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[LOG] Secret Cave (Lulu x Djinni)

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Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:30 pm
Of fairytales and dreams.

The rumors were few, but everytime she tried to go about 'playing' more like standing around with her fellow siblings. They would either have to pretend to be someone else or be fake just so they wouldn't make fun of their family. Ears panned back.. Now that everyone was ordered to go underground, now all the cubs- and everyone would soon know their secret.. It was only a matter of time.

Their mother...

Her ears panned backwards and she sighed. Her brother's ears flew up- but he gave her a nod that she could leave.. So she did. She knew these tunnels more than any cub by now.. After having to search everywhere for her mother and all. The sun was at dawn now. She could hear everyone singing, and playing with echos.. Slowly she went down and lowered her head til she found.. a flower... Which got her to stop her sluggish act. Flopped down and flowered her head to it, it was trying to find sunlight, and she softly moved her nose to move the flower closer to the little sunshine. She ... was tender.. especially to the plants but she seemed reserve and mute to anyone else.. Once her brother started to follow the others... She couldn't come to grips with talking at all..

"That flower's not as pretty as you are, you know." The voice was that of a young male about her age, perhaps a little younger. How strange it was, for a cub to say such a thing, and yet if one knew the boy it made perfect sense. One of the twin sons of Teo and his mate Iseult, Djinni was a charming little royal on the path to becoming an entertainer some day. Honestly, it was pretty much a role he was born into. He just had that kind of personality, always complimenting and singing and joking around. His mother would always smile, cuddle him close, and tell him how much he made her laugh.
And the fact of the matter was, he was ambitious enough for it. Even so young he was going to other entertainers trying to learn the best songs, the perfect jokes, the grandest stories.

He sighed as he smiled at her, his violet eyes crinkling a little at the edges where the smile reached them.
"Sorry, I forget to turn it off sometimes," he added before she could say anything about the compliment. He took a slow step towards her and sat down, without any invitation. Honestly, he just wanted to be friends with everyone, he didn't realize it was probably rude to come over without asking.

The fur on her back stood on end, she knew someoen was around- but thought it to be her brother, to her surprise it was someone much more than that. An...entertainer. The fakest of the fake. Slowly, she laid her golden eyes on him...

The sound similar to a 'pfft' rumbled around of her and she got up and simply started to walk away- almost ignoring him completely. Tail dragging, and looking like a gloomy flower than the flower she really was.

Whom would have known that though?

He'd startled her, just great. And... And she huffed at him and now she was walking away! That wasn't what he'd wanted at all! He just... Well, frankly he hadn't really had a plan. Honestly, he'd just sort of bumbled into that which really shouldn't be like him. He should be careful and poised and all of that nonsense. But that really wasn't him. He was a fun-loving little guy, he liked singing and joking and carrying on like that. But sometimes he got sick of doing it all the time. He was learning to spend so much time in the center of attention that for once it'd be really nice if he could just listen to someone else or talk to someone who didn't have expectations in him. Sure, he had his family, but it'd be nice to have a friend, too, wouldn't it?

Djinni rushed after her, slowing when he reached her side.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. It's just... I donno, you were all by yourself and it was quiet and I was curious what you were thinking and please don't leave because of me." He was rambling, he knew that, but he didn't know how else to be.

The air about her was becoming more stale than welcoming. She liked her planets, she liked her alone time now. Even her closed brother was starting to understand it. As he came up to her side, the fur on her back rose yet again and a grumble came out of her as he spoke. "Enter-tainer." The most she had gotten out all week. She turned to look at him slightly, that air of darkness... that she had natural came acustomed to now. The caves and tunnels helped aid that along.. Even her words seemed slightly... off. She hadn't used them in so long that it sounded weird coming out of her.

Jumping on top of rocks, and navigating her way deeper til they got to what looked like a spring and she slipped in to it. "How far." Turning around to him as she slicked in to the water.. "To disappear." Her look was sincere, and her eyes- so big yet everything about her .... was maybe just a little off. Would he continue following? How far was this cub willing to go- just to get her attention. Her main objective was to scare him off but he seemed right at her tail the whole time... Which got her to think maybe he DID want to talk to her. MAYBE. He'd have to pass her test first.

