Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:08 pm
KK, this thread is just a messy collection that I have been typing on. You are more than welcome/ encouraged to critique it and or make suggestions if you like! It's a work in progress, so please take a look around and enjoy! n-n
The Kin: Herd of Horns There are tales of a herd that roam the lands beside the Kawani Village, so near but kept hidden within the depths of the forest like a well-guarded treasure. Their presence is a soft-spoken one, only recognized by the tales that bore them, claiming that they were once the amiable steeds of the Village before they vanished into the wilderness from which they came. If one were to traverse East and use the river as their guide, they may very well hope to catch a glimpse of these rumored Soquili from their canoe. From a fleeting blur along the water's edge to a dark shadow standing tall among the trees, this herd guards its terrain like a flighty spirit.
Even as the river continues toward the rising edges of the mountains, small sights and whispered sounds give rumor to the presence of the herd. Clicks of footfalls echo on the stone perches of the mountains. A chiming of water as you glance around, ripples reflecting the leftover path of a large creature. And just as you reach the end of your journey and make to turn around, you notice another detail. A collection of bones beneath the surface of the water, blending into the base of the cold mountains.
Seems not all is peaceful in these quiet lands...
Eastern Forests The leafy trees here grow a bit taller than the ones in the Main Lands. The plant life is quite like the Central Forests with oaks, maples and other trees of that sort growing close together. Approaching the hilly areas at the mountains’ bases the forests become mixed with cone bearing trees. Closer to the swamp the trees begin to grow thinner and very close to each other and a thick carpet of low growing plants begins to form. The number of different types of trees growing together, in slightly different conditions, just beg to be explored by curious soquili. With fewer clearings in the trees it is ill advised for winged species to attempt flying in or out of the trees. ------->Big Oak Grove Near the wide western river in these lands sits the Big Oak Grove. Some claim that the trees have had some spell cast on them. Others say that the trees there have just been drinking too deeply from the fresh mountain waters. Whatever the reason the oak trees grow tall and wide in this place alone in the Eastern Forests. Their boughs and trunks are so think that if a soquili were able to leap onto them they would be able to stand there and even take a nap in the larger trees. There is no way to fly into the oak grove and one must make their way under the large limbs and leaves if they wish to enter.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:10 pm
Herd Tribes: While they do coexist and mingle daily, the herd has two Tribes that help to maintain balance and protection over their wide territory.
The ilk : Single Horn Any such members of the herd that have a single, dominant horn adorning their brow. Some individuals in this Tribe may have multiple/smaller horns, however they are recognized for having one horn that is stronger than the rest. The horns featured in this Tribe are accepted in multiple forms, such as the forward spiral of the Unicorns, or the forked arch of the Kirins. Due to the more slender and lithe forms of these Soquili, this Tribe often resides in the North and East of Big Oak Grove, where they can be spotted scaling the steep mountain ledges and skirting between the deeper and thicker forests. This Tribe includes Unicorns, Kirins, halfbreeds, and mutants.
The ilka : Split Horns Any such members of the Tribe that have more than one horn adorning their brow. Individuals featured in this Tribe are recognized for having 2 or more dominant horns. Examples can be the balanced set of antlers for Cerynei, or the the sharp pair of horns on a Kalona. Another variation can be found on mutants who have horns not only adorning their brow, but also their nose or jawline. Due to their more heavy and bulky forms, this Tribe often resides in the South and West of Big Oak Grove, where they can better travel along the hills and forest. This Tribe includes Kalonas*, Cerynei, Talbuks, Elekks, halfbreeds and mutants. ((Please note the restrictions below for Kalona breeds.))
Outsiders and Other Species- Now then, since this herd is focused solely on Soquili with horns/antlers/etc, there will be some restrictions placed on other species. This is by no means meant to make other types feel inferior and/ or neglected! Exceptions will be made and there will be some wiggle room for other species to join. But in the end, we would like to keep the core idea of horned Soquili as the main members of the herd structure.
Regulars and Usdia: These species are more than welcome to join or travel through the herd territory. If joining the herd, they have the choice of deciding which of the two Tribes they would prefer to join. Subspecies Usdia with horns will be guided to join the Tribe that best matches their features. If not joining but simply traveling through, the herd will happily ecort you through, so long as you do not stir trouble. Outsider stallions will be regarded with a watchful eye by the herd leaders.
