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~It's only Been Forever
That's not long at all~
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:13 am
The Goblin Children

Deep in the valley of Tokolosh resides a little known group. Rogues, thieves, traitors and outcasts all have amassed here, provided, of course, that they bow to their Goblin King. All creatures are accepted, but that isn't to say you will be welcomed...

Story and Information
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News and Announcements
10-22-12The Shrine of Tokolosh has been reawakened, and the Ilizaji and woango reborn! Bring a token to the shrine and ask a favor of the goblins, rumor has it, they can do just about anything, so long as your gift is satisfactory! Ask anything, offfer anything, but be careful, your bargain may not be accepted!

OOCly: This is going to extend the goblin antics quite a bit! With our new rank, the woango, pridemembers will have the opportunity to go out into the rouge lands, and show the world what it really means to be a goblin! This also means that the goblins can be used as a plot device for just about any plot. Non-pridemembers can venture to the shrine, and trade a token for a favor. No limits to what you might ask, just make sure your tokens are of an equal value, or the goblins might come collecting! They also can refuse an offering. An accepted offering will usually be taken on the first night, but some, more sensitive favors, may take days before it is accepted. It all depends on how determined the asker is, and how interested the goblins are!
10-3-12New Thread! It's shiny, isn't it?
9/27/2012- We're wiping the memberlist, and working on events!

If you would like to join, or keep your soa in the pride, please reapply.
Plots are in the works, and we're going to have a big celebration comming up.Stay Tuned folks!
2/17/10-Pride Conceptualized and thread Created. It's gotten far better of a response than I thought it would, and a lot quicker too!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:42 am
But down in the underground, You'll find someone true

The Legend
Very few know of the Valley of Tokolosh, and even fewer know what resides there. Legend says that long ago, even when the earth was still new, there were lions roaming the plains. These lions did not seem to fit with any one pride. These were the tricksters, the thieves and outcasts. They hated those prides, too high upon their pedestals, too vain, too one thing or another to fit their liking. It was at this time that the great Tokolosh appeared. In some stories, he is a god, on others, a tyrant. Whatever the great beast was, he saw fit to leave his valley, and venture to the plains. Everywhere the great beast went, the outcasts followed at his heals, curious about this great beast, wondering what and who he was. His chest was as wide and deep as the rhino's, his fangs as long and sharp as the elephant's tusk. His deep, black fur sparkled like the raven's in the dry sunlight, but the most notable thing were the great golden eyes, sparkling like a cobra's. It is said that with little more than a glance, the antelope would roll over at his feet. These great eyes pulled in even the most brash of the outcasts, and before long, an entire host of them found themselves residing in the valley, where they have lived and prospered ever since. Countless years have passed, and as of late, the children of Tokolosh have been quiet.

The Truth of Things
Times were dire, in the beginning. At least they were for Tokolosh. The lions had begun to think that the goblins truly were not real, and a god found himself on the brink of destruction. However, the goblin god was clever. Deep in one of his favorite valleys, there had gathered a rough band, struggling to survive. It was then that the withered god struck a deal with the withered king.

The god could only exhist so long as people believed in goblins, but as their belief waned, so did the god. He told the king the one secret he had never told another soul, that goblins were not real. He gave the king an offer, an exchange if you will. He would protect the pride, and offer them his power, should they ever need it, and in exchange, the pride would take on the guise of goblins, and spread the belief in them. Only the current king knows anything of this deal, and he is sworn to never tell another soul.

It's only forever, Not long at all. The Lost and the lonely, That's underground...

The children of Tokolosh are a rather troublesome lot typically. They love little more than to torment travelers, wherever and whenever they find them. While more times than not, these little tricks are harmless, the pride should not be so easily dismissed. There have been very few times in memorable history where the pride has been under threat, but what pride in their right mind would attack? The Tokolosh take pride in their strength and cunning, even if an attacker would manage to navigate through the massive natural labyrinth of stone that surrounds the pride lands, they would hardly have an easy time taking the pride itself.

