leaves me wary. If he does not understand this quiet power now, he may grow to." And a further concern still, that she did not yet dare speak aloud, was that he may have been Kulukadok. Despite the word of the Graos Oma, the Nergui did not understand them as she would have like; did not know the full extent of their stolen power.


Liberal Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:35 pm
"I know little of him, in truth." But she knew someone who did. Unfortunately, that particular Nergui was no friend of Mchawi's. The stupid wretch, Sarangerel. A foolish little Founder-Blood caught up in jealousy and pride. But that was where the raven came in. The raven was her eyes and ears and if she could not eavesdrop then no one could. Mchawi wasn't about to tell the raven that she was needed as much as that, however. The creature was a servant and shouldn't know how much she was worth. It was better that way. "But I have ways of finding out - methods that don't always involve the use of visions." Which was good, because otherwise she would find out little. "He seems to trust me, too." Respect her, as well, since he had not shunned her at the unexpected meeting earlier that day. She liked that. Trust was something that could be taken advantage of. It would be his weakness and his downfall.

"Males are slower to learn. They struggle to see past their own egos at the best of times. Nevertheless, this weakness will only serve us well. I shall keep close to him and guide him. He'll serve Graos Oma as the best of us before too long." Either that or he would suffer some ill fate.

"I think bloodshed will be given to them all before too long." But whose blood, was the question? Their's or those they wished to conquer?

"This is a dangerous game he plays. I do not think he knows that, yet. The young may love him as some hero of battles, but there are others - older males - who grow jealous at the attention he draws to himself. They will challenge him."

And she would have to make sure he succeeded.

"Your own father might be one of those lions." She added as an afterthought. Families could be complicated things but family was the only thing that Mchawi was loyal to. Her only weakness, perhaps.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:26 pm
"You are a crafty b***h." A breath of air escaped her nostrils slowly. The words, lacking any snap, had been a compliment.

Rapha did not like to trust. Her father had taught her that lesson well, short of having it beaten into her. Her own birth had been a trick, but then, look at her now. Rapha found she must trust someone, and so she trusted Graos Oma, and warily extended a chance for trust to Mchawi.

"There is no doubt," she responded with a nod towards Mchawi. "My father sleeps with jealousy in his den." If it killed him, she would not be responsible. It was his fate, and his choosing. Once again, she chewed on her tongue.

Possible scenarios played over in the Visionary's mind. In some, this 'Grey Warrior' succeeded, and a menagerie of lives were painted from this path. In every path, they continued to clash. Perhaps someday she would grow to respect him, but she would never like this Zizima.

"Very well," she said with a distinct finality. "Then you are responsible for him. Should he act questionably, you will tell me. Should he best some of our strongest, you will tell me. I trust you know what is important and not." Rapha's eyes had settled on Mchawi now and she stared as if looking for anything that would leave her uncomfortable. "He is your puzzle. Should he wander like a diseased dog, and should you then neglect to tell me, I will hold you in account."

The lioness shook herself down, fluffing out her fur. The air had begun to show their breath and the last line of yellow was on the horizon. "However, if you are open, then I will assume any negligence he participates in is of his own flawed nature. If this is acceptable to you, then I shall stay out of his way."

Curiousity and trust would surely be what killed her. She desperately wished for the other Xakaav to speak with her and form reason. A solitary vision would do. She could trust her visions.


Liberal Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:20 pm
Mchawi allowed herself to smile at that. It was strangely good to have someone acknowledge her most treasured trait. She would not have been standing there today had she not been the manipulative crafter that she was. Males might have the bigger size and the stronger bite but females had other tools at their disposals.

"Of course, Rapha Oma. I will be meeting with him on the morrow to discuss his future with us. Scarred and battle-savvy he may be. Glorious and strong, too. But he must become one of us for those traits to take him as far as his ambitions wish. He has the desire to rise in rank here but he can only do so if he accepts the ways of the Nergui. High ranking members who don't abide by tradition won't be high ranking for long." Her tail swished. "He made many mistakes today but I believe he trusts me enough to heed my words." And if he did not...then he was taking his life into his own paws and a life could be a slippery thing at the best of times.

