Lavanta was going about her merry way in the pride; she was tired from going on the last merchant trip with her father and was just happy to be home to relax and maybe train with Kata. She was grateful for what she had and she used everything she had at the tips of her paws to her advantage after all she was raised as a noble; an honored rank in the pride. She didn’t want to be a disgrace like the bosses sons were; with their petty fighting. However, non-the-less this was her home she didn’t know any other, she grew up as daddy’s little thief and mommy’s little liar, she was beautiful and cunning two great traits to have within the pride.

She lied upon a rock; under a shaded tree that over looked the pride. Her mother showed her this spot; she like it because she could see all around her, the only down side she learned from Kata was that others could see her also but she just had to live with it for a premium on looking spot.

Taking in a sharp breath, Amias was feeling more than a bit nervous. Though he had been raised with the idea of an arranged marriage happening for him eventually, it was still a little nerve-wracking finally coming face-to-face with who he was supposed to spend the rest of his days with. For today, he had taken his two best guards and traveled to meet his allies in the Kuroi’Nera. It was a bit unorthodox, according to his grandfather, but his father humbly requested for him to be able to make the journey. After all, times were changing, and Amias thought it only right to at least meet his bride before anything becomes official. He had heard a few things about this female; according to his sources, she was beautiful, and the epitome of what the pride stood for. At least, that’s what he heard. So it was probably no wonder that she was paired with him. Fidgeting on his paws, Amias leaned his head down towards the ground, picking up a small bunch of flowers that he had collected on his way over. He wanted to make a good first impression, and maybe this would help ease into the marriage thing. He eyed his guards, as a representative from the Kuroi kindly pointed them towards a rock under a tree, where a purple figure was waiting.

Lavanta had her head resting on her paws, letting the wind blow through her fur and the sun from above beaming down. She didn’t have many moments to relax but when she did this was her favorite spot. It gave her time to think, although today it seemed she didn’t have much on her mind; Kata was away with Emi so she couldn’t train and she just returned from a mission with her father. Maybe she could ask her father for another task. She let out a subtle sighed.

She didn’t want to complain to her father about her current quest of nothingness because all he would do is assign another mission for her; and that’s why she was currently avoiding him, sometimes he wouldn’t just sit and smell the flowers but then again she was bored at the moment so maybe there was a reason he didn’t like to do that, or maybe she was just spending too much mind with him. Ya she liked that idea better, spending so much time with him wasn’t allowing her to enjoy the little things in life.

Stepping closer, Amias paused for a moment, turning to one of his guards to double-check that this was indeed the one. His accent was thick and noticeable, but he definitely felt more comfortable conversing in his birth language, even if he was outside his pride. “Ah, excuse me, mademoiselle.” Gently placing the bunch of flowers at his paws, his deep voice called out to her. He felt like his fur was standing straight up on end, but he tried to just ignore it. In the past, Amias had built quite the reputation of being a womanizer, but this was a bit different for him. He stood, patiently waiting her reply, his guards just a few steps behind him.

Lavanta turned her head to the voice whom seemed to be calling her. What had he just called her? When she turned around she noticed he was defiantly someone she never met before; she couldn’t ever recall seeing him in the pride maybe he was one of the new members from the colony. She had heard of them becoming alliances but she hadn’t really meet anyone. “Yes?” She asked sitting up on her hid legs eyeing him and his two guards that seemed to be following him like a lost cub. “Can I help you with something?” She said confused looking at the flowers.

It was fairly exciting, watching the female before him get up and look at him. He felt like a young cub, waiting for its mother to place a fresh kill in front of it. She really was quite beautiful, now that he got a good look at her. And she didn’t seem mean at all; in fact, she appeared to be rather well-tempered. “Ah, I’m truly sorry for how…unorthodox this all may be. But I just had to come and see you before anything becomes official.” Offering a kind smile, Amias’ bicolored eyes were sweet, wanting only acceptance from his future bride. “You are Lavanta, yes?” Probably best to double-check, though; he didn’t want to go up offering himself to a -complete- stranger. Although he would admittedly be a bit disappointed if this wondrous creature wasn’t her.

