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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Halloween Subspace } --- Quests and character approval
[Q] Young-Soo (영수) , The Jade Moon Rabbit [READY]

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E t e r n a l x Melody

Timid Detective

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:28 am

Name: Young-Soo (Meaning 'Retaining Prosperity') 영수
Nicknames: Nobody has really ever called him anything other than his real name, though he's open to whatever.
Gender: Male
Age: 15

Faction/Race Monster/Jade Moon Rabbit

Natural Ability: Mesmerizing Gaze: Young-Soo's race retains the powers of the moon's effect, that of which can make a person lose bits of their sanity if they look into their eyes too long. The power comes from how the moon has always had a strange effect on people and if they look at it too long, they become entranced by it and unable to retain any common sense. Which is why it is often best to avoid looking Young-Soo in the eyes or he will avoid eye contact with you at times for your sake and it will often appear as he is staring absently. When the moon is full, these powers are strongest. When it is waned, the powers become devoid or weakened, depending on whether it is fully waned or just partially.

Personality: As a child, Young-Soo was a dreamer. Imaginative and curious, the boy would get into all sorts of imaginary adventures in his mind. Young-Soo was the quite the happy child, cheerful, fun-loving, and just all around friendly. This changed though as he began to grow older. Young-Soo grew to become more distant and reserved of his emotions. Having very limited interaction with anyone outside of his family, his family taught him that to show emotion would cause him to be judged. The once curious little boy that he used to be was gone. He had moved aside for the new Young-Soo, the one who thought with his mind rather than his heart.

As the years passed on, Young-Soo's personality became more mature and reserved. He was wiser now, yet he chose to stay quiet when it came to people. The boy lives primarily inside his own mind, having the ability to analyze difficult problems, identify patterns, and come up with logical explanations. Young-Soo tends to be very distant, difficult to get to know well. He holds back his thoughts except from those who he's closest to. Although he may seem to be a bit intimidating at times, he is kind in his dealings with others, putting other people's well-being first and not so much worrying about his own.

Such as the legend of the moon rabbit went in which the generosity of the rabbit earned his place in the sky, Young-Soo is only interested in contributing to people's sense of well-being and happiness, and will put a great deal of effort and energy into those kinds of task even if he has nothing to offer. He genuinely cares about people, and is strongly service-oriented in his desire to please. Although Young-Soo suffers from lack of self-confidence, one thing he does not suffer is ignorance, and thus he is known to take it upon himself to mentor those he deems in need of it - younger or older, it doesn't matter - how he sees fit. Should any students be struggling in a certain subject, he will stop and help them out. Should the cafeteria lady be found selling edible wares that aren't as grotesque and monstrous as they could be, he will impart advice and tips and check back on them to see how they're faring. He simply wishes to see the everyone at the academy prosper, but he has no desire to lead or control others, just as he has no desire to be led or controlled.

Often times, he needs space and time alone to evaluate and think, and respects other people's needs for the same. Young-Soo never gives himself enough credit for the things which he does extremely well and often judges himself with unnecessary harshness due to his upbringing. It all comes from the fact that his parents never taught him confidence and that people were always judging him some way.

Rarely one to speak unless spoken to, Young-Soo can come off as a bit stand-offish with his lack of disposition to speak first. If you speak to him, he may often be seen staring off into the distance or absently at you in an almost spooky way, any words offered are often impersonal and polite, instructive. This is mostly due to the slight possibility that he may slip and say something he isn't supposed to, to which he'd adopt the creed that to say nothing is better than to say too much. He prefers to listen rather than to speak, as flapping gums have little in the way of learning anything useful. When people look at him, and notice that he doesn't speak much, they immediately assume that he's shy. That's true, to a certain extent. He's shy around strangers if in a large crowd, sure, but one or two won't affect him much at all. He tends to be wary of people, quietly observing them for a while before chatting and then he tends to open up a bit more. He hopes that in time, being here at the academy, he will be able to learn better social interaction and become a bit more outgoing.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
Young-Soo has enrolled to Amityville not by the request of his parents or because he felt obliged to enroll, but out of his own free will. In fact, his parents wanted more than anything to prevent him from going because they afraid that the boy wouldn't fit in with the other kids. Young-Soo's family and the rabbit people have always been timid, quiet people. They tend to keep to themselves as they spend their time making elixirs and pounding herbs, so he has had very limited interaction with anyone. The Rabbit people of the Moon Tribe have for centuries been known for their talents in making elixirs, a skill adopted from the ancient lore of the rabbit people long ago. People come from all over to purchase their elixirs that can cure different ailments as well as trivial things like making someone fall in love.That's why even Young-Soo was surprised when he had decided that he wanted to enroll for the Academy, he had never known much else other than making potions.