Djinni followed her, drawn by his curiosity like a moth to a flame. His ears perked up when she spoke to him. Well, he was a royal now, but he was trying to be an entertainer. It was what he wanted to be when he grew up, not a fighter like his papa and much darker twin brother. Her mannerisms intrigued him, she was dark like the world around him. Maybe if he had known the story about her family, he might have stayed away.
But then again, maybe he wouldn't have. Djinni had such a good-natured heart, no doubt he would latch onto her even more in order to try and cheer the heartbreak that was her life.

He stopped at the edge of the water, watching her walk in. How far... to disappear? What did she mean by that? He stepped one paw into the water.
"Doesn't that depend? You're darker than I am, you wouldn't even have to get the water halfway up before I couldn't see you anymore. I'd have to go all the way to the bottom," he replied, tilting his head with another step. Warning bells went off in his brain. He couldn't swim very well, this was terribly dangerous. But, as usual, he completely ignored them, instead taking a few more steps towards her.

The cub was smarter than the rest she had met at least. A smile creased her maw.. but it disappeared as soon as it came as she turned and dunked her head in to the water. It wasn't so big, but enough for an adol to touch on the bottom but for cubs, it could be a bit of a swim. On the other side, there was another tunnel she had often went in to, to escape from everyone and he would follow?

He'd be the first to adventure in. With an air pocket in the middle of the journey below to the part where it finally went to the other side. She had made it on her own several times now... Unknowning it'd be a hazard to the other. Not like she thought that through... Usuaully they would run away by now.

The water looked like it was glowing, only from the slight air pockets whereas the rest of it was pure darkness. Was it crazy? Probably. As she dunked her head in and pushed the water across her body.. Almost floating in space, was the feeling she got.. And pushed on as if a shadow trying to lure the light away from its home..

She smiled at him, that was a good sign, wasn't it? Djinni smiled back, until she lost hers, turned, and ducked beneath the water.
Where was she going? He didn't want to lose her, but... But he couldn't swim well...
Bah! No one got anywhere in life without taking chances, right?
He didn't even consider that his father would probably flay him alive if he found out.

Without a second thought, the cub was under the water, awkwardly following her and trying his best to keep up with the bright markings that marked her dark coat.
His lungs were burning, he was struggling something fierce, but he pushed himself as hard as he could. He almost thought he was going to drown when she showed him a place where there wasn't water. He used it to breath, to fill his aching lungs before following her again.

It wasn't much longer before there was air again and he was blinking the water from his eyes as he watched her.
"How'd you find this place?"

As soon as the air gap came, she pushed forward in to it. Allowing her tail to be his guide to where it was and she gasped for air. Her lungs were still too tiny but they were getting to be quite strong. She looked to him.. He still followed and then she went under again til they made it to her secret hiding place. Pushing herself up, the rocks that formed here looked more like steps and as she pushed drenched body up.. She flung her head back to rid herself of the draping hair. Then trotted a little forward..

Shiny things decorated the walls.. In fact, they would later be discovered as crystals but she didn't know that yet. On the ground, decorated was like a garden of flowers.. Beautifully formed ones, bright- almost glowing because of the walls.

This place... was her escape.. She turned to him.. "Swimming." Her voice was gingerly addressed. " A. Lot." She added and climbed on to a flat rock and sat. Catching her breath.

"You passed." Lowering her body. "Fake or not. You passed." She guessed it was a good thing.. the first one to be brought here ever. This.. would form the bond.. and she starred at him welcomely now.

He watched as she moved to a rock shelf and sat down. The crystals were fascinating, but he was more interested in his companion, maybe new friend. Tired from his swim, Djinni found himself a little place facing her and laid down. She said he passed, that was a good thing, right? Did that mean he was her friend now? That seemed like a good thing, he wanted a friend who didn't care what he did. Is that what she meant when she said it was fake? That because he wanted to be an entertainer it meant that what he did or wanted to do or said was fake? That didn't sound right. He wasn't fake. So he was overly charming and sometimes said honeyed things that were a little exaggerated, but it wasn't like he ever lied.

