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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[ 1v1 ] Lady Man Hands vs. Cherry Rage (Shaheen/West) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Smerdle rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)



PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:37 pm
With one horseman spar under his belt, West was feeling a great deal more confident about challenging the school's newish neighbors. He had only ever met a handful of them in person, and out of those few, he knew maybe... one of their names? Even so, he had a certain lady of War in mind for this fight, a lady of War who had kicked his a** once upon a time. West made a face. He didn't realize he was making it, but it looked a little something like this: >:/

After coming to terms with the fact that he had no real idea how to contact her, West had settled on delivering a note to one of the horsemen he had seen wandering the campus, in the hope that it would reach her in time for her to actually show up. When asked for a description of the recipient of his letter, West had described her as "a giant horsewoman wit' blond hair, yellow eyes an' some gray stuff on 'er face with gold paint like here an' here an' dark wings wit' white parts underneath, like stripes, s**t, I dunno."

The more he thought about it, the less likely it seemed she would even receive his challenge in the first place.

He waited near one of the locations that was rumored to be particularly prone to spitting students out in the Haunted House, arms crossed, with a very faint expectant expression on his face.

(( No recoil damage from any attacks. ))  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:15 am
Shaheen was just having one of those days, and was in one of those moods when the letter reached her. She gave the delivery horsemen a fairly blank look, staring at them for quite sometime before they finally just dropped the letter at her feet and strode off. Even then she looked down at the piece of paper curiously for some time, head cocked curiously to one side, before she bent down to pick it up. She then unfolded the letter, smoothed it out, and held it in front of her.

And then proceeded to read over it several times so that the words were finally processed, the voices in her head distracting to the point of being completely disabling. She grimaced a little, letting go of the letter to touch her forehead lightly with one free hand. A challenge, and she was barely in any fit state to accept. But still, could she couldn't just ignore it.

And so, she tried her best to center herself, to find her inner calm amongst all the turmoil, then set off to find the red headed demon boil that wished to fight. Perhaps that was just what she needed to clear her head.

He might have been waiting for some time as the horsewoman knew very little about the school and may have just wandered aimlessly for some time, finding herself easily distracted despite her best efforts to fight against the whispers that threatened to lead her astray. When she did finally find him, however, she offered him a half cocked smirk, attempting to hide that there might be anything wrong.

"You called?" She asked, with a hint of amusement in her voice, stopping to cross arms over her chest. "Please tell me I can at least expect a better performance then last time."

I won't lie, I laughed so hard at the title I nearly died.


Ice-Cold Hunter

Smerdle rolled 1 20-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-20)



PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:27 am
West smirked when he looked up and found the horsewoman approaching. Once he realized what his mouth was doing, however, he forced an expression of neutrality onto his face instead. Since he hadn't really expected her to show up at all, whatever amount of time he'd spent waiting didn't seem all that long at all. He barely refrained from rolling his eyes at her comment, his grin creeping back onto his lips as his arms loosened and he stood up straight. Nope, she was still taller than he was.

"I'll certainly try," West said. And he would. But right now, he needed to find the way in to this damned haunted house. He turned, pressing his palms to the ivy-covered wall behind him and... thinking really hard about reaching their odd destination, like a human child wishing on a star. It seemed very very silly, but he had heard it would work.

Half a minute later, his hands pushed past the wall. This was it.

"All right," he muttered. "Follow me." West didn't turn around to make sure the horsewoman was tailing him, he just ducked through the ivy and ended up somewhere else.

XD I'm glad it was amusing.

You can pick the haunted house location if you'd like. Otherwise I'll just spew something out next tag. <3
Seussi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 11 Total: 11 (1-20)
PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:55 am
Try. He'd try. Well, that was probably the best that the war chieftain could hope for from nothing more then a student, but nevertheless she rolled her eyes skyward and muttered something unintelligible under her breath before her gaze landed on the boy again.

And watched him walk through an ivy covered wall? How very interesting.

She frowned a little bit to herself before she stepped forward and followed, passing through the ivy and to whatever was beyond, which was apparently a very old and dilapidated looking building. There was something about it though, and she stepped towards it eyes focused on the house.

"What is this place?" She asked, her frown from before deepening. She had yet to be told about the haunted house, or shown it. She had no idea that she could potentially encounter hunters here. Without waiting for an answer, she was already moving forward, long legs taking her quickly towards the house itself so that she could push her way inside. The door opened with the usual spooky and goose bump inducing creak, and she was greeted by a wide and dusty expanse of entrance way. Beyond that, walls with doors. Many, many doors. Was this truly where he intended to go through with his spar?

go ahead and pick a room, since she gets first attack <3


Ice-Cold Hunter



PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:55 pm
He took in a breath to reply to her question, but the horsewoman was off before he could speak, leaving him to catch up as she advanced through the door. So far everything was as he remembered. Dusty, creaky, the sort of place it seemed humans were frightened of. West shook his head faintly. The things that frightened him were inside.

