Do you think the current phrasing could be confusing? |
No - I think it's fine the way it is |
3% |
[ 1 ] |
Yes - I think it should be changed |
96% |
[ 32 ] |
Total Votes : 33 |
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:02 am
As it currently stands, the terminology for the preference list on the tunnel of love breedings is phrased: "Do you Mind if...." (and then the mutation/theme in question)
The way the terminology is phrased, the right way to answer that question if you DO want that feature, is "No" ((As in, "No, I don't mind"))
However, that is confusing and counter-intuitive and I've read through some breeding forms where it's obvious that some people are answering "No" as in "No I don't want that" and some are saying "No" as in "No I don't mind".
Other people make what should only have to be a yes/no answer into a phrase in order to make their preference obvious, but it's unnecessary if the list was reworded.
I would suggest to changing it to:
"Would you be OK with..." ?
And one other input that's kind of related but not really: for the twisted tunnel singles mixer combos (While there aren't any currently, this is for future suggestions)
- I don't see much point in having the option for a preference list. If you're already putting up you soquili to be paired with potentially anyone, I don't see the point of then giving the owner options as far as what traits they are or are not OK with in offspring.
Not only might the other owner you're being paired with really like one feature that you said "No thanks" to (since you can't pre-plan who you're being paired with in singles mixers) BUT you might get paired with a soquili that already has the features someone said "No thanks" to ((Ie, you say No to tentacles, but get paired with Cthulhu) XD
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:26 am
I would agree with you about the way things are phrased. it is a bit confusing and i catch myself re-reading it to make sure i am answering in the correct way. a more strait forward question would be easier to respond to and would cut out anything lost in communication, or have blurry or confused answers.
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:36 am
I dont mind the option of opting out for mixers, but this is because i think its an "opt out of random traits not in either parent" for the specific twisted event
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:15 pm
Sabin Duvert As it currently stands, the terminology for the preference list on the tunnel of love breedings is phrase: "Do you Mind if...." (and then the mutation/theme in question) The way the terminology is phrased, the right way to answer that question if you DO want that feature, is "No" ((As in, "No, I don't mind")) However, that is confusing and counter-intuitive and I've read through some breeding forms where it's obvious that some people are answering "No" as in "No I don't want that" and some are saying "No" as in "No I don't mind". Other people make a short answer into a phrase in order to make their preference obvious, but it's unneccessary if the list was reworded. I would suggest to changing it to: "Would you be OK with..." ? *** And one other input that's kind of related but not really: for the twisted tunnel singles mixer combos - I don't see much point in putting a preference list. If you're already putting up you soquili to be paired with potentially anyone, I don't see the point of then giving options as far as what traits might come up. Not only might the person you're being paired with really like one feature that you said "No" to (since you can't pre-plan with singles mixers) BUT you might get paired with a soquili that already has the features someone said "No" to ((Ie, you say No to tentacles, but get paired with Cthulhu) XD
I second the motion... Good points!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:00 pm
Please remember that English is Agneza's second language. Sometimes things are simply lost in translation and she does damn good for it being so. Whereas the wording might not be perfect, I'm pretty sure if people take a moment to carefully read what she has written, it's not terribly hard to understand.
If I misunderstood the OP I apologize. C:
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:04 pm
Ktns - actually, it's partially for Agneza's sake that I'm suggesting this P:
This phrasing has been in place in the tunnel of love slots since at least last Halloween, so I don't think Agneza wrote it originally.
That and many of the users not familiar with this particular English turn of phrase.
You see a description of something, and you see a "no" response, many peoples' interpretation of that might be that they don't want that. I'm suggesting a change of the terminology so that the answer to a "Do you want?" Would be "Yes".
So there are several people who, on the question, for example:
"Do you mind blood" - No
I wouldn't want a colorist to interpret that as the owner NOT wanting blood.
OR for the colorist to interpret correctly and add blood when the customer actually meant they didn't want blood.
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:47 pm
This has always bothered me as well with the twisted breedings, but I never thought to do a thread. I forget how practical this feedback forum can be sometimes. I'm one of those that will tend to write more than just yes or no to make sure it's clear what I mean.
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:47 pm
Yeah I'm on my phone so I couldn't look back to other threads which is why I apologized in advance c: If it indeed had been such since last year I too agree it can be confusing *nod*
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:58 pm
ktns - yeah, no worries - I just wanted to make sure I was articulating myself clearly enough, too smile
Tygress - yeah, it's been something on my mind for a while, and just thought about starting a feedback thread about it. It's nice that staff reads them and voices can be herd smile
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:46 pm
I'm fine with both, except I think there should be at least a phobia one if they remove the options for singles mixers for things people are truly afraid of.
Good points Sabin ^_^
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:36 am
I agree, the wording is awkward.
As for the mixer . . . I see both points. Personally I try not to exclude too much - I just don't want exposed internal organs - it's not a phobia - I just have a hard time wrapping my brain around the logic of that one and don't want to constantly rp having various bugs in and out of the intestines and such.