Young-Soo knew though that the main reason that he wanted to attend the school was because he wanted to become a more confident person as well as experiencing a different life from what he had now. He wanted to learn how to be outgoing and to show others that he wasn't just a weakling. He also knew that it would be a good opportunity to be useful. If he could do that, then he would be able to gain a new sense of confidence in himself as well as interacting with students his age, something he never really had as a child. The other reason that he wanted to attend the academy was because they had a Potion Making class where he could improve his skills, in which his skills with recognizing herbs and making elixirs would be of great use.

FEAR: Daze Dust: Most people believe that herbs are not dangerous and only used for medical purposes... but when mixed with the right ingredients they are the most lethal kind of weapon you can use. This is where Young-Soo's skills comes in handy. With years of practice, Young-Soo has been able to recognize what kind of ingredients are safe to mix with herbs and what ingredients are not. One of the most dangerous ingredients being Moth Dust, which can only be dangerous when the moon is full. When mixed with the right kind of herbs, the dust can render a person paralyzed for a couple of seconds. Young-Soo calls it the Daze Dust. In battle, Young-Soo carries around a small pouch that he has filled with this lethal concoction. Young-Soo pours a bit of the dust into the palm of his hand and blows it into the opponent's face. If the opponent inhales the dust, a large amount comes in contact with them, or is not able to dodge in time, it renders them incapable of movement, giving just enough time for Young-Soo to attack. Even so, there is a downside to the dust. He doesn't always have a large stash because the dust takes very long to make and the ingredients aren't exactly the easiest to find, but it's not impossible. The dust can also only be made when the moon is in it's fullest state, because it needs to be under the light of the moon to have it's paralyzing properties which in turn also renders it useless when the moon isn't full. Also often times, Young-Soo will accidentally inhale it himself, or it will come in contact with his skin and render him paralyzed instead of the opponent or there is a huge chance that he'll miss. Whether or not the dust hits is really a 50/50 chance.

Physical Description:
Eye Colour: Violet.
Hair Colour/Style: Light Green and Long. See Picture Reference.
Skin Colour: See Picture Reference.
Clothing Style/Colours: See Picture Reference for outfit. Any of the colors in his reference and his outfit can be changed if needed.
Extra: N/A

In terms of design, I wasn't sure of which would be better. I have two design ideas, but they are up for revision if anyone can help me come up with something better.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:59 am
The Moon Rabbit Race

Young-Soo's race first manifested from the ancient urban legend that the light of the moon has strange effects on people, often causing hallucinations, or in some cases, even insanity. For many centuries, people have often been warned not to stare at the moon too long or they will go crazy, which has not ever truly been confirmed and which is why to this day people still fear the moon's strange and mysterious power which is where his race draws their FEAR from.

This particular animal, the rabbit, was associated with this race because of the legend of the rabbit on the moon, which is the most predominant image that is given to the moon's surface mostly in east Asian culture, though told throughout the world. Rabbits are also very mystical creatures, quiet and timid, yet very unsuspecting which makes them all the more frightening to think about. You would never believe that a rabbit, a usually docile creature, could be malicious in any way, but only to have them end up being the ones that cause you to lose all sanity.

Which makes people to believe that what if there really is a race that lived on the moon with that kind of power? One that could effect you in terrifying ways without you even realizing it. What is really giving the moon this kind of power? These creatures could easily lure you in and cause you to see things that aren't truly there, to make you go crazy. These kind of tales are told to children or travelers as a way to warn them not to stay out too long at night. They are told stories of these terrifying moon people that descend from the sky, pulling people into their gazes and mesmerizing them, making them go insane because they are essentially looking at a part of the moon. They are told to never look these rabbit creatures straight into the eyes, as much as they have the urge to or they might fall under their spell. This is what essentially makes Young-Soo's race terrifying to even the students at the school, who live for scaring.

