The smell of freshly brewed green tea with jasmine pearls filled the overly large conquest tent. In the corner, two soldiers played at Diplomacy, while some artisan was busy working on what looked to be an ornate holder for a distortion fragment. Lan however, was situated near the back, tiny table filled with a small assortment of sweets and snacks. With was a modest spread at best, but the horsewoman was content and for her that was all that mattered.

Several others had watched her prepare the tea though none had thus far shown the notion to join her. Apparently a noble brewing tea was an odd concept to some. Part of Lan wished she had company but if she did not? That was there loss, not her own. Her tea was perfect. It needed no sugar and it held just the right aroma and flavor. Lifting her cup, a single sip was all that was needed to make her smile. Sometimes the best things were the smallest of things.

Orangeish Sherbert