Lavanta stood there a bit stoic, unsure of what exactly he was talking about. “Yes I am Lavanta.” She said eyeing him. She had to take another look to make sure she never met him, which she hadn’t but why did he know her name. She circled him just once her tail flicking with curiosity. Who was this odd cheetah anyway and what did he want. “And before what becomes official?” She asked trying to figure out what he was talking about. “Beside who are you anyway, I don’t recall ever meeting you.” She shifting awkwardly she didn’t like when others had more intel on her then she had on them, it left her venerable to attacks.

Straightening himself up suddenly as she circled him, Amias was really starting to get a little nervous. She approved of him, right? Or maybe this was kind of a final inspection thing. Regardless, he wasn’t going to just leave her hanging. “Ah, please excuse my manners, lovely Lavanta.” Dipping his head a bit, he brought a paw out, giving her a small bow. “I am Amias, Petit Fil of the Makini’Adhima.” Flicking his eyes towards the ground for a moment, he realized that he should probably be a bit clearer. “That is, prince and future heir of the Cagoule family and Makini’Adhima.” Holding in a breath, he brought himself up, holding himself proudly. While he may have had a rough time of it, he was proud of his heritage and his family. “I wanted to come and see you before we are to be married.” Smiling shyly, Amias was feeling uncharacteristically embarrassed about this whole situation.

Lavanta was about to speak after he threw out a bunch of odd word she didn’t understand but the he corrected himself which she was glad he did; well sort of. Why was a prince talking to her? Although when he bowed she did feel a little superior which brought a slight smirk to her face but it soon faded at the sound of the word marriage. “What the heck are you talking about marriage?!” She spat out almost uncontrollably, did this crazed cheetah fall off a rock as a cub. Marriage, with him he had to be crazy they had never met before and besides that Lavanta never even had a boy toy or whatever they were called, she didn’t know how. Kata always said love was a weakness.
She paused though composing herself, it was unseemly for someone of her standing to ‘lose it’ while others from the pride could see her. “Is this a joke,” She asked glaring at ‘Amias’ “Did one of my brother put you up to this.” She asked continuing from her question. ”It has to be a prince, please, as if… right?” She said mumbling to herself a bit.

“I…I don’t quite understand.” Lifting one of his front paws, Amias’ face reflected his confusion. He tilted it slightly to the side, raising a brow at the female. “If you are the only Lavanta here, then it is you who I have been betrothed to.” Looking back towards his guards, he muttered a few things in his own language, trying to understand the situation. He had spent enough time in the rogue lands so it wouldn’t have been a communication error. Was someone playing a joke on him? Or was this some other kind of foolery? “I…was told that it had all been cleared with your father.” Feeling his heart sink a bit, he should have known that this was too good to be true. Of course he couldn’t just waltz up to a pretty girl with flowers, thinking that she was the one he was to be married to.

The young adult was trying to wrap her head around this whole situation. She kind of wished she could just go back to resting under the shade worrying about what to do because this was not fun anymore. “Look.. I don’t know what the heck you were told, but I think you have….” Before she could continue she could see her father running up. What did he want? “Actually here comes my father now, if you were told it was cleared with him maybe he could clear this up.” She waited still trying to understand her whole situation.

Nyeusi ran up, huffing from trying to find his daughter. He had heard that a mysterious new cheetah was seen talking to her. He was glad to see that a commotion hasn’t formed or any blood on anyone’s paws… He worried because sometimes his daughter could be a little short tempered. “Wait! Wait!” He called out towards his daughter and the other cheetah as he approached. He hoped he still had time to explain. He had completely forgotten about this, he was going to tell her when she was younger but he didn’t know how and then he just forgot and now he felt so shameful. “Hello, I’m Nyeusi, her father.” He said catching his breath.

“I…I don’t quite understand.” Lifting one of his front paws, Amias’ face reflected his confusion. He tilted it slightly to the side, raising a brow at the female. “If you are the only Lavanta here, then it is you who I have been betrothed to.” Looking back towards his guards, he muttered a few things in his own language, trying to understand the situation. He had spent enough time in the rogue lands so it wouldn’t have been a communication error. Was someone playing a joke on him? Or was this some other kind of foolery? “I…was told that it had all been cleared with your father.” Feeling his heart sink a bit, he should have known that this was too good to be true. Of course he couldn’t just waltz up to a pretty girl with flowers, thinking that she was the one he was to be married to.