As scary as his race seems, there is one downside to their powers. Since they are born from the fear of the moon, when the moon is not shown in the sky, it drains them from having any mesmerizing effects that they possess and weakens them much like that of a werebeast, except they don't change into anything. Depending on the cycles of the moon, when it is full or even halfway, it is best to avoid any contact with this race unless you are willing to risk your sanity. Though when the cycle is in the stages when the moon is barely seen, they are a bit more vulnerable and aren't as strong as they are on usual occasions. Basically, how can you be terrified of the moon when it's not even in the sky?

The Jade Rabbit Lore

The Moon rabbit, also called the Jade Rabbit, is a rabbit that lives on the moon in folklore, based on pareidolia that identifies the markings of the moon as a rabbit. The story exists in many cultures, particularly in East Asian folklore, where it is seen pounding herbs in a mortar and pestle, and in Japanese and Korean versions it is pounding the ingredients for rice cake. In Asia it is a custom for families to look at the moon together. In Japan, mothers tell the story of the Moon Rabbit to their children, while giving a flower and a something sweet and round to the moon.

Here is the Japanese legend:
Once upon a time long ago, a monkey, a rabbit, and a fox lived together as friends. During the day they frolicked on the mountain; at night they went back to the forest. This went on for some years. The Lord of Heaven heard about it and wanted to see if it were really true. He went to them disguised as an old wanderer. "I have traveled through mountains and valleys and I am tired out. Could you give me something to eat?" said he, laying down his staff in order to rest. The monkey went off at once to gather nuts that he presented; the fox brought an offering from his fish trap in the river. The rabbit ran through the fields in every direction but came back with nothing. The monkey and the fox made fun of him: "You are really good for nothing." The little rabbit was so discouraged that he asked the monkey to gather some thistles and the fox to set fire to them. They did so. Then the little rabbit said to the old man, "Please eat me," and threw himself into the flames. The pilgrim was pierced to the heart by this sacrifice, and wept, saying, "Each one deserves praise; there are neither winners nor losers. But the little rabbit has given an exceptional proof of love." So saying, he restored the rabbit to his original form and took the little body to heaven to be buried in the palace of the moon. The utter poverty of the little rabbit is like that of the child who said, "Pardon me, God, I have nothing to offer."

The Rabbit Song is associated with a Japanese festival called "JUGO-YA" (full moon night).
Oh, rabbit on the moon,
What are you leaping for?
I shall leap, I shall leap soon
At the large full moon!

Some people gather to watch the beautiful full moon in Japanese gardens and temples. The green tea ceremony and koto playing are held. Pampas grass, sake, and dango (rice paste ball) are offered to the moon. Japanese people associate the pattern of the moon's surface with rabbits making mochi while Chinese people believe it is pounding herbs and making elixirs for the immortals on the moon.

Similar legends occur in Mexican folklore, where people also identified the markings on the moon as a rabbit. According to an Aztec legend, the god Quetzalcoatl, then living on Earth as a man, started on a journey and, after walking for a long time, became hungry and tired. With no food or water around, he thought he would die. Then a rabbit grazing nearby offered himself as food to save his life. Quetzalcoatl, moved by the rabbit's noble offering, elevated him to the moon, then lowered him back to Earth and told him, "You may be just a rabbit, but everyone will remember you; there is your image in light, for all men and for all times."

Another Mesoamerican legend tells of the brave and noble sacrifice of Nanahuatzin during the creation of the fifth sun. Humble Nanahuatzin sacrificed himself in fire to become the new sun, but the wealthy god Tecciztecatl hesitated four times before he finally set himself alight to become the moon. Due to Tecciztecatl's cowardice, the gods felt that the moon should not be as bright as the sun, so one of the gods threw a rabbit at his face to diminish his light. It is also said that Tecciztecatl was in the form of a rabbit when he sacrificed himself to become the moon, casting his shadow there.

A Native American (Cree) legend tells a different variation, about a young rabbit who wished to ride the moon. Only the crane was willing to take him. The trip stretched Crane's legs as the heavy rabbit held them tightly, leaving them elongated as crane's legs are now. When they reached the moon Rabbit touched Crane's head with a bleeding paw, leaving the red mark cranes wear to this day. According to the legend, Rabbit still rides the moon to this day.