Winged and Aquatics: Because this is more or less a 'land' based herd and due to the terrain of their territory, Soquili of these types will be rare to come by. Aquatic Soquili would have to travel long distances to reach more than the shallow rivers. Though during flood seasons, it is not uncommon to see a few Aquatic Soquili roaming the area and trying to get back to their main sources of water. As for winged Soquili, they would have a most difficult time maneuvering through the thick treeline. While these species are allowed to join, the herd will only accept them if they have horn features too. They only way one may join without a horn feature is if they were to be mated to a herd member.
Kalona: Kalona are a tricky species when it comes to joining the herd, simply due to their reputation of a 'darker' nature. Any Kalona hoping to join the herd would have to prove themselves docile to other herd members, and submissive to the herd leaders. Any display of violence and/or reckless disregard to the herd's rules, and the herd leaders will not hesitate to chase a Kalona out of their territory. Hybrid and/ or wingless Kalona will be a more common sight in these lands than Kalona with wings. Ulun'suti, Hippogryphs, and Skinwalker: Sorry, but claws, paws, and pelts are a strict no-no for this herd. 8'C This herd regards such features as a predator trait to be wary of. Unless an owner proves very active with roleplay and plots, nearly all Ulu and Hippo's will be turned away. Skinwalkers, both Pure and Cursed, will be chased out without a second thought.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:11 pm
Tribe Origins: fffffffffffffffffffft idk, to be discussed! xD
Tribe Practices: Joining- Very simple task! Simply fill in the form found below to submit your character. 83 Remember, Horned creatures, Regulars, and Usdia can join without restriction. For other species without horns, they are only permitted to join IF they are mated to a herd member.
Mating- The herd and its two Tribes value the commitment of lifemating. However, flings are also a common occurrence, and the parent(s) are expected to care for any resulting offspring all the same. An outsider who flings remains an outsider, and can visit their offspring on the outskirts of the herd if they desire to. An outsider who wishes to lifemate with a herd member can join the herd and the Tribe of their mentioned mate. In regards to same-sex relationships, the herd is open to such pairings, so long as they remain loyal to one another.
Leadership- With two Tribes thriving together, it is necessary for there to be two Protectors to keep guard of the large territory and fellow herd members. Together, the two Alphas and Protectors maintain order and peace within the large herd. While Protectors are respected, it is also commonplace for their rank to be challenged by other strong members of their same Tribe. This competition is welcome, as it is necessary for the strongest male to better care for the Tribe. The only way a challenger for the rank can be turned down is by the Alpha, if she views him as unfit (selfish, dark, etc.) for the task. (OOC Note: Any adult/ male herd member is allowed to challenge the Protector of their given Tribe, if they have RP proof of their dedication to the herd. This opportunity will be given every four (4) months, as both a fair and fun way for characters to develop with this change of authority. More information on how to participate will be given at that time.)
Tribe Celebrations: Coming of Age- A time of great pride and joy for the parents, it is now a chance for their growing offspring to earn their place in the herd. It is a test of not only trust but of self-discovery, as the young Soquili is sent to the other Tribe of the herd. There they will be taken under the care of a chosen Nanny or mentor, decided on by either the parents of the youth or the Alpha of the Tribe they are joining. They will reside within that Tribe for a period of six months, giving them a chance to personally understand the terrain, habits and special skills of the given Tribe. This Coming of Age ceremony helps strengthen the bond between the two Tribes, and allows the youths to grow upon their own experiences, learning the value of kinship between the different species residing in the herd. At the end of their stay, the youths return to their original Tribe as full-fledged adults and members of the herd. (OOC Note: So long as the RP implies that a youth has stayed in the alternate Tribe for 6 months, an owner does not have to wait that long to continue rping their character back in their home Tribe.)
