• • • • • • • Game Types • • • • • • •
If you want to run a short game for giving away random plushies, you may post 1-5 plushies In one of the following ways.
You MUST be the artist of the plushie.
-------•FIRST PERSON TO QUOTE/ASK: First person to quote your post or ask for it gets the plushie. If you're giving multiples away at a time, they can only pick one to quote. You can either have it TICKETLESS (only those with no plushies) or OPEN (anyone can try).
Do not do this for more than five plushies at a time. If its a Semi-custom, be sure to finish before the CYO closes.-------• RANDOM PLUSH TRADE: You post the Finished plushie(s) you wish to trade for a plush soquili in return. You MUST accept the first offer given to you regardless of who offers it/what the plushie looks like and have no choice in which one the person takes in return. If you are offering a trade with someone who's posted a trade You are allowed to offer multiples and let them pick which one they want in exchange for the one you are asking for. You may NOT Trade with the same person more than Twice in this manor. If you're giving away multiples they cannot trade for two at the same time. .
Do not do this for more than five plushies at a time. ALL PLUSHIES INVOLVED MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE OFFERING. (Though you CAN offer to make Minor changes/additions to the plushie you made.) *Clarification* You must have a plush to trade with and offer it when you claim a plush-------• THE NEXT ___ PEOPLE: Similar to First person to quote (or asks), a limit of 3-5 people can sign up or simply post and are rolled for the plushie/order of picking on multiple plushies. You can either have it TICKETLESS (only those with no plushies) or OPEN (anyone can try).
Do not do this for more than five plushies at a time. If its a Semi-custom, be sure to finish before the CYO closes.-------• TRICK OR TREAT GRABBAG: You post the following picture(s) as place holders for the plushie (Or something similar you create yourself). First person to claim each one wins the one they claim, and then their prize is revealed. The placeholders must be labled in a way that people can tell the difference, but do not have to have anything to do with or look anything like the actual plushie.