Page 4: The Waterworld Below Us
For our aquatic Soq. Female Kelpi sit hereName: Luau Isle
Breed: Seathi
Temper: Peaceful
Is happy-go-lucky. She is highly positive and will not ever understand the negative. She loves to play around with her buddy Sea Shell. She is kind of foalish so if she has shells of her own, she'll play with them. She will take anything, good or bad, as a compliment, even and insult! She hates to have anyone hate her though she does not like it when Coconut is fooling with her. It h=makes her give out a dark side....
History (if ya have one!): N/A
Loner/Herd: Coral Cove Herd
Familiar: Sea Shell
Mate: Nobody
Breedings Available:
Breeding 1 - Open~
Breeding 2 - Open~
Breeding 3 - O-OPEN!!~
Parents: N/A
Siblings: Coconut
Children: none
Grandchildren: none
Grandchildren's Children: none
Rank (Herd Only): Super Nanny!!~