The Great Race- Every six (6) months, the two Tribes within the herd like to gather in a friendly competition of their most agile individuals. Situated some miles North-West of the Big Oak Grove, the herd has designated a path along the smoother lands that border the river, where the trees are thinner and easier to dash in between. The Alphas and the Protectors stand alert at the starting point, along with the herd members who have gathered to witness the occasion. The number of contenders always varies, but the track remains the same to give everyone the same opportunity to train throughout the months. When given the signal, the contenders must race along the river for roughly five miles. There they meet with two scouts who await to give them tokens, proving that the contenders did indeed reach the checkpoint. The tokens vary each race, being simple items marked for the occasion. From there, contenders must race back to the starting point in hopes of winning first place. (OOC Note: For the 1st place winner of each race, should the owner ever obtain a slot for a Familiar pet then Nyhility will pay the fee as a prize.) 83
The Migration- Every twelve (12) months, the herd and its two Tribes will be required to move due to the changing seasons. With the risk of snowfall limiting their supply of food the herd is forced to move East, crossing the river near the base of the mountain and relocating themselves in the dense forests that descend into the swamplands. The landscape here is bountiful and will better supply the members of the herd until Winter has passed. However, there are more dangers on this side of the river that the herd remains wary of, and members are encouraged to not wander far from their Tribes. (OOC Note: Due to it being a mass herd movement, there will likely be an ORP designated for this event. Owners are encouraged to join this rp if they wish, or can even create PRP's for the occasion. There will also be an ORP for the herd returning to their main location, for the sake of organizing a timeline.)
Suggestions- Have an idea? Let us know! 8D
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:14 pm
Tribe Ranks: Alpha- There is 1 Alpha for each of the two Tribes, both are always female. She may not be the strongest of fastest of the Herd (although that would be a plus), but she is wise and very much respected by the members of her Tribe. Alpha is a rank normally born into, a mother passing on her title to a chosen daughter when she is ready to step down. The only time this changes is when an Alpha is challenged by another mare for leadership, an extremely rare situation. (must speak with Herd leaders if considering for plot purposes)
Protector- There is 1 Protector of each of the two Tribes, both are always male. This rank is one that is often challenged, as the Protector is expected to be the strongest stallion in the Tribe they represent. For this reason, the Protector rank is not limited to being the mate/ sibling/ or offspring of the current Alpha. If a Protector is defeated by another male, they are more than welcome to try and win back their title in a later match. (OOC Note: This rank is to help Soquili owners who want to develop their characters, be it for personal reasons or for the goal of eldership. RP activity is required for any male hoping to try out for this rank. If interested, more information can be found above in Tribe Practices.)
Scouts- These are the herd members that take pride in helping their Protectors guard their territory. They roam the outer limits of the herd in pairs or in solitude, not for pleasure but for duty. A skilled eye and ear are needed for this rank, as they are to report any outside dangers to the Tribe Protector and Alpha. A sometimes risky and dangerous rank, since these individuals are separated from the safety of the rest of the Herd, and will have to fend for themselves if the situation calls for it. For obvious reasons only an adult can take on this title, as youths are kept protected within the Tribes.
Nannies- These are herd members that delight in keeping a watchful eye over the younger generations. While it is expected of a mother and father to do their best in parenting their own offspring, nannies are ready to step in if the situation calls for it.
Healers- In most cases, these are the Unicorns and Kirin that reside within the herd. These individuals often travel between Tribes to help those in need of their skills. However, some are known to be reclusive in nature, and will only help if one is lucky enough to find them, hidden away in the depths of the herd's territory.
General- Joining the herd and its Tribes does not require you to join a rank! You can simply be a happy member of the herd, with your only obligation to respect the rest of your fellow herd members.
Care to join? Use this form here!username: Soquili Name: Soquili picture: Which Tribe?: What rank?:
Herd Members:
The ilk Tribe: Alpha: --- Protector: ---
Scouts: ---
Nannies: ---
Healers: ---
General: ---
The ilka Tribe: Alpha: --- Protector: ---
Scouts: ---
Nannies: ---
Healers: ---
General: ---
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:16 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:41 am
[gives a bump for critiques/etc]
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:30 pm
Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:22 am
username: Elf Princess Flannery Soquili Name: Nazara Soquili picture: Which Tribe?: ilk What rank?: General about: Nazara has lost most of, if not all of her memory except for the past few years. From what she knows, she spent two years of servitude with Baba Yaga, a wicked old and mysterious hippo'suti. after several attempts Baba let Nazara escape. she feels lost and is looking for guidance, she hopes this herd will provide her with the guidance and support and protection she needs.
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:55 pm
I...guess this herd is a no go? x3 Sorry Elf, unless we can get a bigger group going, idk~
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:24 pm
username: xKOVAKtheWOLFx Soquili Name: Vex Soquili picture: Which Tribe?: ilka What rank?: protector? if not, then hopefully a scout, but if not, then a general. xD his bunny