The pride's decree is to each his own, so long as the Goblin King is given his due. This means that so long as the Goblin King does not forbid it, it is fine and to be accepted, or at least overlooked. Homosexuality is fine, as are any sort of hybrids and any sort of creature that wishes to join. Provided it does not weaken the pride, you can do just as you please.
There are no set laws in the pride, though there is an unspoken code that is to be followed. You do not steal from your pride members. You do not murder one of the pride. In general, you do not sin against your pride, but a harmless trick or two is fine.



PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:53 am
No one can blame you for walking away...Too much rejection, no love injection..

General Mentality
All in all, it's every lion for himself. You will notice that there are no hunters or nannies in the rankings, and there is a strong reason for that. Each member of the pride, lion or not, is expected to pull his or her own weight. Help may be offered (just because they're a little rough around the edges doesn't mean they're heartless) but is never to be expected. When a lion hunts, he is not expected to share his kill. Even after the hunter has had their fill, others may only take part if the owner of the kill has given permission freely (this means no asking, it is considered shameful by the pride). If a lioness has cubs within the pride, the parents are expected to raise them. Generally the rule is: You brought it here, so you have to take care of it. This also means that while the pride could care less whether or not you are mated, or you cheated on your mate, the pride expects you to take care of your cubs. No dead beat daddies here. Any male in the pride that has cubs within the pride is expected to care for them. Any male in the pride who has cubs outside the pride is expected to bring back at least one cub, but no more than half of the litter to signify that he is taking his part in caring for the cubs. This isn't so much a paternal issue as it is responsibility. As to females, they are to be treated with respect, and as equals, though they may not be held to the rigid standards as much as their male counterparts. For a male to force himself upon a female within the pride is considered one of the greatest sins. If he is an rogue, he likely will be killed. If he is a pride member, he will be no less than exiled, and will probably leave with a severe beating.

The only exception to the law, 'pull your own weight, and take care of your responsibilities' is if a lion in the pride who has no family, or newly accepted, is in bad shape, be it sick or starving or weak. This is the only time a lion may 'ask' for help, without offending the pride, and shaming themselves. They must never verbally ask, though they may use expressions of submission and humility to communicate. Then, other lions of the pride may take up the responsibility to help their brother. They may do it begrudgingly, or with a light heart. However, they may not ask anything in return in this situation. This goes by the understanding that the lion took up the responsibility of helping the weak or sick, and so it was then their job to help, rather than a favor to the weak/wounded.


Nitachukua'mrithi The taking of the Heir.
When it comes to pass that the Goblin King is nearing the latter of his days, he will begin the Nitachukua'mrithi. This ritual can be broken down in to four parts. The first of these four is the Song, or the Calling. The Goblin King will begin a song of his choice, be it nonsensical or his life's story, he will use it to call the pride to him, and to call the Goblin God down. It is quite the festive occasion, a rare time of festival for the Watoto. Once the god has arrived, the pride will give their offerings (this may vary on an individual basis, though the gifts are generally all heaped together as a makeshift altar) and the Second part of the ritual begins. If the god is satisfied with the gifts, the Goblin King will then ask him which cub should it be to take his place. With a varying amount of description, the god will then tell the Goblin King what the Heir will look like. After this, a grand feast will be held, the pride rejoicing in anticipation of their new heir, and offering the Goblin King great blessings on what is the third part of the ritual. At his own whim, the Goblin King will slip away, and disappear into the night in full garb. It is then that he will embark on the hunt. The king will find a pride of his choosing, and steal away a cub matching the god's description. Once he returns at dawn, the cub will be christened his heir, and the king will raise him as his own. This last piece to the ritual is a massive feast, the entire day is spent in songs, games and food.

The Ball(0fficial name tba) This will be an annual ritual where the pride celebrates the coming of summer. Each wears their best disguises and a masquerade ball insues. Originally, the ball was a night for the Goblin pride to don their best goblin guises, and terrorize whomever they found en'masse. The tradition has carried on mostly because they just love to party.