"It'sa haunted house," he said, once they were both in the foyer. "Th' rooms change. Like..." He pulled open the closest door, revealing a large space filled with ice, snow and thousands of miniature yetis. They sat in fluffy piles, eyeing the pair with their shiny black eyes. West slammed  the door on them, catching one against the jamb. It promptly poofed into FEAR.

Without another moment's hesitation, the boil yanked open the next door and barreled through, knowing that if he did hesitate, he would likely turn around and leave. This room didn't seem like much of a room at all at first, just a long rocky hall illuminated by smokeless torches. West shrugged and ventured further inside. The air wasn't warm or cool, just humid, and the ceiling was slick with blue and pink moss. It smelled like growing things, and when he reached the point where the hall finally opened out into a proper room, West discovered why.

The torches were gone, a giant hole in the distant ceiling providing light to this area instead. From the hole hung a number of leafy vines. West grabbed one, lifted himself off of the ground and swung, barely missing the blob of white paint that splashed where he had been standing. He regained his footing, pulling another vine to steady himself and unleashing a human world chicken into their midst. West watched it for a moment, shrugging as he readied himself for a fight.

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 4 Total: 8 (2-16)
PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:03 pm
A haunted house? Well, that much seemed obvious, now that she had a better look around. But why was it here? What was it's significance? All questions she would have liked to ask, but the boy was continuing on. Something about changing rooms. Hrm. Curious, she strode over to the nearest door, pulling it open to see a vast, empty space, with a large pool of water set in the middle. Occasionally, the water would ripple oddly, and she could have sworn at one point she had caught a glimpse of tentacle breaking through the surface.

Ew. Tentacles. Nopenopenope. She shut the door with one eyebrow raised and a look of 'what in the unholy ********.' on her face, before she turned back towards the boy, and the door he had opened.

Her eyes might have widened a little further.

"Okay then. Very interesting." She murmured, before following him into the next room, which appeared to be a rocky hallway. Humid, like her home isle had been. Her gaze went upwards towards the oddly colored moss. The smell was also familiar, also reminding her of her lost home.

And then they reached their destination, vines, another painful reminder. The boy was swinging himself up into the vines, and she could feel the smirk curving upwards on her lips. So she would not gain much of a flight advantage here. That was a pity.

Without further hesitation or delay, not even to take time to ponder over the odd creature that had just fallen to the floor or the white substance that had hit the ground even before that, she summoned a dagger to hand, and threw it, aiming for the demon's hand in hopes of bringing him back down to the floor.

HP: 40
Damage: 2
FP: 0



Ice-Cold Hunter

Smerdle rolled 2 8-sided dice: 1, 5 Total: 6 (2-16)



PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:08 pm
As her dagger materialized, time seemed to slow for the boil. When he first noticed the horsewoman's shiny blade, West felt a slight increase in his normal levels of epic rage. He knew all about the horsemen's ability to summon weapons since his tussle with Soren, and yet he had still left himself vulnerable to this War pony using one. He had no idea what they all could summon; he could have just as easily been shot or bazookaed right about now instead of—

The blade grazed his knuckles and though he likely could have kept a hold of his vine, he let go instead, partially due to surprise, but mostly because he too wanted to be on equal footing again. The fall was a little jarring without his wings, but he wanted to keep those a surprise for as long as he could. West muttered something unintelligible as he shifted his weight and shook out his feet, keeping his distance for the moment.

HP: 38
Damage: 0

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-16)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:32 am
The war chieftain didn't hesitate. This boy wanted a fight, a spar, and that was what he was going to get. She had no reason to hold back, so she leaped forward, the beating of her wings adding speed to her movements as she closed in on him, before jumping and turning in the air, swinging out a kick that was meant to take him in the chest, though she might have misjudged the distance slightly so the impact wasn't as powerful as she had hoped.

"Come on, boy. I thought you were here to fight?" She scoffed, landing back to the ground and turning, just as another splatter of white fell down from up above out of nowhere, landing just inches away from her foot.

That could become rather tiresome, if it continued.

HP: 40/40
Damage: 3



Ice-Cold Hunter

Smerdle rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 5 Total: 11 (2-16)



PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:24 am
He kept his eyes on his opponent, managing to hop back slightly as the horsewoman's foot rocketed toward him. The blow still struck his chest, but he could tell it might have jarred him far worse had he not moved. West swung a fist once Shaheen had landed, aiming for her face but likely hitting an entirely different part of her anatomy as he ducked away in the same motion.