“Ya daddy what’s going on. “ She asked in the cutesy voice that she did when she normally what something like right now she just wanted this weirdo to leave.

Ny looked at Amias, “I do apologize, and I never told my daughter of this.” He said speaking to the prince of the marriage. He then looked over to his daughter; “Honey you are arranged to be married to a prince from a colony; it is a great honor honey for the family and the pride.” He sighed looking down in shame. “The truth is that I was going to tell you honey when you were older, it was arranged at birth, but I just never thought you were ready. And then your daddy just kind of forgot.” He said with a nervous chuckle knowing full well this wasn’t a laughing situation. “I would have explained it better but I didn’t know you were coming. I do apologize once more.”

Lavanta was trying to take all this information in... “So I am meant to be married…” She looked at the ground almost as if the ground contained her answer. She was so lost almost as if everything she knew was completely taken away when it was just a tiny little marriage that was an honor and was arranged by the prides. “So it’s true… She said looking up at her ‘mate’ or soon to be mate she didn’t know. “I…I guess I am the one you’re looking for…” She said not sure how to continue with this extremely awkward instance.

Eyes widening a bit as he listened, Amias could almost feel the confusion unraveling. It was good to have another voice in the matter, a voice that actually knew about the whole thing. As for Amias, he was always just given a name, and then maybe a description from time to time. “I am very sorry for just showing up like this.” Lowering his head a bit, he really should have known better. This was probably why his grandfather had been against the whole outing to begin with. “But I am grateful that you…revealed yourself.” Searching for the right words, Amias didn’t even want to think about what might have continued if her father hadn’t made an appearance to clear all of this up.“Lavanta, I do…apologize for the suddenness of this.” Taking his time as he spoke, he took a careful step towards her. “But I hope that I will be able to bring you happiness.”

Lavanta had just begun to take in all this information she wasn’t sure what to say. Did she really have a choice, I mean it was arranged at her birth. She looked at her betrothed as he put it before; I mean she didn’t know anything about him. She looked at her father; she could see the shame in his eye. “I…I’m sure you will, it’s an honor to be betrothed to you…” She said still trying to digest the situation. She felt like she really had no choice, but she had to make do with it… even if she didn’t she would never forgive herself. She grew up thinking dishonor to the family name is worse than death in some cases. She gave a halfhearted smile, what was she going to do now…

Watching Lavanta, Amias could tell that this was indeed shocking news. When he had come, he was hoping that his betrothed would have been fully aware of the situation, embracing it gladly even. Well, that was the best-case-scenario. This wasn’t bad, but he still felt a little bad about the whole thing. Maybe if he had announced his visit, things could have been properly explained and prepared for.Flicking his eyes off to the side for a moment, he tried to bring a smile back up onto his face. “If…it’s alright, can I come and see you again? I’d…like to get to know you a bit better, if you would permit it.” His eyes traveled back and forth between father and daughter, hoping for both of their approvals. Leaning over, he picked up the flowers once again, offering them to her.

Lavanta looked up at him when he asked to come back; He was being really nice about the whole situation. “Yes, I’d like it if you came back.” She said realizing that if she was forced to do it she might as well put up with the things that came along with it; who knows she might come to like it. A small smile quivered in the corner of her maw. She couldn’t recall when someone, anyone who was this nice to her. Especially for someone whom she just met. When he gave her the flowers she felt her face get hot. “In fact now that I know, I look forward to it.” She stated with a smile, maybe this whole marriage thing wouldn’t be that bad after all.

Hearing her words, Amias couldn’t help but smile. Even though it had a bit of a rough patch, this day wasn’t all that bad. At least his butterflies were gone now. “Well then, my dear, until next time.” Dipping his head again, he was actually kind of starting to look forward to this. It was almost like a giant challenge, but he definitely knew that it’d be a fun one.