The Chase(0fficial name tba) This will be the main ritual for the Goblin king's taking a mate. It is a rare thing, and while some kings go through their rein without a Queen, some do. In this ritual, the king will venture out of the labyrinth to find his queen, and lure her back to his lands. If she makes it through the labyrinth, she will become his queen. If the Goblin king happens to chose a pride member, she will be escorted out of the maze with a blind fold, and the ritual will continue. Once inside the labyrinth, the queen-to-be will be at the halfhearted mercy of the hoggle, and while some might take it easy, others may not. Their job is to try and confound the queen to be, and make her give up. This is more or less the marriage ceremony for the pride as well, while the King's Chase is a pride-wide celebration, it is not unheard of for smaller groups to follow the same ritual to declare to the pride that they are mated.

As in every other element of the pride, members are free to worship, or not worship, as they please. However, just as the Goblin King demands his due, so do the three gods of the Tokolosh. The God of Rogues reminds the pride of their beginnings, of who they are and what they are, even if they have found a home and others like themselves. The God of Tricksters lends a hand to the goblins and their tricks. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, The God of Goblins. He lends his paw to the pride in their image and almost all of the pride workings. These three gods are to, at very least, respected, even if they are not believed in or worshiped.

Music is a big part of the pride's life, interwoven into their days and celebrations. For as rough and tumble as the pride may be, they look at life as one big celebration, and they remind themselves of that through song, party and comradery.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:58 am
Ranks and Members
Love me, Serve me, and I will be your slave

Tapeli'maliki-Also known as the trickster, or Goblin king. This is the highest rank of the pride. The Goblin king has a say in just about everything that goes on in the pride, though more often than not, he leaves his pride to do as they please. There are only two ways for one to take the title: be the appointed heir, or kill the current king. As a rule, the King must be the most powerful lion of the pride, in voice and in muscle. He should be treated with a fair amount of respect, though mostly on different from any other member of the pride. As a note, the Goblin king is not exclusively male.

Name: Njeve
Age: Middle aged Male
Personality: Njeve is a cold creautre, cool and calculating, but far from the type to rule with an iron fist. He takes his role in the pride very seriously, and effortlessly embodies the philosiphies of the pride. If pushed to punish, he will almost undoubtedly be terribly cruel, but thankfully the lion has a long fuse, and can be terribly paitent. He dearly loves his pride, and puts them before himself in everything he does, but that does not mean that his good nature will extend to outsiders. It takes a long time for this lion to trust anyone, but once you are a part of the pride, you are a part of the family.
Bio: Njeve was the heir to the previous king, stolen from his family in the middle of the night, just as any other child. The previous king raised him, groomed him for the throne, pushing him each day to better himself. The pride has been Njeve's entire life for as long as he can remember, and he will never let it die.
Username: CoyoteSparrow

Taleli'malika-The Queen of the pride. Her power in the pride is second only to her mate's. She handles just about anything in the pride that has to do with a female perspective. If a lioness in the pride has an issue that she cannot handle herself, she goes to the queen. As a note, the Talei'malika may be a male, if it so happens that the goblin king title has been taken by a female.


Jini'takatifu-This rank refers to the heir of the king. He is almost always completely unrelated to the pride. They are raised along side the children of the King and Queen, if there are any. They are not told about their origins until they are of an age to fully understand, and things can be explained. They are trained and groomed by the King himself, and in most cases, are loved just as dearly as the King and Queen's own cubs. The heir is treated with respect, and if he isn't then the offender will answer to the King himself. As a note, the heir is not nessisarily a male. It isn't unheard of for a female to take on the title Goblin King.


Jini'Damu-The offspring of the King and Queen of the pride. They are held in higher esteem than other ranks of the pride, though treated no different from any other pride member. It is highly unlikely that the males will ever become king, but seeing as most of the heirs to the throne are completely unrelated to the bloodline, it isn't unheard of for one of the heirs to take a Jini'Damu female as his queen.



Ombe'kinga-Commonly called the Hoggle. These 'outer guards' patrol the outermost of the Labyrinth, watching and waiting for any unknowing creatures to wander in. It is their job to discourage typical intruders as well as they can. Typically, these pride members are apt at trickery, deception and the like. They are mostly there to discourage, but allow the brave of heart through the labyrinth. They are forbidden to attack wanderers unless the pride is under attack. After all, while they prize their secrecy, they are a pride of Rogues, and after a bit of a test, those who brave the labyrinth are free to join the pride.