"Dun worry. I am." Glaring at the white blob briefly, he wondered if he should attempt that whole FEAR projectile thing in here. It might be harder to avoid with all of this crap flying around.

HP: 35
Damage: 5

Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 1 Total: 5 (2-16)
PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:02 pm
His fist caught her by surprise, but luckily she was able to move back, bending so that her face missed getting the hit but instead feeling pain blossom from a very sensitive area of her chest.

He'd just punched her in the boob.

She might have been glowering at him a little bit when she straightened back up, reaching up her free hand to massage at the assaulted area in an attempt to soothe it. Already her Fear shield was taking care of the pain, however.

She lunged forward to swipe at him with her dagger, but her nearly bare foot landed in something warm and wet. Oh right, the white stuff that had fallen from above...

She slipped and stumbled past him, missing him entirely.

HP: 35/40
Damage: 0



Ice-Cold Hunter

Smerdle rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 4 Total: 6 (2-16)



PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:22 am
West swallowed. His eyes widened. Had he just... punched a war horseman in the boob?

"I..." he began, backing away from the scene of the crime. "That wasn't on purpose." He liked to think he would do anything to win a fight, even if his actual willingness to do so had been found wanting in many past spars, but punching a ghoul in the boob was tantamount to someone punching him in the—

"Won't happen again." He continued taking several steps back, at least until a huge gout of paint plopped squarely on his head, coating his hair, face and shoulders with pristine whiteness. Instead of attempting to strike her again—not that he would have quite yet anyway—West wiped at his face, trying to remove enough of the paint to allow him to see clearly again.

HP: 35
Damage: 0

pls dice, let shaheen take advantage of this XDD
Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 2 Total: 10 (2-16)
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:57 pm
For every step that West took backwards, Shaheen moved forwards, her hands clenching into fists at her sides as she scowled at him. He really, really needed to stop rambling on and on about it. It wasn't like it was a big deal or anything! Sure, it had hurt, but she'd experienced worse.

And then the boy was suddenly covered in white, his hair, his face, dripping down to his shoulders. She stopped moving forward, her eyebrows rising again just before her eyes flickered up above them, then back to him.

Well, if he was just going to stand their gawking like an idiot....

She swiftly turned to the side and directed a quick kick to his stomach.

"I thought you wanted a spar?" She growled from between gritted teeth, her golden eyes continuing to glare at him.

HP: 35
Damage: 4

I..totally forgot I hadn't filled this in yet D:


Ice-Cold Hunter

Smerdle rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-16)



PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:29 am
Why were these horsemen forever accusing him of not taking his fights seriously? All two of them? He was always serious about fighting. He'd show her...

West grumbled something incoherently as Shaheen kicked him, then darted forward, jabbing a fist at her and smirking as it connected, leaving a tiny blot of paint on her person. He hadn't exactly showed her much of anything, but it was still pretty funny.

"I do."

HP: 31
Damage: 3

sorry about double quote i forgot some letters o.o
Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 6 Total: 11 (2-16)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:16 am
The jab with the fist didn't hurt too bad, but she dodged backwards to soften the blow, one arm coming up to block and push it to the side before she she delivered her own punch back to the boy, her fingers wrapped around her re-summoned dagger hilt, blade out and at the ready.

There was a bit of a wet sensation from where his own fist had landed on her, and a quick glance down showed a smear of white. Really? Really!?

She growled a little in irritation. He should just have been glad that she didn't have the strength of Fear to summon her mount for battle yet, or she might have just set her lioness on him and left her to it. Still, at least he was fighting back now?

"Not good enough." Ya, no compliments from her. Not yet, at least.

HP: 32
Damage: 5



Ice-Cold Hunter

Smerdle rolled 6 12-sided dice: 6, 3, 12, 1, 1, 9 Total: 32 (6-72)



PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:14 am
This latest punch tripped him up for a second, sending West staggering back a step, his eyes never leaving her newly resummoned weapon. That was what he needed to get rid of. But if he knocked it out of her hand, couldn't she just summon it again? Yeah, probably. He frowned, moving even further away as he gathered Fear for a counterattack.

His hand began to glow, and he pulled it close to his side, intending to fling the power it generated at her rather than the fist itself. He had managed it several times before, and it seemed like the best bet now since he didn't want to get too close to that dagger at the moment. The red light was dimmer than usual, as it was partially muted by paint, but it brightened as he whipped it away from his hand. The attack sped toward the horsewoman, but then, as it sometimes did, it doubled back, heading for West instead. He skittered away from it, bracing for impact. Right before it was due to make contact, it disappeared completely. What?

The boil was surprisingly silent. He was a little too weirded out for snappy comebacks.

HP: 26
Damage: 0 (Y1 GC fail)
Damage done to self: 0 because of room effect omgah

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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