E t e r n a l x Melody

Timid Detective


Greedy Capitalist

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:49 am
Okay so I love the idea of the moon rabbit kinda moonblinking it's victims- I think that gives it a sense of spookiness that would otherwise feel lacking in this sort of creation. (I'm not sure if this is the same quest I critted once where I was suggesting a monster grotesque were rabbit thi or not the name is familiar) although I can't really crit clothing.. Since that has nothing to do with the characters enrollment I would definitely recommend a second look over his since I feel right now the only thing that my eyes would be staring at are his nips and unless you plan on them opening up into eyes... (which idk might be cool rofl )

Looking over personality I'm feeling a little more like you're describing a ghost or undead character who's had a very LONG history. Keep in mind that you're enrolling him at 15, and whether or not a 15 year old would really lose that sort of wanderlust that fast and early on. What it reads as right now is that he's already done his journey through Amityville. On the subject of being AT Amityville... The lunch lady's grosser stuff should essentially be better since we are in Halloween land and giving and helping is a trait of joy/Xmas town. Which I'm not saying you can't gift/assist in Halloween but a character who's very centered around the idea of people their desires is a tad off- it almost DOES need something in it for him yano? Not too big of a problem just needs a little rethinking there I think. I'm still more concerned over his age and reserved wise maturity because he's a freshman in a high school setting with a particularly small frame.

Now I'm reading on to the reason for going to Amityville and I'm definitely liking the familial history I'm getting, it's short sweet and to the point but its believable for me. His reason himself for going is a bit ambiguous but I'm gonna look over that for now because there's not very many different ways to answer that particular prompt. Hell I still have problems sometimes thinking up new reasons.

Okay FEAR sounds good, little lengthy but I get the point of it and I think it works.

On that thought before I lose it, I'm thinking back on the mesmerizing gaze and how you said he wouldn't stare in silence if you don't address him. But I personally think maybe he should. Amp up his whole natural ability of that terrifying stare. I get hella uncomfortable when I stare to long at anything with cataracts so maybe play off that a little more. Remember that the setting here IS supposed to lean more towards the Tim burton spectrum of Halloween and not an anime or deviantart group rp where it's more victorianesque. It's fine to leave that design element in, TOTALLY but the world itself doesn't have it all around. ^^

Just reconsider small nuances like that because I think you can definitely like GO with this character, I've seen waywyaywyyayayay WAAAAAY more tentative characters get into the canon so I'm not afraid that you're missing the point completely or anything, For now I'm going to skip looking through your Race and Lore section since all I need to know is how this guy gets around Amityville. That's the fun thing about solos and stuff too is being able to take your character away from the school setting and build their backstory even though it's supposedly already established.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:42 pm

I went back and re-made and changed around things though based on other's suggestions and this is what my little mind could think of. People said his design was too bright and happy before, so I went for something a little darker this time. If the nipples are a problem, in the final design I can ask to cover them up. Or I was actually thinking, since he is of Korean descent, I would put him in a modernized Hanbok with a touch of a Halloween flare. The design isn't really of big concern to me as of right now since I'm still trying to flesh out the little kinks left in him, but when the time comes then I will finalize his look.

I based his personality on the fact that he never really had any interaction with people his age or much interaction at all with anyone except his parents, which has caused him to become this sort of mature, reserved person. Since he is going to school now, I am hoping over time that I can develop his personality and make him a little more outgoing now that he has that sort of interaction. The whole generosity and people's well being thing is more centric around the original lore of the moon rabbit because I wanted to at least include some elements from the original story while at the same time going for my own, so I thought I would add in that little bit to his personality, but if it doesn't really work, I can always take it out. In the original lore, the rabbit basically sacrificed himself as food because he had nothing else to offer, and the gods saw his generosity and honored him by his spirit on the moon.

I think the idea of him just staring off when you speak to him is pretty creepy and I like that a lot, so I think I will add that into it. Thank you very much for the suggestions though and coming back to crit on it again!  

E t e r n a l x Melody

Timid Detective

E t e r n a l x Melody

Timid Detective

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:09 pm
Alright, based on some of the things Pep suggested, I tweaked around a couple of things in his personality and his natural ability as well as added a few things here and there.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:36 pm
Bumping back up.  

E t e r n a l x Melody

Timid Detective

E t e r n a l x Melody

Timid Detective

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:35 pm
Moving this back up because I've decided to quest him again. Any sort of suggestions or feedback would be helpful.  
{ Halloween Subspace } --- Quests and character approval

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