Name: Alitaka
Age: Young Adult
Personality: This hyperactive happy go lucky pup loves nothing more than his Momma Rags, and a good prank. While he might not seem like it, Ali is terribly observant, and his knowlege of the pride's activity is second only to Ragdoll. He genuinely cares for people, regardless of age, species, or just about anything else, and thus far, his temper seems almost nonexistant. All he really wants is a warm day when the grasses are thick... And a few people to play pranks on.
Bio: When Alitaka was born, the poor little pup showed no signs of life. He did not move, he did not seem to breathe. He was cast away from the litter, pushed to the fringes of the den, and later, cast out into the grasses. But some god or another must have had their eye on him. That very night a lioness had her own litter, and as she was mourning her loss, she happened to stumble upon a little heap of fur, green as the grasses and dotted with stars. She nursed the pup to health, but when time came for the lioness to rejoin her pride, the pup could not come. He was given to a pair of jackles, whom he prompty ran away from once able to. It was then that Ragdoll found the unwanted little pup, and took him in as her own. He'll always love her, and think of her, as his real mother. The dog he is today he owes entirely to Rags and the pride, and he'll spend the rest of his life trying to show them how greatful he is.
Username: CoyoteSparrow

Kubwa'kali Commonly called the Ludo. Pride members of this rank tend to be very big, and very strong. Sadly, they also tend to be a tad lacking as far as brains go, but there are exceptions. These pride members are responsible for the protection of the pride. If someone manages to breach their borders with malicious intent, it is the Ludo's duty to chase them off.

Name: Saiorse
Age: Young Adult
Rank: Ludo
Personality: Severe and brash, this lioness is absolutely volitile. She lived a sheltered life in her early years, but has since made up for that with a vengance. This girl strongly believes in brute strength, and will kick your a** in a heartbeat. Very much jaded, there are roumers that this girl has a soft side, that she acts so mean to cover up how hurt she really is, but no one really knows. Saiorse is eternally grumpy, but don't mind her. If she isn't trying to kill you, it probably means she likes you. Males however, beware. She's got a strong dislike for males, especially male lions, that will set her tail lashing every time, and even has to grit her teeth to be respectful to the king.
Bio: Saiorse was born into a pride where lioneses were trophies, to love and care for their husband, and she was happy. She had grown up a perfect lady (something she shares with NO ONE ), with a wonderful sutor, a beautiful and regal male she loved so deeply. She doted on his every whim, but when she caught him with another girl, something snapped. She damn near killed him, and took off. Somewhere along the lines of things, she found the goblin pride, a place where she's free to come and go as she pleases, and generaly isn't messed with, and no matter how far she might rome, this place has become home to her.
Username: CoyoteSparrow

Sanaa These are the crafters of the pride. They supply the pride with all sorts of goodies to decorate or disguise the pride members as needed.


Moto'kundi Commonly called the 'Fire Gang.' This rank references the adolescent and adult males of the pride who hold no other ranks. They tend to be a rambunctious lot, as any group of boys.


Moja'nani'ndoto Commonly called the Dreamers. This rank refers to the adolescent and adult females of the pride who hold no other rank.


Mtoto Commonly called babes, these are the children of the pride.





PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:04 am
Ask a question, but be careful, one of us always tells the truth, and one of us always lies.



PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:12 am
Way Down In the Underground

The Dens
This is a side view of the dens; as you can see it is underground but adequate lighting is given via holes in the roof (sky lights! woot!). These sky lights also serve as booby-traps for anyone that isn't taking the labyrinth seriously. The really dangerous ones lead straight into the water which is filled with stalagmites. Perfectly safe if you're on the same level as them but if you're falling into them... OUCH!!!
The awkward things hanging from the roof of the common area are stalactites... <_< don't judge me.
And those weird yellow messes... LIGHTS 8D it just shows that every den has one; so there aren't really any dark places for those to sneak off to.
And the little bundles that are below the other dens are actually lower down; But the kings quarters as well as his favorites and their spring are on the same level as the common ground.
And just in case you can't read the hand writing; the entrance to the dens is covered in overgrowth. Easy to get through but hard to see past making it look as though it's nothing more than rock.

