WC: 1,721

The pride was getting more and more ‘stale’ and everything seemed like boundaries. Invisible lines were being drawn and missions were become dangerous to have had. Who knew that when the pride would hurt on itself. When a civil war would break out. Some were still oblivious but some knew that at any point- the break will ensue through all of the pride… NO one was safe. Rada’s rising in mission success came out more to her disadvantage than advantage. With her going solely on missions that concerned bringing new blood, and ‘safe’ missions. She had become the shame of the Fighter rank but still she was rising in front of the eyes of the royals. For bringing new blood and protecting with her life one of the most valuable up-coming geisha’s. A guard enough to protect her got unnoticed. They hadn’t even begun to understand how she got Abila back to her mother all in one piece over the many close to fatal adventures they’ve had. This union also brought upon hardship on both sides.

The likely hood of her becoming a royal body guard despite what the other fighters had to say, was very good. Who didn’t like new blood? And for that matter- ALL CHEETAHS. For the most part.

Abila had been grooming herself from the last adventure still. Not ONLY her, but an aspiring entertainer that also made it a point to help Abila with her looks. But Rada was the only one allowed to see the real Abila. The one that was growing up in the rogueland experiences. Looking ‘good’ was never really Abila’s strong point. She was naturally beautiful, but her mother would express how important it was for their line of work to always be well groomed… Now with an assistant she could achieve this quicker and get on to doing things she loved to do. Like sing. She hadn’t for so long that when she went to go see her first customer, a smile crossed her face. A rough yet lean muscular hybrid stood before her. Abila was one of the oblivious ones in the pride. With the growing hybrid loving hate tension going on, she was the one that was in love with one. “I suppose a massage my lady?”

Espoir had been Abila’s crush for so long. Their affections towards each other grew to no limits but was all broken down by ONE male cheetah. Off to destroy all of Espoir’s emotions and Abila’s heart. “No.”

“With what services may I pleasure thy hard working fighter.”
“Stop entertaining.” She growled in response to Abila’s response.

Abila’s heart fell in to her stomach, and the once blush on her face now seemed to vanish as she was caught by surprise. “It is… my life to entertain.”
“But it isn’t to risk getting killed over neither. Don’t you realize every time you step out of the pride walls you can get killed out there!?” Espoir smashed her paw in to the ground which echoed upon the cavern’s walls.
The cheetah recoiled, and let her ears down flat. “Espoir…”
“I went in to fighting so I could learn how to protect my pride- and protect the only one I cared for. Then the one that I cared for goes off with some other fighter out in to where I CANT protect!” She yelled, and quickly closed the gap between them. “Abila don’t you understand!”
“…” The soon to be geisha casted her gaze away and lost all happiness that was inside. Espoir kept such a tight hold on her heart- yet she knew that if they had kept seeing each other and if she didn’t go on missions, the likely hood of Espoir getting hurt would be greater. Everything pointed in to them not continuing this relationship but it was hard for Espoir to understand. Not like she had the time to absorb it when Abila suddenly stopped talking to her.
“I demand an answer!” She rose her paw again, then was stopped.

Rada had slipped by as she was yelling right in front of Abila. The look on her face could not be described as neither good nor great in mood. But with a look of someone about to attack. “For striking an entertainer is punishable by the royals. Especially an upcoming Geisha.”

“Stay out of OUR business peace-maker.” Espoir’s fur rose and the difference in their body types was presented very openly as the hybrid towered over her. Fangs bared and about ready to fight if need to be.
“It IS my business to protect Abila- and by that I will die as it is for my oath.” The other cheetah rose her chest and stood up to the huge hybrid… They were adults now. All within their own rank, holding a high position.
“Rada…” The entertainer spoke up… and lifted her paw to stop them but Espoir growled as soon as she made an attempt to touch Rada at all.