He sighed and laid his head on his paws.
"I'm not fake? Why would you say that?"

Her body rolled until the back of her head was on the rock and her limbs were all in the air- except tucked in to her body. The bats did it, so it was only fitting that she would take after them slightly. Letting her head hang over the rock.

"Entertainer. Fake. Thats why."
This was the most she'd ever spoke, and still it seemed like there would be endless questions but she hated words. Hated the fakeness... the twisting of every word to make up stories- why couldn't they just be themselves.. Her voice by now was getting raspy and she coughed to try and clear it up where it physically looked like pain. There was none.

Then slowly she pushed her body enough to fall down right in to the flowers. Almost looking like she bounced, it was a lot softer than most would think as she looked up at the rock's that sparkled.. It reminded her of the stars in the roguelands where they used to live..

"You are what you seek. You are what they want you to be, you say what they wanna hear. Not real. Not what you really are."
PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:49 am
"Just because I wanna be an entertainer, doesn't mean I'm a fake. I like making others happy, can't I do that without being fake?" Djinni asked, tilting his head a bit as he watched her. She was lying about in a weird way, but who was he to judge? He liked making others laugh with his jokes and antics, so it wasn't uncommon that he looked foolish, especially if someone asked his twin brother.

"I don't really say what they wanna hear... just what I think is nice or funny. Is that fake?"

"Hm." Although not completely stumped over his words, and not in total agreeance but for the sake of not talking, she simply looked away. Ears fanned back hiding within her unusual long mane. Looking at the cyrstals and then saw the small plant matter that danced inside the water. To her, it was magniciant. Watching it dance, that was her life.. Plants.. Nothing in this pride was for her- she wished they were back home in the roguelands..

The life here was fake.. it was not only him, so how could she blame him for how this place lived and breathed? "Like, Unique of you?" Her words sometimes were cut, she had complete sentences formed in her head, but when she spoke- they were chopped up as if the other was suppose to KNOW exactly what she meant to say and all. Flicking her tail. "Not making others happy."

Djinni lay there, staring at her as he tried to figure out what she meant by that. Did she mean... if he only did what he thought was nice or funny, did that mean he wouldn't make others happy?
"I donno, I just find a lot of things funny. And I like giving compliments. My mom says I'm charming," he replied with a small, tired shrug. He though for a few more moments then shrugged again.

"I'm kinda tired, should we go back before someone starts missing us?"

The girl was warped back in to their reality and looked at the boy, he wasn't at all charming to her. Everyone was different she supposed.. "Nevermind." Her eyes giving a roll before looking away again. "Go. No one misses here." Again, chopped words for a deeper meaning. No one missed her- she had too many siblings and thus easily one could be missed without getting noticed. Thats what GOT them in to the pride in the first place. Their safety. But still- she could leave for days before someone started to look for her.. Turning to him when he didn't leave.. "Go." Almost unemotionally.

"I'll miss you," Djinni replied without thought. She was so strange, different from everyone else. She didn't seem to want him around and yet she said he'd passed some sort of test. And he liked talking to her, he wanted to see if he could get her talking more, since it didn't sound like she did it much. Really, he wanted to have a friend, not too much more than that. She would make a good friend, he thought, even if she didn't think he was honest.

"But, I guess since I know where you are, I won't have to, will I?" he asked, tilting his head with a small smile. He thought about asking her if she would be his friend but something stopped him. Something seemed to tell him that he should just hold back a bit, just go with things as they came. He could do that, no problem.

"Whatever." She shrugged. Later, the problem of caring and remembering others would be a task for her. He seemed like someoen to remember.. but who was she to know that. Yet. "Your smart." His words were logical, and thus simply sat there and looked down in to the water. They weren't affectionate, not with how dad now raised them and with help from nannies.. Snuggling and all that proper goodbyes wasn't in her system. "Bye." She said with a dryness to it then lowered her body more so she could slowly play at the water, and hopefully make the plant move more. Looking over to him from the corner of her eye..

He was strange.. Then back in to the water.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

[IC] Kuroi'Nera Lands [IC]

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