Overvies of the Dens
So this one I feel a bit more comfy with explaining! It's an aerial view of the dens; pretty self explanatory. The hoggle and ludo hang out den are closer to the opening than the crafters becuase they're the first line of defense. Not that they actually sleep there (unless their mate has kicked them out for the night); it's more of a hang out spot for them to swap stories and to take report on any thing anyone needs to be aware of for their oncoming shifts. All Hoggles and Ludo's MUST report any and every thing they see. Unless the king himself has told them otherwise; in which case you will report to him. This may happen when a queen is picked and she has to make her way through the labyrinth.
Those awkward brown patches are the walls; meant to give the dens with opening a bit closer than the others, or with bigger openings some privacy.
The common watering hole is massive and beautiful. It's a clear blue and some of the fish that survived the river bed drying up and moving itself to the prides den have also lived through the move. Though a diet consisting of nothing but fish is discouraged for fear it would deplete the fish population.
SD = single den; meant for a single lion
FD = Family den; meant for a family.
CD = Crafters den; crafters do not DO NOT keep their families here; they only have these special dens so that they may concentrate SOLELY on their trade and specialty with out the noise of cubs and juveniles running around.
The favorites den is currently being occupied by Ragdoll (Stouffe'puppe) and her new family; not becuase she is the favorite of the new king but becuase she was the favorite of the old king. It usually has a hidden space filled with just a few of the treasures the kings give to their favorites and the rest are hidden away in a hiding place in the kings den.
In the back there is a secret spring reserved solely for the king and his queen... and if the king allows the royal cubs as well. No one else is to use it and those that do will be severely punished~ Because there are just some thing the king will not share so there! blaugh
Most of the other lions know about it though but they just pretend that they don't. The thing that NO ONE is to know about though (and I don't care how awesomely ninja your character is) is the secret escape route for the King and his Queen. There is an escape route for the others to use that is apart of the path to the crafters den; instead of turning to the right; just keep on going straight.
Emergency exits for the commoners are only supposed to be used in emergencies! or unless the king tells you to go do something. If he does you can't come back the way you left becuase it's tricky to climb back down but easy to climb out; and you have to come through the labyrinth again. But never fear! all members have a map of the labyrinth to make maneuvering it all the easier.

To actually get to the opening of the labyrinth you have to go through a dead forest. This in itself is very off putting to many of the animals passing by. You can tell at one point the forest was amazing; but now it's nothing but a dead gray mass.
Once you make it through the forest you'll find a dried out river bed; if you follow that it will lead you to the Labyrinth opening. Hidden somewhere around here will be food and water for the weary traveler becuase unless you know what way to go; it will take you at least a day to get to get through the labyrinth.
Through out the labyrinth there are hidden places for the hoggles to hide and sneak up on you; as well as the trap holes for you to fall through and impale yourself on the stalagmites below. But don't be put off by this; the king doesn't actually want his future subjects dead and more often than not the hoggles will scare you away from them. The labyrinth itself is comprised of a network of caves, carved out long ago by rivers that have long dried up.
Once you make it to the pride beyond the labyrinth you'll be greeted by a lush green field--the bed of the valley of Tokolosh; with with plenty of well rationed prey beast. Towards the corner of the field is a watering hole for the prey; no other animal is allowed to go near it. And through another guarded pathway leads you to the burial lands. Here all deceased members are buried; unless they died of an illness; in which case they are burned. And that's the geography.



PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:33 am
It's only forever.. That's not long at all

Post away! You'll be quoted by the mule upon acceptance, or pm'ed if there's anything

[size=17]I saw my baby, Crying hard as babe could cry.. What could I do?[/size]
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Why: (are they suited for this rank)
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Username: (Owner of SoA)
PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:02 am

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:30 am
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