“This is between ME AND HER. It is our PERSONAL lives! You can shove off.” With that, she pushed went for Rada and with Rada’s nimbleness, she dodged the forward motion easily and landed upon the hybrid’s neck’s side. Pushing her down to the ground with her own weight. “I am not looking for a fight Espoir. I am Lady Abila’s personal bodyguard and I will NOT let ANYONE lay a paw on her.” The hybrid screamed and pushed the cheetah off and rammed her in to the wall of the cavern. Her paw raised just as quickly grabbing Rada’s neck and attempting to slam HER down- but the cheetah was quick on her feet and even though the grab was successful, she used that same force to push in to the ground then shooting right back up with the same motion... A snap sounded and a sort of ‘roar’ came out of Espoir in response.

“ESPOIR!” The entertainer yelled and quickly went forward and grabbed on to the fighter. Whom then went in to almost a rage and tried to push Abila off and when she couldn’t slammed her in to the with her weight… She breathed heavily as if to growl and Rada went behind her to try to intercept but was stopped by Abila’s actions…

The soon to be Geisha held on to Espoir’s neck and had pulled the raging hybrid in to a kiss… Tears were baring the edges of her eyes… straining her face with sadness and worry. But the shadows around the caverns moved. Only Rada tended to notice them… and she lowered her head and opened her ears to remind herself of the pattern of walk’s sound. Then Rada turned her head to try and decipher the shadows as they moved away. The walls… would speak… “Abila-“ She tried to say something but she wasn’t minded at all within the ‘couple’ ‘s eyes…

Between her mussle, Abila spoke words of the heart. “Though my actions may differ, my heart has never changed… I have not abandoned you out of malice but to protect the one I loved… You may not understand, I deeply apologize but Love, I have to do my part too…. And I do not do it for the pride… for that I am selfish…” Tears touched the ground from her face. Espoir’s eyes grew wide in surprise then softened as she looked at Abila more… then closed them. She was so hurt over the ‘break up’ that every inch of her had grown jealous and dangerous. Like her father was…with their mother. The aggressive gene passed on- and she couldn’t control it sometimes… her heart still ached. But she could do nothing.

“Abila…” Her voice cracked but she managed it between her teeth… Pain could be felt and the heartfelt between both of them would leave anyone at a tear. Their love was forbidden, their love……… was no more.

“Please… don’t worry for me my love…promise me.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Please… I assure you I will come home safely…”
“I just.. can’t Abila… I can’t. Please. Don’t make me accept this.”

Abila leaned back, and opened her eyes full of tears and smiled… “I must.” With that she looked up at Rada, now that she had the hybrid calmed she gave a nod and Rada quickly did the ‘blow’ that they were all so skillfully taught in their intense fighting classes. How to knock someone out with one strike… and Espoir fell in to Abila’s arms. Abila literately broke out in all out tears and held on to Espoir as if she died… Because a little bit within Abila died.

Rada slowly took a step closer and touched Abila’s face with her snout in support. She had never seen forbidden love like their before. A hybrid and of the same gender. She wouldn’t even dream of it, but she saw how much Abila ached for Espoir… and even that made her accept her friend’s secret. “I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t you lady fighter… It was.. not you…”
“… He never even knew did he….”
“… I will keep your secret… I am your guard.”

The cheetah’s silence could be heard loudly… with all the sniffling. “They said that… if I did what he said… that Espoir can rise in ranks- and … he promised me so many things… “
“…Abila…” Her voice went soft and she knew at that moment that someone had probably blackmailed her… and the thought of a kind passionate heart getting blackmailed HURT. It was a blow so deep. “I am your guard- please tell me and I will ensure they follow through with their word!”
“Please… Lady Fighter… Just… just go. Find a healer that can mend my Fighter’s arm.”
Rada starred Abila down for a good few moments… then fled to complete the cheetah’s request.

While Abila was left to cry and hold her forbidden love… Knowing how much she had HURT Espoir.. and how she could not show any affection towards her. Could not- BE her mate.. she couldn’t even be her anything… Just her job. For her all the weight of the pride’s alliance weighted on her shoulder- and the blackmail weighted heavily in Abila’s heart. But this was for the better they said… this was for the better…