Name: Sergei Fedorevich Kroetsky

Age: 34 years.

Race: Human

Master or Mistress: Master

Orientation: Bisexual

Bio: Sergei was born to a wealthy and powerful family in Russia, with ties to a successful corporation. his father, Fedor, was a made man who understood business and industry. Sergei grew up with money and privilege, being very used to getting whatever he wanted. when his father passed away, Sergei had suddenly all the responsibilities of his father's position shoved onto him. he rebelled, and eventually ran away. living in the streets for a few years, he came to appreciate the wealth he had taken for granted so long ago, and regretted his decision to leave it. but he never learned compassion or altruism during his time depending on handouts. since his attitude got him shunned as an ungrateful beggar, he withdrew even further, becoming cold and bitter. he channeled this hatred into a deep sociopathic sadism, taking pleasure in the harming of others. he sought out his own fortune, and then used his wealth to pursue his newfound pleasure.


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