There was one room in particular that had captured the zomboil's attention ever since he had begun to truly investigated the twisted Lair's insides. While the colosseum was grand, it was far too empty to enjoy now, and the main entrance and dungeons only held memories of the bloody fight fought there. No, Mort had had enough of blood to last a while; all he wanted to do now was unwind and tease his brain with knowledge and experimentation with what the Clans had to provide.

Luckily there was such a room to indulge his impulse, and after passing a few surly looking Famine horsemen Mort eventually arrived at the cavernous and varied experiment rooms and stood for a moment in awe. There were so many nooks to inspect, things to label and notate, liquids and ores to play with . . . He felt like a scareling in a candy store as he all but skipped to the alchemical sets left behind. Oblivious to his surroundings, Mort began to pick up and observe the contents therein, trying to see if he could find matching notes from past alchemists and dabblers to aid him in today's test session.