Name: Raven Darklight

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Half blue dragon Demon

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'6

Weight: 132

Teacher or student: Student

Bio: Raven grew up with her older twin brother Drake who always looked after her and never let her get hurt the twins grew up with supernatural powers him a half wolf and her half dragon because of there parents who died when she was born they where full demons, she was always with him and never had any friends and because of that she is shy and hides her emotions

Powers: she can either become or sumon a blue Dragon with black eyes

Other: if anything bad where to accur and her brother isn't there her dead mother will come into her body as a spirit and do a full form demon dragon it can be noticable when Ravens eyes turn deep black, Because of the full form demon Raven is sent in a Deep sleep for a week


Appearance: She is with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes when her powers are at ease but when triggered her eyes will turn light blue and her hair as black as night and she will go in to an uncontrolable rage that is only eased by her brother or someone she really cares about, she usually has her hair picked up in a pony tail because of the length