WC: 1,234
Whats… Gunna happen to us… mommy?

That’s what should have been the conversation started but by far was this the most normal conversations she would encounter. Especially with mother. Lulu was an accepting to the winds of change and chance, but her mother was not. Ever since their horrible night coming, it had been a battle with their mother. Now, her siblings and herself were pledged to obey the word of orders from a pride. All thanks to her… mother. Alone in her feelings, she had kept to herself even with her 9-4=5 ( including herself ) siblings and father surrounding her. They had all started to find roots in the pride, and after her lone wolf search for flowers was over.. She walked slowly back to the den where they kept her mother. Deep… Deep within the tunnels. A life that they all were surprised with its turn of events even if they had only lived for a short time. Their lives were barely opened..

Between her ‘visits’ to the top level, she would want to hear stories about her mother. Was she the only one who remembered her now? Of how she used to be… Sometimes, glimpses of the past would come back and Lulu could believe her father’s stories but sometimes… It seemed like just a fairytale. ‘Your mother loves you all. She just.. can’t show it right now’ were along the lines of his makeshift ‘Band-Aid’ over their emotional wounds. But she had convinced herself that she could find a ‘cure’ for mommy.. Everything would go back to normal. She used to be so happy with the flowers but even as a cub- to feel the devastation of losing three of your siblings and now losing your mother to the ‘crazy’. It was hard enough to keep her a secret- but some others knew and didn’t hide their mockings of the family. Others paid tribute.

“Mother.” The almost mute spoke, and it was soft- low- as if she were suffocating.

“Darling~” Her eyes shown in pure darkness from within feet of depth within the den… “Darling… where have you been~~~”

Her voice wasn’t the same anymore. But Lulu, though sometimes mother could get dangerous- would still come up to her. Slowly approaching, she put down the flowers upon the ground. Waiting…

“Darling~~ Why don’t you answer me… darling~~”

Her voice sounded so bizarre now, but Lulu still found comfort in it.

"ANSWER ME!!!" She screamed and a rock was thrown. Hitting the walls of the tunnel, and its echo was the only thing that was heard for at least a few minutes before shuffling. A massive sound of shuffling. Then… the crying.

It all happened so fast but right before she blinked, the cheetah attacked the cub, and had her sprawled out on her back. Though parts of her were reassuring her- the mostly more scared part of her sucked in air in fear…
A wet nose plastered to her face… and rubbed all sorts of ways. Inhaling her scent.

“Lulu… dear lulu…”
“My baby… no one is going to hurt you… no one will ever take you away from me..”
“Mo-m.” Her voice was choking from the older cheetah’s paws pressing on her throat. She tried to gasp for air, not one paw was lifted against the cheetah to let go. She merely shivered unwantingly.

Then claws sunk in to her neck bone as she was pulled deeper in to the darkness, not before trying to grasp the ground beneath her from sliding… But what she grabbed was the flowers she brought- which helped her through the demise. Suffocated by paws that grasped her tightly. Then a wet sticking yet rough tongue plastered itself against her and rubbed down her back. Til it got down to her stomach where the cheetah stopped. Sniffing softly.

“Flowers…” Her mother’s soft voice came back.

Lulu’s eyes opened wide, and she was about to smile, and the edges of her lips twitched. Did she bring mom back?

“I remember the flowers… I counted one… two… three…four…five… and I was missing my flowers. ” By three, the wicked crazed voice twisted her words. “I swore I would find them. The trees said they’d find them. They’d help me… but they didn’t… They said they would..” It was hard to hear, and some danger leaked out of the emotional wreck of the cheetah before her.

The cub lost her smile, and instead tried to reach out her paw to her mother’s face. Softly stroking where she could- a roughed up- muddy matted neck. “Shuu..” She tried to say… She wanted no more than to take away her mother’s sorrows that she too was baring along with the family. The only thing connecting them to sanity was their father- and this pride he had brought them to. She didn’t know what was gunna happen to them now. Everything from the pride was so stuffed with stale air. There was so many faces when not to long ago they only had each other. She was, just a cub but she even knew something wasn’t right- but even with her doubts. Her mother was her main concern.

“BUT THEY DIDN”T!” The ground beside the cub’s head was smashed. “BUT THEY DIDN”T HELP ME!!” Another smash and this time- the strike cut the cub’s cheek clean. “IVE LOST MY BABIES AND THEY DIDN”T HELP ME! THEY TOOK AWAY EVERYTHING FROM ME!!!” Her scream had shook Lulu’s insides and out of instinct made her paws retract close to her face as to cover herself. “YOU TOOK THEM FROM ME! WHY DID YOU STOP TALKING !”

Strike after strike then came after, she partially knew this would happen but she tried every time her old wounds would heal. To bring mother back.. Blood blurred her vision as it seeped in to the creases of her eyes and she saw her mother’s shadow grow darker as her claws her lifted, drawing the ironly liquid from her.

“STTTTOOOOOOOOPPPP!!!” The voice was unfamiliar.

The cheetah withdrew from the yelling and coward back, but not without a fight. Right when Lulu thought she would be free- the claws sunk in to her skin as she yelped. “NO one is going to take my babies away..NO ONE!” As she grasp and dragged her across the rough rock infested dirty. She pushed to roll over and grasped the ground to try and get away. And paws met hers. She looked up and soft blue eyes met hers.. then pulled her. “GET OFF OF HER!” The voice yelled, and bit her mother’s paw. Which caused her to shriek and let go.

When the body moved back to pull Lulu the rest of the way, Lin came back running and the female whom had saved her dodged- then dashed away, Lin was at their heels and Lulu did not make it any more easier for her rescuer- snarling and paws at every ounce of skin she could must til about a few feet before Lin’s leash pulled tighter making the sound of her body getting thrown down to the ground. Lulu’s eyes started to water relunctantly. This- this creature hurt her mother- made her more ‘angry’ but all she could do was cry.. then strike at her rescuer every chance she got til she ran out of energy..

Her body was spared more scars- but was her heart?


Recluse, and genuinely closed up- after days since her night in isolation, she simply stayed in the furthest parts of her den. They would come up and ask for potions- some mad- some wrecked her den because she simply didn't speak. Didn't respond. By this point- a lot of her poisons, cures and all- bowls were thrown about the room. Not because of her own doing. What was her own doing was the scratches on the wall- her soft furred bed completely torn apart. - That was her. She had tasted what the crazy was. Was it her mother's long exposure to the poisons and herbs required? Or was she indeed somewhat craze- did it run in my family. All she knew was she couldn't get out of the daze. Not eating, her den had filled with fumes by the time Suki found her standing completely blank to the world.

"Lulu? Lulu!- What the hell-" Coughing up from the fumes and searched for her in the deepest part of her den, and she was completely blanked out looking at the wall of her den. As, as if she were frozen in time.

"LULU! COME HERE! MOMMY IS LONLEY! COME HERE BABY... BABY WHERE ARE YOU!!" Lulu heard in exchange for Suki's words. "WHY HAVENT YOU COME VISIT MEEE!!!" Feeling her mother's paws draw her closer and and let her nails sink in to her skin. She could feel them imprinting in her fur, yet she remained still and her mother was no where to be found.

Suki came up to her, cautiously... "Lulu...?" Turning and seeing her eyes wide open with that blank look in her eyes.. " Darling… where have you been~~~”
The feeling of suffocating started. "ANSWER ME!!!" Her mother's words haunting her. The crazy- yes. It was the crazy that was haunting her, trying to grasp ahold of her mind. The long exposure to the fumes had fueled it, definitely. I'm here mother.." Suki's ears perked and his eyes went wide.