"I was an outsider myself once." Mchawi continued. "And all this new to me when I arrived. And yet when I began to learn of the work being done, it struck such a chord in me that I am saddened I did not cross paths with the Nergui sooner. The goals rang true and I felt them in my blood." She was startled to realise just how true that was. "Perhaps for others the transition is not so clear cut. He has learned our language well enough, but he seems to struggle with some of our ways. Perhaps there are reasons behind it. If there are, I shall discover them."

She met Rapha's gaze. "Your terms are acceptable. You are my Xakaav, the voice of beloved Graos Oma. My future - and that of the pride - relies on your guidance and your judgement." She paused. "He will either rise to become the best of us or fall and become the worst. I can guide him with words and visions but, in the end, he must act and choose which path he will take."

She hoped that he would listen.

"Have you anything else to request of me?"
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:53 pm

Rapha's ears were moving, head bobbing gently. The skulls of birds clinked as they shook at her neck. Let Mchawi control this Zizima; it served the Graos Oma well. The Visionary could find no more complaints.

"I trust you will." Rapha moved her eyes to the sun-absent sky. The stars had ceased flickering and they came out in droves, mobs, shining bright like teeth and eyes. The night comforted her; in the dim light everything became movement and shadow; Rapha could react and leave thinking behind.

"Nothing else, Kaar Oma," Rapha answered Mchawi as her eyes turned back.

"The evening is yours. Travel with hot blood and sharp claws."

Rapha remained in place, her eyes focused on the looming shadowed mountains that bordered their flank. Her mouth opened, once again, and she voiced a single. "Wait."

The Visionary mused an idea in her mind, imagined it rolling over the tops of the black, steep mountainsides, before she voiced it. "If the Grey Warrior should lose the Path, and should the Graos Oma not wish otherwise, I want to be the one to spill his blood. It is a purely selfish request, but I desire to see fear in his eyes as he dies." And perhaps he would make a good example for those who thought Xakaav did not garner respect.


Liberal Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:04 pm
The raven gave a short cry and took to the air, her wings masking the stars as she turned into a lazy circle above their heads. She seemed eager to go, eager to be away from this place, still unsure - as of yet - why she had been brought here. There was a role for her to play, she knew. But what that was, she could not tell. The raven just hoped it would not be anything too testing. She felt like she had been tested enough these past days.

Mchawi had dipped her head respectfully though she had only just started to take a step when Rapha called her to wait. Setting her paw back down she raised her eyes again, curious. She had not expected to have been asked anything more and yet when the request was made, she allowed herself to smile; the points of her fangs glinting in the dark. "It is your right. You are judgement and law." She gave another short bow of her head. "If that time ever comes and I am there I will ensure that none other lays claw or tooth upon him."

Mchawi hoped it would not come to that. Hoped that he would listen and abide. Hoped that he would come to realise the glory that they sought was a true and brilliant one.

"Good evening, Rapha Oma."

Only then did she turn, sauntering off slowly back the way she had come. Above her the raven gave a bursting caw and winged ahead. The sun had set but it would rise again.

Mchawi's work was never done.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:14 pm
Rapha felt her muscles tighten involuntarily as Mchawi left. Her hackles raised, and she clenched a strong jaw as a tingle worked its way up her spine.

It was regret, the feeling that a decision she had made was an improper one.

Rapha would dwell on it, ponder it until it had fled the cavities of her mind and troubled her no more. The rocky cavern narrowly missed her head as she ducked inside, crawling to a space in the back where the tunnels ran long, but there was still enough light to see.

That night she dreamt of fire and blood. They mixed together until they became an indiscernible thing, and it stank of knowledge won by poor means. She did not, however, dream Visions of Zizima.


Liberal Streaker

[IC] Nergui Lands [IC]

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